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I met someone over this past weekend who had just injected her baby

with the first round of shots...I told her what I thought and she

started questioning the whole vaccine thing, she wants to do more

research and had asked me for good websites...how do I get her started

on the research for how bad vaccine are...can someone help?

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Here are the websites that I use when I have questions, invite her to

join the group vaccineinfo,

Vaccineinfo/ (that link should


that way she just gets the articles from this group and not the chatter

(not that the chatter isn't good as well) Then she can search the

archives on that group.







> I met someone over this past weekend who had just injected her baby

> with the first round of shots...I told her what I thought and she

> started questioning the whole vaccine thing, she wants to do more

> research and had asked me for good websites...how do I get her


> on the research for how bad vaccine are...can someone help?


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I've been putting together a links list; it's almost done, but here's

what I have so far. I hope the links come through, as I've simply copied

and pasted.

* National Vaccine Information Center


* A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule

<http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller15.html>: Dr. W.

, Jr.

* America, Meet Our Unvaccinated Kids, 2.0


Age of Autism <http://www.ageofautism.com/>, September 25, 2007,

by J.B. Handley. Discusses a study done by Generation Rescue that

looks at the correlation between autism and vaccinations

<http://www.ageofautism.com/vaccines/index.html> .

* Are Vaccines a Waste of Time?


e+of+time/article.do?ito=newsnow & >:

London Evening Standard, excerpt from the book The Truth About

Vaccines, by Halvorsen

* Australian Vaccination Network <http://www.avn.org.au/>

* Legislation Aims to Resolve Thimerosal Controversy

<http://maloney.house.gov/index.php?option=content & task=view & id=1383 & Itemid=61>:

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), “Comprehensive Comparative

Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Populations Act of 2007”

(H.R. 2832)

* Critical Decisions Count <http://users.adelphia.net/%7Ecdc/>

* Current and Past Childhood Immunization Schedules

<http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/mmwrpubs.htm#3>: CDC, US

schedules from 1983 to present. Useful for countering the " I was

vaccinated and I'm fine " argument.

* Generation Rescue <http://www.generationrescue.org/index.html>

* Informed Choice, Glossary of Vaccines

<http://www.informedchoice.info/>: Lists the ingredients in common

vaccines. One of my most-cited sites.

* The Informed Parent <http://www.theinformedparent.co.uk/>: A

UK-based group that supports making informed decisions. The site

includes information about measles, mumps, rubella, and MMR

<http://www.informedparent.co.uk/Portals/2/mmr.html> and an

interesting FAQ

<http://www.informedparent.co.uk/faq/tabid/67/Default.aspx> .

* Healthful Living, Vaccinations

<http://www.healthfulliving.org/autism/vaccinations.php>: Article

discusses vaccines and their possible relationship to autism and

other neurological disorders.

* History of Vaccines



A brief list of historical information. Please note that the rest

of the site is extremely biased, even among anti-vax sites, and is

an example of why people who oppose vaccinations are often called


* K.N.O.W. Vaccines Frequently Asked Questions

<http://www.know-vaccines.org/faq.html>: Overview of the current

immunization schedule, ingredients, common reactions, and more.

* Medicine Men, Vaccines and Brain Disorders



NewsMax, July 16, 2007. Article discusses the findings of the

Generation Rescue study, and the need for a comprehensive study of

vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.

* MotheringDotCommune Vaccinations Forum


Mothering Magazine's web forum for learning more about

vaccinations, not vaccinating, or vaccinating according to a

selective or delayed schedule. There is also the Selective and

Delayed Vaccinations forum


* New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice

<http://goodlight.net/nyvic/>: Excellent site with clear articles

and information about the downsides of the vaccines. Great

information about the chicken pox vaccination and shingles


* On Public Health, So Why Does the State Want to Require HPV


<http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/03/12/EDGC7N734I1.DTL & hw=\

+Clemons & sn=001 & sc=1000>:

/San Francisco Chronicle/, March 12, 2007, Clemmons.

Article clarifies what the HPV vaccination is supposed to prevent,

and how money influences vaccination decisions.

* Package Inserts at the Institute for Vaccine Safety

<http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm>: Each vaccine

comes with a package insert, a " manual " about what is in the

vaccine, what it does, what the common reactions are, and so on.

These are extremely enlightening! Find out what's in the vaccines

your child is supposed to have. This page covers US-licensed

vaccines only.

