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motd Tuesday Jan 10, 2012

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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

So tell me, how many times have you done it?

For instance, you're at work and during your break, a

coworker has brought in some of her famous homemade

brownies. Oh, they look and smell so good, don't

they? When you're offered one, you think about how

good you've been doing on your weight-loss program.

But gee, those brownies just look so scrumptious. "Oh,

what the heck," you think, "I'll have just

the one." I mean, one little

treat is

surely not gonna hurt, right?

Before you have that treat,

there's something you should think about. Calories!

Well, if you had just that one little treat only once

in your life, maybe not. But come on, who does that?

Now before you have that treat, there's something you

should think about. Calories! You know who

I'm talking about. They're the guys responsible for

what you weigh today. Some extra calories here, a few

more there and, (it doesn't take long), those calories

can really add up!

When I was on The

Doctors last

week, one of the doctors on the show talked about

calories and what they mean to our weight. In fact,

he gave a formula that I've been giving you for

years. But today, I want you to think about that

formula again and here it is: It takes

3,500 calories of food to equal one pound. Now

let's go back to your job and talk about those

brownies your coworker brought in.

Oh, I see you've gone ahead and had that brownie,

huh? Okay, for arguments sake, let's say it contained

200 calories. (Truth is, there were probably more

than that but we'll use 200 for argument's sake.)

Well, did you enjoy your brownie? And even more

important, did you count the calories in that brownie

toward the number of calories you should have for the

day? You didn't? Well, oh, oh!

200 calories might seem

innocent enough but now it's time to do a little


See, those 200 calories might seem innocent enough but

now it's time to do a little arithmetic. Let's begin

with multiplication.

If you have just 200 extra calories a day over the

course of 365 days, that would equal an additional 73,000

calories for

the year. Now let's move on to division.

Divide 73,000 by the 3,500 calories it takes to equal

just one pound and...whoa! Those extra 200

calories-a-day equals a 20-pound

weight-gain for

the year! So tell me, does that one little treat seem

so, uh "little" anymore?

Look everybody, having a treat every-now-and-then is

okay. It's the number of calories in those treats

that matter. Please...stick

to healthy, low-calorie, low-fat snacks this year.

And if you do, a year from now, you'll be wearing a

smaller dress or jeans size rather than a bunch of

"little treats"...on your hips!


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