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checking in

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Sweet C

checking in

Jan 1, 2, and 3 I did 40 LL breaths each day and am doing fairly well on my

eating but no where where I want to be yet. That will take time but every

day is a new beginning. It is just amazing how much better I feel and how

much better my day goes when I get at least 40 breaths in each day, and at

least be conscious of how I am eating and making better choices.



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That is terrific about you " bubble but! LOL " I took Sunday and Monday

off...oops! But back at it again today, I walked 2 miles with hubby and did my

pilates with my life lift breaths.. Love, Connie

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awesome job c


Checking in

Hi everyone, I did not exercise on Sunday, took the day off, went to church,

did some laundry and rested. Monday I did 40 and this morning I did 40.

One thing I have noticed is that whle I was going through the worst of my

back problems I couldn't do any exercising at all and my bubble butt (as I

so lovingly call it) was starting to drop and looked like I two instead of

one. After just one week of doing my LL breathing I noticed this morning

that it is definitely lifting and now I am almost back to one. Yea!!!!!

Have a good and wonderful love filled day,

Love C

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You're kicking butt...keep up the pace, I'm beside you all the way!!!

(And thanx!) ~Marleen


> I don't know if I checked in or not yesterday so here goes:


> I did 40 LL breaths, one Oxycise! tape and a full T-Tapp workout.


> Today I did a 45 step aerobic tape with weight training intervals, a


> T-Tapp workout, 40 LL breaths and one Oxycise! tape.


> Hope everyone is having a fabulous day.






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Wow !!!!! Good Job!



I did 40 LL breaths, one Oxycise! tape and a full T-Tapp workout.


> Today I did a 45 step aerobic tape with weight training intervals, a short


> T-Tapp workout, 40 LL breaths and one Oxycise! tape.


> Hope everyone is having a fabulous day.






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I'm right there with ya, ! I'm concentrating on breathing and really

working all core muscles - abs and back muscles. Sometimes I think slow and

easy is better for me. I used to plunge in 110% and then if I missed a day, or

messed up with my eating, I felt I had really blown it. That would often send

me into a spiral of apathy and just doing *whatever*. I think that's why I've

had so much trouble making lasting change. I've had to work this last year on

my attitude. It's all about slow, gentle changes and building good habits into

my life one at a time. Keep it up, ! I think the way you're doing it

will pay off for you.


Melinda :o)

checking in

Hi friends, today I did 50 LL breaths. Right now I am just concentrating on

the breathing to make sure I am doing it absolutley right. I think

sometimes I get in such a hurry to get in 40 breaths that I forget to

concentrate on the actual breathing. Anyway it seems to make a difference I

am going to keep doing this until I can do it automatically, then I wil add

more stretches.



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Great job ladies

persistence and consistence!



checking in

Hi friends, today I did 50 LL breaths. Right now I am just concentrating on

the breathing to make sure I am doing it absolutley right. I think

sometimes I get in such a hurry to get in 40 breaths that I forget to

concentrate on the actual breathing. Anyway it seems to make a difference I

am going to keep doing this until I can do it automatically, then I wil add

more stretches.



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Thanks Melinda, I think it is really helping me to do that. And I am

actually kind of sore in my core muscles for doing it this way. And my back

has gotten alot stronger and doesn't hurt anymore. Keep up the good work, I

think we're on to something!



On 1/11/06, The Family <neilmeltx@...> wrote:


> I'm right there with ya, ! I'm concentrating on breathing and really

> working all core muscles - abs and back muscles. Sometimes I think slow and

> easy is better for me. I used to plunge in 110% and then if I missed a day,

> or messed up with my eating, I felt I had really blown it. That would often

> send me into a spiral of apathy and just doing *whatever*. I think that's

> why I've had so much trouble making lasting change. I've had to work this

> last year on my attitude. It's all about slow, gentle changes and building

> good habits into my life one at a time. Keep it up, ! I think the

> way you're doing it will pay off for you.


> Love,


> Melinda :o)

> checking in



> Hi friends, today I did 50 LL breaths. Right now I am just

> concentrating on

> the breathing to make sure I am doing it absolutley right. I think

> sometimes I get in such a hurry to get in 40 breaths that I forget to

> concentrate on the actual breathing. Anyway it seems to make a

> difference I

> am going to keep doing this until I can do it automatically, then I wil

> add

> more stretches.