* Put Children First <http://www.putchildrenfirst.org>: Site devoted

to the link between vaccines and autism. Includes interviews and

articles. This site is related to Generation Rescue.

* quaintpassion, Vaccination

<http://quaintpassion.livejournal.com/62525.html>: August 25,

2005, Personal blog entry about one family's decision to delay

vaccinations. Includes hundreds of links to all sorts of

vaccine-related information. Only go here if you have a lot of

time on your hands! You will not find a more comprehensive list of


* //Raising a Vaccine-Free Child/

<http://www.vaccinefreechild.com/>/: Excerpts

<http://www.vaccinefreechild.com/excerpts.html> from the book by


* Saying No to Vaccines <http://sayingnotovaccines.blogspot.com/>:

Blog by Dr. Sherri Tenpenney, " one of the country’s most outspoken

physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health. "

* State Exemptions Information from NVIC

<http://www.909shot.com/state-site/state-exemptions.htm>: Vaccines

are not mandatory! See this list to determine how to get an

exemption from your state.

* Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute <http://www.thinktwice.com/>

* Vaccine Articles at the Holistic Pediatric Association


Although somewhat dated (the most recent article was written in

2005), some of these articles are well-written and relevant even

today. My favorites: " Vaccinations: A Parent's Right to Choose


26%2339%3Bs-Right-to-Choose> "

(Jane Sheppard, July 18, 2004), " Vaccines and Immune System Damage


-Damage> "

(Randall Neustaedter, July 18, 2004), and " Vaccinations

<http://www.hpakids.org/holistic-health/articles/40/1/Vaccinations> "

(Randall Neustaedter, July 14, 2004).

* Vaccination Information and Choice Network

<http://www.nccn.net/%7Ewwithin/vaccine.htm>: Lots of links to

articles, studies, historical information - practically

everything. Each disease and/or vaccine has its own section, as do

some of the reactions.

* Vaccination Liberation <http://www.vaclib.org/index.htm>: Lots and

lots of links! This site is very difficult to navigate. Some of

the more useful information includes...

* Vaccinations, Parents Informed Choice

<http://www.westonaprice.org/children/vaccinations.html>: (The

Weston A. Price Foundation, Lynne Borne, November 7, 2005)

* Vaccinations at Health World Online

<http://www.healthy.net/scr/MainLinks.asp?Id=165>: This site is

devoted to alternative medicine, so it is no surprise that the

articles here are against current vaccination practices. The

articles are dated, but some are very informative nonetheless:

About Vaccine Choices

<http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=525#altvac> (Excerpts

from /The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice/, by Randall

Neustaedter), Unvaccinated Children

<http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=1122> (

Moskowitz, MD), Vaccination and Social Violence

<http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=982> ( L. Coulter

PhD, 1996), SIDS and Seizures

<http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=892> ( L. Coulter

PhD, 1996). They also have a Vaccination News

<http://www.healthy.net/scr/HealthyNews.asp?catID=16> page, that

appears to be completely updated.

* Vaccine Refusal and Medical Intimidation

<http://chetday.com/vaccinerefusal.htm>: A personal account of one

family's visit to their pediatrician, this article includes

excellent advice about what to do if your pediatrician wants you

to sign a " refusal to vaccinate form " and offers alternatives.

This account also links to a basic article about vaccine choice,

Dispelling Vaccination Myths

<http://chetday.com/vaccinationmyths.htm> (Alan , May 2001).

* Vaccine Rights <http://www.vaccinerights.com/>: Vaccination injury

attorney site, that includes an extensive legal FAQ. Another brief

article also addresses the forms, Refusal to Vaccine Forms Raise

Ethical Questions

<http://www.vaccinerights.com/vaccinerefusalforms.html> (Alan

, December 2007). Vaccine Exemption Alliance

<http://www.vaccineexemption.org/> is another vaccination-rights

law firm.

* Vaccination.co.uk <http://www.vaccination.co.uk/>

Jessi Levi wrote:


> I met someone over this past weekend who had just injected her baby

> with the first round of shots...I told her what I thought and she

> started questioning the whole vaccine thing, she wants to do more

> research and had asked me for good websites...how do I get her started

> on the research for how bad vaccine are...can someone help?





robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>


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Huge links list on my webpage


At 03:39 PM 1/15/2008 -0800, you wrote:

>I've been putting together a links list; it's almost done, but here's

>what I have so far. I hope the links come through, as I've simply copied

>and pasted.


