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Re: Disability benefits approved?

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Another co-worker just called me, she is off work too, same symptoms

as me and the other guy! Get this, she was hauled out of work THREE

times in an ambulance. The first one they paid 80%, the 2nd they paid

80% but gave her a hard time about it, The 3rd time they refused to

pay for it at all. The fourth time she got really sick at work they

sent her to hospital in a taxi! They refused to call an ambulance for

her. She was passing out cold at work for crying out loud! (Sounds

illegal to me). She asked them to file Workers compensation papers and

they refused! She filed for sick benefit UI and now works at her old

job she had before she worked here. What an interesting conversation

we had! She was mostly relieved that her condition is not in her head

like they told her at work. More evidence of a cover up if you ask me.

WCB is going to be furious about this.

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, Glad to hear your having so much success. I wish you luck and hope your

health is improving. I was curious what tests you went for. If you have a minute

I would appreciate the info.

Thanks, Skye

msheeh02 <msheeh02@...> wrote:

Well guys, I am shocked! The HR dept where I work called yesterday to

tell me that they have " approved short term disability benefits for 6

weeks " , I had already applied for UI and spoke to WCB, they are both

supportive of what I'm going through (so they say). I supposely get my

first check from disability next friday (I won't count on it until it

is cashed at the bank). I am calling the Evironment and Labour dept on

monday to see if the inspection took place(Gawd I hope so!) Wish me

luck guys, things SEEM to be going alright so far. I am feeling a bit

better and also spoke to someone else at work who is off with the same

symtoms as me. He is going for the same tests too(different doctor)

coincidence? NOT BLOODY LIKELY!


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Skye, I had blood work which showed that my potassium level was low

(I'm on Slow K for that, This happened because of diarrhea.)I am

going for upper GI next week to check for infection and any damage,

then lower GI and possible scope test in Nov or Dec possibly, I am

asking for my lungs to be tested and urine sample next week when I

see my doctor. I no longer have a rash as I no longer am in that

building, (if you get a rash take pictures, that's what I am telling

people, to document that the rashs are occurring on an ongoing

basis) I guess that I am in the process of being tested you could

say to prove that my work place is making us all sick. Also

contacting others who are off work to find out their symptoms and

see if they are the same(documentaton is a good thing to have, it

backs up your case). We are waiting for the test results from

Environment and Labour who are testing the building for molds and

toxins in the air and surfaces. When I get concrete proof that the

building has these, I will consider my options to hold my employer

accountable and I am also warning my co-workers. I cannot go off

half-cocked until I get proof to show my co-workers that they are

working in a toxic building. Right now all I can do is research and

warn the ones I am talking to. Evidence is the key to proving it and

it is piling up.

> , Glad to hear your having so much success. I wish you luck


hope your health is improving. I was curious what tests you went


If you have a minute I would appreciate the info.


> Thanks, Skye


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