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motd Tues Feb 7, 2012

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Tuesday, 07 February 2012

No, I'm not talking about someone from Face

Book or one of those dating websites you see

advertised on TV. This is someone you already know

from your past. In fact, she went to high school with

you and has known you all of your life. And I'm just

willing to bet, you want to meet her every bit as

much. Have I tweaked your curiosity yet?

She's always thought very

highly of you.

I'll bet your mind is just racing now, isn't it? Just

who could it be? Let me tell you more about her.

She's always thought very highly of you. When you

were happy or excited, she shared that happiness with

you. And even when you were sad, she was right there

crying with you. Come on, you know this person! He

likes the same things you like. He's never met a

friend of yours he didn't like. He...

Oh, wait a minute. I went from saying the person who

wants to meet you is a SHE and now I'm

saying HE! Okay, there

was no mix-up there. I may as well tell you who the

person is. And like the title of this message says,

this "someone", he or she, really

wants to meet you. Who is it? No more guessing. The

person who wants to meet you is, well...the NEW YOU!

Had you already figured out who I was talking about?

All these years, you've wondered what it would be like

to lose the weight you needed to lose and finally

reach your goal. And once you reached it, you'd

always wondered what life would be like in that new

body of yours. You wondered what life would be like

for...that NEW


That new person you want to

become by reaching your goal was always there and

lives within you.

But had you ever stopped to think? That new person

you want to become by reaching your goal was always

there and lives within you. He or she is there today, right

now. Only

thing is, you must do the work it'll take to meet that

all new ______________. (Fill your name

in that blank.)

I know so many people who've had the pleasure of

meeting the new person living inside them. In fact,

when I reached my own weight-loss goal, I met the new

. And come to

think of it, if I'd never met him, if I'd kept on

eating the way I used to and never working out this

body of mine, you and I would've never met either.

But boy, am I ever glad I met the new so I

could meet all of you!

One of the blessings I get from what I do is getting

to see so many people going from being overweight,

obese or even morbidly obese, finally making up there

minds to do something about their weight. The changes

I see in them are, in a word...amazing. They

have more confidence. They smile more. They laugh

more. They enjoy life more. Now come on, isn't that

what you want for yourself? Of course it is. And the

good news is...you can have it!

If you haven't begun your weight-loss journey, on

second thought, make that your weight-loss

adventure, it's time to start. There's a new

life waiting for you. There's a new person inside you

yearning to be set free.

Get started by taking

control of your eating habits. Make exercise your

body's new best friend.

You know how to make this meeting possible. Get

started by taking control of your eating habits. Make

exercise your body's new best friend. And while

you're at it, make

that person who wants to meet you so badly your new

best friend, too. In your journal, make little

notes to that new person you're creating. Promise him

or her that you're not going to give up this fight to

create a healthier, happier life for yourself. And

oh, won't that be one happy day when you reach your

goal, look into your mirror and see for yourself...the

all new you! That's gonna be some meeting!

If you've already begun your adventure, don't stop!

Because, take it from me, meeting that new person

living inside you is worth all the work it takes to

reach your goal. Hey, I love the new me! And all of

the people I know who've reached their weight-loss

goals can back up what I'm telling you: That

someone who wants to meet you is the best friend

you'll ever have!


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