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motd Thurs Jan 19, 2012

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Thursday, 19 January 2012

As we all know, it's one of the biggest

health hazards in our country. It's a habit many

Americans start at an early age and find so very hard

to quit. And that's in spite of the fact that they know this bad habit

will eventually cause them serious health problems

and, in time, can even cost them their lives. What am

I talking about? Smoking,

of course.

We've all heard about the

dangers of second-hand smoke.

It seemed like such an innocent act back when I was

younger. I've never smoked, thank God, but when I was

a kid, it really wasn't considered such a bad habit

and it seemed everybody did it. For years, smoking

was considered "cool" or even glamorous. But today,

thankfully, we know better.

Today, scientists have discovered that smokers are not

only putting their own health at risk. But when they

smoke around others, they're putting the people around

them at risk, too. We've all heard about the dangers

of second-hand smoke, right? But wait a minute. If

we're going to be so health-conscious, where's our

public outcry about the dangers of second-hand FAT?

Oh, I know, no one can breathe their extra pounds onto

your body. But there are other ways they can help add

extra pounds to your weight. For instance, every time

a mother cooks a fattening meal for her family, she's

putting those extra calories inside them. No, she

doesn't have to force them to do it, they just eat.

And as they eat, they're piling those calories and

pounds onto their bodies. That's

second-hand fat.

Where's our public outcry

about the dangers of second-hand FAT?

When you're out to lunch with friends and one of them

insists that everybody have dessert following their

meal and you join them? Well, here comes those extra

calories again. That's

second-hand fat.

When Dad stops at a burger place and allows the kids

to order all of the fattening treats they want from

the menu, he thinks he's making the kids happy.

But truth is, what he's doing is loading calories and,

(Heaven knows what else), into his children's bodies. That's

second-hand fat!

When you're sitting watching TV and see one of those

commercials showing scene-after-scene of

mouth-watering, sinfully rich pancakes, does it put

any ideas in your head? Well, even if you don't jump

into the car and rush to that restaurant, you may get

up and head for the kitchen to find yourself a bite to

eat. Oh, oh...here it comes again. That's

second-hand fat!

I think we should pay

attention to the dangers of second-hand fat here in

the good old U.S.A.

Look, I'm all for eliminating the dangers of

second-hand smoke in the workplace, in restaurants,

bars or any public place for that matter. But you

know what? I think we should pay just as much

attention to the dangers of second-hand fat here in

the good old U.S.A., too.

I'm so very glad we've made it easier for people to

avoid the dangers of second-hand smoke. And now,

let's get to work kicking that other danger, second-hand

fat out

of our society, too!


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