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motd Sunday Nov 13, 2011 - stairs

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Sunday, 13 November 2011

Have you ever been on a cruise ship? They're

like floating cities with thousands of people on

board, including passengers and crew. The biggest

ships tower nearly 150 feet. That's as tall as a

15-story building. And just like a small skyscraper,

these ships have stairs...and lots of them!

, the first day,

I could barely do even one flight of the stairs.

But today, I was able to walk up four flights!

Of course all of the ships have lots of

elevators. But on our Cruise To Lose, my cruisers

were so serious about their exercise that lots of them

took the stairs rather than the elevator getting from

deck to deck. In fact, by the middle of the week, a

few of my cruisers came up to me and said things to me

like, ",

the first day, I could barely do even one flight of

the stairs. But today, I was able to walk up four

flights! I felt so good seeing how much stronger my

body has gotten!"

One of my secrets for having strong legs is that I

love climbing stairs. When I'm at home, I go up and

down the stairs of my house, I'm sure, dozens of times

each day. The good news is that stair-climbing burns

a lot of calories because you're really working those

muscles in your body carrying your own weight up each

one of those stairs. That's the reason stair-climbing

machines and steppers are so popular these days. They

really get your heart rate up and your body burning

those calories, baby!

One of the scientists with the American Council of

exercise says that stair-climbing gives you more bang

for you buck because of the vertical component of

going up those stairs. A lot of workout machines on

the market today duplicate that movement and I know a

lot of people who use stair-climbing machines at home.

When I travel, I like to climb the stairs in the hotel

where I'm staying. When I go to New York City

tomorrow, I'll start at the first floor and walk all

the way to the 20th floor of my hotel. And I've gotta

tell you, by the time I reach that 20th floor,

(puff-puff), I really feel it and I'm ready

to sit down with a nice cold glass of water. Whew!

If you're at the mall, the

doctors office or at work, take the stairs instead of

the elevator .

I want you to start doing the same thing. If you're

at the mall, the doctors office or at work, take the

stairs instead of the elevator. And if you can only

walk up one or two flights, that's fine. But you

should keep trying and, over time, you'll build your

stamina and those muscles in your legs. Then one day,

I'll meet you in New York City and we'll take the

stairs of the Empire State Building all the way to the

top...all 102 flights!


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