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My newbie intro

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Hi guys I couldn't find this on the topic list, so I am re-posting,

sorry if you have read it already!

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself- I have two kiddies age 3 1/2 and

almost 2. My oldest is partially vaxed- had an ALTE or near-SIDS

event after her 4 month shots at home, needed light resusucitation,

and then went on to get her 6 month shots and her MMR at 14 months.

Little did I know the reaction was vaccine related. I didn't figure

it out until doing research on the MMR, and then getting her medical

records and looking up all her shots on the VAERS. 4 of the 11 shots

she got were highly reactive, including the one that caused the near

SIDS event- 4 healthy babies died from that one.

So on to baby #2, who was born when my daughter was 20 months. He

got one DTaP at 6 months, over my objections, basically my ped (who I

love b/c he usually listens to me) talked me into it, saying

pertussis is very prevalent here post-Katrina. Anyway, I was stupid

to let him do it. My daughter had what I now consider atypical

pertussis for three weeks when she was 8-9 months old, after three

shots. So all that stuff about herd immunity is crap. The point is

I could have handled it if he got it, I was up every night for 3

weeks with my daughter, sitting her up so she could breathe...

Anyway, my son started having repeated ear infections about two

months after the shot, when we started solids at 8 months. He was

miserable. It turns out, after going to a homeopath and an

allergist, that he is allergic to not just wheat, but gluten. That

diagnosis led me to a naturopath who did some hair sampling, where he

was found to have aluminum toxicity. Unfortunately my ND is also a

midwife, and has been caught up in the efforts of the La. medical

board to do away with midwifery in this state (don't get me started).

She has been a little distracted... anyway we did thuja for a bit

after we got the sample results back, and he was better, but not

100%. Since I was nursing him, I took gluten out of my diet and he

got much much better. He is about 4 months behind developmentally- I

must be dense b/c I didn't realize that he was having issues at the

time of the shot. Anyway he dragged his left leg for the longest

time, didn't actually get up on his knees to crawl until 10 months.

Pulled up at 12 months, and finally walked at 17 months.

Anyway I saw her again in Oct. and we are coming off of 5 weeks of

Thuja for both kids, as well as digestive enzymes every day. We are

going to try black walnut next for yeast, and see how it goes. My

son's language has improved a lot, but he still has some expressive

aphasia, where he knows what he wants to say, but can't make the

sounds come out right. I am so tired of people telling me he is just

a little behind, don't worry about it. Like it's no big deal that my

son is developmentally delayed because of one stinking shot.

I am glad I found this group, b/c most of my friends and family think

I am nuts. Some outright don't believe in food allergies, and think

I am making it up when he has a reaction, because it affects his

bowel. My MIL in particular is challenging. She has a habit of not

asking if something has gluten in it before giving it to him.

I have friends who have stopped talking to me altogether, and people

who say I am buying into conspiracy theories. It is annoying. If I

hear one more person say, " well my kid is vaccinated, and he is just

fine " I am going to scream! How do they know their kid is fine?

They won't know for months, maybe even years.

Other than that, I have a few theories as to why they reacted the way

they did. With DD I had a flu shot at 3 months preg., which the

nurse said was fine. Both kids spent time in the NICU, and according

to the new Dr. Sears book, both the dextrose IVs and the TPN they got

contained aluminum, which could have set them up for reactions.

Plus... DD had a respiratory problem being 35 weeks, and ended up

with RDS, and DS had a double nuchal cord, which according to the MD

led to low or no blood flow to the bowel for at least 10 minutes

after birth. So it is curious that the vaccines have affected my

daughter's lungs and my son's bowel.

I am rambling, thanks for having this group.

Thanks for the ear,

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