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Homeopathic Remedies for Teething

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Does anyone have a list of 'naturopathic'(anything not

a drug or homeopathic basically) teething options? DH

is VERY anti-homeopathic... I got him to agree with

the homebirth with little issue, but homeopathic

treatments on his son will be a whole other ball game.

Fortunately we're not at the teething stage yet, but

I anticipate it any day now.



--- Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

> Teething


> These are to only be guidelines in the case of acute

> illness or first aid.

> It helps shorten your time in looking when you are

> in a hurry with an ill

> child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read

> thru the list - if you

> find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then go

> to your book and read

> more about that remedy in the Internal Materia

> Medica.


> ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been doing,

> but these are helpful.

> Repertorizing enables you to get more individual.


> NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring

> conditions.


> Print out and save for quick reference!



> http://www.worldhostone.com/altbirth/html/homeo.htm


> Below is a helpful excerpt on teething from Dana

> Ullman's book Homeopathic

> medicine for children & infants: Teething


> Belladonna: These babies experience great pain that

> makes them restless and

> may lead them to kick, scream, or bite. They have

> very red gums and lips,

> and they may twitch.


> Calcarea Carb.: The infant begins teething late

> (after twelve months). The

> head perspires during teething, and the child tends

> to grind his teeth at

> night. He usually puts his fingers in his mouth to

> relive the pain. His

> sweat, stools, and vomit will all have a sour smell.


> Calcarea Phos: This medicine is for thin, even

> emaciated, infants who are

> slow in learning to walk, delayed in teething (after

> twelve months), and in

> general slow starters. they are prone to diarrhea

> with much flatulence

> during teething.


> Chamomilla : This is the first medicine to consider,

> unless some other

> reedy is obviously indicated. the baby is extremely

> irritable and

> impatient. he or she demands something and then

> refuse it when offered.

> they seem to be in great pain. they are aggravated

> by being touched, and

> nothing seems to give them relief, though rocking

> and being carried

> temporarily quiets them. they put their fingers in

> their mouth to relieve

> the pain. One cheek is often hot and red (the side

> of the inflamed gum),

> while the other cheek is cold and pale. They are

> relieved slightly by cold

> applications (ice). They have difficulty sleeping

> and will usually keep you

> up to. they may have green stools that smell like

> rotten eggs. Their arms

> or legs may jerk or convulse. If Chamomilla fails.

> it is usually best to

> try Belladonna.


> Coffea: when teething infants are physically or

> mentally hyperactive and do

> not sleep much, consider this medicine.


> Magnesia Phos: These infants expense spasms during

> teething, which are

> relieved by warm or hot drinks.


> Plantago: When an infant has ear pain concurrent

> with teething, take

> tincture of this remedy and rub it directly on the

> gum, as well as placing

> a couple of slightly diluted drops into the ear.


> Please remember that these are only some suggestion

> relative to

> Homeopathic remedies and teething. For instance with

> our son we first used

> Belldonna 30C which worked fine for a while (2 or 3

> months) then we noticed

> he was placing his finger in his mouth to relieve

> the pain which both

> Chamomilla 30C & Calcarea carb 30C. have, however

> the one remedy that

> matched most after carefully observing Edan for his

> symptoms and matching

> them to the remedy most like him was calcarea carb.


> *************


> http://www.goodfoods.coop/homeopathy082002.html

> Focus On Homeopathy


> August 2002


> by Dr. Shula Bhatt, L.C.E.H. Bom, India


> At the time of teething, the usual complaint of a

> child are general

> irritation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever,

> sleeplessness and weight

> loss. In homeopathy there are certain remedies which

> are very useful for

> teething complaints.


> Chamomilla—head remedy for ailments of dentition.

> Child is peevish and

> fretful with greenish and offensive diarrhea. The

> gums are red and tender.

> The child screams with pain and refuses food, drink

> and toys when offered.

> The child wants to be covered and carried all the

> time. It is worse at night.


> Calcarea Carb.—slowness in teething or where the

> teething is too rapid. The

> gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on the forehead is

> the leading indicator.


> Calcarea Phos.—Suitable in emaciated children with

> open fontanelles and who

> are slow in teething and whose teeth decay rapidly

> because of deficiency in

> bone tissues. The child has diarrhea during

> dentition.


> Colocynth—when a baby bolts its food too rapidly or

> seems to dislike its

> foods. Windy, tummy pains.


> Pulsatilla—when the child is gentle, fair type,

> fearful and only comforted

> by patting.


> Phytolacca—when the child bites the teeth and gums

> together.


> Kreosote—an excellent remedy where dentition is

> painful and difficult. The

> gums are spongy and painful. When the teeth come

> out, they show marks of

> decay on them. The child is restless and tosses

> about. The child has

> constipation and undigested diarrheic stools.


> Podophyllum—diarrhea; watery, greenish, slimy

> stools; general irritability.

> The child wants to be carried all the time and it is

> worse at night.


> Mag Phos—for spasms during dentition.


> Aconite—fever with restlessness and sleeplessness;

> the child cries because

> of teething pain.

