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I didn't know that they were getting a new Steve next

session. I hope that he's as good as the one that is

leaving. I would love to get a Blues Clues to snuggle up

with but I will have to wait until I start working.

Take care,


Kristy :)






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i got bathtime blue and the blue that sings and eats a popscle drinks juice and plays a french horn. i can send a picture of me with her if you want. if i can send it to the list. it is my favorite blue i got. i also got stickers and a blue backpack. yes this steve is supose to be good also. i will miss steve burns :(


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  • 2 weeks later...
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WOW, you live in scotland, that sounds neat!! shawna.


> Hi ,

> My name is , I have 3 sons.. 7 who has downs


> and autism. Two younger .. Kieran 5 and Aidan 2.

> We live in Scotland so I dont understand the different

> ways you explain some things on the message board..but

> I do try.


> ____________________________________________________________


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hi dee! how are things down under? lol, great to meet you! my son nathan is

9yrs will be 10 in august, is rather similar to your jordan, the ds,pdd,

add/hd, ocd, the sleep apnea, the many ear surgeries, no heart probs wheew!

behavior etc. looking forward to hearing more from you, this is a great

group to be. shawna, mom to nathan, 9yrs w/ds, pdd and nicholas 8yrs.


> Hi, my name is Dee, new to this group and this is my first post. For

> a long while, I've felt I was going insane. I've read and heard

> about children who have D.S & A.S.D, but have not been able to make

> contact until now. I've been trying to read the messages, but there

> are so many. Now I definitely know I'm not going insane and am very

> glad to have found this group. I live in New South Wales, Australia.


> I have two beautiful children both with D.S.

> My son Jordyn is 7.11 years and my daughter Jessika is 4.8 years.

> Jordyn attends mainstream school and Jess starts next year.

> Jordyn has the dual disability of D.S and A.S.D.

> I suspected for quite some time that it was more than D.S, but

> everyone was saying 'NO' until late last year.

> He also has a conductive hearing loss and continuing ear problems, two

> bowel diseases (requires daily bowel wash outs) needless to say

> Jordyn has loads of sickness, been through many operations, tests,

> hospital and doctor visits , sleep apnea which is another story, mild

> asthma which is worse in winter due to U.R.I, bladder incontinence,

> delayed speech, behavioural problems with aggression, obsessive

> complusive disorder, wears orthotics and is going to have many

> problems with his teeth. Thank the Lord, no heart problems!!!


> It was thought years back that Jordyn had add/hd and was trialled on

> Dex and Ritalin - with no luck.


> Things were getting worse, so Tegretol was introduced and this made

> life easier for some time, but then behaviour/aggression was getting

> bad again, so med was increased. He had to have blood tests every 3

> months and that was traumatic. Finally, the med was increased as far

> as it could be and he was sleepy all the time, so our paed dedided it

> was time for us to visit another paed who specialises in child

> development etc.


> It was soon discovered that Jordyn did have A.S.D. All though I

> suspected, it hit like a tonne of bricks. I felt like I was in a

> daze for weeks, but reality has a way of slapping us in the face.


> At times, it just seems there are too too many issues to deal with,

> especially when there are other huge medical problems as well.


> Behaviour at school had worsened, so the paed decided to try a new

> med. I've agonized so much over meds, that I think I've probably

> made myself feel sick.


> Anafranil was introduced. He started loosing buckets of

> perspiration, wasn't drinking as much and wouldn't sleep at night.

> Because of his Hirschsprung's and N.I D (bowel diseases), loosing so

> much fluid was not good. So he had to be taken off that.


> Prozac was next and what he's still on. Once the med had kicked in,

> we seen a difference, but then aggressive behaviour started up again,

> so the paed increased the dosage. This has done no good at all. If

> anything, he's definitely more hyperactive, unfocused, aggressive,

> his fingers and toes are bleeding from chewing the nails right down,

> tantrums are worse, going to off to sleep is more difficult & he

> wouldn't sleep more than a few hours if he wasn't medicated with

> double strength vallergan, more vocal (noises), destructive and so on.

> Just this morning, I started the reduction of the prozac. I want him

> on one tablet a day until we see the new doctor.

