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Re: 2012 goals

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refresh my memory. What is wrong with your knee? I myself the last few weeks have one knee that kicks up. I believe it is the extra 15 lbs I have put on. BUT when I had that shoulder issue over the summer and had cortizone shots for it they said I had arthritis in that shoulder. Usually seen in baseball players. I believe mine maybe from lifting the bags of coin back in my teller days. Which lead me to the thought that it is do to the extra weight. My Dad had knee replacement last june. He said it was awful BUT the payoff was great. They have been wanting him to have it for years. He was a runner in his day and running on pavement did both knees in. You are right knew replacement only last 10 years. My father hopefully will have the other knee done this spring.

2012 goals

Happy New Year, friends!

It's nice to have another day off to R & R from the rat race of life called work! Been a calm weekend (of sorts): I stayed in for NYE and watched movies on some Hallmark or Lifetime channel. Probably Hallmark, they were more Christmas-y in nature than the 'crap' that Lifetime can have on it.

Starting the new year up a touch, but that is more from fluid retention and lack of sleep than eating poorly. Not sure why, but Friday and Saturday nights I was lucky if I got 6 hrs of sleep. Last night was better, so if I can get back into a decent sleep cycle maybe things will continue to improve. Has anyone ever tried anything "natural" to help with sleep? I think I saw a product that says it has malatonin (?) in it. A) is that "natural" and B) does it work?

Really, I have 2 goals for 2012 weight wise: log 11000 steps average per day and lose in the 60-104 lb range

60 lbs would be 5 per month, 104 would be 2 lbs per week. Both doable. I know some weeks will be bigger than others and some will have no change, so I have also taken measurements.

I'm turning 45 this year and want to go international, remember (LOL) so I have my appointment to apply for the good ol' passport Wednesday after work. Think they said it takes 4 weeks when we signed up for DS17's so I should have that first part of Feb.

I've been to Canada, before passports were required, and wouldn't mind going "up there" again, it's so gorgeous! Mainly, the goal/thought is to go on that cruise in May with hunny. I hope I can tolerate it. I've heard good/bad about the motion/sickness....

Anyway. Nothing else to report exciting this morning. I did 10 minutes of my exercise DVD yesterday. That was enough, knee was talking to me. Oh, yeah, the knee.... this is another reason I need to get this weight off of me. Still having issues. When I went back to the surgeon, he looked back over the xray and MRI and surgery notes and the comment was "I've seen people have what's wrong with your knee get new knees" - YIKES!! Sorry, doc, but I am too young to get replacement parts, so I will have to live this out for now LOL!!

Happy day, will check in again in 1-2 days....

in WA

310 / 285.6 / ?

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On 1/2/2012 10:29 AM, ABrite@... wrote:

> Not sure why, but Friday and Saturday

nights I was lucky if I got 6 hrs of sleep.

6 hours? That's a *good* night for me lately! Even this past night I

was asleep by 9:30 (Late for me!) and at 2am woke up and never got

back to sleep. It's been like this for months now. My doc was

useless, telling me to do all the old tricks, like listen to calming

music, try stay up later (I sometimes fall asleep watching Jeopardy

and more than once fell asleep at the table while eating!), avoid

caffeine (Haven't had a drink with caffeine in decades because of my

blood pressure). One night I slept 8 hours this past weekend and my

husband thought something was wrong because I was still in bed at

7am! LOL

Really, I

have 2 goals for 2012 weight wise: log 11000 steps

average per day and lose in the 60-104 lb range

Right now I would be happy for a permanent loss of even a pound a

month! Heck, breaking even and not gaining this year would be great,


I'm turning 45 this year

59 for me. Next year the big 6-0! My brother and I were bemoaning

the fact that we've gotten this old just the other night on the

phone, and he's only 55!

>Anyway. Nothing else to report exciting this


At this point in my life, no news is *great* news! LOL

I did 10

minutes of my exercise DVD yesterday.