> Love,

> C




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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I remember the headaches. For me, it was the pounding type that lasted

3 days. I took some Advil and rode it out.

Keep up the great work.


Checking In

> C1W1D2


> Wow made it to day two - lol! Actually I am finding this ok so far.

> THe eating part is going good - I planned over the weekend and have

> been surprised at how many things I can take along to eat without

> having to cook. Did the Treadmill yesterday and thought I was gonna

> die-but I made it to the 30 minutes although mostly walking. Hey

> better than sitting on the couch with a bag of chips, right?


> I did notice today, actually started last night, this creeping

> headache, sorta like a very uncomfortagle tension type ache rather

> than a sharp pounding type and was more in my temples and forehead.

> This got worse throughout the day today and I am thinking it's my body

> detoxing from the lack of coffee and processed carbs. Anyone else

> experience this headache thing?


> Anyway, I'm doing ok considering it is only day 2 but I do have to say

> it has been hard to get enough calories in, even with the 6 meals.

> And my ratio is off more like 30% FATS - 30% CARBS - 40% PROTEIN -

> Should I be hitting 40C/40P/30F to loose the weight?


> Well any input would be great - positive energy to everyone.


> DJ











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That very well could be a caffeine withdrawal headache. I would

recommend a little coffee back into the diet. Nothing wrong with

caffeine to get the heart pumping. (Unless your one of those folks

that is very caffeine sensitive.)



> C1W1D2


> Wow made it to day two - lol! Actually I am finding this ok so far.

> THe eating part is going good - I planned over the weekend and have

> been surprised at how many things I can take along to eat without

> having to cook. Did the Treadmill yesterday and thought I was gonna

> die-but I made it to the 30 minutes although mostly walking. Hey

> better than sitting on the couch with a bag of chips, right?


> I did notice today, actually started last night, this creeping

> headache, sorta like a very uncomfortagle tension type ache rather

> than a sharp pounding type and was more in my temples and forehead.

> This got worse throughout the day today and I am thinking it's my body

> detoxing from the lack of coffee and processed carbs. Anyone else

> experience this headache thing?


> Anyway, I'm doing ok considering it is only day 2 but I do have to say

> it has been hard to get enough calories in, even with the 6 meals.

> And my ratio is off more like 30% FATS - 30% CARBS - 40% PROTEIN -

> Should I be hitting 40C/40P/30F to loose the weight?


> Well any input would be great - positive energy to everyone.


> DJ


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It's ok to let protein run a little higher than carbs if that's how

you're comfortable eating. For someone who's extra carb-sensitive,

that ratio would probably result in a faster fat loss than keeping

protein and carbs even. You have to see how you feel though. If you

find yourself in an energy slump, definitely increase the carbs a

little more.

Also, I second Deb's opinion that you should put your coffee back.

Bill actually recommends pre-cardio coffee. :-)

On 1/31/06, bakerfamily_ny <bakerfamily_ny@...> wrote:

> C1W1D2


> Wow made it to day two - lol! Actually I am finding this ok so far.

> THe eating part is going good - I planned over the weekend and have

> been surprised at how many things I can take along to eat without

> having to cook. Did the Treadmill yesterday and thought I was gonna

> die-but I made it to the 30 minutes although mostly walking. Hey

> better than sitting on the couch with a bag of chips, right?


> I did notice today, actually started last night, this creeping

> headache, sorta like a very uncomfortagle tension type ache rather

> than a sharp pounding type and was more in my temples and forehead.

> This got worse throughout the day today and I am thinking it's my body

> detoxing from the lack of coffee and processed carbs. Anyone else

> experience this headache thing?


> Anyway, I'm doing ok considering it is only day 2 but I do have to say

> it has been hard to get enough calories in, even with the 6 meals.

> And my ratio is off more like 30% FATS - 30% CARBS - 40% PROTEIN -

> Should I be hitting 40C/40P/30F to loose the weight?


> Well any input would be great - positive energy to everyone.


