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motd Thursday December 1, 2011

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Thursday, 01 December 2011

Let's travel back in time, shall we? Come

on, jump into my little time machine with me. Okay,

are you comfy? Wait, let me start it up and...away

we go! We're

not going that far so you don't even have to pack.

Oh, see? We're here already. We're at December

1st, 2010...exactly one year ago from

today. Now come on, step outside the time machine

with me.

Do you remember what you

weighed on December 1st, 2010?

So, do you remember this day from last year? Do you

remember what you weighed on December 1st, 2010? Do

you remember how well you did for the entire month of

December last year? Or maybe you don't remember so

well because...you don't want to? Hmmm, I

think we need to focus a bit more on December 1, 2010.

Did you stay on a healthy eating program all of last

December? Were you able to be a gladiator against all

of those holiday food temptations? Did you say no to

the egg nog and fruitcakes? Did you say no to

bowl-after-bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy? Did you

say no to the adorable little holiday cookies friends

and family members baked for you? (Or did you just

bake some cookies yourself to have on hand for the

holidays?) Were you heavier December 31st than you

were on December 1st of last year? If the answer is

yes...how did that weight-gain make you feel? And

tell me, how easy is it to gain 5-10 pounds in just 31

days? Oh, I know...so-o-o-o easy!

I want you to enjoy this

holiday month but not gain any, uhhh...holiday bumps!

Okay, hop back into my time machine and let's return

to December 1st, 2011. Why...that's today!

Now look, I want you to enjoy this holiday month but

not gain any, uhhh...holiday bumps! If you

haven't already, get yourself a FoodMover and start on

the Blast Off program this week. The FoodMover will

teach you about proper portion sizes and help you

maintain healthy eating habits all month long. It'll

teach you about responsibility when you eat this month

and every month.

I still use my own FoodMover daily. It keeps

me accountable about the foods I eat from all six food

groups. And no, holidays or not, chocolate

is not a food group! Oh yeah, don't

forget, you

shouldn't skip even one day of exercise,

all month long either, okay?

, it was hard

work but I did it and I've lost five pounds this


I want you to be with your friends and family this

month and enjoy the holidays right along with them.

But I don't want you to overeatwith

them! Follow that rule and by

also sticking to your exercise program, December

1st, 2012, when we have this discussion again,

you'll be able to say: ,

it was hard work but I did it and I've lost five

pounds this month! Ahhhh,

now that would be music to my ears!

On Dancer, on Prancer, on Donner & Blitzen!


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