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motd Monday April 9, 2012

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100 DAYS

Monday, 09 April 2012

97, 98. 99...100! Whew! No, I wasn't

counting leg-lifts this morning. (Although, I'd love

to see you get a couple of hundred leg-lifts into your

workouts today!) Instead, I was counting the days.

That is, counting the number of days we've gone

through so far here in 2012. Get out your calendars

and count 'em. You'll see that today is the 100th day

of 2012! Wow!

Where did the time go, huh?

It seems like only

yesterday you were coming here to read my New Year's

Day message.

My goodness, it seems like only yesterday you were

coming here to read my New Year's Day message.

Remember? We talked about making those weight-loss

resolutions and taking better care of ourselves in


Ahhh, yes. In 2012, we resolved to be smarter about

what we ate. We were going to count those calories

faithfully. We were going to steer clear of the fast

food places. We were going to be more aware at the

supermarket, buying fewer processed foods for

ourselves and for our children. Oh!

In 2012, we were going to show the food who was really

the boss in our lives when it came to how we ate. We're

the boss!

And now let's talk about the exercise. Since 2012 was

a brand new year, we thought about our exercise

programs back in 2011. For some of us last year,

getting in regular workouts was a series of fits and

starts. We'd do okay for a week or two but then we'd

find some excuse for skipping a day, which lead to

skipping two days or...even more! But not this

year, not in 2012! We resolved that we would make

exercise a daily part of our lives...no matter

what! Exercise

was going to become as much a necessary part of our

days as well...eating!

Are your eating habits

better this year than last?

So, 100 days later, tell me...how have you done?

Are your eating habits better this year than last?

It's day 100 of 2012. So will today be your 100th day for

getting in your daily workouts? Come on now, be


100 days equals just over three months. Do you know

what that means? It means, if you've stayed on

program all year long, you could have easily lost

about 15 pounds by now! And...have you?

Today is a good day

to review how well you've done with your weight-loss

efforts in 2012.

Listen up everybody. Today is a good day to review

how well you've done with your weight-loss efforts in

2012. 100 days have past. But, if you haven't done

so well thus far in 2012, the good news is, you've got another

100 days ahead

of you to get on the right track...beginning today, on

day 100. So

get going! Be even more determined today, stay determined

and, I'll bet, you'll be ready for day number...

101, 102, 103 and the rest of 2012...all

the way to your goals!


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