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This was sent home from preschool

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" It has come to our attention that the Health Dept has identified a case of

Salmonella in an elementary school student in Rowlett (not even our church

pre-school). This is highly contagious and while usually a food borne

infection, it can also be picked up from surfaces contaminated by an

infected person. The incubation period is from 6 - 72 hours. " It goes on

to describe signs and symptoms and the importance of hand-washing. " Because

of the contagious nature of this disease, it is reportable to the state

health department " .

So wouldn't the child with the bacteria need to vomit on the lunchroom table

in order to realistically expose another child, much less a whole town of

children? This letter had all the moms chattering in the hallway today.

Emma Mc

Rowlett, TX

<mailto:em.fiery@...> em.fiery@...

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AS I understand the way the medical profession view this, any surface could

be in theory *contaminated* as the salmonella will also cause diarrhoea, and

kids aren't that great at remembering to wash hands after going to the loo..

..that's a more likely route of transmission if you ask me.

Whether or not it matters, given the opinions I've heard recently on the

germ theory (all excellent points), there was some sort of study conducted

to find the most *contaminated* surface in terms of bacteria - turned out to

be door handles in public toilets and the bottoms of women's handbags!!

You're right, though, it would take an awful lot to infect a whole school

simply because they will not all be susceptible. One thing that does puzzle

me is how the norovirus spreads so easily....they reckon that can be


Sue x

" It has come to our attention that the Health Dept has identified a case of

Salmonella in an elementary school student in Rowlett (not even our church

Pre-school). This is highly contagious and while usually a food borne

Infection, it can also be picked up from surfaces contaminated by an

Infected person. The incubation period is from 6 - 72 hours. " It goes on

To describe signs and symptoms and the importance of hand-washing. " Because

Of the contagious nature of this disease, it is reportable to the state

Health department " .

So wouldn't the child with the bacteria need to vomit on the lunchroom table

In order to realistically expose another child, much less a whole town of

Children? This letter had all the moms chattering in the hallway today.

Emma Mc

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