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motd Monday March 5, 2012

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Monday, 05 March 2012

It's one of the most typical e-mails I

receive. Parents writing concerned about their

children's weight. It's also one of the most

discussed and sometimes controversial subjects in

America. But to all of you parents out there, you can

help your

children eat healthier and lose weight. And by the

way, you can join them. In fact, it can be just plain fun teaching

your kids how to eat right. And it's a lesson that'll

stay with them for the rest of their healthier, longer lives. Now,

here are some tips to help your kids eat better and lose weight

while they're at it.

Try not to use candy and

sugary snack bars as "rewards" for your kids.

Provide kid-friendly meals and snacks,

encouraging your children to eat more fruits and

vegetables. Some good ideas include apple slices,

raisins, or carrot and celery sticks with a low-fat

dressing for dipping. (They'll like the dipping

part.) And try not to use candy and sugary snack bars

as "rewards" for your kids. (It sends the wrong


Get your kids away from the soda habit. Choose juices

with no sugar added but limit the number of juice

drinks your children have each day, too. Instead,

encourage them to drink more water.

Remind them that their bodies are made up of 2/3 water

and that's one of the reasons it's so important for

them to drink 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day.

They must replenish the water their bodies lose

naturally everyday. (That goes for you, too.)

Get your kids involved in making the right food

choices at home. Take them along when you go

grocery-shopping and let them help you choose some of

the fresh produce. It'll make them feel like an

important part of the food-choice process in your

home. And think about it, that sense of

responsibility will make them appreciate the fruits

and veggies they've chosen. Bring

your children into the kitchen with you, too. Let

them snap some fresh beans, tear those lettuce leaves

for a colorful salad or stir in the seasonings for a

healthy dish you're making.

Reduce the fat-content

in the dishes you prepare for your children.

Reduce the fat-content in the dishes you prepare

for your children. Serve kid-friendly chicken

fingers that are baked instead of fried. Use lean

ground beef for hamburgers. Serve fruit-based

desserts like sorbets and mini-fruit bars instead of

cookies and pre-packaged snack cakes.

Teaching your children a better way to eat is also a

good way to teach yourself a

better way to eat. Hey, eating healthy leads to a

healthy body and getting there isn't something that

has to be hard for your kids or for

you. In fact, it can be lots of fun for all of you.

That's right, eating healthy is not some

chore for you and the kids to dread. Make it a family

affair. Make

it fun. Because learning to eat in a healthier

way really can be like...Child's Play!


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