> ********





> Homeopathic Remedies for Teething


> Introduction

> Remedy options

> Amount to take

> Teething is always uncomfortable, but some babies

> and toddlers feel more

> miserable than others. Episodes begin around four

> months of age and occur

> at intervals until age two or later. Babies are

> usually cranky or tearful,

> drool profusely, and feel a need to press their gums

> or bite down hard on

> toys. Sometimes a teething baby refuses to eat or

> nurse. The stress and

> discomfort of teething can lower a child’s

> resistance to infection. Runny

> noses, rashes on the chin, spitting up of swallowed

> saliva, or mild

> diarrhea can occur without infection—but fever and

> symptoms of actual

> illness are not “just teething.” Any illness needs

> attention of its own.

> Homeopathic remedies are a safe, non-toxic way to

> help relieve the pain and

> make the baby happier.



=== message truncated ===



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why is he anti-homeopathy?

Much safer than other 'natural' treatments such as herbs


At 08:20 PM 1/11/2008 -0800, you wrote:

>Does anyone have a list of 'naturopathic'(anything not

>a drug or homeopathic basically) teething options? DH

>is VERY anti-homeopathic... I got him to agree with

>the homebirth with little issue, but homeopathic

>treatments on his son will be a whole other ball game.

> Fortunately we're not at the teething stage yet, but

>I anticipate it any day now.






>--- Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:


>> Teething


>> These are to only be guidelines in the case of acute

>> illness or first aid.

>> It helps shorten your time in looking when you are

>> in a hurry with an ill

>> child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read

>> thru the list - if you

>> find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then go

>> to your book and read

>> more about that remedy in the Internal Materia

>> Medica.


>> ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been doing,

>> but these are helpful.

>> Repertorizing enables you to get more individual.


>> NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring

>> conditions.


>> Print out and save for quick reference!



>> http://www.worldhostone.com/altbirth/html/homeo.htm


>> Below is a helpful excerpt on teething from Dana

>> Ullman's book Homeopathic

>> medicine for children & infants: Teething


>> Belladonna: These babies experience great pain that

>> makes them restless and

>> may lead them to kick, scream, or bite. They have

>> very red gums and lips,

>> and they may twitch.


>> Calcarea Carb.: The infant begins teething late

>> (after twelve months). The

>> head perspires during teething, and the child tends

>> to grind his teeth at

>> night. He usually puts his fingers in his mouth to

>> relive the pain. His

>> sweat, stools, and vomit will all have a sour smell.


>> Calcarea Phos: This medicine is for thin, even

>> emaciated, infants who are

>> slow in learning to walk, delayed in teething (after

>> twelve months), and in

>> general slow starters. they are prone to diarrhea

>> with much flatulence

>> during teething.


>> Chamomilla : This is the first medicine to consider,

>> unless some other

>> reedy is obviously indicated. the baby is extremely

>> irritable and

>> impatient. he or she demands something and then

>> refuse it when offered.

>> they seem to be in great pain. they are aggravated

>> by being touched, and

>> nothing seems to give them relief, though rocking

>> and being carried

>> temporarily quiets them. they put their fingers in

>> their mouth to relieve

>> the pain. One cheek is often hot and red (the side

>> of the inflamed gum),

>> while the other cheek is cold and pale. They are

>> relieved slightly by cold

>> applications (ice). They have difficulty sleeping

>> and will usually keep you

>> up to. they may have green stools that smell like

>> rotten eggs. Their arms

>> or legs may jerk or convulse. If Chamomilla fails.

>> it is usually best to

>> try Belladonna.


>> Coffea: when teething infants are physically or

>> mentally hyperactive and do

>> not sleep much, consider this medicine.


>> Magnesia Phos: These infants expense spasms during

>> teething, which are

>> relieved by warm or hot drinks.


>> Plantago: When an infant has ear pain concurrent

>> with teething, take

>> tincture of this remedy and rub it directly on the

>> gum, as well as placing

>> a couple of slightly diluted drops into the ear.


>> Please remember that these are only some suggestion

>> relative to

>> Homeopathic remedies and teething. For instance with

>> our son we first used

>> Belldonna 30C which worked fine for a while (2 or 3

>> months) then we noticed

>> he was placing his finger in his mouth to relieve

>> the pain which both

>> Chamomilla 30C & Calcarea carb 30C. have, however

>> the one remedy that

>> matched most after carefully observing Edan for his

>> symptoms and matching

>> them to the remedy most like him was calcarea carb.


>> *************


>> http://www.goodfoods.coop/homeopathy082002.html

>> Focus On Homeopathy


>> August 2002


>> by Dr. Shula Bhatt, L.C.E.H. Bom, India


>> At the time of teething, the usual complaint of a

>> child are general

>> irritation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever,

>> sleeplessness and weight

>> loss. In homeopathy there are certain remedies which

>> are very useful for

>> teething complaints.


>> Chamomilla—head remedy for ailments of dentition.

>> Child is peevish and

>> fretful with greenish and offensive diarrhea. The

>> gums are red and tender.

>> The child screams with pain and refuses food, drink

>> and toys when offered.

>> The child wants to be covered and carried all the

>> time. It is worse at night.


>> Calcarea Carb.—slowness in teething or where the

>> teething is too rapid. The

>> gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on the forehead is

>> the leading indicator.


>> Calcarea Phos.—Suitable in emaciated children with

>> open fontanelles and who

>> are slow in teething and whose teeth decay rapidly

>> because of deficiency in

>> bone tissues. The child has diarrhea during

>> dentition.


>> Colocynth—when a baby bolts its food too rapidly or

>> seems to dislike its

>> foods. Windy, tummy pains.