> The paed is going away for 6 weeks and didn't want to do anything

> until she come back. I made some noise, so now she's handing us over

> to two other doctors until she comes back. They are wanting to start

> him on Risperdal. Jordyn is due for more bowel surgery next week, so

> I'm not sure when we'll get to see the new doctor.


> I love my kids beyond any words, but these things are hard to deal

> with and it's difficult for others to understand. I'm so glad I've

> found this group as you will know what I'm talking about. I wouldn't

> be without my two gorgeous children. It's been an incredible journey,

> one of joy, stress, sorrow, pain, tears, laughter, learning strength

> and courage from the mountain of challenges, sleeplessness,

> experiencing a love I'd never of known about had it not been for my

> little ones.

> Yes, life with my two children has been a huge learning

> curve, for the better of course.

> Both of my little treasures are adopted.


> Sorry this is so long.

> Dee mother to Jordyn 7.11yrs, Jessika 4.8yrs & Mel 22.11yrs









> --------------------------------------------------

> Checkout our homepage for information, bookmarks, and photos

of our kids. Share favorite bookmarks, ideas, and other information by

including them. Don't forget, messages are a permanent record of the

archives for our list.

> --------------------------------------------



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Hi Dee and welcome!

I can sure relate to the behavior problems (aggression/self-injurious behaviors)

and the medication merry-go-round! is 14 and has been taking

medications for behavioral problems since he was about 6 yrs. He started out

being self-injurious...mostly hitting at his chin with his fist and/or his

cheekbones. There was a time when his whole face was black and blue and we felt

like we were losing our sanity as well! We have tried many different meds,

including Anafranil, Lithium, Ritilin, Klonipen, Clonidine, Prozac, Zoloft, and

I can't even remember what else. We have seen several different doctors over

the years and finally connected to a Psychiatrist and a Neurologist that seem to

have a handle on what's going on with him. Presently, he takes Tegretol and

Depakene for seizure control (and these both have a positive effect on his

behavior) and Risperdal and Zyprexa for behavior. The combination seems to work

for him. The drug that has made the single most difference (as far as I'm

concerned) is the Risperdal! Although he still has some bad days, for the most

part, he has really evened out and the behaviors are at a minimum

(relatively-speaking, that is! Ha!) also has bowel problems although

they have ruled out Hirschsprungs. He has Pseudo-Obstruction Syndrome of the

small bowel and some swallowing problems related to a muscle that doesn't relax

in his esophogus so he receives all of his nutrition via a g-tube. He has had

recurring ear infections and has some hearing loss. Thankfully, he hasn't had

to deal with any heart problems either. We found out last January that he has a

congenital hip problem that required reconstructive surgery. He had the surgery

on January 31 and was in a full body cast until the end of March. Then he was

in a modified body cast until the beginning of May. He's just now starting to

walk again. He is the light of my life and we all love him so much!

Nevertheless, he can be a real pill at times! :) I'm glad you found this List

and I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me! Just being able to connect

with others who understand how you feel and what you are going through makes all

the difference, I think!


Mom to , 14 yrs.


Hi, my name is Dee, new to this group and this is my first post. For

a long while, I've felt I was going insane. I've read and heard

about children who have D.S & A.S.D, but have not been able to make

contact until now. I've been trying to read the messages, but there

are so many. Now I definitely know I'm not going insane and am very

glad to have found this group. I live in New South Wales, Australia.

I have two beautiful children both with D.S.

My son Jordyn is 7.11 years and my daughter Jessika is 4.8 years.

Jordyn attends mainstream school and Jess starts next year.

Jordyn has the dual disability of D.S and A.S.D.

I suspected for quite some time that it was more than D.S, but

everyone was saying 'NO' until late last year.

He also has a conductive hearing loss and continuing ear problems, two

bowel diseases (requires daily bowel wash outs) needless to say

Jordyn has loads of sickness, been through many operations, tests,

hospital and doctor visits , sleep apnea which is another story, mild

asthma which is worse in winter due to U.R.I, bladder incontinence,

delayed speech, behavioural problems with aggression, obsessive

complusive disorder, wears orthotics and is going to have many

problems with his teeth. Thank the Lord, no heart problems!!!

