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RE: Allergy Testing? / the Provocation-Neutralization method explained

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These shots weren’t like regular allergy shots that people get when they go

into the allergist. Here’s some information on the

provocation-neutralization method:

Visit this site for an explanation of all the different allergy testing:



’s Method (provocation-neutralization)

Also known as serial end-point skin titration, this is the method that

enabled me to find some remarkable and obscure allergies, which would

otherwise probably have remained hidden.

It was first developed by Carleton Lee of Missouri in the late 1950s. Lee

began a series of investigations by injecting his allergy patients with

antigens at different concentrations. He noticed something interesting:

obviously sometimes he provoked a symptom but sometimes, given a particular

dilution, a patient’s symptoms would disappear in just a few minutes, as if

by magic. This might happen, eben if the patient had arrived at the office

with symptoms! It was one of those lucky situations where the right person

is in place, at the right time, to draw useful scientific conclusions. Lee

realized immediately that diluting an antigen could make it effective at

neutralizing the symptom associated with the allergy.

In fact it emerged that only one specific dilution had this serendipitous

effect, which Lee christened the " neutralizing dose " ; unfortunately, it was

different for each patient (and each allergen) and had to be tested

individually. But it was a major advance and offered much symptomatic relief

for suffering patients. Herbert Rinkel and others went on to improve Lee’s

method and promote its more widespread use, and the first definitive book

explaining the technique in detail was written by ph B. (Food

Allergy: Provocative Testing and Injection Therapy, C. ,

Springfield, Illinois, 1972); hence known as 's method.

Lee’s widow has (quite rightly) campaigned to have it recognized as the

Lee- method. I should also say at this point that Joe is a nice

unassuming man and would not dream of purloining a colleague’s eponymous

title but that’s the way of the world.

The technique

After testing the control and being assured of the zero baseline reaction, a

reagent (food, dust or chemical) is injected superficially into the skin

(intracutaneously), making a deliberate wheal. If this grows compared to the

control over, say, 10 minutes, this suggests an allergy. The bigger the

wheal, the more probable the culprit up to a point. Thus far it looks like

scratch or prick testing; but because of the safety factor implicit in the

explanation below, we use quite concentrated reagents, which cause foods to

show up often, unlike with the scratch or prick method.

Sometimes a symptom is produced (provocation) and this is much more

conclusive. Remember these substances are tested one at a time, so there is

usually no doubt which caused the symptom.

If a reaction occurs (wheal or symptom), the patient is then given a series

of weaker and weaker injections of the same substance at 10-minute intervals

until the wheal ceases to grow and the symptom, if there is one, disappears


This 'switch-off' dilution is called the neutralizing dose; it works as a

kind of antidote. The procedure is illustrated in figure 001.

Safety note: Because of the ultimate neutralization of the allergic

reaction, this method is very safe. Even very unpleasant symptoms are

brought rapidly under control by injecting a more dilute dose of the

allergen (nearer the end-point). Final adjustment of the correct end-point

means that symptoms have vanished altogether. In over half a million test

doses I only ever once encountered anaphylaxis, which was blocked by

immediate administration of epinephrine (adrenalin). At the time of writing

no death has occurred due to ’s method, despite its use by thousands

of doctors world wide. This is in sharp contrast to the hypo-sensitization

method, which caused multiple deaths annually until discontinued.

Nevertheless it is sensible to avoid injecting any substance into a patient

who has already had an anaphylactic reaction.

After testing a number of substances, a patient can then be given a cocktail

of the resulting neutralizing doses. These are administered by

self-injection every second day (a simple procedure, easily learned). Some

clinics allow patients to take the neutralizing complex sublingually. This

has the appeal of being easier and without any discomfort but gives less

efficient cover. Sublingual administrations are needed every few hours (just

prior to each main meal), which can be a nuisance. The beauty of

neutralization is that patients can (usually) go ahead and eat the allergy

food. Obviously common sense must play a part and if the reaction is severe,

reduced intake may be necessary. But it is better than a life of strict

avoidance. Happy patients have found themselves able to eat and drink

troublesome items and so rejoin social life on virtually equal terms with

the rest of us.

[] Re: Allergy Testing?

>>>I'm very pleased to hear that these shots that you are taking are

working. Fantastic! I wish at times it were that easy for alot of

us. And believe me, I am honestly thrilled that they are working and

you are responding greatly and feeling 100% better.

In many situations those that have taken the same shots that you

mentioned, have ended up in the hospital immediately for one reason

or another, who knows. Severe reaction. This goes to show again that

no one treatment fits all. Why you reacted so well for the better,

who knows. But I'm glad it did help you.And I pray that it keeps

working. This is definately good to hear for a change. <<<<

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