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Re: Do I work in a toxic building?

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I can't tell you how to get a company to actually move on testing. I have been

having a lot of issues at my work. Would your workplace allow you to move to a

different office? I found that when I moved to a different floor, my symptoms

weren't as severe. However, that doesn;t solve the problem. The one thing I

have started doing is documenting when I bring up these concerns. Is filing a

complaint with your state's occupation safety and health department an option

for you?

weimarschnauzerluver <weimarschnauzerluver@...> wrote:

I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been there

for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it smells

terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the most

everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I wasn't

cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the same

thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I really

don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are my

options to haveing the building tested or having something done

without having to quit my job.



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Get Someone you know to have the AC tested this is very important for new

buildings built in the past 10 years or if you had repairs. I know I can't use

AC or go into most places that have it I'm a Long story believe it or not if not

I'm sure you will soon.


[] Do I work in a toxic building?

I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been there

for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it smells

terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the most

everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I wasn't

cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the same

thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I really

don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are my

options to haveing the building tested or having something done

without having to quit my job.



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Have you read Shoemakers book?



> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been there

> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it smells

> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the most

> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I wasn't

> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the same

> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I really

> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are my

> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks


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I had to go to my work place last friday to get my short term

disabilty check. The courier was really late delivering them. I

waited out in the lobby for a little over an hour and THREE people

who work there (and I do not know them) walked out with breathing

problems, they were going on leave of absence by doctor's orders.

I was not talking to them as the security guard was there, I just

over heard them telling the guard why they were leaving.

I dropped off more medical papers this past monday and TWO more were

there with breathing problems. One girl said they were going to fire

her for all the time she missed because of her breathing problems.

None of these people know me or I them. I am thinking of putting an

anonymos ad in the paper explaining the sick building symptoms so

the employee's will wake up. (And by the way, I was so sick on last

saturday it wasn't funny.) I hate even going into the lobby there.

Sure wish that the Health and Labour testing would come back. Also

waiting for my own doctor's results on paper...slowwwwwwwwww. Work

is still in denial. Your experience sounds the same as mine.

Take care, SW


> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to


> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They


> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the


> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy


> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me.


> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to


> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are


> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks


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Was your building tested my the health and labor? Do they do testing?

> >

> > I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to

> the

> > allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to


> > dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been

> there

> > for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They

> swear

> > there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it

> smells

> > terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them


> > some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery


> > sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were


> most

> > everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy

> and

> > weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I

> wasn't

> > cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared


> I

> > talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the

> same

> > thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to

> the

> > managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I

> really

> > don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What


> my

> > options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> > without having to quit my job.

> >

> > thanks

> >


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No. What is shoemaker's book?

> >

> > I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to


> > allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to


> > dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> > for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They


> > there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> > terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them


> > some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery


> > sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

the most

> > everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy


> > weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> > cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

me. I

> > talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> > thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to


> > managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> > don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

are my

> > options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> > without having to quit my job.

> >

> > thanks

> >


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Our building was built in the 50's or 60's, so it is really old. I

don't think the ventiliation is good either. I think I am going to

buy one of those test it yourself kits just to see what kind of

results I get. I am trying to get them to do something without

going to drastic measures yet.

--- In , " elvira52 " <Elvira52@b...>



> Get Someone you know to have the AC tested this is very important

for new buildings built in the past 10 years or if you had repairs.

I know I can't use AC or go into most places that have it I'm a Long

story believe it or not if not I'm sure you will soon.


> Elvira

> [] Do I work in a toxic building?



> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to


> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to


> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They


> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them


> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery


> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

the most

> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy


> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

me. I

> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to


> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

are my

> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks















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Since I live in Canada I called my local hospital to see about

getting a test kit to test the water at work. The hospital only does

generic testing and not for molds.

So I called the agricultural college to see if they could do any

tests for me. (A fellow that I work with was going to sneak the test

bottles in to get the samples, nice that he is) The college educated

me to call the dept of Health & Labour as the agri rep said that it

sounded like a " sick building " .

