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At 01:46 PM 8/28/2004, Donna M-P wrote:

> I was bad yesterday at Target and picked up

>a discounted Pilates Kit (has a video and a 1 lb ball )

oh, id like to get a weighted ball like that some day -- an a little bit

heavier medicine ball too (4-5 pounds)

>it is on sale at

>GAIAM for $9.99, which was the same price as at Target.

i soooo wish that we had target here!

> I also bought a

>pedometer/step counter

i actually got one from mcdonalds when i ordered a salad and water for lunch.

i havent used it yet but i should get it out some day soon just to see how

many steps i do get in a typical day. id like to start a walking program

but wont be able to do it for a while yet (when our youngest kid starts

school part-time).


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  • 2 years later...

In a message dated 1/20/2007 10:57:12 A.M. US Eastern Standard Time, nancydewolf@... writes:

A woman in my Weight Watchers class has lost about 70 pounds so far and credits a lot of it to wearing a pedometer and letting that push her to be active and get her 10,000 steps in.

hmm sounds interesting. So is 10,000 steps what we're suppose to be getting everyday? I could see myself getting obsessed with the numbers, that's for sure. So if you walked a mile in a day, it would tell you that? I just always thought it just counted your steps, didn't see the big deal in that, but maybe there is something to it. I could see where it would get you more active. If I decide to open the box and try it, I'll let you know. Thanks !


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I have one. I keep meaning to put it on now that I'm active again but keep forgetting. Mine doesn't talk (which I might be thankful for, you tell me after you use yours). I used it extensively when I was training for the Breast Cancer 3-Day because I wanted to get in as many steps as possible plus it was interesting to see how many I'd taken. I did not wear it during the 3-Day though (not sure why now). Mine measures steps and distance traveled plus it keeps track, I think for 7 days, of your statistics. It also tells you how many "aerobic steps" you took which it measures as non-stop movement for at least 10 minutes. When I walked on a marked 3-mile trail (it has every 10th of a mile marked on the pavement at a local park) my pedometer came up with slightly different mileage. I think that is probably because my legs are shorter than the average adult so it probably takes more steps for the pedometer to measure a mile with my stride length. The differences were not huge but it drove my very scientific, numbers-oriented friend nuts. I didn't let it bug me though. I bought it originally because I wanted to make the 10,000 steps per day goal recommended for health and I was more than making that amount with my training (I looked at the steps measurement much more often than the mileage). Now I'm thinking I might put it back on to make sure I'm still getting those steps in, especially on days I'm not doing a workout tape. A woman in my Weight Watchers class has lost about 70 pounds so far and credits a lot of it to wearing a pedometer and letting that push her to be active and get her 10,000 steps in. She wears it when she does step aerobics too (which I've never tried but might). One caution, if your pedometer is not very accurate to begin with, it can drive you nuts. I started with a free one from Mc's and you didn't have to measure your stride length for that so the numbers it was generating seemed almost random sometimes. I threw it in the garbage. I also had to play a lot to see where mine felt the most comfortable to wear and seemed to generate the most accurate numbers. After you get it set where you want it, the biggest game is to remember to put it on every day. I'd want to literally count every step and some days toyed with the idea of putting it on my pjs to measure the steps to the bathroom before my shower, then put it on my clothes after my shower but I wasn't usually quite that obsessive. It would bug me if I forgot to put it on right away though! :-) Let us know if you use it and like it !



I was wondering if any of you use a pedometer? My MIL got me one for Christmas and I have yet to open it. Its one of those talking ones. You use them just to see how many steps you take for the day? Are they useful enough to wear?


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I used to have one. I did use it a few times, the nursing home my Mom is in was having a walkathon and were tallying steps. They had just built a walking path and the walkathon coincided with the grand opening, I was going away and couldn't go back to walk the path like I had planned, so I was told I could count my steps at home. I was wearing it when I walked to our local grocery store and while I was enjoying the outdoors and scenery I thought I heard a rooster, I thought what in the world? It was my pedometer! Thank goodness it didn't do that in the grocery store because I didn't know how to shut it off and must have finally pushed the proper button. Shortly after that the batteries died and I decided I'd like one that was easier to use, I just haven't got around to looking for one yet.

Have fun with it.




I was wondering if any of you use a pedometer? My MIL got me one for Christmas and I have yet to open it. Its one of those talking ones. You use them just to see how many steps you take for the day? Are they useful enough to wear?