>> Pulsatilla—when the child is gentle, fair type,

>> fearful and only comforted

>> by patting.


>> Phytolacca—when the child bites the teeth and gums

>> together.


>> Kreosote—an excellent remedy where dentition is

>> painful and difficult. The

>> gums are spongy and painful. When the teeth come

>> out, they show marks of

>> decay on them. The child is restless and tosses

>> about. The child has

>> constipation and undigested diarrheic stools.


>> Podophyllum—diarrhea; watery, greenish, slimy

>> stools; general irritability.

>> The child wants to be carried all the time and it is

>> worse at night.


>> Mag Phos—for spasms during dentition.


>> Aconite—fever with restlessness and sleeplessness;

>> the child cries because

>> of teething pain.

>> ********





>> Homeopathic Remedies for Teething


>> Introduction

>> Remedy options

>> Amount to take

>> Teething is always uncomfortable, but some babies

>> and toddlers feel more

>> miserable than others. Episodes begin around four

>> months of age and occur

>> at intervals until age two or later. Babies are

>> usually cranky or tearful,

>> drool profusely, and feel a need to press their gums

>> or bite down hard on

>> toys. Sometimes a teething baby refuses to eat or

>> nurse. The stress and

>> discomfort of teething can lower a child’s

>> resistance to infection. Runny

>> noses, rashes on the chin, spitting up of swallowed

>> saliva, or mild

>> diarrhea can occur without infection—but fever and

>> symptoms of actual

>> illness are not “just teething.” Any illness needs

>> attention of its own.

>> Homeopathic remedies are a safe, non-toxic way to

>> help relieve the pain and

>> make the baby happier.



>=== message truncated ===







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My fourth child is starting to teeth and it has caused all kinds of

problems with nursing (at least I am starting to think this is the

reason for the problems) but yesterday I treated him using Cham. and

after only taking 45 min naps for 4 days he slept for 3 hours after

getting three doses of the cham (I am using 30c) Today he was so

restless and tired after trying the Cham 3 times no success so I

looked for a remedy for sleeplessness and treated him with one dose

of lyc and within 5 minutes he was calmed down and 5 minutes later he

was asleep! You may try using the Hylands homeopathy for teething, I

didn't want to because it is a mix of different remedies and I

learned homeopathy from Sheri, so no mixing. The reason I suggest

this is because you can buy it at mainstream stores like Wal-mart and

Target, and maybe this will help your husband feel better about it?

IMO slip the baby a remedy, your husband will never know and your

baby will feel soooo much better. Good luck


> >Does anyone have a list of 'naturopathic'(anything not

> >a drug or homeopathic basically) teething options? DH

> >is VERY anti-homeopathic... I got him to agree with

> >the homebirth with little issue, but homeopathic

> >treatments on his son will be a whole other ball game.

> > Fortunately we're not at the teething stage yet, but

> >I anticipate it any day now.

> >

> >Thanks!!!!!!!

> >

> >Hollie

> >

> >--- Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

> >

> >> Teething

> >>

> >> These are to only be guidelines in the case of acute

> >> illness or first aid.

> >> It helps shorten your time in looking when you are

> >> in a hurry with an ill

> >> child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read

> >> thru the list - if you

> >> find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then go

> >> to your book and read

> >> more about that remedy in the Internal Materia

> >> Medica.

> >>

> >> ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been doing,

> >> but these are helpful.

> >> Repertorizing enables you to get more individual.

> >>

> >> NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring

> >> conditions.

> >>

> >> Print out and save for quick reference!

> >>

> >>

> >> http://www.worldhostone.com/altbirth/html/homeo.htm

> >>

> >> Below is a helpful excerpt on teething from Dana

> >> Ullman's book Homeopathic

> >> medicine for children & infants: Teething

> >>

> >> Belladonna: These babies experience great pain that

> >> makes them restless and

> >> may lead them to kick, scream, or bite. They have

> >> very red gums and lips,

> >> and they may twitch.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Carb.: The infant begins teething late

> >> (after twelve months). The

> >> head perspires during teething, and the child tends

> >> to grind his teeth at

> >> night. He usually puts his fingers in his mouth to

> >> relive the pain. His

> >> sweat, stools, and vomit will all have a sour smell.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Phos: This medicine is for thin, even

> >> emaciated, infants who are

> >> slow in learning to walk, delayed in teething (after

> >> twelve months), and in

> >> general slow starters. they are prone to diarrhea

> >> with much flatulence

> >> during teething.

> >>

> >> Chamomilla : This is the first medicine to consider,

> >> unless some other

> >> reedy is obviously indicated. the baby is extremely

> >> irritable and

> >> impatient. he or she demands something and then

> >> refuse it when offered.

> >> they seem to be in great pain. they are aggravated

> >> by being touched, and

> >> nothing seems to give them relief, though rocking

> >> and being carried

> >> temporarily quiets them. they put their fingers in

> >> their mouth to relieve

> >> the pain. One cheek is often hot and red (the side

> >> of the inflamed gum),

> >> while the other cheek is cold and pale. They are

> >> relieved slightly by cold

> >> applications (ice). They have difficulty sleeping

> >> and will usually keep you

> >> up to. they may have green stools that smell like

> >> rotten eggs. Their arms

> >> or legs may jerk or convulse. If Chamomilla fails.

