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checking in

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I'm a little behind again but just wanted to say

Congrats! So what kinds of stuff are you selling


Glad you're still here & reading too! Hope everything

is going well!


Country Meadow Creations


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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh ling, wish I could do something for ya...

((( BIG HUGS )))


"Don't be fooled into thinking you are alone on your journey. You're not. Your struggle is everyone's struggle. Your pain, everyone's pain. Your power is everyone's power. It is simply that we take different paths along our collective journey."


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Checking in again. I had to take a drive today and while driving I did my

breaths. So far today I'm up to 110!

Breathin' my day away!


> Hi Everyone,

> Just wanted to say that I have gotten 40 breaths done today. I am not

working out with a video. I'm just doing the breath and focusing on my

lower abdomen.


> I hope everyone else is getting their breaths in.


> Your fellow breather!

> ~Karma

> http://loaves-n-fishes.com

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That really sounds like a great workout, Karma!!! I'll have to try that in

my neighbors pool.


11:14 AM

Subject: Checking In

> Hi Everyone,

> I am just checking in at noon today. Plan on checking in later too.


> So far today I have gotten in 50 breaths. I did 40 of them in the stock

tank I have in the back yard that I use for a swimming pool. I am working

on my lower half, so I'll try to describe what I did. I am on my belly, I

had my left arm on the bottom of the tank to stabilize myself. I had my

right arm on the top of the tank to stabilize and also hold my counter to

keep track of breaths. I then did the breaths while doing a vigorous

flutter kick. This really worked my lower abs, my hips and legs. I then

came inside and did ten more breaths while using my Hip and thigh machine by

Jake. I plan on doing more using my stretchbands and really focusing on my

lower body today.


> Hope everyone else is doing great!


> Better and Better one Breath at a time,

> Karma

> http://www.loaves-n-fishes.com

> Please shop with me. http://www.melaleuca.com --The Wellness Company

Health, Medicine cabinet, Cleaning Products, Body Products, Kids, Makeup,

Diet! *check out the website, but place your order with me please. I order

the 5th of the month if you want anything. I will also send you products

any other date also. Let me know I'll get it ordered for you.*




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Karma,

I'm glad you had a great time!!!!! Great job on keeping up your LL

breaths!!!!! I'm glad you have that monster....sorry Virginia.... to keep

you in line!!!!!:-)

Hey, should I send you.. Kista and my photos through the mail or just try

and post them myself if so how would I do that? We have a better scanning

system now than we did a few years a go. Should I just e-mail them to



Love, Liz


On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 11:17:24 -0500 " Karma Tucker " <tucker@...>


Hi Everyone,

I have been pretty busy lately. It comes and goes. I guess I'm hitting

the busy peak! Over the weekend, we went to KC to visit with relatives

in from Colorado. It was great fun. I took a really cool picture of my

nephew. He was showing me how he could run up a wall and then do a back

flip off the wall. It was something he had to learn to do for repelling

class. I don't think I spelled that correctly. It took three tries, but

I got the perfect picture! He has his foot on the side of the house

(outside chimney) and is perfectly parallel to the ground with his head

arching. the house is in the background so you can tell he is laying in

mid air! It is pretty cool.

As for my workout.

Wednesday 42 Breaths while walking at the track 5 laps

Thursday - 42 Breaths while walking at the track 5 laps

Friday - 45 Breaths while walking at the track 5 laps

Saturday - 52 Breaths while walking at the track 5 laps

Sunday - Life Lift Video #2

Yesterday, I emptied the cabinets of food stuff and the shelves of

supplements. I'm working on what I have on the shelves to finish up! I

am working on the eating part and getting my supplements in!

Today Virginia called me to make sure I was eating and drinking. She

caught me. I hadn't done either yet. She made me get up from the

computer and go eat. :-)

Great...... I've created a monster! :-)


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  • 1 month later...

way to go, Karma!

