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motd Thurs Dec 15 - Kitchens

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Thursday, 15 December 2011

Okay, with the holidays here, lots of you,

(including me), are going to be doing a whole lotta

cooking. And with cold and flu season upon us, it's

extra important to keep that kitchen of yours clean

and healthy so you and your family stay healthy, too.

And to keep your kitchen clean and sparkling, I've got

a few tips to help you do just that.

Your kitchen can have as

many as 100,000

times more germs than

your bathroom!

Sterilize your sink. Think your bathroom is

full of germs? Well, get this...your kitchen can have

as many as 100,000

times more germs than your bathroom!

(Unbelievable, right?) Start by attacking those germs

in your sink. How? Mix one tablespoon of bleach with

a quart of warm water and wipe down every inch of your

sink's interior. Then, when you're done, pour the

solution down the drain to help keep it fresh and

germ-free, too.

Bathe your sponges. Oh, the sponges in your

kitchen can hide so many germs and bacteria. In fact,

those old germs just love your sponges

and that's why it's so important to keep them clean.

There're a couple of ways to tackle those nasty old

sponge germs. You can soak your sponges in a little

hot water then zap them in the microwave oven for a

full minute. But what I Iike to do is run my sponges

through one dishwasher cycle all by themselves.

Sponges aren't the only

place germs like to hide.

Clean your cutting boards. Sponges aren't

the only place germs like to hide. They also like the

little crevices those sharp knives leave on your

cutting board. Germs get into those crevices, hide

and...grow! For plastic cutting boards, you

should load them into the dishwasher after each use.

And for wooden cutting boards, add a few drops of

bleach to some warm water and scrub the board

thoroughly and...do this often!

Wash what you touch. Any surface in the

kitchen that frequently meets human hands, such as the

fridge handle or kitchen cabinets, should get a

regular once-over with that handy bleach & water

solution. And you should wipe down those kitchen

trash bins of yours, too.

After giving my kitchen a

thorough cleaning, I have to wear sunglasses because

everything is so bright and sparkly.

By the way, the tips I've shared with you today?

Well, I practice all of these things in my own

kitchen. In fact, sometimes, after giving my kitchen

a thorough cleaning, I have to wear sunglasses because

everything is so bright, clean and sparkly. Oh, it

hurts my eyes looking at that glistening kitchen of

mine after I'm done! LOL.

But seriously, remember, a clean kitchen is a happy

kitchen and...a healthier one for you and

your family, too!


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