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Re: doctors/toxicologist OPRAH

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Hey Marcie,

Try to get your story on one of those daytime talk shows, like Dr

Phil, Monteil , or Oprah. For one it gets the toxic mold

story out. Secondly, they usually pay for everything.

I know Oprah is very concerned about LA victims and your mold story

might interest her as something to warn Hurricane Kathrina victims


> Marcie McGovern <marcie1029@y...> wrote:

> Way tooo sick to travel! No Money to travel with. Dr.Rae in EHCD in

Dallas saw me and stated that I was one of the worst he has seen

exposed to mold but.....the money comes first. Even though they have

research scientist that work there.....I have to pay. They do not take

insurance. His letter to WC is $250. - $500. To a lawyer it is $500 an

hour. ( type fast doc.) :-)

> No hope right now for any help from mold docs to fix me.

> Marcie

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I'm willing to try!! Send me an address and I'll send her a copy of Mold

Warriors along with my story!!


Oprah would be better as she has the resources and gets the bigger

audience. Perhaps if a few of us write our own versions of this

concern for residents of New Orleans, mention Mold Warriors, Marcie's

situation. It doesn't hurt to try.

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KC, I'll drink to that list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here's my list that I would want on my panel and

nothing less:

Dr.Ken Hudnell, EPA

Dr. Strauss, Texas Tech

Dr.V Marinkovich, Stanford

Dr.Dorr Dearborn

Dr.Eckhardt Johanning

Dr. Gray

Dr.Ritchie Shoemaker

Dr.Kaye Kilburn, USC

Dr.Harriet Ammann

Dr.Chin Yang (P & K, Aerotech labs)

Dr.Eugene Cole, BYU

Dr.Aristo Vojdani, Immunosciences Lab, Inc

Dr. Lipsey

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Dr Phil is more into interpersonal things but Oprah is very upset

about what happened in New Orleans. I saw pictures of her down there

looking at the wreckage with tear streamed face. She helps alot of

people if she sees a need. Perhaps a story with and

tell their story, with Marcie new victim who lost insurance due

illness, now able to get treatment. Afterall, a second devastation

that could be visited upon these people, the poorist in our nation, is

illness if they move back into these moldy homes. We have a story to

tell the people of New Orleans about, i.e. what happened to us from

moldy homes and office buildings. In other words, she needs to know

and tell her audience about 'sick building' syndrome.

Another show that may be interested in the Monteil Show, but

Oprah would be better as she has the resources and gets the bigger

audience. Perhaps if a few of us write our own versions of this

concern for residents of New Orleans, mention Mold Warriors, Marcie's

situation. It doesn't hurt to try.

> I'll gladly donate a copy of Mold Warriors to anyone that you can

get to do

> your story!!!!


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I would think you'd need Dr. Schaller and Shoemaker as well!!

> > I'll gladly donate a copy of Mold Warriors to anyone that you can

> get to do

> > your story!!!!

> >

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You're right, it never hurts to try. The more the better. But so you

are aware this has been done over and over and over again in the

past 5-10 years. We were working with her staff personally and we

were emailing them packages of many stories, along with any other

information, such as research that they had asked for. Nothing

happened. We've done this with many shows and nothing has happened.

We are not only dealing with Oprah herself or Montel or Dr.Phil,

it's their sponsors and their best interst does not lie with people

that have been sicken with mold. We have offered to hook them up

with some of the best experts, again with no response.

Several of these talk shows, Jane ey, Rob and several

others have all done one show addressing mold with victims and

experts and that was the end of it and for a couple of shows


There are so many stories out there and what's hard to get across to

the public is that many of our illnesses are not visable (or the

effects of mycotoxins.) This is where Mark Tatum, that is no longer

with us, helped us tremendously because his was visable and it was

absolutely no doubt that mucormycosis (fungal infection) caused this

horrendous disfigurement. We were dealing with Oprah's show for many

months talking to them personally about the effects it had on Mark,

what he & his wife have been through and many other victims and they

blew him off, after leading him on for several months. I would love

to get somebody like Marcie, along with Janet and several other

horrifing stories were it has affected the husband, wife and their

children. Or even maybe some that have lost a family member due to


I'm not saying to give up by no means, but don't be disappointed.

Oprah was ooh an aahing over the devistation and the effects it had

on their immediate lives, lets see if she has the same response to

their crys when they can't get out of bed in the morning, because

either they inhaled too many contaminates (mold) or most likely

bacteria (they will blame it on) or the CDC will blame it on other

causes and not the truth.


> > I'll gladly donate a copy of Mold Warriors to anyone that you


> get to do

> > your story!!!!

> >

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Anyone of these shows that you have experts attending, pro and con,

we would want the best of the best that have been in it for many

years and knows all the ins and outs without any hesitation.