It was thought years back that Jordyn had add/hd and was trialled on

Dex and Ritalin - with no luck.

Things were getting worse, so Tegretol was introduced and this made

life easier for some time, but then behaviour/aggression was getting

bad again, so med was increased. He had to have blood tests every 3

months and that was traumatic. Finally, the med was increased as far

as it could be and he was sleepy all the time, so our paed dedided it

was time for us to visit another paed who specialises in child

development etc.

It was soon discovered that Jordyn did have A.S.D. All though I

suspected, it hit like a tonne of bricks. I felt like I was in a

daze for weeks, but reality has a way of slapping us in the face.

At times, it just seems there are too too many issues to deal with,

especially when there are other huge medical problems as well.

Behaviour at school had worsened, so the paed decided to try a new

med. I've agonized so much over meds, that I think I've probably

made myself feel sick.

Anafranil was introduced. He started loosing buckets of

perspiration, wasn't drinking as much and wouldn't sleep at night.

Because of his Hirschsprung's and N.I D (bowel diseases), loosing so

much fluid was not good. So he had to be taken off that.

Prozac was next and what he's still on. Once the med had kicked in,

we seen a difference, but then aggressive behaviour started up again,

so the paed increased the dosage. This has done no good at all. If

anything, he's definitely more hyperactive, unfocused, aggressive,

his fingers and toes are bleeding from chewing the nails right down,

tantrums are worse, going to off to sleep is more difficult & he

wouldn't sleep more than a few hours if he wasn't medicated with

double strength vallergan, more vocal (noises), destructive and so on.

Just this morning, I started the reduction of the prozac. I want him

on one tablet a day until we see the new doctor.

The paed is going away for 6 weeks and didn't want to do anything

until she come back. I made some noise, so now she's handing us over

to two other doctors until she comes back. They are wanting to start

him on Risperdal. Jordyn is due for more bowel surgery next week, so

I'm not sure when we'll get to see the new doctor.

I love my kids beyond any words, but these things are hard to deal

with and it's difficult for others to understand. I'm so glad I've

found this group as you will know what I'm talking about. I wouldn't

be without my two gorgeous children. It's been an incredible journey,

one of joy, stress, sorrow, pain, tears, laughter, learning strength

and courage from the mountain of challenges, sleeplessness,

experiencing a love I'd never of known about had it not been for my

little ones.

Yes, life with my two children has been a huge learning

curve, for the better of course.

Both of my little treasures are adopted.

Sorry this is so long.

Dee mother to Jordyn 7.11yrs, Jessika 4.8yrs & Mel 22.11yrs

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hi , Yes you belong here! You came looking for help or information or just to have somebody to talk to!!! I'm so sorry they are ill!!! Not having all the answer for them is terrible also!!! Will keep checking around and sending sites for you to look at, and see if you can figure it out yourself before they get home!!! I am raising my three Grand Daughters ages 7,6and 3. My 6 year old has lots of problems that they can't figure out also... She vomits about three to four times a week and is always constipated also... She dies have blood and protien in her urine, and has a type of a myopathy they said, and has severe Dyspraxia of speech and fine motor skills... She also trips a lot, but don't know why...Her muscles and joints ache all the time, I think it is Fibro or Lupus or both myself, but then I don't know anything, I'm just the one that takes care of her 24/7!!!

My seven year old just started having problems with her heart and we are yet to find out what that is... They are thinking it is an Arrythmia of some type...

SHEENA!!!! Where are you??? Could you Please send some advice for this lady Please!!! Anyone else possibly can Help with the symptoms you see here...

{{{ Aunt of the Year Award }

Hi all. Im not sure why I joined this group. Im not sick. My daughters are actually me nieces I adopted. They are 2 and 5. They both were prenatally exposed to alcohol and the baby was also exposed to meth. The baby has many health issues. She has low blood pressure. She has so many different symptoms that dont really fit any where. She almost fits here or there. She has asthma chronic croup her right optic nerve is slightly smaller she tests borderline for diabetes inspidus. She has photophobia and hates the sun because it hurts her skin. She has sensory integration dysfunction. She had meningitis at birth. She has very bad vision and wears thick glasses. She is always falling down but no one knows why. I think its because she walks mostly with toes first and the PT's always say she will grow out of it. She is three and they have been saying this since she was 9 months old when she started walking. She is a very smart verbal child.