> >> it is usually best to

> >> try Belladonna.

> >>

> >> Coffea: when teething infants are physically or

> >> mentally hyperactive and do

> >> not sleep much, consider this medicine.

> >>

> >> Magnesia Phos: These infants expense spasms during

> >> teething, which are

> >> relieved by warm or hot drinks.

> >>

> >> Plantago: When an infant has ear pain concurrent

> >> with teething, take

> >> tincture of this remedy and rub it directly on the

> >> gum, as well as placing

> >> a couple of slightly diluted drops into the ear.

> >>

> >> Please remember that these are only some suggestion

> >> relative to

> >> Homeopathic remedies and teething. For instance with

> >> our son we first used

> >> Belldonna 30C which worked fine for a while (2 or 3

> >> months) then we noticed

> >> he was placing his finger in his mouth to relieve

> >> the pain which both

> >> Chamomilla 30C & Calcarea carb 30C. have, however

> >> the one remedy that

> >> matched most after carefully observing Edan for his

> >> symptoms and matching

> >> them to the remedy most like him was calcarea carb.

> >>

> >> *************

> >>

> >> http://www.goodfoods.coop/homeopathy082002.html

> >> Focus On Homeopathy

> >>

> >> August 2002

> >>

> >> by Dr. Shula Bhatt, L.C.E.H. Bom, India

> >>

> >> At the time of teething, the usual complaint of a

> >> child are general

> >> irritation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever,

> >> sleeplessness and weight

> >> loss. In homeopathy there are certain remedies which

> >> are very useful for

> >> teething complaints.

> >>

> >> Chamomilla—head remedy for ailments of dentition.

> >> Child is peevish and

> >> fretful with greenish and offensive diarrhea. The

> >> gums are red and tender.

> >> The child screams with pain and refuses food, drink

> >> and toys when offered.

> >> The child wants to be covered and carried all the

> >> time. It is worse at night.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Carb.—slowness in teething or where the

> >> teething is too rapid. The

> >> gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on the forehead is

> >> the leading indicator.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Phos.—Suitable in emaciated children with

> >> open fontanelles and who

> >> are slow in teething and whose teeth decay rapidly

> >> because of deficiency in

> >> bone tissues. The child has diarrhea during

> >> dentition.

> >>

> >> Colocynth—when a baby bolts its food too rapidly or

> >> seems to dislike its

> >> foods. Windy, tummy pains.

> >>

> >> Pulsatilla—when the child is gentle, fair type,

> >> fearful and only comforted

> >> by patting.

> >>

> >> Phytolacca—when the child bites the teeth and gums

> >> together.

> >>

> >> Kreosote—an excellent remedy where dentition is

> >> painful and difficult. The

> >> gums are spongy and painful. When the teeth come

> >> out, they show marks of

> >> decay on them. The child is restless and tosses

> >> about. The child has

> >> constipation and undigested diarrheic stools.

> >>

> >> Podophyllum—diarrhea; watery, greenish, slimy

> >> stools; general irritability.

> >> The child wants to be carried all the time and it is

> >> worse at night.

> >>

> >> Mag Phos—for spasms during dentition.

> >>

> >> Aconite—fever with restlessness and sleeplessness;

> >> the child cries because

> >> of teething pain.

> >> ********

> >>

> >>

> >http://www.pccnaturalmarkets.com/health/Homeo/Teething_hm.htm

> >>

> >> Homeopathic Remedies for Teething

> >>

> >> Introduction

> >> Remedy options

> >> Amount to take

> >> Teething is always uncomfortable, but some babies

> >> and toddlers feel more

> >> miserable than others. Episodes begin around four

> >> months of age and occur

> >> at intervals until age two or later. Babies are

> >> usually cranky or tearful,

> >> drool profusely, and feel a need to press their gums

> >> or bite down hard on

> >> toys. Sometimes a teething baby refuses to eat or

> >> nurse. The stress and

> >> discomfort of teething can lower a child's

> >> resistance to infection. Runny

> >> noses, rashes on the chin, spitting up of swallowed

> >> saliva, or mild

> >> diarrhea can occur without infection—but fever and

> >> symptoms of actual

> >> illness are not " just teething. " Any illness needs

> >> attention of its own.

> >> Homeopathic remedies are a safe, non-toxic way to

> >> help relieve the pain and

> >> make the baby happier.

> >>

> >>

> >=== message truncated ===

> >

> >

> >

> >




> ________

> >Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> >http://www./r/hs

> >

> >

> >

> >

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He doesn't believe that a miniscule amount of any

substance could have any effect on someone. I stopped

trying to argue with him about it. He's very pro-

many natural things, but that's just not something

he's willing to go for. We just don't talk about it

anymore LOL


--- Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

> why is he anti-homeopathy?

> Much safer than other 'natural' treatments such as

> herbs

> Sheri


> At 08:20 PM 1/11/2008 -0800, you wrote:

> >Does anyone have a list of 'naturopathic'(anything

> not

> >a drug or homeopathic basically) teething options?

> DH

> >is VERY anti-homeopathic... I got him to agree

> with

> >the homebirth with little issue, but homeopathic

> >treatments on his son will be a whole other ball

> game.

> > Fortunately we're not at the teething stage yet,

> but

> >I anticipate it any day now.

> >

> >Thanks!!!!!!!

