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Mold and cancer discussions Coverup?

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Author: Doug Haney (---.rev.o1.com)

Date: 09-24-05 16:17

Judi: With all of the documentation supporting the cancers related to

mycotoxins and their

ability to change genetic coding thereby rendering a cell mutated to

the extent of being a

\ " fermented\ " cell (loss of oxygen, dehydrated, and screaming for

sugar), I would suggest

that your \ " cover up theory\ " is sound logic deeply grounded in many

varied professions

and industries; government connected, privately owned, and publicly


Remember, all pathogenic micro fungi are is \ " primary\ " decomposers

performing their

natural niche when given a chance. These microbes unlike their

counterpart procaryote

\ " primary decomposers\ " , pathogenic bacteria (a much weaker and older


kingdom, as evidenced by the manner in which a mycotoxin produced by


penicillin kills them), pathogenic micro fungi (eukaryotes) are able

to subtly adapt and

integrate with human cells, eukaryotes with very similar structural

features. If I am aware

of this, don\'t you think longterm (75 year old research instutions)

specializing in cancer

such as Sloan-Kettering might have insight also?

I can only begin to suggest that based on present ongoing genetic

research into p450

produced in the human body and concurrently by various micro fungi in

a susceptible

human, and the adverse effects that are observed in the mycotoxin


intergrative chemical properties scientifically known to infiltrate

and contaminate p53 and

other suppressor genes, there is the distinct possibility that

corruption could be rearing its

ugly head. There is a great deal at stake politically, economically,

and legally if it were to

be discovered that the public was being deceived in mass and research

was being

fraudulently concealed. I cannot say to you that this is the fact,

but something about all of

it, especially based on the medical field\'s resistance in exploring

pathogenic micro fungi

and mycotoxins openly and publicly smells like hell! There is

something awfully wrong

when the \ " spin masters\ " are out in force to dispel everything as

myth, and government

enforcement entities attempt to investigate and shut down anyone who

medically treats or

long-standing, integrity-solid laboratories (such as Immunosciences

Laboratory in Beverly

Hills, CA) that that actively test for blood-serum in pathogenic

micro fungi exposed

people. Coincidently, I am a dedicated friend of Aristo Vojdani, PhD,

and know for a fact

that this is a man of the highest integrity and that the laboratory

he administrates is

clearly one of the highest esteem and merit in the United States.

Then all of a sudden the

California Department of Health and Human Services after 17 years of

flawless inspections,

suddenly singles out this great instution as practicing flawed

testing processes. Something

certainly does stink to high Heavens in California! Dr. Vojdani is

pure genius and perhaps

the kindest and most humaine human being I have ever known. He is the

only top scientist

in the country (whom has testified brilliantly before Congress re:

agent orange) and stood

up with \ " brass balls\ " against defense attorneys backed by top

insurance companies who

were attempting to discredit (and continue to this day to discredit)

victimization in

pathogenic micro fungi exposure litigation. It is time for victims to

get on the \ " band

wagon\ " and start asking some very serious questions as you have done


Yes, I certainly do agree with you. Something in the United States

stinks far worse than the

deadly chemicals and pathogenic micro fungi left behind in the wake

of hurricane Katrina

in New Orleans! You absolutely have to wonder why after 75 years and

literally trillions of

research dollars that essentially nothing has been discovered near a

cure to diseases such

as cancer, MS, ALS and other deadly diseases. The research

corporations and foundations

always state that progress is being made, especially before they

start big funding

campaigns, and in cancer what are the cure tools? Well...

radical/specificity surgal removal,

chemotherapy (all with a fungistatic or fungicidal chemcial base. eg.

Tamoxifen, and

Arimidex used in breast cancers), and Radiation Therapy (a natural

genetically altering

fungicidal process. Know of any other treatments condoned by the AMA

or anyone else

thought of as \ " standard medical practice\ " in the United States over

the past 75 years?

Why are micro fungi hardly ever mentioned in medical research along

side bacteria and

viruses? Yet ask any hospital administrator and he/she will tell you

that pathogenic micro

fungi nosocomial infections are much more difficult to cure than

bacterial or viral

infections in a hospital or clinical setting.

Want to open a \ " real can of worms\ " in the United States? Ask any of

our great network

news services or even Ophra or Montel to conduct an investigative

report or show on the

subject! See any lately? It is not as if anyone has not asked-- a

thousand times over. I even

went so far as to as DATELINE NBC ( Larson of \ " Dr. Ron Gots\ "

interview fame) and

BILL MOYER and O\'REILLY FACTOR\ " , and to date, guess what? \ " Notta\ " !

This is all too good of a subject for all of these resources to

totally disregard, especially in

light of what is occurring down in New Orleans. I was even suppose to

be a guest speaker

on Doug Kauffman\'s program and to date, you guessed it. \ " Notta spin

yatta\ " !

Something is not right, and few are, welling enough, healthy enough,

or brave enough to

stand up and get kicked around for publicly addressing it. This past

seven years since I

began have been the lonelyist, most mentally anguishing, and

physically draining on me

and my loved ones. Even on this, I believe very informative website,

there has been very

little feed back and on other sites the creeps come out to play.

However, we are making very big progress which I shall share as it

unfolds soon. I stated

this about two months back, and it is absolutely true! Stay tuned.

God Bless you and your quest to maintain your improved health

situation, and thank you

for posting!

Your friend,

Doug Haney

EnviroHealth Research & Consulting, Inc.

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