Otherwise they will chew you up and spit you out, that's what they

do best, because that is what they get paid to do. You hesitate you

are doomed. Maybe not on that show, but any litigation that you are

involved and they are representing plantiffs. Which would hurt them

in the long run. Here's my list that I would want on my panel and

nothing less:

Dr.Ken Hudnell, EPA

Dr. Strauss, Texas Tech

Dr.V Marinkovich, Stanford

Dr.Dorr Dearborn

Dr.Eckhardt Johanning

Dr. Gray

Dr.Ritchie Shoemaker

Dr.Kaye Kilburn, USC

Dr.Harriet Ammann

Dr.Chin Yang (P & K, Aerotech labs)

Dr.Eugene Cole, BYU

Dr.Aristo Vojdani, Immunosciences Lab, Inc

Dr. Lipsey

I would also would like a couple of the experts that are out in the

field doing the initial testing.


> > > I'll gladly donate a copy of Mold Warriors to anyone that you


> > get to do

> > > your story!!!!

> > >

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Thanks Sue.

I know there is a couple I left out like:

Dr. A. Croft

Dr. Jordan Fink

Dr. Singer

Dr.Nachman Brautbar, M.D.

Dr.Gunnar Heuser, M.D., Ph.D

just to name a few more.



> KC, I'll drink to that list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> Sue


> Here's my list that I would want on my panel and

> nothing less:


> Dr.Ken Hudnell, EPA

> Dr. Strauss, Texas Tech

> Dr.V Marinkovich, Stanford

> Dr.Dorr Dearborn

> Dr.Eckhardt Johanning

> Dr. Gray

> Dr.Ritchie Shoemaker

> Dr.Kaye Kilburn, USC

> Dr.Harriet Ammann

> Dr.Chin Yang (P & K, Aerotech labs)

> Dr.Eugene Cole, BYU

> Dr.Aristo Vojdani, Immunosciences Lab, Inc

> Dr. Lipsey









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Hey, you left out my doctor who deserves on that list more than some

of the others for sure, Dr. Schaller.

> >

> >

> > KC, I'll drink to that list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

> >

> > Sue

> >

> > Here's my list that I would want on my panel and

> > nothing less:

> >

> > Dr.Ken Hudnell, EPA

> > Dr. Strauss, Texas Tech

> > Dr.V Marinkovich, Stanford

> > Dr.Dorr Dearborn

> > Dr.Eckhardt Johanning

> > Dr. Gray

> > Dr.Ritchie Shoemaker

> > Dr.Kaye Kilburn, USC

> > Dr.Harriet Ammann

> > Dr.Chin Yang (P & K, Aerotech labs)

> > Dr.Eugene Cole, BYU

> > Dr.Aristo Vojdani, Immunosciences Lab, Inc

> > Dr. Lipsey

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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It's an appropriate topic for her show now the New Orleans

is 'engulfed' in the stuff. Any ideas for an approach to get it


--- In , " tigerpaw2c " <tigerpaw2c@y...>


> Anyone of these shows that you have experts attending, pro and con,

> we would want the best of the best that have been in it for many

> years and knows all the ins and outs without any hesitation.

> Otherwise they will chew you up and spit you out, that's what they

> do best, because that is what they get paid to do. You hesitate you

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Barb, I agree. It's more than appropriate and long overdue. As far as

the correct approach, your guess is as good as mine. It's really

trying to get them to grasp the magnitude of this issue and how many

are truly suffering, but that might be a problem in itself, because

they are aware. Maybe when her producers start hearing more horrifing

stories coming out of the Gulf States, maybe then someone will start

to pay attention. Start with your story and go from there. It can't



> > Anyone of these shows that you have experts attending, pro and


> > we would want the best of the best that have been in it for many

> > years and knows all the ins and outs without any hesitation.

> > Otherwise they will chew you up and spit you out, that's what they

> > do best, because that is what they get paid to do. You hesitate you

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It will hit the poorist and those without insurance. I will try to

put a letter together.

--- In , " tigerpaw2c " <tigerpaw2c@y...>


> Barb, I agree. It's more than appropriate and long overdue. As far


> the correct approach, your guess is as good as mine.

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Protest if that don't work Protest the Media itself do it in song Put T-shirt

something on your car get those Doctors to help the list goes on Think about the

Children and theirs to come I stand on the corner hit the beach with my T-shirt

on. if more people did that spread out T-shirt it's what I do and I live on a

fixed income. I take them and give them to the poor that's another thing this

question is always asked.


[] Re: doctors/toxicologist OPRAH

It will hit the poorist and those without insurance. I will try to

put a letter together.

> Barb, I agree. It's more than appropriate and long overdue. As far


> the correct approach, your guess is as good as mine.


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Here's her website:


There is this link fpr Ideas for Shows:


action=respond & plugId=B2100004

There is also a link " do you have a strange disorder? " . However it

seems to be slanting toward psychological illness. Of course we know

our illnesses are not strange but some doctors sure make you feel that



action=respond & plugId=D126700001

> Does anyone have Oprah's contact person, address or number? I'll

be glad to

> write her about my story!!


> Sue




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HOW Sweet Barb1283

Oprah.com@... <Oprah.com@...>


[] Re: doctors/toxicologist OPRAH

Here's her website:


There is this link fpr Ideas for Shows:


action=respond & plugId=B2100004

There is also a link " do you have a strange disorder? " . However it

seems to be slanting toward psychological illness. Of course we know

our illnesses are not strange but some doctors sure make you feel that



action=respond & plugId=D126700001

> Does anyone have Oprah's contact person, address or number? I'll

be glad to

> write her about my story!!


> Sue




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