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motd Wed Oct 5, 2011

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Wednesday, 05 October 2011

Has it ever happened to you? You're out

having a lovely dinner with a friend and, at the end

of the meal, she decides to order the most

delectable dessert you've seen in a long time.

It's a big hunk of caramel pecan apple pie, oh my! She

tries to get you to try a piece but you're being so

good! You're thinking to yourself...

Your friend, who doesn't have a weight

problem, keeps eating her slice of pie and telling

you how good it is.

I've been working hard to lose weight and I've

done so good. I've lost 15 pounds already. I am not going to

have a slice of that pie!

Your friend, who doesn't have a weight problem by

the way, keeps eating her slice of pie and telling

you how good it is. Very innocently, she pushes the

plate over and insists that you've just got to

try a bite...just one. So you finally

indulge your friend's wishes and your own

curiosity by having a bite. And oh my goodness, was

your friend ever right about how good that pie was.

So you sneak another bite. Your friend even saves a

little corner of pie for you. Okay, so you indulged

just a bit, right?

Well, there's an "oh-oh" to this story. See, as it

turns out, those bites of pie have started


Since you had that half-slice of pie

yesterday, a few extras on your salad aren't gonna

hurt, right?

The next day at lunch, you want to make

up for those bites of pie and decide to do a salad

bar. You fill your plate with lettuce, spinach,

tomato slices, carrots and celery. And hey, looks

like you've reached the salad "accessory" foods

located at the end of the bar. Let's see, they've

got bacon bits, feta cheese crumbles, sunflower

seeds, garlic & butter croutons but wait,

there's more. Just look at that selection of rich,

homemade salad dressings! You end up thinking, what the

heck. You had that half-slice of pie

yesterday so a few extras on your salad aren't gonna

hurt, right?

But at dinner that night you keep going, slathering

a good bit of butter onto a roll. But, you know

what...that roll was kinda small so you decide to

have another, with some more butter, of course!

(Excuse me, but I'm hearing calories add up here!)

Now let me ask, did you ever see one of those

amazing domino displays on TV where tipping over

just one domino creates a chain reaction and

thousands of dominoes keep falling over. (Sometimes

they do these really elaborate patterns with them.)

They're like little polka-dot soldiers. One-by-one,

those dominoes keep falling until every one of them

has fallen down.

Has your weight-loss program ever fallen

victim to...the domino effect?

So, has your weight-loss program ever followed this

pattern? You know, like the one I just told you

about? Has your weight-loss program ever fallen

victim to...the domino effect? You know

how it is. One slip up with the food here makes it

easier for you to slip up with some other food

there. And before you know it, you're gaining back

the weight you'd worked so hard to lose. Yep, those

are your weight-loss plans falling, falling, falling...just

like dominoes!

I don't have to tell you how bad it feels. You feel

just like one of those dominoes, it's like you've

fallen down, too!

Now I do have to tell

you, I'm tempted by food, too...all the time. But you know

what? Over the years, I've gotten very good at

saying NO to all of

those foods rearing their tempting heads.

If you've lost weight, I don't want you falling

victim to the domino effect when it comes to what

you eat. I want you to keep off the

pounds you've lost and continue marching toward your

goal. Let's practice doing just that...

No, that slice of pie looks divine but I don't

want to see it on my behind! I'm sticking to my

fruit cup.

I'm not adding those hundreds of

calories to my healthy salad. Then it wouldn't be

healthy anymore!

I'm not adding those hundreds of calories to my

healthy salad. Then it wouldn't be healthy


No to that bread and butter this evening. I'm

not "wearing" bread and butter to bed tonight!

See, your weight-loss dominoes are still standing.

Hey, practice

makes perfect!


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