I then spoke to a REALLY nice guy at the govenment Health & Labour

dept. He had worked in a " sick building " before. " Steve " told me

stuff that I had never thought of, certain symptoms to look for,

etc. It was " Steve that called in the " big boys " to test the

building in a surprise inspection. They are pretty busy but ARE

going to do the tests, Water coolers, ice/water machine, air vents,

bathroom sewer gases, all surfaces, ceiling tiles, you name it they

are going to test it. In canada it is illegal to have an unsafe work

place, and that includes Mold in the building. You DO NOT have to

give your name to report a problem with the work place. Your

employer will not be able to find out who reported it. Also you can

get copies of their test results just by asking.

Hope this helps if your work place is in Canada, SW

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I would say to you get samples and Pictures and be careful what you take into

your car and home I use a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol or vinegar some may

have other things you can use also Oregano oil. beware of daycare and Schools

for your kids I live Under HUD Housing it took me 10 years to learn what was

making me so ILL.


Re: [] Do I work in a toxic building?

I can't tell you how to get a company to actually move on testing. I have been

having a lot of issues at my work. Would your workplace allow you to move to a

different office? I found that when I moved to a different floor, my symptoms

weren't as severe. However, that doesn;t solve the problem. The one thing I

have started doing is documenting when I bring up these concerns. Is filing a

complaint with your state's occupation safety and health department an option

for you?

weimarschnauzerluver <weimarschnauzerluver@...> wrote:

I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been there

for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it smells

terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the most

everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I wasn't

cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the same

thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I really

don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are my

options to haveing the building tested or having something done

without having to quit my job.



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If I had to do this crap over again I would get a NIOSH evaluation.

OSHA cited my ex-work for mold but they didn't get fined since they

have no fine for that. Get a HHE here.



> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the


> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are


> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks


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[] Re: Do I work in a toxic building?

> No. What is shoemaker's book?





>> >

>> > I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to

> the

>> > allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to

> mold,

>> > dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been

> there

>> > for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They

> swear

>> > there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it

> smells

>> > terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them

> had

>> > some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery

> eyes,

>> > sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

> the most

>> > everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy

> and

>> > weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I

> wasn't

>> > cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

> me. I

>> > talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the

> same

>> > thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to

> the

>> > managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I

> really

>> > don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

> are my

>> > options to haveing the building tested or having something done

>> > without having to quit my job.

>> >

>> > thanks

>> >















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Nope. NIOSH is worthless where mold is concerned. I've seen what they will do,

which amounts to the tired old, " There's more mold outside than inside " . In

fact, they said those exact words to me. And they will bury the test results on

you. Don't waste your time. If anything, they'll damage your ability to get

decent testing done by convinving the people whoshould be taking notice that

it's really no big deal.

pizzahutoxic <pizzahutoxic@...> wrote: If I had to do this crap over

again I would get a NIOSH evaluation.

OSHA cited my ex-work for mold but they didn't get fined since they

have no fine for that. Get a HHE here.



> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the


> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are


> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks



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Ritchie Shoemaker treats Biotoxic illnesses. He has written a book about it

that is very

understandable (as long as your brain is working). The book has some stories of


has treated me. Feeling almost normal although highly sensitive. Here is the

web site:

http://www.moldwarriors.com/. Get out of that building! He put me out on

disability for

a few months and the difference was like night and day.


> > >

> > > I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to

> the

> > > allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to

> mold,

> > > dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been

> there

> > > for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They

> swear

> > > there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it

> smells

> > > terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them

> had

> > > some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery

> eyes,

> > > sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

> the most

> > > everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy

> and

> > > weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I

> wasn't

> > > cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

> me. I

> > > talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the

> same

> > > thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to

> the

> > > managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I

> really

> > > don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

> are my

> > > options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> > > without having to quit my job.

> > >

> > > thanks

> > >

> >


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Good Thinking,

Do what you must but first make sure you have many friends backing you that must

be your first move I know I'm and Activist for the poor. all I get is used and

my Ideas taken away you need good strategy first use T-shirt reach out to

parents School mold stand on corner what ever it takes.


[] Do I work in a toxic building?



> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to


> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to


> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They


> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them


> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery


> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

the most

> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy


> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

me. I

> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to


> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

are my

> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks















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[] Do I work in a toxic building?