Checking in

Hi Everyone,

I measured yesterday, but didn't get it sent into the list. Last week I

lost another 1.75 inches and another 2 pounds. This was my 14th week on the

challenge. Overall, I have lost a total of 7.5 inches and gained 5 pounds.

I am really pleased with the Melaleuca products I'm taking for the Meal

Replacements. I can really tell a difference in the way I feel and my body

is really sucking in with the combination of these products and my Daily

Life Lift workouts.

Today I got my breaths in while walking around the gym this morning. I am

working at the before school child age daycare for the school system. I

take some of the kids into the gym with me and I walk the perimeter of the

gym while they play in the center. It works for both of us. I'm getting

my workout in early, getting paid for it, and losing those last few sizes I

want to drop.

Things are going well for me. Hope they are for you too!


Visit me at my new home on the web - http://www.missvalley.com/karma/

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  • 3 weeks later...

101???? You little show off!!!!!!:-) Great job!!!!!

Love, Liz


On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 16:41:37 -0700 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

I did 101 LL breaths working on anything I could work on while driving to

Midland and back. Have a blessed rest of the weekend,


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I'm just trying to halfway try to keep up with you!!!!! That's a pretty

tough job!


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> 101???? You little show off!!!!!!:-) Great job

> ----


> On Sat, 28 Sep 2002 16:41:37 -0700 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> I did 101 LL breaths working on anything I could work on while driving to

> Midland and back. Have a blessed rest of the weekend,

> Love,


> Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> To learn what LifeLift can do for you






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  • 1 month later...

Hi There!

Do you happen to have a recipe for that cucumber/crab/tomato stuff

you're making??? :) I just discovered the low fat, high protein

ratio of imitation crab. I LOVE the stuff. Good to hear you're

getting stronger and healing!!

Petra :)

> Hi everyone,


> Well, I'm still " bein' good " hehe.


> Having carrots, broccoli and some sort of cucumber/crab/tomato mix

> stuff.


> Getting stronger in the weight training dept. too.


> Still a bit frustrated with my slow healing process, but my mindset

> is pretty good.


> later!!!!!!!!!

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That's super terrific !!!!!

Love, Liz


On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 19:20:20 -0800 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

I did 50 LL breaths today


Click here:


To learn what LifeLift can do for you

Join The Challenge! http://www.missvalley.com/karma/challenge/

We do have a chat room moreoxygen/chat Send

a message to the list so people will know you are there.



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Thanks!!!! It felt good to get back in the swing of things.


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To learn what LifeLift can do for you

checking in



> > I did 50 LL breaths today

> > Love,

> >

> >




> What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

> See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!




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Thank you, thank you,


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To learn what LifeLift can do for you

Re: checking in

> That's super terrific !!!!!


> Love, Liz

> ----


> On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 19:20:20 -0800 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> I did 50 LL breaths today

> Love,


> Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> To learn what LifeLift can do for you












> Join The Challenge! http://www.missvalley.com/karma/challenge/

> We do have a chat room moreoxygen/chat Send

> a message to the list so people will know you are there.


> http://loaves-n-fishes.com

> http://www.karma.awarenesshealth.com



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  • 2 weeks later...

Way to go, !woo-hoo!

checking in

Today it was my pleasure to breathe and pray for Darlene. I also prayed

for Rashelle, , Noah, Amber, Liz, Kista, Wanda, Virginia, Karma, Sue,

, Gaylynn, , , Helene, R, and I hope I didn't leave

anyone out. Please forgive me if I did.

Oh, I did 50 LL breaths.


Click here:


To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ,

Your buddy for today is and tomorrow it's Virginia.

I'm doing fine, it just took a few days to get over that test and

anesthesia. I talked to the nurse today about my test and everything came

out good. She told me that the Nexium should heal the H. hernia and that

sometime in the future I'll be able to use my Ab Dolly again, I love that

thing!!!! When I do any exercise like pushups or the Ab dolly it causes

pain in my chest and that's apparently due to the H. hernia because I'm

faced down putting pressure on that area. That means I've had this for a

very long time, about 15 yrs. ago I started doing a lot of pushups and my

chest hurt really badly. I had tests done back then, but none were done

to test for this.

