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motd Tuesday December 27, 2011

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Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Everybody remembers the Star Wars movies,

right? (Come on, who could possibly forget those cute

little buns Princess Leah wore in her hair? LOL.)

You'll recall, young Luke Skywalker used The Force to help him

defeat the evil plots of...The Dark Side!

Do you know people who, no

matter what good news you share, they always find

something negative to say about it?

But, know what? I was thinking about a few people in

my own life who live their entire lives on The Dark

Side. What do I mean by that? Well, let me explain.

Do you know people who, no matter what good news you

may share with them, they can always find something

negative to say about it? I mean, you might say to a


I'm going to work so hard at losing weight this

year. I feel really charged up to do it this time.

I just know I'm going to make it!

Okay, after hearing your vow, that so-called friend

looks at you and says, Well, I'm

glad you're so determined. But every person I know

starts out with the same attitude you have and never

lose any weight at all.

Oh, there ya' go! With "supportive" friends like

that, who needs enemies, right? I could go on-and-on

about these kind of people. And I'm willing to bet

that you know some folks who fall into this category,


Look, if those kinds of people are friends of

yours, I'm certainly not telling you to dump them.

But when they make negative comments about something

positive you're trying to do in your life, explain it

to them:

I'm sorry you choose to

see the negative side of everything.

I'm sorry you choose to see the negative side of

everything. But I have to tell you, that's not the

way I'm going to live my life. Negativity only

leads to failure and...I'm going to win! Maybe you

should have a more positive outlook on life

yourself. (Hey, I wonder what they'll say when

you tell them that?!)

So, are you one of those negative people who's lived

much of your life on The Dark Side? Well, if you are,

I want you to be sure and include this very important

resolution on your list for 2012. And that is: I resolve

to be more positive about what I can do in 2012.

I'm not going to allow anything or any-one to get in

the way of me reaching my goals!

I mean it. That's one resolution I want you to keep

in your purse or wallet and live by everyday. And

with that said, let me just say...

May The Force be with you!


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