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Guess where I worked?

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My wife and I delivered pizza to 20,000 or so people in our delivery

area in bags that reaked of mold so bad that we had to roll down the

windows while delivering in the hopes of not having coughing fits.

But it got worse,we got dumb. Like so dumb, I was out delivering in

rush hour traffic and looked up at the sky, spaced out of my mind,

and then realized I was delivering when I almost slammed in to the

person in front of me. How would you like to work for a guy who's

bonus is more important than cleaning bags that have mold growing on

them, on the outside? You should have seen the looks I got when

customers got a whiff. Previous manager would at least have them

drycleaned every 1-2 months or so. This guy is there for 6 months

and he refuses while everyone gets sick and complains persistently.

But that's not all. There was mold growing on every ac vent in the

place. Like 8 or 10 of them. On walls, even a 18x20 inch or so

patch in the office that they just let grow. Should I mention that

every, every ceiling tile had mold coming out of the edges where they

sit and some was even coming through. Or do you want to know about

the walkin freezer door, that the whole side was covered in green and

black growth. Does that make you want to order some pizza? Or do I

need to mention the time when they had the ac people come and do some

work? Manager says they got like a 500lb chunk of ice out of the

ceiling and they blew out the vents. Blew out the vents!! While the

store was open, with an open make-line. Both my wife and I thought we

were going to die that night for real. I started having asthma

attacks and I don't have asthma, I thought I was going to pass out

driving from lack of oxygen. I would have drove to the ER if I had

insurance and I knew W.C. would not cover it. My wife could not stop

coughing all night. We both had fevers, sore throats, burning eyes,

brain fog, you name it. But it wasn't the first time it had

happened, just the one that put us over the edge of no return. We

tried one more time to return to work, but let me see. I guess the

abundant aspergillus, penicillium, cladosporium, curvularia and

epicoccum in the 2 samples we had tested, one from an ac vent and one

from a bag were just not going away while they did absolutely

nothing. So that was it, we tried to get W.C. and the cover-up began.

Oh and the lies, the lies. We have tried to refrain from causing

them to lose business by picketing,putting out flyers and alerting

the media. But today, the defense attorney in our W.C. case, the one

who depositioned my wife for 5 hours with questions like What is

mold? Are you a mycologist? A microbiologist? The one who said so

sorry we'll have to reschedule your depo, as mine was after hers,

while I sat in agony for 5 hours with a herniated disc caused by

working at that place. Well the defense attorney decided to not show

up to the mediation. Oh, he said he was on his way, about an hour

away, but my attorney could not wait. And it's not like he wasn't 45

minutes late to my wifes depo. So here goes, a new tactic. If they

won't pay for all of our doctors, labs, supplements, prescriptions,

air purifiers, oh and the months of being chronically fatigued and

ill, not knowing what was happening to our bodies except that it came

from that god-forsaken place, then it begins. Do you think as many

people will order when I picket outside that store? When I hand out

fliers of what has been done? When I put them on cars at the malls

and when I picket other stores? How about when I go door to door in

that delivery area and inform customers of what goes on? Do you

think maybe any of that nasty aspergillus or cladosporium that was

all over the bags got into peoples homes and made them sick? As a

redneck friend of mine would say, It's On Son!! I have had it, I

won't libel,I'll walk the line though. I have an osha citation for

mold, I have lab reports of the samples. I've got the low MSH, VEGF

AND TESTOSTERONE. The high LEPTIN and dual multisusceptible genes.

DUAL, for you Mold Warriors!! Never ever give up, never!! Oh and

the 80 digital pics and 2 30 minute tapes of the store while sampling

and looking at the years of water damage and mold that happen when

roofs are not fixed because no one cares. Oh and all the extra

samples that I saved for the coverup that I knew would take place.

Oh and I got management permission. She's on the tape!! Oh well, I

needed to vent. Oh and if you didn't know, since OSHA has no

standard for indoor air, NIOSH rules apply. And since the non-mold

related fines were not enough from OSHA, we'll see what NIOSH has to

say. They cover the loophole, I just found out. And praise

Dr.Schaller, co-author of Mold Warriors, for giving my wife and I

some of our lives back. Talk to you later, time for some CSM!!

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