> * National Vaccine Information Center

> <http://www.909shot.com/Default.htm>

> * A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule

> <http://www.lewrockwell.com/miller/miller15.html>: Dr. W.

> , Jr.

> * America, Meet Our Unvaccinated Kids, 2.0

> <http://www.rescuepost.com/rescue_post/2007/09/america-meet-ou.html>:

> Age of Autism <http://www.ageofautism.com/>, September 25, 2007,

> by J.B. Handley. Discusses a study done by Generation Rescue that

> looks at the correlation between autism and vaccinations

> <http://www.ageofautism.com/vaccines/index.html> .

> * Are Vaccines a Waste of Time?



waste+of+time/article.do?ito=newsnow & >:

> London Evening Standard, excerpt from the book The Truth About

> Vaccines, by Halvorsen

> * Australian Vaccination Network <http://www.avn.org.au/>

> * Legislation Aims to Resolve Thimerosal Controversy


<http://maloney.house.gov/index.php?option=content & task=view & id=1383 & Itemid=


> Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), “Comprehensive Comparative

> Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Populations Act of 2007”

> (H.R. 2832)

> * Critical Decisions Count <http://users.adelphia.net/%7Ecdc/>

> * Current and Past Childhood Immunization Schedules

> <http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/mmwrpubs.htm#3>: CDC, US

> schedules from 1983 to present. Useful for countering the " I was

> vaccinated and I'm fine " argument.

> * Generation Rescue <http://www.generationrescue.org/index.html>

> * Informed Choice, Glossary of Vaccines

> <http://www.informedchoice.info/>: Lists the ingredients in common

> vaccines. One of my most-cited sites.

> * The Informed Parent <http://www.theinformedparent.co.uk/>: A

> UK-based group that supports making informed decisions. The site

> includes information about measles, mumps, rubella, and MMR

> <http://www.informedparent.co.uk/Portals/2/mmr.html> and an

> interesting FAQ

> <http://www.informedparent.co.uk/faq/tabid/67/Default.aspx> .

> * Healthful Living, Vaccinations

> <http://www.healthfulliving.org/autism/vaccinations.php>: Article

> discusses vaccines and their possible relationship to autism and

> other neurological disorders.

> * History of Vaccines




> A brief list of historical information. Please note that the rest

> of the site is extremely biased, even among anti-vax sites, and is

> an example of why people who oppose vaccinations are often called

> insane.

> * K.N.O.W. Vaccines Frequently Asked Questions

> <http://www.know-vaccines.org/faq.html>: Overview of the current

> immunization schedule, ingredients, common reactions, and more.

> * Medicine Men, Vaccines and Brain Disorders




> NewsMax, July 16, 2007. Article discusses the findings of the

> Generation Rescue study, and the need for a comprehensive study of

> vaccinated and unvaccinated populations.

> * MotheringDotCommune Vaccinations Forum

> <http://www.mothering.com/discussions/forumdisplay.php?f=47>:

> Mothering Magazine's web forum for learning more about

> vaccinations, not vaccinating, or vaccinating according to a

> selective or delayed schedule. There is also the Selective and

> Delayed Vaccinations forum

> <http://www.mothering.com/discussions/forumdisplay.php?f=373>.

> * New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice

> <http://goodlight.net/nyvic/>: Excellent site with clear articles

> and information about the downsides of the vaccines. Great

> information about the chicken pox vaccination and shingles

> <http://goodlight.net/nyvic/law/respond/default.htm>.

> * On Public Health, So Why Does the State Want to Require HPV

> Vaccinations?



& hw=+Clemons & sn=001 & sc=1000>:

> /San Francisco Chronicle/, March 12, 2007, Clemmons.

> Article clarifies what the HPV vaccination is supposed to prevent,

> and how money influences vaccination decisions.

> * Package Inserts at the Institute for Vaccine Safety

> <http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm>: Each vaccine

> comes with a package insert, a " manual " about what is in the

> vaccine, what it does, what the common reactions are, and so on.

> These are extremely enlightening! Find out what's in the vaccines

> your child is supposed to have. This page covers US-licensed

> vaccines only.

> * Put Children First <http://www.putchildrenfirst.org>: Site devoted

> to the link between vaccines and autism. Includes interviews and

> articles. This site is related to Generation Rescue.

