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I sure hope you are able to get an answer. Maybe she

slept on it " funny. " Hopefully it's something simple

and will go away. Good luck!


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I just wanted to comment on " I wonder how much almost 13 yr old

puberty interferes with all this! Her body is starting to really

change now. "

My OCD is often worse before my period, and that seems to be true for

many women. It is also not uncommon for OCD to worsen during or after

pregnancy. So, I think hormones definitely play a big role.

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I agree for the boys, too.

Until puberty I had a quirky kid - at puberty I had an ocd kid.

It made all the difference between not interfering and interfering.


> Ellen,

> I just wanted to comment on " I wonder how much almost 13 yr old

> puberty interferes with all this! Her body is starting to really

> change now. "


> My OCD is often worse before my period, and that seems to be true for

> many women. It is also not uncommon for OCD to worsen during or


> pregnancy. So, I think hormones definitely play a big role.




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  • 2 years later...

I took my little Sophia to the doctor today as she is 5 1/2 months

and not VAX. She's had a bit of a small cough for 3 weeks. No fever,

no runny nose, etc. but I was worried and I thought I heard her

wheezing last night. So, I took her to a clinic (big practice in

Atlanta) and the doctor said she was wheezing a small bit and she

needed an albuterol treatment. I freaked out and asked it if was a

steroid treatment and she said no. She was worried it might get worse

and end up in the hospital. You are supposed to put this " mask " of

misted medicine over there nose/mouth for 10 minutes. Sophia was

crying so I didn't put it on...I barely had it close to her mouth.

Nurses kept coming in and asking if I wanted them to hold her and do

the treatment...NO WAY. I shut it off early. Anyway, the doctor came

back in and was very sweet and said, " she sounds perfect " . Long story

short she said somehting about Sophia being vax. already against

pertussis and she was sure it was probably RSV that was a virus she

fought off but still has the cough. I said " She hasn't been vax. " Her

face turned white and she got really REALLY upset. I said...hey, I

looked up the symptoms and NONE of these sound like pertussis to me.

Anyway, her whole demeaner changed and looked at me like I was an

alien. I have another office I switched to who accepts that I don't

want to vax or possible delay and I needed to get into this old

office as I have a $100 co pay at the ER and I hate her being around

all those really sick kids...she's a baby.

My point is I am upset I did the breathing treatment. Everything

happened so fast. 3 weeks did seem like a long time for a cough and

she thought she might have asthma (my hubby has it ).

Hindsight is always 20/20 but how long should I have let her cough go

and what does anyone think she could have had?? It's only been a

cough...nothing else.

If anyone knows a GREAT practice that is okay without VAX in North

Atlanta let me know. I find that the alternative doctors aren't as

aggressive and that concerns me. I am looking for middle of the road.

I am not sure how I feel about homeopathic medicine. I think I am

honestly a bit afraid of harming my child..yes, I know traditional

sometimes can kill people too. I am worried that maybe doses could be

altered or have different strengths,etc..I would like to get

comfortable with some homo. options slowly. I HATE using tylenol for

teething. I think Sherri. you sent some other options. thank you!!!

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I guess it would depend on what the cough sounded like, if no " whoop "

at the end it wouldn't be pertussis... I don't know about treating it

homeopathically, but I do know about albuterol. My DD had pneumonia a

few times and took it by mouth, and my DS had RSV at 3 weeks of age, so

we did saline treatments like the one you are describing. I think if

you didn't have the mask close to her face she probably didn't get

much. If they were using albuterol, it is very dilute when it is in a

treatment like that, because they mix it with saline and then the

machine blows out a mist. Albuterol is a bronchodilator, basically to

open up the lungs, it makes kids hyper basically as far as side effects.

You guys correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it should be too

much of a concern. Now to find a new doc!


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Jack has had a sniffly nose and cough since he started day care in

November. His day care woman keeps telling me its asthma. I keep

thinking, " No, it's the fact that your son also has a constantly running

nose. " But I don't say that. Anyway... today, he woke up with hives. Our

wonderful ped said not to worry, and is seeing him Monday morning anyway

for his 2 year checkup, and told us what to do and when to call if it

seems worse.

I think that asthma wouldn't present itself so early - 5-1/2 months? But

I could be wrong. And if you have a family history of it, then maybe.

Eucalyptus (menthol) works well in treating restricted air flow. You

can't put Vicks Vapor Rub onto a baby under 6 months (it says on the

bottle; I'm not sure why not) but you can put it into a humidifier in

the place where she sleeps.

Hope this helps!


staceysarros wrote:




> My point is I am upset I did the breathing treatment. Everything

> happened so fast. 3 weeks did seem like a long time for a cough and

> she thought she might have asthma (my hubby has it ).


> Hindsight is always 20/20 but how long should I have let her cough go

> and what does anyone think she could have had?? It's only been a

> cough...nothing else.



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HI Stacey,

Don't beat yourself up over giving a nebuliser treatment. You do what you

think is right at the time.

