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Re: Tax dollars used to clean up Bush, Stamford, Bianco mold in mansions

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[] Tax dollars used to clean up Bush, Stamford, Bianco

mold in mansions

National health crisis rears its ugly head, despite cover-ups

Contributed by Taz

Tuesday, 10 May 2005


Submitted by S.

Baton Rouge, LA - It appears that every time the United States Government;

in its attempt

to stifle evidence, reduce damages, and divulge the entire facts about the


current mold epidemic; they always appear to get caught with their

proverbial pants down.

In the aftermath of the government's highly controversial involvement of the


filled Institute of Medicine report which cover-up facts of mold illness and


report (AKA " Quack Report " ), inspired by highly-ethical leaders such as


, and written by high-priced medical defense experts, their karma has

caught up in a

bitterly awkward way.

Mold has once again contaminated another governor's mansion. It started in

1999, when

Bush, whose office was adamantly ignoring the 44,000 mold claims by


Texas families, suffered along with his wife from initial mold illness.

While ignoring the

tens of thousands of sick and deserving insured Texas residents, Bush

selfishly had his

own residence remediated for over $300,000 of the Texas taxpayer's money.

In 2004,

just after the release of those highly-discredited papers written for

defense against

innocent American citizens, Governor Stamford from North Carolina was cursed

with the

wrath this biological nightmare. Now, mold is forcing Gov. Kathleen Blanco


and her husband, , to make other living arrangements this summer. The


family will vacate the Governor's Mansion after the legislative session so


workers can clean the air ducts and replace the heating and air conditioning

units. Alleged

molds according to World Environmental Testing report that invaders included


penicillium, mucor, cladosporium, and alternaria.

Facility Planning and Control Director Jerry said the Blancos will

live in a rented

house in Baton Rouge for at least two months until the $525,000 project is


" Damage " Control

" No question, it's tax dollars and it was publicly bid, " claimed.

" It's expensive

because it's the governor's mansion. If we would have gotten some

off-the-shelf-stuff, it

would have been a lot cheaper, but we did not want to destroy the original

integrity of the

mansion. " This was the most outlandish claim ever made to date.

The truth is that any mold remediation is expensive since it involves

stopping water

intrusion, removal of contaminated materials, encapsulating stubborn mold,

and replacing

damaged materials. It appears strikingly ironic that every time propaganda

begins to

surface from American bureaucratic naysayers, karma appears to show unleash


publicly on another American historical landmark.

Consumer rights activist, , once again asks, " If the American


has spent so much time, money, and effort trying to emphasize the

non-importance and

lack of health hazard of household mold, why are American politicians

evacuated so

quickly from mold-impacted buildings? "

It is certainly an obvious reason and slap in the fact to the American

public. " The

Government must be pretty worried about this environmental hazard when they


play the neurological effects of this phenomenon yet evacuate any public

official like an

Anthrax attack when it occurs to them. It would take a real idiot to

`assume' mold is just

`hype and hysteria' so the insurance companies can downplay and refuse

coverage, yet

when a precious member of congress is affected, the poor taxpayers of this

country have

not even a chance to vote whether they have to pay for their remediation. "

went on

to question, " Do the government officials who literally rape this country,

think that we, the

people, are so very stupid that we ignorantly support these self-imposed


standards? "

In the third case of a government mansion contaminated with unhealthful

mold, Facility

Planning and Control Director Jerry says the Blancos will live in a

rented house in

Baton Rouge for two months until the 525-thousand dollar project is

completed. Wouldn't

it be nice if our insurance companies did the same, caring efforts for their


In further insult to injury, claimed the black mold detected in the

ducts at the 42-

year-old mansion isn't deadly but still needs to be removed. This statement

leaded more

creedance to the hypocrisy of unhealthful living conditions being

intolerable for elected

officials yet these same conditions are unimportant for the average American


During a visit to the mansion this week, says he told Blanco

of a possible

alternative to a two-month project. He benignly says he found on the

Internet a new

method of using ozone to destroy anything living in the ducts within two

days. He says the

state's recommended method seems to be the -- quote -- old-fashioned,

expensive way.

This is partly due to the fact that while ozone may be acceptable to the

average people of

this country, it has proven health problems to those who are more important.

says cleaning the ducts isn't simple because getting to some of them


breaking through plaster. The ductwork in the mansion dates to 1963, when

the building

was built. Over 70% of all American homes were constructed before 1963, and


although quite controversial has been a very unsuccessful alternative for

many innocent

families who could afford nothing else.

Under this important mold removal plan, since it applies to an elected

official, construction

workers will replace some of the ducts, install access panels to be able to

get to them in

the future, seal storage areas in the attic, remove asbestos and update the

air and heating

to improve temperature control. Louisiana taxpayers don't even have a

choice if about

paying for this grave injustice.

It's very insulting to the American public that beaurocratic pigs seem to

care about their

own health, but not the public. I am outraged that the government believes

we are such a

gullable public.

Blanco's representatives refused comment.

Last Updated (Monday, 01 August 2005)

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