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Hi Theresa:

Kids with depression often have different symptoms from adults. They can

be aggressive, restless and show other symptoms which are atypical of adult

depression. If your daughter can get up and get dressed this unfortunately

does not mean that she is not depressed. My son was able to do this too

during his major depressive disorder episodes. There was not much else he

could do though.

Taking responsibility is a very hard thing for a depressed person to do.

It is not surprising that in these circumstances it is very hard to get

through to your daughter that she needs to take more responsibility for her

illness. How long has your daughter been taking 60 mg of Paxil?

You might want to check with your p-doc about your daughter taking Benadryl

to help her get to sleep if the SSRIs are making her restless. Some kids

do suffer these behavioral side effects as they get used to having the

SSRIs in their systems. For my son after a couple of months these BSEs

subsided considerably. The benadryl helped to get him some sleep.

Hanging in there when meds are being adjusted is often a very rocky time.

Good luck to you and your daughter as you go through this. Take care,

aloha, Kathy (Ha)


You wrote:


>I want to thank everyone for their input on taking the meds.This is an

>informal group and the adult in charge is the same one from the beach who

>didn' t remind Ellen to take her meds.She also doesn't want her friends to

>know that she has ocd,so she tells them she has stomach problems and has

>to take medication for that.

>Kathy H.,her psychiatrist just added celexa(20 mgs) and buspar(60 mgs) and

>increased her paxil to 60 mgs.One of the problems I'm hearing about

>depression is-she gets up to go places and she gets dressed,etc.so it's

>not true depression.This is from her psychologist.I realize the meds can't

>do everything , and she has to take some responsibility ,but I can't seem

>to get this through to her. I do think it's depression.Well, tonight she's

>wired and hasn't been to sleep at all and it's now 1:30.Maybe adding the

>celexa did this.Her psychiatrist wants her to stay on the buspar another

>month and try the celexa for a month to see if things improve.

>,do you and your family go to family court or is it something

>different in Canada? Good luck with all your ocd'ers because it seems as

>though as soon as one thing gets better,something else happens.At

>least,that is what happens at our house.

>Thanks everyone


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  • 2 months later...

Wow guys! You really responded! Thanks so much for all of your

advice. I know that ultimately it is up to me to make the changes in my

life. It always helps to know that we all have an excellent support

system here - people who genuinely care. Bless you all, and thanks

again, Jim (he ran out to the post office yesterday) you're the best :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Does everyone on the list get their Piracetam out of the country? I got mine

from a place in Atlanta. I am just wondering if it cheaper in other

countries. I paid $60 for 1 month supply at 800mg per day. Can you tell me

the prices from other places?

Mom of Bill, and Alec (age4) and Hunter( age 2)

P.S. Bill's biggest strength has always been his gross motor skills! He is a

wild man!!! His genetics Doc says he has incredible tone for a kid with DS!

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Thank you for the dosage chart info. Yikes I think we have been giving him

the early doses too close together. Hope that isn't too horrible. Why did you

both choose the liquid form over the powder?

Well, because it is ALOT cheaper for us. My parents travel alot and

have alot of friends that travel. Whenever they are in Mexico they pick up the

Piracetam for . Piracetam is not licensed by the FDA and is not available

in Canada. We can only order it from England (which is costly) or get it in


The other thing , you said you had info on Piracetam good and bad. I

have seen a lot of good info and info just saying it doesn't help but it won't

hurt. Do you have negative info that is really negative?

Not anything too negative. I have a article that my geneticist gave me

and then the results of the study that was done at sick kids in TO, On.

Possible side effects are: aggressiveness, agitation, sexual arousal,

irritability and poor sleep.

, mom to Nicala & (32 months) and (10 months)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi :

Unfortunately the therapy our kids have to do to get better does not make

them feel comfortable. After a while of doing it their discomfort

decreases. It is a bit like starting a new exercise program. Stiff muscles

can ache a bit but, as they get greased up and used to the new activity, the

discomfort decreases and new strength and resilience is built.

Sometimes when our kids are not comfortable with a therapist this can be

because of the therapy not the therapist. Then it does not mean that they

will not get better and develop a good rapport with that therapist. It can

be hard to figure out what is going on. Steve really liked his first CBT

therapist, this I realized was because he did not do CBT and ERP with him,

just talk therapy. Unfortunately this did little to improve Steve's OCD. A

truly skilled therapist can work through the challenging parts of E & RP and

also establish trust and rapport.