My dd, now 10, had a nasty viral infection when she was 5 years old. She'd

woken up one morning with a fever, her breathing was shallow, laboured,

rapid and noisy and I was worried. I have asthma, and my dh also has

bronchial spasm (result of vaccinations) so I naturally was concerned about

her breathing. I took her to the doctor's as early as I could, where she

promptly vomited all over the floor. He was also concerned about her

breathing, and wanted her to have a dose of oral prednisolone (steroid).

She refused to take it, spitting it out without swallowing any. He then

wanted her to go on a nebuliser and I agreed willingly, knowing she was

struggling. She wasn't keen though and wouldn't stick with it. He had

another couple of tries to get her to take the prednisolone, which she

wouldn't, then, knowing she was unvaxed, he said he was calling for an

ambulance to have her admitted to hospital as a result of " uncontrolled

asthma " . She was on oxygen all the way there and quite frightened.

Once there, she was given a chest x-ray, and then we were able to get her to

have some salbutamol by nebuliser, and her breathing seemed a bit better.

They tried another dose of prednisolone, but she spat it all over the bed.

They kept her in overnight for observation and by the morning she was

playing with a couple of other tots on the ward and was right as rain. She

was discharged late morning and was fine. She doesn't have asthma and I am

sure that it was just a viral infection.

The paediatrician was not a happy bunny to learn that dd was unvaxed and

gave me the usual rubbish about lack of social conscience. The resident

doctor, Indian I believe, told me that I was very right to be concerned

about vaccinations and to be very wary (preaching to the converted there!)

and also thanked me for protecting my dd's health by continuing to

breastfeed her. He was delighted to see a child of 5 still being breastfed.

Nice guy, that one....:o)

Bottom line - don't beat yourself up about the nebuliser. Your daughter had

breathing problems and you cannot take chances with breathing problems. The

bronchodilator will not have done any long term damage and will not

compromise her health for the future. So just don't' thnk any more about it

You did what you had to at the time. I suspect, like my dd, your dd had a

viral infection. She will get over it.

I can't help you regarding a doctor in Atlanta as I'm in Australia. Sheri B

might have some suggestions - I'm sure she is in Atlanta? I hope she is or

I'll have offended her if not!! :o(

As far as homeopathic medicine is concerned, you would be much safer using

this healing system. In the hands of experienced practitioners it can

achieve wonders fir chronic illnesses and consitutional problems, and it is

also good for first aid situations or acute illnesses. Used with knowledge

it can do no harm. Unlike allopathic medicine, which, the last I heard, had

now assumed the dubious role of being the Western World's number One

killer!! Allopathic medicine is very, very dangerous and is not something I

would trust my child to have unless it were a matter of life and death - and

homeopathy will usually deal with many life-threatening situations too.

Having said that, some people never feel comfortable with homeopathy - but

there are still alternatives to conventional medicine. Safe and reliable

alternatives. Please investigate them carefully and you will be pleasantly

surprised at how many options you have.

Love, light and peace,




I took my little Sophia to the doctor today as she is 5 1/2 months

And not VAX. She's had a bit of a small cough for 3 weeks. No fever,

No runny nose, etc. But I was worried and I thought I heard her

Wheezing last night. So, I took her to a clinic (big practice in

Atlanta) and the doctor said she was wheezing a small bit and she

Needed an albuterol treatment. I freaked out and asked it if was a

Steroid treatment and she said no. She was worried it might get worse

And end up in the hospital. You are supposed to put this " mask " of

Misted medicine over there nose/mouth for 10 minutes. Sophia was

Crying so I didn't put it on...I barely had it close to her mouth.

Nurses kept coming in and asking if I wanted them to hold her and do

The treatment...NO WAY. I shut it off early. Anyway, the doctor came

Back in and was very sweet and said, " she sounds perfect " . Long story

Short she said somehting about Sophia being VAX. Already against

Pertussis and she was sure it was probably RSV that was a virus she


Fought off but still has the cough. I said " She hasn't been VAX. " Her

Face turned white and she got really REALLY upset. I said...hey, I

Looked up the symptoms and NONE of these sound like pertussis to me.

Anyway, her whole demeaner changed and looked at me like I was an

Alien. I have another office I switched to who accepts that I don't

Want to VAX or possible delay and I needed to get into this old

Office as I have a $100 co pay at the ER and I hate her being around

All those really sick kids...she's a baby.

My point is I am upset I did the breathing treatment. Everything

Happened so fast. 3 weeks did seem like a long time for a cough and

She thought she might have asthma (my hubby has it ).

Hindsight is always 20/20 but how long should I have let her cough go

And what does anyone think she could have had?? It's only been a

Cough...nothing else.

If anyone knows a GREAT practice that is okay without VAX in North

Atlanta let me know. I find that the alternative doctors aren't as

Aggressive and that concerns me. I am looking for middle of the road.

I am not sure how I feel about homeopathic medicine. I think I am

Honestly a bit afraid of harming my child..yes, I know traditional

Sometimes can kill people too. I am worried that maybe doses could be

Altered or have different strengths,etc..I would like to get

Comfortable with some homo. Options slowly. I HATE using Tylenol for

Teething. I think Sherri. You sent some other options. Thank you!!!

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