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motd Sat Feb 25, 2012

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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Do you have any vices? Oh, come on. You may

not be willing to admit it but most of us do. Oh, we

human beings are known for our little and not so

little vices.

Smoking is a vice. So is drinking too much alcohol.

Compulsive shopping is another vice, not to mention,

an expensive one. But the

vice I want to focus on today is all about food.

I read a recent survey

where most of the women who took it admitted bingeing

on food was

their worst vice.

In fact, I read a recent survey where most of the

women who took it admitted, more than smoking,

drinking or even compulsive shopping, bingeing on

food was

their worst vice. Hey, the ladies who responded to

this survey must have been able to remain anonymous.

I mean, not many people willingly admit to going on

eating binges.

I'm not surprised to discover that, for a lot of

people, binge-eating is a bigger vice than drinking or

smoking. But let's be honest, all of those vices can

lead to trouble with your health. We know that

smoking is a primary cause for lung cancer and too

much alcohol can really mess up your liver and

kidneys. And what about the binge-eating vice?

Well, one of the first ways it shows up is as extra

pounds on your body. So hey, I guess there's no need

in admitting that you binge-eat because, let's face

facts, you

can't hide it. I mean, you're actually wearing

the evidence of your vice...all over your body.

That cupcake you had at work today, you knew not to have

but ate anyway? You fed your vice when you ate it.

That cold slice of pizza you zapped in the microwave

and ate last night? You were feeding your vice then,

too. That bag of Doritos you just couldn't put down

while watching The

Mentalist? That's right, you were feeding your

vice every time you dipped your hand back into that

bag! And oh my, speaking of "dipping", is that a

bowl of French Onion I see sitting there, too? Looks

like twice the vice!

Well, after a day of eating like that, when you get

out of bed in the morning and get ready to take your

shower, you catch that glimpse of yourself in the

mirror and...you see it. There it is, your vice-body!

Make the right choice by

learning to say NO to that

binge-eating vice of yours.

Oh, aren't you tired of wearing those vices all over

that precious body of yours? Aren't you tired of

giving in to the food every time temptation rears its

ugly head? Aren't you tired of seeing your clothes

get tighter on you? Well, truth is...you don't

have to! If food has been one of your vices,

remember, food has no more control over you than the

control you

choose to

give it. Make the right choice today and everyday by

learning to sayNO to that

binge-eating vice of yours.

For the sake of your body and your

health, you've got to stop letting food be your vice.

And if you feel you can't do this alone, don't be shy

about seeking counseling to help you deal with your

vice of binge-eating.

Take control of the food!

Take control of the food and you can take control

of the look and health of your body. Do that and you

may have to go shopping for some new, better-fitting

clothes to put on that leaner body of yours. And tell

me, wouldn't that be...NICE!


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