> * quaintpassion, Vaccination

> <http://quaintpassion.livejournal.com/62525.html>: August 25,

> 2005, Personal blog entry about one family's decision to delay

> vaccinations. Includes hundreds of links to all sorts of

> vaccine-related information. Only go here if you have a lot of

> time on your hands! You will not find a more comprehensive list of

> links.

> * //Raising a Vaccine-Free Child/

> <http://www.vaccinefreechild.com/>/: Excerpts

> <http://www.vaccinefreechild.com/excerpts.html> from the book by

> Lydall.

> * Saying No to Vaccines <http://sayingnotovaccines.blogspot.com/>:

> Blog by Dr. Sherri Tenpenney, " one of the country’s most outspoken

> physicians regarding the impact of vaccines on health. "

> * State Exemptions Information from NVIC

> <http://www.909shot.com/state-site/state-exemptions.htm>: Vaccines

> are not mandatory! See this list to determine how to get an

> exemption from your state.

> * Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute <http://www.thinktwice.com/>

> * Vaccine Articles at the Holistic Pediatric Association

> <http://www.hpakids.org/holistic-health/categories/Vaccines/>:

> Although somewhat dated (the most recent article was written in

> 2005), some of these articles are well-written and relevant even

> today. My favorites: " Vaccinations: A Parent's Right to Choose



ent%26%2339%3Bs-Right-to-Choose> "

> (Jane Sheppard, July 18, 2004), " Vaccines and Immune System Damage



stem-Damage> "

> (Randall Neustaedter, July 18, 2004), and " Vaccinations

> <http://www.hpakids.org/holistic-health/articles/40/1/Vaccinations> "

> (Randall Neustaedter, July 14, 2004).

> * Vaccination Information and Choice Network

> <http://www.nccn.net/%7Ewwithin/vaccine.htm>: Lots of links to

> articles, studies, historical information - practically

> everything. Each disease and/or vaccine has its own section, as do

> some of the reactions.

> * Vaccination Liberation <http://www.vaclib.org/index.htm>: Lots and

> lots of links! This site is very difficult to navigate. Some of

> the more useful information includes...

> * Vaccinations, Parents Informed Choice

> <http://www.westonaprice.org/children/vaccinations.html>: (The

> Weston A. Price Foundation, Lynne Borne, November 7, 2005)

> * Vaccinations at Health World Online

> <http://www.healthy.net/scr/MainLinks.asp?Id=165>: This site is

> devoted to alternative medicine, so it is no surprise that the

> articles here are against current vaccination practices. The

> articles are dated, but some are very informative nonetheless:

> About Vaccine Choices

> <http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=525#altvac> (Excerpts

> from /The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice/, by Randall

> Neustaedter), Unvaccinated Children

> <http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=1122> (

> Moskowitz, MD), Vaccination and Social Violence

> <http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=982> ( L. Coulter

> PhD, 1996), SIDS and Seizures

> <http://www.healthy.net/scr/article.asp?Id=892> ( L. Coulter

> PhD, 1996). They also have a Vaccination News

> <http://www.healthy.net/scr/HealthyNews.asp?catID=16> page, that

> appears to be completely updated.

> * Vaccine Refusal and Medical Intimidation

> <http://chetday.com/vaccinerefusal.htm>: A personal account of one

> family's visit to their pediatrician, this article includes

> excellent advice about what to do if your pediatrician wants you

> to sign a " refusal to vaccinate form " and offers alternatives.

> This account also links to a basic article about vaccine choice,

> Dispelling Vaccination Myths

> <http://chetday.com/vaccinationmyths.htm> (Alan , May 2001).

> * Vaccine Rights <http://www.vaccinerights.com/>: Vaccination injury

> attorney site, that includes an extensive legal FAQ. Another brief

> article also addresses the forms, Refusal to Vaccine Forms Raise

> Ethical Questions

> <http://www.vaccinerights.com/vaccinerefusalforms.html> (Alan

> , December 2007). Vaccine Exemption Alliance

> <http://www.vaccineexemption.org/> is another vaccination-rights

> law firm.

> * Vaccination.co.uk <http://www.vaccination.co.uk/>




>Jessi Levi wrote:


>> I met someone over this past weekend who had just injected her baby

>> with the first round of shots...I told her what I thought and she

>> started questioning the whole vaccine thing, she wants to do more

>> research and had asked me for good websites...how do I get her started

>> on the research for how bad vaccine are...can someone help?






>robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>







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