My other niece is very thin. She always has stomach aches after eating and chronic constipation. She is always tired and has pain in her joints a lot. I thought it could be chrones disease but she doesnthave all the symptoms. And with that disease they have diareiah not chronic constipation. Any way there is so many issues here.

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Has she been tested for cystic fibroses? If not, ask them to do a

sweat test, it's very simple and doesn't cause any pain at all.

Welcome to the group, by the way :)



> My other niece is very thin. She always has stomach aches after

eating and

> chronic constipation. She is always tired and has pain in her

joints a lot. I

> thought it could be chrones disease but she doesnthave all the

symptoms. And

> with that disease they have diareiah not chronic constipation.

> Any way there is so many issues here.



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Hi ,

Just want to let you know that you have made the right decision to join us....... welcome to our big family! Just feel free to write whenever you want to. We want to help as much as we can, and offer as much support as possible.

take care,



Hi all. Im not sure why I joined this group. Im not sick. My daughters are actually me nieces I adopted. They are 2 and 5. They both were prenatally exposed to alcohol and the baby was also exposed to meth. The baby has many health issues. She has low blood pressure. She has so many different symptoms that dont really fit any where. She almost fits here or there. She has asthma chronic croup her right optic nerve is slightly smaller she tests borderline for diabetes inspidus. She has photophobia and hates the sun because it hurts her skin. She has sensory integration dysfunction. She had meningitis at birth. She has very bad vision and wears thick glasses. She is always falling down but no one knows why. I think its because she walks mostly with toes first and the PT's always say she will grow out of it. She is three and they have been saying this since she was 9 months old when she started walking. She is a very smart verbal child. My other niece is very thin. She always has stomach aches after eating and chronic constipation. She is always tired and has pain in her joints a lot. I thought it could be chrones disease but she doesnthave all the symptoms. And with that disease they have diareiah not chronic constipation. Any way there is so many issues here.

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome ! I'm so happy to have you here! This is a great group

of gals and I'm sure we're all looking forward to the perspective you

can give us parents on how it feels to be a young person with

Aspergers. If we can be of any help to you please let us know!!

Deanna in Oregon, mom to Bridget 5.6 and autistic, and 2.5 and


> Hi. :) My name is , I'm 16 and was diagnosed with Asperger's

> Sydrome in April 2001. I love science fiction, classical


> putting together puzzles and watching my fish. I attend a public

> high school and am a junior (11th grade). I'm fully mainstreamed


> the moment but am about to start the process of implementing a 504

> plan to get me out of assemblies and reinforces the pass I have

> already that lets me pass in the halls after everybody else.

> ~

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Hi .

Nice to meet you.

We would love to hear more about you and how things are going for you.

You sound happy and that's Great!

Penny-------------------------------------------------------- " Just remember this: Plenty of Horsepower, No Traction " - R. S. on

" If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. " --Henry Thoreau

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  • 2 weeks later...

matt : i'm not sure about a aicd but i know a icd does not change from the settings you doctor puts it on i could but your heart rates changeing do you know if your defibrilator has been set up and tested yet i am always here if you need some one to talk to

stacie,18 alot to life and alot to lean but i have the spark for it

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WELCOME MATT, You have found a great support site and some really fine

people. I am probably not one of the best people to talk to about

depression, as it took me a very very long time to deal with mine and some

days I still go to the bottom. But I can tell you this you will make it and

each and every person on this board will help you. They sure have helped but

me back together several times.

I am not the wisest person on icds as I have chosen to bury my head in the

sand and hope it would go away. I don't like having it I never wanted it,

but I am so very glad I have it. General you device is set at a certain

jewel setting and a certain heart rate to react at. One for zapping and one

for pacing if you have a dual device. You might be experiencing what my EP

calls the jitters. Its that you are really nervous and uptight and you have

become very aware of every little beat. I use to take my pulse every two

minute I think. If my heart rate started to climb I would just panic and

that only made it worse. Are you on any type of medication? Why do you have

a icd?