> DJ

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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LOL, you are so funny Tonya! Great job on your week, and way to go with water. I've been doing okay. Not as well as I'd like to be, but I'm still guzzling!DarcyOn 3/8/06,

Tonya - <mslightning@...> wrote:

Hey all! Just wanted to check in while laying here in bed feeling like I've been run over by a truck. No, I don't have the flu, I took a yoga class last night. Lets just say, my first class back from my back injury probably shouldn't have been Astanga. LOL Anyway, here is my check in so far this week.

Saturday--EXERCISE--still sore so I didn't do a planned workout. I did train 2 people on the gym equipment though, so I did total body weight lifting but only a couple of reps to demonstrate each machine--all together, about 30 minutes.


Sunday--EXERCISE--This was my scheduled rest day, so I just moved a few boxes to storage while waiting to close on the house.

WATER--64 ounces

Monday--EXERCISE--Planned a cardio workout, but didn't have time due to things I had to do for my business and training clients. Again, no reall weight, but I did demonstrate total body weights for 3 clients--total time about 45 minutes.

WATER--64 ounces

Tuesday--EXERCISE--Astanga Yoga 1 hour---OMG I'm sore today! I took my son with me to this class and that was worth the pain. It was his first yoga class, and he is so not flexible, but he has the strength to do a lot of the poses that I didn't even attempt because of my back. We did a vinyasa while in half lotus that was killer, and he was able to do it while I had to modify. (I'm still not allowed to do downward dog, much less downward dog on one leg!) Even modified, it was a tough sequence for balance. After class, I used my inversion table for 15 minutes to stretch out my back.

WATER--64 ounces

Today--I had planned a light weight workout, but I think I will skip it today and maybe do my cardio I had planned for Friday instead and put my weights in on Friday, just so I can get over this pain first. Besides, my massage therapist is probably going to kill me tomorrow for all the weights and yoga, so I figured I'd rest my back until after I see her tomorrow so that maybe it won't be too tight when I get there. I still can't do a video workout because of the move. My basement gym is full of boxes, and my bedroom has my inversion table in it, so I just don't have a space to move right now. I'll probably go to the gym and get a cardio workout on the treadmill or bike, something light so I can work some of this soreness out.

Water--I think I've figured out how to get all my water in. I have 2--24 ounce bottles and one 16 ounce bottle every day. I just pack my cooler with them and my lunch before I go running around to meet my suppliers, train clients, etc, and I have to drink them. Now I'm thinking once I use up the case of 16 ounce bottles, I'll go to only 24 ounce bottles so I get even more. Now if I can just get my real estate agent to hurry up, so I can get back to videos! I just got 3 more from Ebay and I finally broke down and ordered Turbo Jam. On Ebay, I got Bosu Cardio Fusion (still waiting to inflate my Bosu when I get room), Kest Power Yoga Collection (Ya'll keep talking about him, so I had to get it and see what all the fuss is about.), and Kickbox Underground with Guillermo Gomez (another hottie!), so I'm anxious to try them all too. Once I finally get moved, I'll probably do a month of nothing but videos just because I'll have so many new ones that I have to try. LOL

Okay, off to finally drag my lazy butt out of bed and hit the gym.

Ouch, ouch, ouch,


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Hi tonya,

I'm glad you're just sore from exercise rather than

the flu! LOL! Good going on the water. I don't think

I make it to 64 oz, thankfully seltzer w/ a sprinkling

of juice or lemon or lime counts for me otherwise I'd

be even drinking less. I probably do hit a minimum of

40 oz a day - and exceed that on some days.. so I

guess it is a start..

take care,


--- Tonya - <mslightning@...>


> Hey all! Just wanted to check in while laying here

> in bed feeling like I've been run over by a truck.

> No, I don't have the flu, I took a yoga class last

> night.