> >

> >Hollie

> >

> >--- Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

> >

> >> Teething

> >>

> >> These are to only be guidelines in the case of

> acute

> >> illness or first aid.

> >> It helps shorten your time in looking when you

> are

> >> in a hurry with an ill

> >> child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read

> >> thru the list - if you

> >> find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then

> go

> >> to your book and read

> >> more about that remedy in the Internal Materia

> >> Medica.

> >>

> >> ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been

> doing,

> >> but these are helpful.

> >> Repertorizing enables you to get more individual.

> >>

> >> NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring

> >> conditions.

> >>

> >> Print out and save for quick reference!

> >>

> >>

> >>

> http://www.worldhostone.com/altbirth/html/homeo.htm

> >>

> >> Below is a helpful excerpt on teething from Dana

> >> Ullman's book Homeopathic

> >> medicine for children & infants: Teething

> >>

> >> Belladonna: These babies experience great pain

> that

> >> makes them restless and

> >> may lead them to kick, scream, or bite. They have

> >> very red gums and lips,

> >> and they may twitch.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Carb.: The infant begins teething late

> >> (after twelve months). The

> >> head perspires during teething, and the child

> tends

> >> to grind his teeth at

> >> night. He usually puts his fingers in his mouth

> to

> >> relive the pain. His

> >> sweat, stools, and vomit will all have a sour

> smell.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Phos: This medicine is for thin, even

> >> emaciated, infants who are

> >> slow in learning to walk, delayed in teething

> (after

> >> twelve months), and in

> >> general slow starters. they are prone to diarrhea

> >> with much flatulence

> >> during teething.

> >>

> >> Chamomilla : This is the first medicine to

> consider,

> >> unless some other

> >> reedy is obviously indicated. the baby is

> extremely

> >> irritable and

> >> impatient. he or she demands something and then

> >> refuse it when offered.

> >> they seem to be in great pain. they are

> aggravated

> >> by being touched, and

> >> nothing seems to give them relief, though rocking

> >> and being carried

> >> temporarily quiets them. they put their fingers

> in

> >> their mouth to relieve

> >> the pain. One cheek is often hot and red (the

> side

> >> of the inflamed gum),

> >> while the other cheek is cold and pale. They are

> >> relieved slightly by cold

> >> applications (ice). They have difficulty sleeping

> >> and will usually keep you

> >> up to. they may have green stools that smell like

> >> rotten eggs. Their arms

> >> or legs may jerk or convulse. If Chamomilla

> fails.

> >> it is usually best to

> >> try Belladonna.

> >>

> >> Coffea: when teething infants are physically or

> >> mentally hyperactive and do

> >> not sleep much, consider this medicine.

> >>

> >> Magnesia Phos: These infants expense spasms

> during

> >> teething, which are

> >> relieved by warm or hot drinks.

> >>

> >> Plantago: When an infant has ear pain concurrent

> >> with teething, take

> >> tincture of this remedy and rub it directly on

> the

> >> gum, as well as placing

> >> a couple of slightly diluted drops into the ear.

> >>

> >> Please remember that these are only some

> suggestion

> >> relative to

> >> Homeopathic remedies and teething. For instance

> with

> >> our son we first used

> >> Belldonna 30C which worked fine for a while (2 or

> 3

> >> months) then we noticed

> >> he was placing his finger in his mouth to relieve

> >> the pain which both

> >> Chamomilla 30C & Calcarea carb 30C. have, however

> >> the one remedy that

> >> matched most after carefully observing Edan for

> his

> >> symptoms and matching

> >> them to the remedy most like him was calcarea

> carb.

> >>

> >> *************

> >>

> >> http://www.goodfoods.coop/homeopathy082002.html

> >> Focus On Homeopathy

> >>

> >> August 2002

> >>

> >> by Dr. Shula Bhatt, L.C.E.H. Bom, India

> >>

> >> At the time of teething, the usual complaint of a

> >> child are general

> >> irritation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever,

> >> sleeplessness and weight

> >> loss. In homeopathy there are certain remedies

> which

> >> are very useful for

> >> teething complaints.

> >>

> >> Chamomilla—head remedy for ailments of dentition.

> >> Child is peevish and

> >> fretful with greenish and offensive diarrhea. The

> >> gums are red and tender.

> >> The child screams with pain and refuses food,

> drink

> >> and toys when offered.

> >> The child wants to be covered and carried all the

> >> time. It is worse at night.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Carb.—slowness in teething or where the

> >> teething is too rapid. The

> >> gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on the forehead is

> >> the leading indicator.

> >>

> >> Calcarea Phos.—Suitable in emaciated children

> with

> >> open fontanelles and who

> >> are slow in teething and whose teeth decay

> rapidly

> >> because of deficiency in

> >> bone tissues. The child has diarrhea during

> >> dentition.

> >>

> >> Colocynth—when a baby bolts its food too rapidly

> or

> >> seems to dislike its

> >> foods. Windy, tummy pains.

> >>

> >> Pulsatilla—when the child is gentle, fair type,

> >> fearful and only comforted

> >> by patting.


=== message truncated ===



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Well, its for the baby, not him.

I know about those topics that you just don't discuss anymore


At 01:35 PM 1/13/2008 -0800, you wrote:

>He doesn't believe that a miniscule amount of any

>substance could have any effect on someone. I stopped

>trying to argue with him about it. He's very pro-

>many natural things, but that's just not something

>he's willing to go for. We just don't talk about it

>anymore LOL




>--- Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:


>> why is he anti-homeopathy?