Good luck, take care, aloha, Kathy

At 06:45 AM 09/30/1999 -0700, you wrote:

>From: " Ruley " <cinners@...>


> Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. All great advice. I realize

that sometimes I do play into the enabler role, but you don't even realize

it until it's sucked you in. It becomes easier to not go anywhere than to

watch him go through the terror that he goes through. He threatens to run

away or hurt himself, etc. It can be extremely bad. By the time I get

away, I can't even enjoy myself because of what it does to me inside leaving

him like that. Even later when he's okay, I'm ruined for the day. I've

been telling myself that instead of " not going " I need to be going more so

that he get's more used to it, but the only person I can really leave him

with while he's having these tantrums is my mom and I feel so guilty putting

her through it also. I will certainly start using everyone's advice. I'm

in the process of having start therapy with someone new and I feel

like it will help also. Our last therapist did seem to be doing the

techniques I've read about, but I don't think ever felt comfortable

with him, so I'm trying someone else that I've known through my job and he's

much more personable and animated and I'm hoping may respond better to

him. Thanks again for all the advice and concern. I don't write often, but

I read everyday!

>Very Fondly,

> in VA


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  • 1 month later...

Hi --

I'll be waiting on 's response too because getting bettter control--or

even control--over the mental ritualizing, etc. proved for me waaaaaaaay more

difficult than the physical compulsions. Exposure therapy of a slightly

different variety--using loop tapes, for instance--was necessary and even

then, I only saw marginal improvement!

Okay, I'm much older and I'll be helping youngsters who don't carry around so

much baggage as some of us adults may find it slightly easier to get a handle

on these things.

For our kids' sakes, I sure hope so!

Take good care,

In a message dated 11/5/1999 11:18:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

ChrisRoman@... writes:

<< >HI ,

I believe you are right about Kelsey having a low-grade " checking

compulsion! " Thanks for the insight. I didn't pick up on it because it's

more mental " checking " vs. physically re-checking a lock or clean hands,

etc. Okay , our new CBT expert, what's the CBT for this " mental "

wondering kind of checking? Sitting with the uncertainty somehow?

Take care,

in San Diego >>

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>HI ,

I believe you are right about Kelsey having a low-grade " checking

compulsion! " Thanks for the insight. I didn't pick up on it because it's

more mental " checking " vs. physically re-checking a lock or clean hands,

etc. Okay , our new CBT expert, what's the CBT for this " mental "

wondering kind of checking? Sitting with the uncertainty somehow?

Take care,

in San Diego

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


Exhale as you lower your leg! You hold

the breath for a count of 8 while you are holding your leg in the air.

This is where the abdominal stretch comes from. If you need more

help, let me know. I'm sure you will figure it out!

Love ya,


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Hi Bonnie! No you aren't dumb! If

I was there, I would demonstrate this for you. Let me see if I wrote

something down wrong and I will get back to you. Give me a few minutes




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Okay you will want to do it this


1. Get into position.

2. Exhale through the golden straw,

inhale and hold for count of 3.

3. Then extend your leg into the

air and hold like usuual.

4. Exhale as you bring your leg


I hope this makes more sense.


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I must be really dumb, but if I do the LL breath, I will have exhaled (PUHED) and be holding my breath. How can I exhale when I won't have any breath?? When you said exhale, do you mean where you stop holding your breath and the air comes in??Help girl LOL

Love ya back :-) Bonnie


With God, ALL things are possible.**********************************************

Bonnie, Exhale as you lower your leg! You hold the breath for a count of 8 while you are holding your leg in the air. This is where the abdominal stretch comes from. If you need more help, let me know. I'm sure you will figure it out! Love ya, Michele

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Well Donna you can do it by the typos LOL!

Or you can go for a really good stretch in one of those yoga positions..

haha! I needed a good chuckle this morning.. !


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  • 2 weeks later...
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my thanks. Its nice to meet you. I appreciate it truly. I couldnt sleep

much so I am just going to go to the ER and snooze in there for a few hours

until they actually call me into the ER. I dont have a regular doctor so I

have to take things into my own hands. I just hope they dont try to shoo me

out of there. Pray pray pray.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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you all have been such good friends - no matter what - and I just wanted tosay thanks

Janalise.... you need not thank us. We love you and are here for you always. I am sure everyone here agrees.

Love you, you know!


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks, I really appreciate that. I guess I'm just not ready to open myself

up to the kind of pressure that my " old life " , can bring with it. I have

such peace right now, I just don't think I want to give that up.

Thanks again for the vote of confidence and letting me know that I'm okay,

just like I am!



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But Tami - We appreciate you for your brain and your beautiful heart, not

your body(however beautiful it may be) !!!!



Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say a great big thanks to you for your kind words regarding

the article that I sent out yesterday. I have heard back from several

different sources that would like to publish it, but I'm just not sure when

it will actually be in print. I used to write often, and really enjoyed

seeing my work in print, but it has been a while, so I guess a little

insecurity tends to creep in.

It's the same with the modeling. As soon as the article went out, several

different magazines recognized my name and were eager to get someone from

there staff out to see what exactly had become of me. This is just a little

more than I can handle right now, but maybe in the future.

Thanks again all, and I'm so glad that you were kind enough to take the time

to read my writing.




BeMANY, where eGroups members SAVE on long distance.



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If you choose to read the messages from the web, then you might be

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Tami you amaze me with your many talents, most of all being a great mother

to your two precious children. I feel like I'm in the company of royalty.

I've never known either a writer or a model so I feel fortunate to have met

you even tho i'ts a cyber meet! You have been blessed with many talents and

we all need you (along with your family) so you be sure and not overdo it so

you can continue the things that you love and do best.

God Bless,


> Hi everyone,

> I just wanted to say a great big thanks to you for your kind words


> the article that I sent out yesterday. I have heard back from several

> different sources that would like to publish it, but I'm just not sure


> it will actually be in print. I used to write often, and really enjoyed

> seeing my work in print, but it has been a while, so I guess a little

> insecurity tends to creep in.


> It's the same with the modeling. As soon as the article went out, several

> different magazines recognized my name and were eager to get someone from

> there staff out to see what exactly had become of me. This is just a


> more than I can handle right now, but maybe in the future.


> Thanks again all, and I'm so glad that you were kind enough to take the


> to read my writing.

> Sincerely,

> Tami


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> BeMANY, where eGroups members SAVE on long distance.

> 1/4121/1/_/812636/_/959356988/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Please use our list bookstore In Association with Amazon.com If you are

looking for anything, please click on this link first! Thanks!



> If you choose to read the messages from the web, then you might be

interested in getting paid to do it.




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  • 1 month later...
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I sure do wish you much success with any breathing program you decided to do. Have you tried any other program? I have tried all that I know about. I go in cycles of using different ones. I use one until my body doesn't respond anymore, then try another one. Between all of them, I have managed to get my body back from the fat monster! Maybe we could help you fine tune some options for you.

I have just about anything ever written or done concerning breathing. I am a believer that breath is life and that using it to heal the body of just about anything is possible.

Let us help you get to your goal. What business are you in? Sounds very interesting.

Karmahttp://loaves-n-fishes.com sells quality products including: vitamins, vegetarian foods, camping and back packing foods, survival foods, juicers, and storage foods at discount prices.

Thanks everyone who answered my questions so quickly. I'll keep on with Life Lift because I too, hate traditional exercise! Karma, I've been traveling in many different parts of Europe, and yes, it was beautiful. I am required to go often, but still enjoy it every time over. I'm never able to do much else than work though, the hours are long and hectic. Starting before the sun comes up and many days, working into the evening. As soon as I'm finished, I usually eat a light supper and head to bed. It's just part of the business.I do understand all about the cleansing process. I've been doing them since my teens, on an annual basis. If I didn't make this part of my yearly regimend, it would be very difficult to keep a flat stomach, not to mention the energy and health it takes to keep the edge in my occupation.I'm glad to hear that so many are doing so well and I wish you all the best. I'll be off again in just a few days, so will not have much other chance to read for a while. Thank you all once again for sharing your stories of success.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Terry,

Welcome to the list. Sounds like you are doing great. I went through a period when I was very extreme in my measuring and checking on myself. What I did was measure before a workout, then again just after the workout. It was amazing that I lost measurable inches right after a workout. I then decided to keep track from day to day to see if my losses were permanent. I was amazed that some of them were permanent, yet some of them regressed overnight. I then got discouraged and quit for a while. I think I pouted for a week or so, then decided to suck it up, and get back with the program. I had lost ground with my inch loss and came away from that experiment with the remembrance of of the tortoise and the hair story. The moral being, slow and steady is the pace and the turtle will win the race. Since then, I have slowly tweaked my workouts to sculpt the areas of my body that were out of proportion. That is the amazing thing about LifeLift, you actually can sculpt the body and work the specific area that you want to change.

Rashelle has posted this before, but just in case some of you have lost it, here is how you check your measurements to see if they are in proportion. This is how I check to see what is my next target area. I target an area, by flexing, flexing, flexing that muscle during my workout. Rashelle says your hip and bust measurement should be the same, your waist should be at least 10 inches smaller, the thigh should be 16 inches smaller than the hip and the arm should be 1/2 the measurement of the thigh.