Love ya!!!!



On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:25:10 -0800 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> Darlene, could you tell me who I am supposed to pray and breathe for

> today? I had to delete everything without reading it til I could

> get my virus fixed. All seems to be okey now, don't know what

> caused it. I have been praying for everyone all week since I didn't

> know who my breathing buddy was for each day.

> By the way, any updates on , Noah, and Liz?

> Hope I didn't leave anyone out.

> Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

> Love,


> Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good

> health




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Thanks Liz,

I'm so glad your tests came back good and that the medicine you are taking

is going to help and maybe heal. How do you like your ab dolly? I bought

one but haven't done too much on it. Can you tell a difference in your

tummy when you do it?

Well, kiddo, you have a fabulous turkey day!!!

Love ya,

Click here:


To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

Re: checking in

> Hi ,


> Your buddy for today is and tomorrow it's Virginia.


> I'm doing fine, it just took a few days to get over that test and

> anesthesia. I talked to the nurse today about my test and everything came

> out good. She told me that the Nexium should heal the H. hernia and that

> sometime in the future I'll be able to use my Ab Dolly again, I love that

> thing!!!! When I do any exercise like pushups or the Ab dolly it causes

> pain in my chest and that's apparently due to the H. hernia because I'm

> faced down putting pressure on that area. That means I've had this for a

> very long time, about 15 yrs. ago I started doing a lot of pushups and my

> chest hurt really badly. I had tests done back then, but none were done

> to test for this.


> Love ya!!!!

> Liz

> -----

> On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 14:25:10 -0800 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> > Darlene, could you tell me who I am supposed to pray and breathe for

> > today? I had to delete everything without reading it til I could

> > get my virus fixed. All seems to be okey now, don't know what

> > caused it. I have been praying for everyone all week since I didn't

> > know who my breathing buddy was for each day.

> > By the way, any updates on , Noah, and Liz?

> > Hope I didn't leave anyone out.

> > Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

> > Love,

> >

> > Click here:

> > http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> > To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good

> > health

> >

> >


> ________________________________________________________________

> Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today

> Only $9.95 per month!

> Visit www.juno.com


> What can changing the way you breathe do for you? Everything!

> See why tens of thousands agree, Life Lift is the best!




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Hi ,

I haven't used it in over a year because of all of the pain it caused.

It's sitting in my closet and every time that I see it I want to do it,

but than I think of the pain so I don't. I wasn't able to give it a fair

shot because of the pains, but I really enjoyed doing it. It's something

that I would do several days a week if it didn't cause problems. So

hopefully/ prayerfully a few months down the road I can add it to my

routine....... Give it a try and let me know how it works for you. Try

it, you might like it!!!!!! :-)

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!

Love ya!!!!!!



On Wed, 27 Nov 2002 17:29:39 -0800 " Clem " <rdc@...> writes:

> Thanks Liz,

> I'm so glad your tests came back good and that the medicine you are

> taking

> is going to help and maybe heal. How do you like your ab dolly? I

> bought

> one but haven't done too much on it. Can you tell a difference in

> your

> tummy when you do it?

> Well, kiddo, you have a fabulous turkey day!!!

> Love ya,


> Click here:

> http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

> To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good

> health




Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today

Only $9.95 per month!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello ,

I hope your Mom is doing OK?

You are precious to take such good care of her. I am not at all surprised. You

are such a love!

I appreciate your prayers and I am certain that others do too.

Take good care of yourself,


Your success is important to us. We offer exceptional products to insure your

permanent success.

Be sure to check out all of the specials on my web sites.

Just click here http://www.lifelift.com

checking in

Hi everyone,

I have not been able to get on the computer much because I have been busy with

my mom but I have been praying for everyone, my breathing buddies, ,

Laurie and Jackie along with Rashelle and her husband, Operacat and ,

, Noah, and everyone else on this list. I will be gone tomorrow but will

continue to keep you all in my prayers.