>> Much safer than other 'natural' treatments such as

>> herbs

>> Sheri


>> At 08:20 PM 1/11/2008 -0800, you wrote:

>> >Does anyone have a list of 'naturopathic'(anything

>> not

>> >a drug or homeopathic basically) teething options?

>> DH

>> >is VERY anti-homeopathic... I got him to agree

>> with

>> >the homebirth with little issue, but homeopathic

>> >treatments on his son will be a whole other ball

>> game.

>> > Fortunately we're not at the teething stage yet,

>> but

>> >I anticipate it any day now.

>> >

>> >Thanks!!!!!!!

>> >

>> >Hollie

>> >

>> >--- Sheri Nakken <vaccineinfo@...> wrote:

>> >

>> >> Teething

>> >>

>> >> These are to only be guidelines in the case of

>> acute

>> >> illness or first aid.

>> >> It helps shorten your time in looking when you

>> are

>> >> in a hurry with an ill

>> >> child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read

>> >> thru the list - if you

>> >> find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then

>> go

>> >> to your book and read

>> >> more about that remedy in the Internal Materia

>> >> Medica.

>> >>

>> >> ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been

>> doing,

>> >> but these are helpful.

>> >> Repertorizing enables you to get more individual.

>> >>

>> >> NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring

>> >> conditions.

>> >>

>> >> Print out and save for quick reference!

>> >>

>> >>

>> >>

>> http://www.worldhostone.com/altbirth/html/homeo.htm

>> >>

>> >> Below is a helpful excerpt on teething from Dana

>> >> Ullman's book Homeopathic

>> >> medicine for children & infants: Teething

>> >>

>> >> Belladonna: These babies experience great pain

>> that

>> >> makes them restless and

>> >> may lead them to kick, scream, or bite. They have

>> >> very red gums and lips,

>> >> and they may twitch.

>> >>

>> >> Calcarea Carb.: The infant begins teething late

>> >> (after twelve months). The

>> >> head perspires during teething, and the child

>> tends

>> >> to grind his teeth at

>> >> night. He usually puts his fingers in his mouth

>> to

>> >> relive the pain. His

>> >> sweat, stools, and vomit will all have a sour

>> smell.

>> >>

>> >> Calcarea Phos: This medicine is for thin, even

>> >> emaciated, infants who are

>> >> slow in learning to walk, delayed in teething

>> (after

>> >> twelve months), and in

>> >> general slow starters. they are prone to diarrhea

>> >> with much flatulence

>> >> during teething.

>> >>

>> >> Chamomilla : This is the first medicine to

>> consider,

>> >> unless some other

>> >> reedy is obviously indicated. the baby is

>> extremely

>> >> irritable and

>> >> impatient. he or she demands something and then

>> >> refuse it when offered.

>> >> they seem to be in great pain. they are

>> aggravated

>> >> by being touched, and

>> >> nothing seems to give them relief, though rocking

>> >> and being carried

>> >> temporarily quiets them. they put their fingers

>> in

>> >> their mouth to relieve

>> >> the pain. One cheek is often hot and red (the

>> side

>> >> of the inflamed gum),

>> >> while the other cheek is cold and pale. They are

>> >> relieved slightly by cold

>> >> applications (ice). They have difficulty sleeping

>> >> and will usually keep you

>> >> up to. they may have green stools that smell like

>> >> rotten eggs. Their arms

>> >> or legs may jerk or convulse. If Chamomilla

>> fails.

>> >> it is usually best to

>> >> try Belladonna.

>> >>

>> >> Coffea: when teething infants are physically or

>> >> mentally hyperactive and do

>> >> not sleep much, consider this medicine.

>> >>

>> >> Magnesia Phos: These infants expense spasms

>> during

>> >> teething, which are

>> >> relieved by warm or hot drinks.

>> >>

>> >> Plantago: When an infant has ear pain concurrent

>> >> with teething, take

>> >> tincture of this remedy and rub it directly on

>> the

>> >> gum, as well as placing

>> >> a couple of slightly diluted drops into the ear.

>> >>

>> >> Please remember that these are only some

>> suggestion

>> >> relative to

>> >> Homeopathic remedies and teething. For instance

>> with

>> >> our son we first used

>> >> Belldonna 30C which worked fine for a while (2 or

>> 3

>> >> months) then we noticed

>> >> he was placing his finger in his mouth to relieve

>> >> the pain which both

>> >> Chamomilla 30C & Calcarea carb 30C. have, however

>> >> the one remedy that

>> >> matched most after carefully observing Edan for

>> his

>> >> symptoms and matching

>> >> them to the remedy most like him was calcarea

>> carb.

>> >>

>> >> *************

>> >>

>> >> http://www.goodfoods.coop/homeopathy082002.html

>> >> Focus On Homeopathy

>> >>

>> >> August 2002

>> >>

>> >> by Dr. Shula Bhatt, L.C.E.H. Bom, India

>> >>

>> >> At the time of teething, the usual complaint of a

>> >> child are general

>> >> irritation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever,

>> >> sleeplessness and weight

>> >> loss. In homeopathy there are certain remedies

>> which

>> >> are very useful for

>> >> teething complaints.