Don't forget to work out your arms. That is one area that can really add age to your appearance!

Have a wonderful day,KarmaMy web site: http://loaves-n-fishes.com 25% off Vitamins, Herbs, Teas, Juicers, and Health and Weight Management Products, and More!Free $5.00! https://secure.paypal.x.com/refer/pal=karma%40loaves-n-fishes.com


Thanks to all of you for the welcome. I allready think this group is the greatest!!!A little back info for you. I started doing LL about 7 weeks ago. The first week I lost11 inches, so of course I was hooked on it!! The second week I lost 4 3/4 inches, didnot measure on the 3rd week, and then on the fourth week, had gained 1/4 inch here, lost1/4 inch there, so after all the measuring, it rounded out to 2 inches overall loss. But it made me kinda nervous that I had gained some in a couple of places. So thenI started analyzing everything to death! I work nights, 12 hr shifts. I start at 6 pm andend my shift at 6am. I was doing the 40 breaths and work out #1 when I got home from work then showered and went to bed. I think my body was soooo surprised by all theoxygen that it did indeed start burning my over abundance of fat. But now I think it isused to having the oxygen, and although it is probably still burning fat, I think it is burningit slower than in the beginning. Plus, just going to bed afterward didn't give it any oppor-tunity to burn the fat more quickly. So last week I started doing the breaths and tapeafter I woke up and before I went to work. Plus doing some breaths at work wheneverI thought about it. Averaging around 20 a night. I do drink my water, that has never beena problem for me. I always drink at least 12 glasses a day, and some days more. So does this make any sense to you guys who have been doing it awhile? Willlet ya know if it works. Didn't have the courage to measure this week, want to give it a couple of weeks first. I hate disappointment, (who doesn't). Anyway, will let ya know what happens. Sorry this was sooooo long. Thanks tho for being there.Tonight is my night off, so will do some more breaths and then turn in before daylight.What a concept!! You all have a wonderful day!TerryPlease use our list bookstore In Association with Amazon.com If you are looking for anything, please click on this link first! Thanks! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/karmasrecommerea/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: I'm the new list advisor/ Pleased to join you

> Hi Aureen:


> IT was great to meet you at the OCF conference (and also your beautiful

> daughter!). YOur talk was very informative and I know you will be a

> wonderful addition to our list. It sounds like you are a very busy mom as

> well as a busy child psychologist. keeps us on track with self care

> priorities and you and Dr. Chansky are undoubtedly not exempt from this


> <VBG>.


> I hope for your sake you are on the digest version :-))


> Take care, aloha, Kathy (H)

> kathyh@...


> P.S. Can't wait for your parent-oriented book to come out later this



Kathy, It was such a pleasure to meet you, your husband and Steve in

Chicago. My daughter enjoyed meeting you and . I'm glad to join the

list and hope I can be helpful to all the hurting parents and families

everywhere. Thanks for coming to my talk and for coming up to introduce

yourself later. You are amazing in your contribution to the list. Sounds

like you've had some tough experiences with OCD and have come out strong and


Take care,

Aureen P, Wagner, Ph.D.

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HI Aureen:

Thanks for the kind words. As you know the real one who worked hard and

has come out on top is Steve. Now if only we could get the MDD to respond

as well to CBT so he could reduce meds. Maybe later when puberty is over.

We are so lucky to have you on our list with your great advice. I really

loved what you wrote about reassurance seeking, so thorough and so kind.

Hopefully some of the parents will get the courage to boss back OCD and not

provide reassurance by following your guidelines.

Take care, warmest aloha, Kathy

At 09:29 PM 08/21/2000 -0400, you wrote:

>Kathy, It was such a pleasure to meet you, your husband and Steve in

>Chicago. My daughter enjoyed meeting you and . I'm glad to join the

>list and hope I can be helpful to all the hurting parents and families

>everywhere. Thanks for coming to my talk and for coming up to introduce

>yourself later. You are amazing in your contribution to the list. Sounds

>like you've had some tough experiences with OCD and have come out strong and


>Take care,

>Aureen P, Wagner, Ph.D.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm forwarding this note that I received from a friend to see if anyone has

heard of this. My friend is seeing a sensory expert for her son with Downs

Syndrome. She won't hear of a possibility of Autism existing , but I do just

knowing him. She doesn't believe has it either, but has only been

around him on good days and feels that all his school situations have caused

his problems. This is good info though, and I'm glad she is dealing with the

sensory issues. She's a smart lady and a good friend.

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