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motd Fri Jan 20, 2012

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Friday, 20 January 2012

Oh, so much to do! I've got E-mail to

answer, class at Slimmons on Saturday, (gotta get my

eye-popping outfit done), gotta call my brother Lenny

to see how he's doing, lots of other phone calls to

make and I've got to plan tonight's dinner. That's

only some of the things

I have to do today and, oh-my-gosh, it's already


Do your days sometimes get

as hectic as mine?

Can you relate? Do your days sometimes get as hectic

as mine? You know. Gotta get breakfast made, get the

kids up and dressed for school, pick up some

dry-cleaning, get your

workout in, your son has a soccer game tonight

and you've got to drive him and two of his teammates

to the game. Whew!

Your tasks may be different but, like me,

you've still gotta get 'em all done! We're all busy

little bees. And trying to get done all the

things we need to get done

often lead to today's latest buzz-word...multitasking!

I was on my way to Slimmons one day last week, pulled

up to a light and noticed this very pretty young lady

stopped next to me. Now get this. She was texting on

her cell phone, then I saw her taking a bite from a

hot dog she must have picked up from one of the fast

food places on Sunset Boulevard. All that and she had

to pay attention to driving her car, too! Oh my, I

thought her multitasking was really out of hand!

People who habitually work,

drive, watch TV or do anything else while they're also

trying to eat are simply asking for trouble.

People who habitually work, drive, watch TV or do

anything else while they're also trying to eat are

simply asking for trouble. Anything that takes the

focus off our eating makes us more likely to

overeat...without even realizing it.

There's a book out called: Mindless

Eating. Why We Eat More Than We Think. In it, the

author discovered that few people overeat because

they're truly hungry. More often, they overeat

because they're not

focused on their food but rather on

whatever other task they may be doing. Whether it's

watching TV, driving their cars or sitting at a


Look, I know you've got a lot to get done and, like I

said, so do I. But we should focus on having three

balanced meals a day and...I mean it. Your dining

time should be devoted to just that, enjoying

your meal!

Nothing else should be going on when you sit down to

eat. Keep track of everything you eat. Make the

commitment to only eat sitting down at a table and not

while driving down the freeway! Put your fork down

between bites. Take the time to chew and enjoy your

food. By eating this way, you'll give your brain and

stomach time to alert you that you've had enough. And

you know what? You'll end up eating less when you

take the time to eat slowly. You'll actually taste your food,

too. Trying to do too much at one time while eating

often leads to mindless eating which, of course, leads

to a weight-gain.

How many times have you sat watching TV with a snack

by your side while trying to concentrate on what

you're watching? Now tell me, how dangerous if that?

That big bag of kettle-cooked potato chips can be gone

before you even realize it!

Look, we all lead busy lives these days. But

with all the things you have to get done, please don't

try multitasking your meals into the mix

of all the other things you've got to get done.

Meal time should be a

relaxing time.

Meal time should be a relaxing time. And when you're

at the table eating, all of your concentration should

be focused on

the meal and

not the million other things you've just got to get done. You busy

little bee, you!


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