>> >>

>> >> Chamomilla—head remedy for ailments of dentition.

>> >> Child is peevish and

>> >> fretful with greenish and offensive diarrhea. The

>> >> gums are red and tender.

>> >> The child screams with pain and refuses food,

>> drink

>> >> and toys when offered.

>> >> The child wants to be covered and carried all the

>> >> time. It is worse at night.

>> >>

>> >> Calcarea Carb.—slowness in teething or where the

>> >> teething is too rapid. The

>> >> gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on the forehead is

>> >> the leading indicator.

>> >>

>> >> Calcarea Phos.—Suitable in emaciated children

>> with

>> >> open fontanelles and who

>> >> are slow in teething and whose teeth decay

>> rapidly

>> >> because of deficiency in

>> >> bone tissues. The child has diarrhea during

>> >> dentition.

>> >>

>> >> Colocynth—when a baby bolts its food too rapidly

>> or

>> >> seems to dislike its

>> >> foods. Windy, tummy pains.

>> >>

>> >> Pulsatilla—when the child is gentle, fair type,

>> >> fearful and only comforted

>> >> by patting.


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So you tell him “so you don’t believe it will work but it can’t hurt her

either” my sister d/n believe in homeopathy either.

I’m sure you pointed out that the body uses trace amounts of different

minerals/vitamins etc…. TRACE is exactly that. If that can work, then

why can’t homeopathy?

Nita, Mom to: 14, Jon 13, 10, 8, 6, Christian

(7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2 and Isaac due Feb. 08

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long

enough to make them all yourself.


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My son is teething right now. His bottom two came in about a month ago

and now his top two are coming. He does not fuss at all during the

day, only has trouble sleeping at night. Keeps waking up and crying

and eventually, I have to sleep him in bed with me and my husband.

This has been going on for almost two weeks now and the other night I

remembered I had chamomilla (homeopathic) and gave him some right

before bed and he actually slept the whole night through. I gave it to

him last night too and he slept really well again. The nights where I

forgot, he was waking up and crying like he has been doing.

If you don't want to give the homeopathic chamomilla, maybe you could

try a little chamomilla tea right before bed time.

Also, I want to say that last week for two days I had a mild sore

throat and cough, but it was building and I knew it was gonna lead to

something nasty. My mother in law told me to take nux vomica and

calcarea carbonica, so I did before bed, and the next morning I felt

absolutely no more pain in my throat and no cough, even I was quite

amazed by that.

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These are to only be guidelines in the case of acute illness or first aid.

It helps shorten your time in looking when you are in a hurry with an ill

child. It helps you narrow down a little. Read thru the list - if you

find a remedy that sounds like it might fit, then go to your book and read

more about that remedy in the Internal Materia Medica.

ALWAYS best to repertorize as you have been doing, but these are helpful.

Repertorizing enables you to get more individual.

NEVER to be used for chronic or recurring conditions.

Print out and save for quick reference!


Below is a helpful excerpt on teething from Dana Ullman's book Homeopathic

medicine for children & infants: Teething

Belladonna: These babies experience great pain that makes them restless and

may lead them to kick, scream, or bite. They have very red gums and lips,

and they may twitch.

Calcarea Carb.: The infant begins teething late (after twelve months). The

head perspires during teething, and the child tends to grind his teeth at

night. He usually puts his fingers in his mouth to relive the pain. His

sweat, stools, and vomit will all have a sour smell.

Calcarea Phos: This medicine is for thin, even emaciated, infants who are

slow in learning to walk, delayed in teething (after twelve months), and in

general slow starters. they are prone to diarrhea with much flatulence

during teething.

Chamomilla : This is the first medicine to consider, unless some other

reedy is obviously indicated. the baby is extremely irritable and

impatient. he or she demands something and then refuse it when offered.

they seem to be in great pain. they are aggravated by being touched, and

nothing seems to give them relief, though rocking and being carried

temporarily quiets them. they put their fingers in their mouth to relieve

the pain. One cheek is often hot and red (the side of the inflamed gum),

while the other cheek is cold and pale. They are relieved slightly by cold

applications (ice). They have difficulty sleeping and will usually keep you

up to. they may have green stools that smell like rotten eggs. Their arms

or legs may jerk or convulse. If Chamomilla fails. it is usually best to

try Belladonna.

Coffea: when teething infants are physically or mentally hyperactive and do

not sleep much, consider this medicine.

Magnesia Phos: These infants expense spasms during teething, which are

relieved by warm or hot drinks.

Plantago: When an infant has ear pain concurrent with teething, take

tincture of this remedy and rub it directly on the gum, as well as placing

a couple of slightly diluted drops into the ear.

Please remember that these are only some suggestion relative to

Homeopathic remedies and teething. For instance with our son we first used

Belldonna 30C which worked fine for a while (2 or 3 months) then we noticed

he was placing his finger in his mouth to relieve the pain which both

Chamomilla 30C & Calcarea carb 30C. have, however the one remedy that

matched most after carefully observing Edan for his symptoms and matching

them to the remedy most like him was calcarea carb.



Focus On Homeopathy

August 2002

by Dr. Shula Bhatt, L.C.E.H. Bom, India

At the time of teething, the usual complaint of a child are general

irritation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, fever, sleeplessness and weight

loss. In homeopathy there are certain remedies which are very useful for

teething complaints.

