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Information about mycotoxins

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In reviewing some of my research concerning mold and mycotoxins, I found the

following excerpt from the American College of Occupational and Environmental

Medicine. Another part of the article says: " Current scientific evidence does

not support the proposition that human health has been adversely affected by

inhaled mycotoxins in the home, school, or office environment. "

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I thought the toxins were only in

the spores, but this article says they can be in any part of the mold including

the substrate on which it is growing. They just don't " off gas " into the air.

Too bad the ACOEM has on " blinders " concerning the effects of toxins from indoor

mold growth.




Evidence Based Statements

Adverse Human Health Effects Associated with Molds in the Indoor Environment

Copyright © 2002 American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine


Mycotoxins are “secondary metabolites” of fungi, which is to say mycotoxins are

not required for the growth and survival of the fungal species (“toxigenic

species”) that are capable of producing them. The amount (if any) and type of

mycotoxin produced is dependent on a complex and poorly understood interaction

of factors that probably include nutrition, growth substrate, moisture,

temperature, maturity of the fungal colony, and competition from other

microorganisms.26-30 Additionally, even under the same conditions of growth, the

profile and quantity of mycotoxins produced by toxigenic species can vary widely

from one isolate to another.31-34 Thus, it does not necessarily follow from the

mere presence of a toxigenic species that mycotoxins are also present.35-38

When produced, mycotoxins are found in all parts of the fungal colony, including

the hyphae, mycelia, spores, and the substrate on which the colony grows.

Mycotoxins are relatively large molecules that are not significantly

volatile;39,40 they do not evaporate or “off-gas” into the environment, nor do

they migrate through walls or floors independent of a particle. Thus, an

inhalation exposure to mycotoxins requires generation of an aerosol of

substrate, fungal fragments, or spores. Spores and fungal fragments do not pass

through the skin, but may cause irritation if there is contact with large

amounts of fungi or contaminated substrate material.41 In contrast, microbial

volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) are low molecular weight alcohols, aldehydes,

and ketones.42 Having very low odor thresholds, MVOCs are responsible for the

musty, disagreeable odor associated with mold and mildew and they may be

responsible for the objectionable taste of spoiled foods.42,43

Most descriptions of human and veterinary poisonings from molds involve eating

moldy foods.41,43-46 Acute human intoxications have also been attributed to

inhalation exposures of agricultural workers to silage or spoiled grain products

that contained high concentrations of fungi, bacteria, and organic debris with

associated endotoxins, glucans, and mycotoxins.47,48 Related conditions

including “pulmonary mycotoxicosis,” “grain fever,” and others are referred to

more broadly as “organic dust toxic syndrome” (ODTS).49 Exposures associated

with ODTS have been described as a “fog” of particulates50 or an initial “thick

airborne dust” that “worsened until it was no longer possible to see across the

room.”51 Total microorganism counts have ranged from 105-109 per cubic meter of

air52 or even 109-1010 spores per cubic meter,53,54 extreme conditions not

ordinarily encountered in the indoor home, school, or office environment


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