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  • 1 month later...
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Sounds like a lot Carolyn. Hopefully the pay is good and will allow you to buy new workouts!


checking in

hi everyone!sorry to say that i havent worked out in 7 days! ugh! i started working at my new job and this week i have been required to attend training sessions from 9am to 330pm -- i have had to get up at 6am and am basically working right until i hit the bed at night (before and after training, im doing my other full-time job of childcare, housework/yardwork, dh's office work). now that training is done, i will be working pretty much full-time, 6-7 days a week, for a couple of weeks in order to get my contract completed on time. then i have a couple of days off, go back into training sessions again and continue working as much as possible to complete a second contract. all of this is supposed to take me to the end of june and then im done. this is working for the federal government doing the census. somehow i need to find time to workout each day but right now im struggling to just get through all of my current workload.:*carolyn.

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Hang in there Carolyn. You will find your groove and be able to fit it in. So, how areyou liking the new job anyway?DarcyOn 4/28/06, kvetro60

<kvetro60@...> wrote:

Sounds like a lot Carolyn. Hopefully the pay is good and will allow you to buy new workouts!


checking in

hi everyone!sorry to say that i havent worked out in 7 days! ugh! i started working at my new job and this week i have been required to attend training sessions from 9am to 330pm -- i have had to get up at 6am and am basically working right until i hit the bed at night (before and after training, im doing my other full-time job of childcare, housework/yardwork, dh's office work). now that training is done, i will be working pretty much full-time, 6-7 days a week, for a couple of weeks in order to get my contract completed on time. then i have a couple of days off, go back into training sessions again and continue working as much as possible to complete a second contract. all of this is supposed to take me to the end of june and then im done. this is working for the federal government doing the census. somehow i need to find time to workout each day but right now im struggling to just get through all of my current workload.:*carolyn.

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don't worry about it so much. sometimes its hard with new changes to get into a groove of things. i know when i was working it was hard to have an exact workout time so i just did my best to fit in 20 mins here and there. once you get your schedule down i am sure you will find time again. kassia

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are you doing the census in St. ? JenCarolyn or Visser <pvisser@...> wrote: hi everyone!sorry to say that i havent worked out in 7 days! ugh! i started working at my new job and this week i have been required to attend training sessions from 9am to 330pm -- i have had to get up at 6am and am basically working right until i hit the bed at night (before and after training, im doing my other full-time job of childcare, housework/yardwork, dh's office work). now that training is done, i will be working pretty much full-time, 6-7 days a week, for a couple of weeks in order to get my contract completed on time. then i have

a couple of days off, go back into training sessions again and continue working as much as possible to complete a second contract. all of this is supposed to take me to the end of june and then im done. this is working for the federal government doing the census. somehow i need to find time to workout each day but right now im struggling to just get through all of my current workload.:*carolyn.

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  • 2 months later...
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You're looking good Stasia! I used to show and train horses and

sometimes I really miss it. You're right, it's a killer workout, and

taking care of the big beasts is a major calorie burn. One day I'm

going to freak out and buy a horse. Husband and dogs will be stunned.


> Hi everyone! While I skim the messages I haven't posted much.

> Congratulations to everyone whose results are obvious and who are

> sticking with the program. This fall will mark my 6th year doing BFL

> and the program hasn't changed much over the years. Sure, I change

> up the workouts thanks to Muscle and Fitness magazine's different

> routines in their issues, but believe it or not, the eating has

> remained consistently the same for six years. It took a long time to

> reach my goals, and there are still things that I'm not happy with.


> But we've gotten into horses in a similar way that Colleen is into

> her dogs. Competition performance horses, hunter/jumper style.

> That's a workout in itself and sometimes takes the place of my daily

> routine. I'm still so hooked on lifting that I won't give that up no

> matter what. Or the cardio.


> I guess the point of all this is that over time stuff in life is

> always going to change and you'll be pulled in a different

> direction. A BFL lifestyle will enhance any other sports endeavor

> you might pursue. So never give up living BFL. Six years pursuing a

> lifestyle has paid high rewards for me.


> The photo folder " A Work in progress " has some recent photos. It

> still has my before pic. Not bad but potbellied and all jiggly. I'm

> no Mina Hobbi by any means but I've probably enjoyed the same

> gratification that she has.


> Cheers all,


> Stasia

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Go for the horses ! After a 30 year hiatus from it I'm glad to be

back into it. The rewards are great, and it is great for my kids. It is

frustrating too, like when one of them comes in missing a shoe, but no

more so than anything else I suppose. Thanks for your response.


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