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>I wouldn't worry about much formal curriculum at this point. Kindergarten

is still very much a stage of exploration and playing to learn rather than

structured curriculum. By the way, you don't need structured, formal

curriculum at all to homeschool - it depends very much on your child. I'd

recommend getting a hold of a scope and sequence for Kindergarten (and

probably for first grade as well). Here's the link

http://www.worldbook.com/wb/Students?curriculum. I also love this book:


/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8 & s=books & qid=1204516085 & sr=8-2 as well as the " What your

<x> grader needs to know " series. These resources give you an idea of what

a child should need to know when.


>I do a lot of lapbooking with my kids (7 and 4) and they love it. Here's

a good basic site on lapbooking to give you an idea of what it is

http://www.squidoo.com/lapbooking. If you want more information, email me

offline and I can help you. Both my boys are using Math-U-See curriculum

http://www.mathusee.com/. I don't use formal handwriting curriculum for

either of my kids - my youngest is too young to be writing much and my

oldest gets plenty of writing practice in other ways. My biggest piece of

advice to a new homeschooler is the more relavant you make the material you

want them to learn, the better they will learn it. I don't believe in

doing tons of worksheets because a) they're boring and B) they're

irrelavant. I have my son keep a journal each day and I have him

personally write thank you notes when he receives a card or gift. We also

keep a science notebook where we take notes on our experiments. Not to

mention that many of our lapbooks have copywork and oth

> er wri

>ting activities. My son is 7 years old, is learning cursive and has done

so without any formal writing curriculum of any kind.


>The most important thing to remember is keep it fun. The best learning

activities are ones that are fun and Kindergarten is far too young to get

into structured curriculum. Now is the time to play games (there are a ton

of educational games out there), go on field trips, do arts and crafts and

read LOTS of books. Kids will learn if given the chance - they are born

hungry for information and that will continue if it's allowed to.


>Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions. There's lots of

homeschoolers on this list and we're all here to help!



>Roni Bergerson

>Independent Monavie Distributor

>Celebrate Good Health with Monavie!



>-------------- Original message --------------

>From: SatuRDayGurl@...

>Just a quick lilttle note to say thank you for the help with the

>Homeschool questions I posted a few weeks ago! We are holding off on the

>registration for a while, but are in need of a curriculum for

>kindergarten so are searching for that.....so I appreciate any/all

>advice and leads in that direction!.....


>Thanks Bunches!







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