There are some people on this net that I would love to strangle (just

kidding) they have the greatest attitudes in the whole world on dealing with

their icd's. Many of them have other medical problems and conditions that

complicate there lives very much.

Please know that depression is a big part of the adjustment as it is your

life that is being affected. Just try to do this take it one minute at a

time for here and now you are OK. Remember you have an advantage that a

great many others don't have you come complete with your own jumper cables.

Strength and Courage


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You will find a lot of company on this site on the depression front. I have

been fortunate not to have too much of a problem with it since 6/00 implant but

it may also be that I fail to recognize it even though it is there. Sharon is

right that there are many different types of us out there. My view (before and

after 7 shocks) is that the deivce is sometimes inconvenient but a necessary

evil. I don't dwell on it since there is nothing that I can do to change its

presence in my body. I continue to exercise, ride bikes, swim, lift weights,

etc. and I proudly show my box and scar to anyone who is interested. I also

recognize that there are many people in this group who have conditions far more

serious than mine. At this point in my life (age 43), my goal is to make it

past 50--the same goal that I have had since my dad died of a heart attack 19

years ago at age 49 (my mom's father also died of a heart attack at age 48).

My best advice is to not dwell on the device and to get on with your life as

best you can. I know that's easy to say but that's what I have tried to do and

it seems to be working. Best of luck to you and welcome to the group!

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Dear Matt: I am always behind reading e-mails but please hold on. I have had

mine since Nov. 4th 1994 and here I am typing you 158 shocks later. I am

doing better now than in the beginning. Tell your dr about the depression.

Many do get it. Change voltages? No they are preset at the voltage needed. I

am 49 and am set at 35 ergs. Mine is set to shoot off at 160

heart/beats/min . Each is set individually based on your EP study. I hope

this helps. My heart does goes in arrhythmia and also sometimes skips and

jumps and oh boy. Yes they scare me. I feel my pulse in my neck and I have

learned when I am normal just have blips. I do hope this helps you. Please

e-mail me if you wish. Love, Jeannie (on my 3rd unit.)

> Hi All!

> New to this Zapper and do not feel all that confident in it. Would

appreciate some help. I am aware of changes in the speed of my heart since I

had implanted on the 6th of September. But really not sure if it is the ICD

or not. Does it change voltages? Is that why it is called an AICD? I have

not seen my EP since the installation. Not sure what to ask? The depression

is going to kill me if my heart doesn't. HELP!

> Matt

> --

> Matt

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  • 1 month later...

Carol - welcome. Please remind me, did you say whether or not they had

performed a FISH test to check for Di

syndrome? I would think of possibly holding off on the playgroup until a

definitive diagnosis has been reached. There

are some hospitals that do thymic transplants, has this been mentioned by your


Ursula Holleman

Macey's mom (6 yr. old with CVID, asthma, sinus disease, GERD, kidney reflux,

Sensory Integration Disorder, Diabetes

Insipidus,colonic inertia)


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Hi there Ursula..She has had the FISH test done on 2 occasions and

both negative. No, no one has mentioned the thymic transplants but

don`t they cause problems also?. Although I don`t have the results of

her T cells etc I don`t think its bad enough for them to consider a

thymic transplant.

I am going to leave the nursery place until at least the beginning of

the spring. She has started with a cold and is coughing quite badly

and we are just in November. Going to be a long winter I fear.

> Carol - welcome. Please remind me, did you say whether or not they

had performed a FISH test to check for Di

> syndrome? I would think of possibly holding off on the playgroup

until a definitive diagnosis has been reached. There

> are some hospitals that do thymic transplants, has this been

mentioned by your doctors?


> Ursula Holleman

> Macey's mom (6 yr. old with CVID, asthma, sinus disease, GERD,

kidney reflux, Sensory Integration Disorder, Diabetes

> Insipidus,colonic inertia)

> http://maceyh.home.att.net

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

I had surgery 2 years ago, so I can tell you about my experience :)!