Chamomilla—head remedy for ailments of dentition. Child is peevish and

fretful with greenish and offensive diarrhea. The gums are red and tender.

The child screams with pain and refuses food, drink and toys when offered.

The child wants to be covered and carried all the time. It is worse at night.

Calcarea Carb.—slowness in teething or where the teething is too rapid. The

gums are pale and shiny. Sweat on the forehead is the leading indicator.

Calcarea Phos.—Suitable in emaciated children with open fontanelles and who

are slow in teething and whose teeth decay rapidly because of deficiency in

bone tissues. The child has diarrhea during dentition.

Colocynth—when a baby bolts its food too rapidly or seems to dislike its

foods. Windy, tummy pains.

Pulsatilla—when the child is gentle, fair type, fearful and only comforted

by patting.

Phytolacca—when the child bites the teeth and gums together.

Kreosote—an excellent remedy where dentition is painful and difficult. The

gums are spongy and painful. When the teeth come out, they show marks of

decay on them. The child is restless and tosses about. The child has

constipation and undigested diarrheic stools.

Podophyllum—diarrhea; watery, greenish, slimy stools; general irritability.

The child wants to be carried all the time and it is worse at night.

Mag Phos—for spasms during dentition.

Aconite—fever with restlessness and sleeplessness; the child cries because

of teething pain.



Homeopathic Remedies for Teething


Remedy options

Amount to take

Teething is always uncomfortable, but some babies and toddlers feel more

miserable than others. Episodes begin around four months of age and occur

at intervals until age two or later. Babies are usually cranky or tearful,

drool profusely, and feel a need to press their gums or bite down hard on

toys. Sometimes a teething baby refuses to eat or nurse. The stress and

discomfort of teething can lower a child’s resistance to infection. Runny

noses, rashes on the chin, spitting up of swallowed saliva, or mild

diarrhea can occur without infection—but fever and symptoms of actual

illness are not “just teething.” Any illness needs attention of its own.

Homeopathic remedies are a safe, non-toxic way to help relieve the pain and

make the baby happier.

For dosage information, please read the information at the end of this

section. See also “Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance” in What Is


Aconitum apellus: If teething is very painful, and the baby seems agitated

or fearful, this remedy can often bring relief. The baby’s face may be

flushed, the gums may look inflamed, and sleep can be very restless.

Belladonna: Intense inflammation and gum pain, with flushing of the face

and a feeling of heat, often indicate a need for this remedy. The baby is

restless, easily startled, and may tend to cry out during sleep.

Calcarea carbonica: If teething is late to begin, then slow and difficult,

this remedy can be helpful. The baby may seem sad or anxious with the pain,

making chewing motions and pressing his gums together, often even while

sleeping. Babies who need this remedy are usually chubby, slow to learn to

crawl or walk, and their heads often sweat during naps or sleep at night.

Calcarea phosphorica: This remedy may be helpful to a child whose teeth are

late to come in, with aching in the gums and trouble sleeping.

Irritability, picky eating habits, and stomachaches are other indications.

A child who needs this remedy often is allergic to many foods and may tend

toward early tooth decay.

Chamomilla: This remedy is often indicated when a child seems extremely

irritable or angry and the pain appears to be unbearable. Babies may feel

agitated, scream and hit, and want to be rocked or carried constantly to

distract them from the pain. The gums may be so tender that touching them

is intolerable — or they may feel better from hard pressure and biting down

on something cold. Greenish diarrhea that occurs because of teething stress

is another indication for Chamomilla.

Coffea cruda: This remedy can be helpful when a child seems excitable and

has trouble sleeping because of teething pain. Distressing pain in the gums

often is relieved by holding something cold on them.

Ignatia: If a child seems very emotional, upset, or sad because of

teething, this remedy may bring relief. The baby’s sleep may be light and

restless, with jerking or twitching in the arms and legs.

Kreosotum: This remedy may be helpful if the child has irritating saliva

and severe discomfort during teething. Teeth that decay soon after coming

in often indicate a need for Kreosotum.

Magnesia phosphorica: This remedy is often helpful for painful teething,

relieved by pressing on the painful area and by heat. The baby may seem

happier when drinking something warm from a cup or bottle, or when biting

down on an object. A warm washcloth or hot water bottle held against the

cheek may also help relieve the pain.

Phytolacca: This remedy may be indicated if a baby with teething pain

constantly presses his or her gums together very hard, or tries to bite

down on anything in reach.

Pulsatilla: A baby who is very tearful during teething and wants to be

constantly held and comforted may respond to this remedy. Biting on

something cold may help and warmth increases discomfort. Cool food and

drinks or being out in open air also bring improvement.

Silicea (also called Silica): Slow, difficult teething that makes the baby

tired and nervous may be helped by this remedy. Children who need Silica

often have fine hair and seem a little delicate, with low resistance to

colds or other illnesses.

Sulphur: This remedy may be indicated if a reddish irritation or rash

develops on the baby’s chin or diaper area during teething episodes.

Diarrhea (often whitish) may occur because of stress. The baby is irritable

and anxious, feeling worse from being warm.


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account

Voicemail US 530-740-0561

Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or


Vaccine Dangers On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm

Reality of the Diseases & Treatment -


Homeopathy On-Line courses - http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm

NEXT CLASSES start by email January 9 & 10

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