I do a minimum of a half hour a day most days. The Kid and I went

over my calendar for last year the other day when I hung the new

ones up and the most I missed in any one month was 4 days. Most

months every single day had a sticker for exercise on it.

That was

enough, knee was talking to me. Oh, yeah, the knee....

this is another reason I need to get this weight off of

me. Still having issues.

My right knee has been acting up lately. My podiatrist said that was

going to happen because when I walk funny because of the arthritis

in my feet it throws the knees and hips out of alignment, causing

pain. He jokingly told me to get one of those flying chairs like

they used in Wall-E to get around because even regular wheelchairs

are out because of the arthritis and tendinitis in my shoulders.

When I

went back to the surgeon, he looked back over the xray

and MRI and surgery notes and the comment was "I've seen

people have what's wrong with your knee get new knees" -


Wow! That's not good news. And he's allowing you to do all this

walking for exercise? Wouldn't it all further damage the knee

joints? The cardiologist is the only one who told me to walk - both

my podiatrist and primary care suggested water aerobics, but there

really aren't any programs like that around here, just the

occasional 6-week course (held twice a year) for seniors only at the

former YMCA for $20 per session, way out of my price range. So I

continue with Sansone and videos, modified to

prevent further injury but active enough to get my heart into the

working range to satisfy the cardiologist.


doc, but I am too young to get replacement parts, so I

will have to live this out for now LOL!!

My s-i-l had her hip replaced a few years ago when she was in her

early 50's, and she said she wasn't the youngest person at the

surgeon's office. Surgeons would rather get the bad joints replaced

ASAP to prevent years of pain. The problem is, when you get it done

younger they'll need to be replaced again when you're much older, as

these parts don't last forever. Here's an article on About.com about

younger people and knee replacements:


Sue in NJ

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I killed it in 2010 training for the 12k (torn meniscus) so had surgery what, that Sept... so it's been about 15 months post surgery for it, but it was wacked to begin with...

2012 goals

Happy New Year, friends!

It's nice to have another day off to R & R from the rat race of life called work! Been a calm weekend (of sorts): I stayed in for NYE and watched movies on some Hallmark or Lifetime channel. Probably Hallmark, they were more Christmas-y in nature than the 'crap' that Lifetime can have on it.

Starting the new year up a touch, but that is more from fluid retention and lack of sleep than eating poorly. Not sure why, but Friday and Saturday nights I was lucky if I got 6 hrs of sleep. Last night was better, so if I can get back into a decent sleep cycle maybe things will continue to improve. Has anyone ever tried anything "natural" to help with sleep? I think I saw a product that says it has malatonin (?) in it. A) is that "natural" and B) does it work?

Really, I have 2 goals for 2012 weight wise: log 11000 steps average per day and lose in the 60-104 lb range

60 lbs would be 5 per month, 104 would be 2 lbs per week. Both doable. I know some weeks will be bigger than others and some will have no change, so I have also taken measurements.

I'm turning 45 this year and want to go international, remember (LOL) so I have my appointment to apply for the good ol' passport Wednesday after work. Think they said it takes 4 weeks when we signed up for DS17's so I should have that first part of Feb.

I've been to Canada, before passports were required, and wouldn't mind going "up there" again, it's so gorgeous! Mainly, the goal/thought is to go on that cruise in May with hunny. I hope I can tolerate it. I've heard good/bad about the motion/sickness....

Anyway. Nothing else to report exciting this morning. I did 10 minutes of my exercise DVD yesterday. That was enough, knee was talking to me. Oh, yeah, the knee.... this is another reason I need to get this weight off of me. Still having issues. When I went back to the surgeon, he looked back over the xray and MRI and surgery notes and the comment was "I've seen people have what's wrong with your knee get new knees" - YIKES!! Sorry, doc, but I am too young to get replacement parts, so I will have to live this out for now LOL!!

Happy day, will check in again in 1-2 days....

in WA

310 / 285.6 / ?

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