Click here: http://www.lifelift.net/cgi-bin/affiliates/clickthru.cgi?id=rdclem

To learn how Lifelift has helped me to lose weight and gain good health

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You're great, ! Thank you!



checking in

> Hi friends,

> I prayed yesterday for my dear friend Darlene, and today for sweet Ellen.

I asked God to keep them safe this holiday season and to bless them with

good health and happiness.

> God Bless,

> Love,


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Hey stranger,

good to hear from you. I was beginning to worry. well, amanda wont do many

hw these past few days and im not forcing it. jesse too is sick with a fever

and has symptoms of the flu. :(

I'm almost done, but cant believe how not done considering i am not working.

whew, what did i do when i worked??? I wonder.

Glad sara is enjoying her bike. i think we'll hold out till spring - not too

much bike riding weather here!

~ Mom to 12 DS and Diabetes Type 1 and 8 NY

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In a message dated 12/18/2002 9:04:11 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

b4alltoday@... writes:

> Sara got her new bike this week, the trike bike and loves it

OH! I was wondering how she liked it! We got funding through our agency so

will be getting one for Christmas and I'm sure most of our vacation

will be spent in the school parking lot on bikes!

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So cool!

My got a new bike for her birthday in November, and she helped me put it

together. She has never done much with tools, but she really thought she should

help - we had a fun time. She had a little confusion with wrenches and why it

doesn't work to turn it a little one way and then a little the other - life

would be much easier if it had worked that way for her.

Hers is a 20 inch pink girls bike with a pink and white woven basket on the

front. She is so short-legged, that even though she is just over 5 feet tall,

she is really barely tall enough for the seat on this bike. She showed me a

new trick she learned..... she can ride the bike on her own, and now is able to

take one hand off the handlebars and wave at me as she rides by without tipping

the bike over on it's side or crashing........


Mom to (18 - DS) and many others......

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

2-4-6-8, b4alltoday@... is Cool! b4alltoday@... is Great!

On 12/18/02 , at 11:02 PM , b4alltoday@... opined:

:o) Sara got her new bike this week, the trike bike and loves it.

*********** END OF REPLY SEPARATOR ***********

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Checking in

Sara's been pretty miserable lately, she's been so awful at school. She has

basically refused to work at school for the past two weeks. The behavior

specialist said there is not a behavior plan that works for any child, 2

weeks before Christmas heehee

I hope all have a safe and Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!

Kathy mom to Sara 11 .......... ho ho ho

Boy, sounds just like . She has absolutely refused to do work at

school, has been mouthy to the teacher and aide. The teacher said all her

kids are acting up, she is counting the hours until Friday at 11:30!


Mom to (11, DS) and (7)

Pawleys Island, South Carolina

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'c class party was today, 's tomorrow. Today, 's teacher

announced no homework during the beginning of the party......The parents

cheered louder than the students!


Mom to (11, DS) and (7)

Pawleys Island, South Carolina

Re: Checking in

Bridget also has not wanted to do any work this week. Today was our last

day. She has been living in her Barney world and acting out Barney episodes

rather than do anything.

It is good to hear, we aren't the only ones.

nancy mom to Bridget 9 in SC

Checking in

Sara's been pretty miserable lately, she's been so awful at school. She


basically refused to work at school for the past two weeks. The behavior

specialist said there is not a behavior plan that works for any child, 2

weeks before Christmas heehee

I hope all have a safe and Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!

Kathy mom to Sara 11 .......... ho ho ho

Boy, sounds just like . She has absolutely refused to do work at

school, has been mouthy to the teacher and aide. The teacher said all her

kids are acting up, she is counting the hours until Friday at 11:30!


Mom to (11, DS) and (7)

Pawleys Island, South Carolina

Click reply to all for messages to go to the list. Just hit reply for

messages to go to the sender of the message.

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