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IN THIMEROSOL AS THE CAUSE OF AUTISM...please let me know what spin

they come out with to counteract the following stories.

Dr. Carley has been the lone voice for YEARS stating that the mercury

in vaccines is bad, but that it does not cause autism. That all the

groups pushing mercury as the cause were doing so to get yoy to beLIEve

the lie that if mercury was taken out, vaccines would be safe.

And here we have that exact message, as it has now been demonstrated

that autism rates continues to skyrocket even after the mercury was

removed from most vaccines. And what do the medical mouthpieces suggest

causes autism? As you will read, the study DID NOT EXPLORE that

question...but, of couse, the focus should be now be put on possible GENETIC


To all the minions who promote genetics, ask them this...how does a

genetic disease occur in a family that has never had that disease in

either side of the family (as is true in all cases I have seen)? Answer:


Therefore, the ONLY explanation is that the autism is caused by

demyelination, as Dr. Carley explains in her documents at www.drcarley.com;

and that the increase in incidence of this disease (as well as ALL other

autoimmune diseases and cancer) is that the VACCINATION SCHEDULE

CONTINUES TO INCREASE. Autism IS subacute sclerosing panencephalitis; the

name was changed to autism to hide the fact that we have an epidemic

caused by injection of the live measles virus. That is the " environmental

trigger " , folks; those white coated mosquitoes (MD = MOSQUITOES OF DEATH)

that continue to sting the people and pets you love with their

injections of a witch's brew of toxins and viruses.

This is critical information to share with everyone you know. Because

the bird flu vaccine has already been licensed, and will cause the bird

flu pandemic. This study is coming out now to get you to roll up your


I ask all of you connected with any of the autism groups how they can

ignore Dr. Carley's work now that this has come out. And most

importantly, why aren't parents being told of Dr. Carley's protocol, which

reverses autism (and all other autoimmune diseases and cancer)? In fact, ANY

group that portends to warn of vaccine dangers should be putting Dr.

Carley's irrefutable work out there. If they are NOT, ASK THEM WHY. If

they do not answer, you know who they actually work for...

The time for a counterattack with TRUTH is now! Let's


In Service to the TRUTH, I AM,

Carley, MD

Court Qualified Expert in VIDS (Vaccine Induced Diseases)



" The report was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.


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Mercury-vaccine link to autism disproven: study

Mon Jan 7, 4:06 PM ET

A new study provides more proof that childhood vaccines with mercury as

a preservative -- no longer on the market -- did not cause autism,

researchers reported on Monday.

The findings came from a look at children diagnosed with autism in

California from 1995 to 2007. It found that the number of autism cases

continued to rise through that period even though the preservative

thimerosal -- nearly half of which is made of ethylmercury -- was removed from

most vaccines in 2001.

The data " do not show any recent decrease in autism in California

despite the exclusion of more than trace levels of thimerosal from nearly

all childhood vaccines (and) do not support the hypothesis that that

exposure (to it) during childhood is a primary cause of autism, " the study


Some earlier studies had linked mercury to autism, theorizing that as

more and more children were being vaccinated against more health

threats, it could explain increases in autism.

But a 2004 report from the U.S. Institute of Medicine said a review of

existing studies did not appear to back the mercury-autism theory.

What causes autism remains a mystery. Some experts have said the

increased number of cases is due at least in part to more awareness, an

expanded definition, education and other factors.

People with autism spectrum disorders suffer in varying degrees from

limited social interactions, lack of verbal and nonverbal communication

and other abilities. As many as 1.5 million people in the United States

have some form of autism, which is generally diagnosed beyond the age

of 2, after most vaccinations have occurred.

" Although our analysis ... shows an increase in autism in California

despite the removal of thimerosal from most vaccines, we support the

continued quest for the timely discovery of modifiable risk factors for

autism and related conditions, " said the report from Dr. Schechter

and Judith Grether of the California Department of Public Health.

The report was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

In an editorial in the same publication commenting on the findings, Dr.

Fombonne of Montreal Children's Hospital, said that despite this

study and earlier ones, beliefs persist among the general population

that autism is related to mercury-preserved vaccines or to the triple

measles-mumps-rubella vaccine specifically.

But, he said, parents of autistic children " should be reassured that

autism in their child did not occur through immunizations. "

" Their autistic children, and their siblings, should be normally

vaccinated, and as there is no evidence of mercury poisoning in autism, they

should avoid ineffective and dangerous 'treatments' such as chelation

therapy ... " he added.

(Reporting by Conlon; Editing by Doina Chiacu)




From the story that follows ...

Doctors say the latest study adds to existing evidence refuting a link

between thimerosal exposure and autism risk and should reassure parents

that the disorder is not caused by vaccinations. If there was a risk,

they said, autism rates should have dropped between 2004 and 2007.


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California autism cases continue to grow

By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science WriterMon Jan 7, 6:39 PM ET

Autism cases in California continued to climb even after a

mercury-based vaccine preservative that some people blame for the neurological

disorder was removed from routine childhood shots, a new study found.

Researchers from the state Department of Public Health found the autism

rate in children rose continuously during the 12-year study period

from 1995 to 2007. The preservative thimerosal hasn't been used in

childhood vaccines since 2001, but is used in some flu shots.

Doctors say the latest study adds to existing evidence refuting a link

between thimerosal exposure and autism risk and should reassure parents

that the disorder is not caused by vaccinations. If there was a risk,

they said, autism rates should have dropped between 2004 and 2007.

The findings show " no evidence of mercury poisoning in autism " since

there was no decline in autism rates even after the elimination of

thimerosal, said Dr. Fombonne, an autism researcher at Montreal

Children's Hospital who had no role in the research.

Some advocacy groups blame thimerosal for the impaired social

interaction typical of autism. Nearly 5,000 claims alleging a vaccine-autism

link have been lodged with the federal government, which is deciding

whether victims should receive compensation from a government fund.

Dr. Geschwind, a neurologist at the Geffen School of

Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, said the focus now

should be on exploring the causes of autism such as possible genetic


" Something else must be at play and we need to know what that is if

we're really serious about preventing autism, " said Geschwind, who had no

connection with the study.

For their study, California public health officials calculated the

autism rate by analyzing a database of state-funded centers that care for

people with autism and other developmental disorders.

They found the prevalence of autism in children aged 3 to 12 increased

throughout the study period. For example, 0.3 per 1,000 children born

in 1993 had autism at age 3 compared with 1.3 per 1,000 children born in

2003. Similar trends were found in other age groups.

" These time trends are inconsistent with the hypothesis that thimerosal

exposure is a primary cause of autism in California, " the researchers


Results were published in January's issue of the journal Archives of

General Psychiatry. The study did not explore why there was an increase

in autism cases.

Federal statistics show about one in 150 children in the United States

have autism, higher than previous estimates. Researchers say it's

unclear if the increase is due to changes in how the disorder is classified

or whether it's an actual spike.

Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction and

communication skills. There is no cure, but early therapy can lessen the


Geraldine Dawson, the chief science officer for the advocacy group

Autism Speaks, called the California research " a very important study, " and

said all possible causes — genetic and environmental — need to be

explored aggressively.

" The bulk of the evidence thus far suggests that mercury is not

involved, but I think parents still have many questions, " said Dawson. " I

think until parents are satisfied, we need to continue to examine the

question. "


On the Net:

Archives of General Psychiatry: http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org

CDC autism page: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/index.htm


Dr. Carley



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