> >

> >

> > I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to

> the

> > allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to

> mold,

> > dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been

> there

> > for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They

> swear

> > there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it

> smells

> > terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them

> had

> > some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery

> eyes,

> > sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

> the most

> > everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy

> and

> > weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I

> wasn't

> > cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

> me. I

> > talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the

> same

> > thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to

> the

> > managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I

> really

> > don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

> are my

> > options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> > without having to quit my job.

> >

> > thanks

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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So did they clean it up? I was wondering what actually happens if somebody

calls OSHA to come in and test. I wouldn't want people to be out of work if

they decided the place needed to be condemned.

pizzahutoxic <pizzahutoxic@...> wrote:

If I had to do this crap over again I would get a NIOSH evaluation.

OSHA cited my ex-work for mold but they didn't get fined since they

have no fine for that. Get a HHE here.



> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the


> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are


> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks



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I pray, I pray, I sick of living this way can't complain nothing it's a nice

place I'm living in but it's killing me all because our Government agencies use

the Voucher. for New Home Buyer give us hope than take it away I used the air 3

days ago and the pain in my lower back face broke out the taste in my mouth.

could really walk I call it dammed if you do & dammed if you don't .

I pray, I pray.


[] Do I work in a toxic building?

> >

> >

> > I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to

> the

> > allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to

> mold,

> > dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been

> there

> > for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They

> swear

> > there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it

> smells

> > terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them

> had

> > some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery

> eyes,

> > sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

> the most

> > everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy

> and

> > weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I

> wasn't

> > cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

> me. I

> > talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the

> same

> > thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to

> the

> > managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I

> really

> > don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

> are my

> > options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> > without having to quit my job.

> >

> > thanks

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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A co-worker of mine developed histoplasmosis (fungus in the lungs). I know they

say this comes from dirt, chickens etc .... but could it be possible he caught

it at work? He does a lot of maintenance work. We do have a lot of mice, rats,

and snakes at work too. It is rediculous I almost stepped on a snake about 2

weeks ago. People don't believe me when I tell them this...

laurie young <weimarschnauzerluver@...> wrote:So did they clean it up? I

was wondering what actually happens if somebody calls OSHA to come in and test.

I wouldn't want people to be out of work if they decided the place needed to be


pizzahutoxic <pizzahutoxic@...> wrote:

If I had to do this crap over again I would get a NIOSH evaluation.

OSHA cited my ex-work for mold but they didn't get fined since they

have no fine for that. Get a HHE here.



> I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to the

> allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to mold,

> dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been


> for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They swear

> there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it


> terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them had

> some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery eyes,

> sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were the


> everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy and

> weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I


> cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared me. I

> talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the


> thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to the

> managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I


> don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What are


> options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> without having to quit my job.


> thanks



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Question? Does OSHA have jurisdiction over a state agency? If not does anybody

but the state?


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[] Do I work in a toxic building?

> > >

> > >

> > > I was having tightness in my chest and chest pain, so I went to

> > the

> > > allergy dr. and he diagnosed me with asthma and allergies to

> > mold,

> > > dust, etc.. Our building has had these huge leaks that have been

> > there

> > > for over a month now that they can't seem to get fixed. They

> > swear

> > > there is no mold because they sprayed with fungicide. Well it

> > smells

> > > terrible. I did a survey with about 34 people and all of them

> > had

> > > some sort of side effects. clearing of throat, itchy watery

> > eyes,

> > > sneezing, coughing, itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches were

> > the most

> > > everybody had. I was leaving work today and I got really dizzy

> > and

> > > weak. I then started shaking all over as if I had chills but I

> > wasn't

> > > cold. Later I got nauseated and felt weak. It really scared

> > me. I

> > > talked to another girl at work when I got home and she said the

> > same

> > > thing happened to her a few months ago. We have reported it to

> > the

> > > managers, and they claim they are going to do something but I

> > really

> > > don't believe them. The thing is I work for the state. What

> > are my

> > > options to haveing the building tested or having something done

> > > without having to quit my job.

> > >

> > > thanks

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >


> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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