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motd Wed Dec 21, 2011 - Smoking

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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

I am amazed, with all the medical problems we

know that smoking causes, that so many millions of

Americans and, in fact, billions of people

around the world...continue to smoke! There are so

many places now where you can't smoke at all anymore.

Can any of you remember when they actually had

smoking sections on

airplanes? Oh, my. Things sure have changed, haven't


I see so many people

standing outside their office buildings having a


When I'm traveling or out and about here in Los

Angeles, I see so many people standing outside their

office buildings having a cigarette. And all of those

poor people walking by are getting a whiff of

second-hand smoke from that cloud of cigarette smoke

drifting around them. Honestly, even when it's

freezing outside, there those people are standing in

the cold, puffing away. I think it's kinda sad,


The reason I'm talking about smoking today is because

of a very interesting e-mail I received from a

gentleman who smokes. I read his e-mail over the

weekend and I'd like to share some of what he said

with you.

, mine is not a weight-loss story. I've

taken another route to improve my health and that's

by giving up cigarettes. But let me tell you how my

mind was made up to finally stop this nasty habit.

I've been wanting to quit for years but something

happened a few weeks ago that drove home the point

why I really need to quit


"Daddy, don't you like

being with Mommy and us?"

I was driving with my entire family, including my

seven year-old daughter and toddler son. I was

smoking away as we drove and from out of nowhere, my

daughter said to me, "Daddy, don't you like being

with Mommy and us?" I was a little surprised by her

question but assured her that I loved them

all...more than anything! Well, it was my

daughter's reply that really got to me. She said,

"Then why do you smoke cigarettes, Daddy? They hurt

your heart!"

Right then and there, I knew the time had come for

me to give up smoking. I have lots of support from

my wife and so--why am I writing you, ?

Well, I figure you being a person who's beaten an

addiction to food, maybe you can give me some

insight on beating my addiction to smoking.

Boy, I thought that was some e-mail. I suggested to

this young man, first of all, that he visit his doctor

and get a complete physical to make sure that smoking

hadn't done any permanent damage to his lungs. Then

he should tell his doctor that he's ready to beat his

nicotine addiction. There are lots of resources out

there to help him quit.

The Patch has been around for years and it's been an

excellent tool that has helped a lot of people quit

smoking. There are also a number of oral medications

on the market to help you kick those cigarettes out of

your life.

But here's the thing, like with food, even

after you've stopped, your addiction to smoking may

still be lurking inside you. That's why lots of

ex-smokers prefer not to be around other people when

they're smoking. That desire to have a cigarette may

linger for a while. And again, like with food, who

needs the temptation?

It's all about

maintaining control.

Oh, I sure could use a Marlboro right now...Oh, I

really would like to stop by Krispy Kreme for a

couple of warm, glazed donuts. See, the two

addictions sound very much alike, don't they? It's all

about maintaining control. You have to

constantly be on your toes when it comes to fighting

your addictions, whatever they may be.

And, oh yes. I also told this gentleman to say hello

to his kids from me, especially to his oh-so-smart

daughter. With her important questions, she may very

well have saved her father's life.


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