The Orthopedic surgeon put me to sleep, he made 3 timy cuts around my

left knee cap. Then he went in and took a look around and notices the

back of my knee cap is all sharp and jagged...he then smoothes it all

out and sews me back up. You will be sore for a few weeks, have to do

more physio, and may be even have to wear a knee brace but you will have

to check with your doctor about that. My knees were better at first,

but after 2 yrs. they are back being quite painful...



puppypots2002 wrote:


> Hi i'm new to this community - i'm 27 and was diagnosed when i was 15

> with chondromalacia. I think it has been due to the high volume of

> horse riding i did in my teens. i have it in both knees and am

> starting another course of physio soon. Can anyone tell me what

> surgery involves?


> Sally



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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thank you for your reply! I just have one more question re surgery - how

immobile does it leave you after? The reason i ask is i have a six mth baby

and am a single parent ! i can't afford to be laid up!!!


Re: New

I had surgery 2 years ago, so I can tell you about my experience :)!

The Orthopedic surgeon put me to sleep, he made 3 timy cuts around my

left knee cap. Then he went in and took a look around and notices the

back of my knee cap is all sharp and jagged...he then smoothes it all

out and sews me back up. You will be sore for a few weeks, have to do

more physio, and may be even have to wear a knee brace but you will have

to check with your doctor about that. My knees were better at first,

but after 2 yrs. they are back being quite painful...



puppypots2002 wrote:


> Hi i'm new to this community - i'm 27 and was diagnosed when i was 15

> with chondromalacia. I think it has been due to the high volume of

> horse riding i did in my teens. i have it in both knees and am

> starting another course of physio soon. Can anyone tell me what

> surgery involves?


> Sally



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Danny , you do not give any details as to your current Professional

background but I am guessing that your an EMT-P or similar. That is indeed

and very good background with which to start, In the UK the industry

requires that you successfully attend a special course Known as the Offshore

Medics course. It is also obligatory to attend the offshore survival course.

Attendance on these course is not cheap, the basic " Rig Medics Course " is

going to set you back around ?1.800 not including meals and accommodation.

Survival course will run at around ?500 plus for the week. You also have to

have the medical so allow for anywhere between ?60 to ?120 pounds sterling.

All of this relates to the UK of course. I am unsure the set up in US waters

but I understand that it pretty much the same set-up. The first place to

start looking is the training facilities, survival schools etc as they will

know the local companies involved in the industry for your area.

Good luck mate

Grant McLaughlin Medic BP Algeria.


Hi all, I am wanting to find employment with anoffshore co. in the U.S. to

work offshore ,I have been working in an urban area for 6 + years and want

to use my skills more , not just a 10 min. ride to a E.R. If anyone can

give me some advice it would greatly be appreciated thanks,Danny

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  • 1 month later...

Hello & Welcome to the group. I have a 12 almost 13 year old

daughter, the was diagnosed at 5 with Autism. She was diagnosed with

Epilepsy at 11. Do the drs. think yoor daughters seizures will get

worse as she gets older?

Take Care,


> Hello Everyone,

> I am new to the group, my name is . I have 3 children, two

boys and a

> girl. The boys are 6(NT) and 9 months (so far so good). My

daughter will be 4

> in October and is HF. She was diagnosed and started therapy at 2

years 4

> months. We recently had a 24hour EEG done and found she is having


> seizures. We started Tegretol yesterday.


> Donelle, we have a few things in common. I am also from the So.

Cal area

> (Orange County) and have found to be a wonderful resource.


> I am looking forward to sharing information and ideas with




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Yes, is great. I have a hard time relating to her situation though as my

daughter is very high functioning (most just consider her a little eccentric)

and she has no dietary issues. But, if one needs advice on diet, she is the one

to talk to.


Nat5787@... wrote:Hello Everyone,

I am new to the group, my name is . I have 3 children, two boys and a

girl. The boys are 6(NT) and 9 months (so far so good). My daughter will be 4

in October and is HF. She was diagnosed and started therapy at 2 years 4

months. We recently had a 24hour EEG done and found she is having partial

seizures. We started Tegretol yesterday.

Donelle, we have a few things in common. I am also from the So. Cal area

(Orange County) and have found to be a wonderful resource.

I am looking forward to sharing information and ideas with everyone.

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