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fitgrl222@... wrote:

> I just always thought it just counted your steps, didn't see

> the big deal in that, but maybe there is something to it.

you are supposed to set a goal as to how many steps you want to take

in a day, and use the pedometer to reach that goal. 10,000 steps is

what we are supposed to be getting (roughly 5 miles), but of course

most people are supposed to start small and work their way up to

that. it can be a great tool, especially for people who use daily

walking as their exercise program. besides showing # of steps, some

pedometers will display mileage, calorie count, time elapsed, etc.


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>> I was wondering if any of you use a pedometer? My MIL got me one

>> for Christmas and I have yet to open it. Its one of those talking

>> ones. You use them just to see how many steps you take for the day?

>> Are they useful enough to wear?

hi michelle - please see


for info about how to train with a pedometer.


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I've heard 10,000 for weight loss. I definitely got obsessed with the numbers, but it was fun and it really pushed me to get more movement into my days! Some pedometers tell you miles and some don't. Mine is a little fancier than the basic models because I liked the mileage calculator and the "aerobic walking" feature too. This thread inspired me today. I usually park as close to the door as I can when it is really cold out because I'm a wimp when it comes to cold. Well, this afternoon, especially with a bit of sunshine and some very slight thawing in the parking lots anyway, I parked much further out to get a few extra steps in (but wasn't wearing my pedometer)! Thanks!

Re: pedometer

In a message dated 1/20/2007 10:57:12 A.M. US Eastern Standard Time, nancydewolfsbcglobal (DOT) net writes:

A woman in my Weight Watchers class has lost about 70 pounds so far and credits a lot of it to wearing a pedometer and letting that push her to be active and get her 10,000 steps in.

hmm sounds interesting. So is 10,000 steps what we're suppose to be getting everyday? I could see myself getting obsessed with the numbers, that's for sure. So if you walked a mile in a day, it would tell you that? I just always thought it just counted your steps, didn't see the big deal in that, but maybe there is something to it. I could see where it would get you more active. If I decide to open the box and try it, I'll let you know. Thanks !


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In a message dated 1/20/2007 10:43:49 P.M. US Eastern Standard Time, nancydewolf@... writes:

I usually park as close to the door as I can when it is really cold out because I'm a wimp when it comes to cold. Well, this afternoon, especially with a bit of sunshine and some very slight thawing in the parking lots anyway, I parked much further out to get a few extra steps in

I always park far out because I don't want my car doors banged up. My DD always tells me that we have to walk a mile to get in the store lol that's ok though... I'm getting exercise and my car is still dent free.

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I tried that and it got dinged anyway so I've given up! :-) That's great that you get a bit extra exercise like that though (and force others who ride with you too)! :-)

Re: pedometer

In a message dated 1/20/2007 10:43:49 P.M. US Eastern Standard Time, nancydewolfsbcglobal (DOT) net writes:

I usually park as close to the door as I can when it is really cold out because I'm a wimp when it comes to cold. Well, this afternoon, especially with a bit of sunshine and some very slight thawing in the parking lots anyway, I parked much further out to get a few extra steps in

I always park far out because I don't want my car doors banged up. My DD always tells me that we have to walk a mile to get in the store lol that's ok though... I'm getting exercise and my car is still dent free.

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I have a few pedometers but I never know how accurate they are.... I don't want to go through the hassell of setting it up (betters ones make you set them up using your stride length.) I know, I'm no help, Jen fitgrl222@... wrote: Hi, I was wondering if any of you use a pedometer? My MIL got me one for Christmas and I have yet to open it. Its one of those talking ones. You use them just to see how many steps you take for the day? Are they useful enough to wear? ~~

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  • 5 years later...
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Hello Ladies,Does anyone use a pedometer? Its a great tool and a motivator on seeing those steps go up. I walked early this morning before it reaches 100 degress.. I walked 3 miles so far!!!6000 steps...My goal is to aim 10,000 steps=5 miles daily. I feel determined that I will make it!!My main fitness is walking/dancing..Stay cool and

Get moving!!Liliann :)

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Thank you Bonnie!! From: Bonnie <brgk44@...> 100-plus Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 8:23 PM Subject: Re: Pedometer

Good for you! That's a lot of walking! :)

I love, love, love my pedometer--best $15 spent on amazon :D

I was walking daily up until the surgery...going to try a gentle walk on the treadmill tomorrow.

Keep up the great work, Liliann!





> Hello Ladies,


> Does anyone use a pedometer? Its a great tool and a motivator on seeing those steps go up.


> I walked early this morning before it reaches 100 degress.. I walked 3 miles so far!!!6000 steps...My goal is to aim 10,000 steps=5 miles daily. I feel determined that I will make it!!


> My main fitness is walking/dancing..


> Stay cool and Get moving!!


> Liliann :)


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