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Conjugate Vaccines Give Rise to Penicillin-Resistant Pneumococcal Clones

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You might find this interesting.Sheri Nakken <snakken@...> wrote: More of what we have been talking about.........HIB meningitis decreases--->pneumococcal meningitis increases----->Prevnarvaccine---->non-vaccine type Streptococcus pneumoniae strains (and I wouldadd, what the articles of the last week have pointed out - INCREASE in MRSAAntibiotics and vaccines have done thisWhat we have said all along - nature abhors a vacuum. We have SAID THISALL ALONG. But they are so much smarter

than us.Vaccinate against 7 strains, 9 strains, 11 strains............a new strainwill just appear.SheriFrom Belkin""Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal clones of serotypes not related tothose included in the 11-valent conjugate vaccines may derive from capsulartransformation of vaccine-related serotypes," the authors speculate. "This phenomenon, although seemingly rare at present, can have implicationsfor the long-term effectiveness of the conjugate vaccines," they conclude."http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495570Conjugate Vaccines Give Rise to Penicillin-Resistant Pneumococcal ClonesNEW YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 08 - In southern Israel, whereantipneumococcal conjugate vaccines have not been introduced, researchershave documented the presence of penicillin-nonsusceptible non-vaccine

typeStreptococcus pneumoniae strains in children with acute otitis media.Dr. Nurith Porat of Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheva, andcolleagues, explain in the December 15th issue of The Journal of InfectiousDiseases that after the introduction in 2000 of a pneumococcal conjugatevaccine, there was a shift toward carriage of pneumococcal strains that hadnot been included in the vaccine.Dr. Porat's group used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to analyzenasopharyngeal and middle ear isolates obtained from children in Israelbetween 1998 and 2003, and from children in Costa Rica between 1998 and 2001.In the Israeli samples, all from children under the age of 5 years, theresearchers studied 46 nasopharyngeal and middle ear fluid isolatesexpressing serotype 11A and 45 middle ear fluid isolates expressingserotype 15B/C. In addition, using middle ear fluid samples obtained fromyoung children in Costa Rica,

the researchers analyzed 57 isolatesexpressing serotype 19F.Genotypic analyses of the Israeli samples revealed "two clusters expressingnon-vaccine type serotypes with a genetic background closely related tothat of two vaccine type clones," according to the article.One was documented in a cluster of isolates expressing serotype 11A, andthe other in a cluster of isolates expressing serotype 15B/C. Both cloneswere more common among Bedouin children than among Jewish children.According to the article, the electrophoresis patterns of the first clone"were almost indistinguishable...from those of the penicillin-resistantserotype 9V/14 international clone, which was first identified in Spain andFrance," and has become widely disseminated around the world. The patternof the second clone was closely related to that of the serotype 19F clonerecovered from the Costa Rican

children."Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal clones of serotypes not related tothose included in the 11-valent conjugate vaccines may derive from capsulartransformation of vaccine-related serotypes," the authors speculate."This phenomenon, although seemingly rare at present, can have implicationsfor the long-term effectiveness of the conjugate vaccines," they conclude.J Infect Dis 2004;190:2154-2161.--------------------------------------------------------Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UKVaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Email classes startOctober 17 & 18 __________________________________________________

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opps made a mistake returning it here. sorryMaurine Meleck <maurine_meleck@...> wrote: You might find this interesting.Sheri Nakken <snakkennccn (DOT) net> wrote: More of what we have been talking about.........HIB meningitis decreases--->pneumococcal meningitis increases----->Prevnarvaccine---->non-vaccine type Streptococcus pneumoniae strains (and I wouldadd, what the articles of

the last week have pointed out - INCREASE in MRSAAntibiotics and vaccines have done thisWhat we have said all along - nature abhors a vacuum. We have SAID THISALL ALONG. But they are so much smarter than us.Vaccinate against 7 strains, 9 strains, 11 strains............a new strainwill just appear.SheriFrom Belkin""Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal clones of serotypes not related tothose included in the 11-valent conjugate vaccines may derive from capsulartransformation of vaccine-related serotypes," the authors speculate. "This phenomenon, although seemingly rare at present, can have implicationsfor the long-term effectiveness of the conjugate vaccines," they conclude."http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495570Conjugate Vaccines Give Rise to Penicillin-Resistant Pneumococcal ClonesNEW

YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 08 - In southern Israel, whereantipneumococcal conjugate vaccines have not been introduced, researchershave documented the presence of penicillin-nonsusceptible non-vaccine typeStreptococcus pneumoniae strains in children with acute otitis media.Dr. Nurith Porat of Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheva, andcolleagues, explain in the December 15th issue of The Journal of InfectiousDiseases that after the introduction in 2000 of a pneumococcal conjugatevaccine, there was a shift toward carriage of pneumococcal strains that hadnot been included in the vaccine.Dr. Porat's group used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to analyzenasopharyngeal and middle ear isolates obtained from children in Israelbetween 1998 and 2003, and from children in Costa Rica between 1998 and 2001.In the Israeli samples, all from children under the age of 5 years, theresearchers studied 46

nasopharyngeal and middle ear fluid isolatesexpressing serotype 11A and 45 middle ear fluid isolates expressingserotype 15B/C. In addition, using middle ear fluid samples obtained fromyoung children in Costa Rica, the researchers analyzed 57 isolatesexpressing serotype 19F.Genotypic analyses of the Israeli samples revealed "two clusters expressingnon-vaccine type serotypes with a genetic background closely related tothat of two vaccine type clones," according to the article.One was documented in a cluster of isolates expressing serotype 11A, andthe other in a cluster of isolates expressing serotype 15B/C. Both cloneswere more common among Bedouin children than among Jewish children.According to the article, the electrophoresis patterns of the first clone"were almost indistinguishable...from those of the penicillin-resistantserotype 9V/14 international clone, which was first identified in Spain

andFrance," and has become widely disseminated around the world. The patternof the second clone was closely related to that of the serotype 19F clonerecovered from the Costa Rican children."Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal clones of serotypes not related tothose included in the 11-valent conjugate vaccines may derive from capsulartransformation of vaccine-related serotypes," the authors speculate."This phenomenon, although seemingly rare at present, can have implicationsfor the long-term effectiveness of the conjugate vaccines," they conclude.J Infect Dis 2004;190:2154-2161.--------------------------------------------------------Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UKVaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

Email classes startOctober 17 & 18 __________________________________________________

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

More of what we have been talking about........

..HIB meningitis decreases--->pneumococcal meningitis

increases----->Prevnar vaccine---->non-vaccine type Streptococcus

pneumoniae strains (and I would add, what the articles of the last

week have pointed out - INCREASE in MRSA

Antibiotics and vaccines have done this

What we have said all along - nature abhors a vacuum. We have SAID

THIS ALL ALONG. But they are so much smarter than us.

Vaccinate against 7 strains, 9 strains, 11 strains............a new

strain will just appear.


From Belkin

" " Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal clones of serotypes not

related to those included in the 11-valent conjugate vaccines may

derive from capsular transformation of vaccine-related serotypes, "

the authors speculate.

" This phenomenon, although seemingly rare at present, can have

implications for the long-term effectiveness of the conjugate

vaccines, " they conclude. "


Conjugate Vaccines Give Rise to Penicillin-Resistant Pneumococcal Clones

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 08 - In southern Israel, where

antipneumococcal conjugate vaccines have not been introduced,

researchers have documented the presence of penicillin-nonsusceptible

non-vaccine type Streptococcus pneumoniae strains in children with

acute otitis media.

Dr. Nurith Porat of Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheva,

and colleagues, explain in the December 15th issue of The Journal of

Infectious Diseases that after the introduction in 2000 of a

pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, there was a shift toward carriage of

pneumococcal strains that had not been included in the vaccine.

Dr. Porat's group used pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to analyze

nasopharyngeal and middle ear isolates obtained from children in

Israel between 1998 and 2003, and from children in Costa Rica between

1998 and 2001.

In the Israeli samples, all from children under the age of 5 years,

the researchers studied 46 nasopharyngeal and middle ear fluid

isolates expressing serotype 11A and 45 middle ear fluid isolates

expressing serotype 15B/C. In addition, using middle ear fluid

samples obtained from young children in Costa Rica, the researchers

analyzed 57 isolates expressing serotype 19F.

Genotypic analyses of the Israeli samples revealed " two clusters

expressing non-vaccine type serotypes with a genetic background

closely related to that of two vaccine type clones, " according to the article.

One was documented in a cluster of isolates expressing serotype 11A,

and the other in a cluster of isolates expressing serotype 15B/C.

Both clones were more common among Bedouin children than among Jewish children.

According to the article, the electrophoresis patterns of the first

clone " were almost indistinguishable...from those of the

penicillin-resistant serotype 9V/14 international clone, which was

first identified in Spain and France, " and has become widely

disseminated around the world. The pattern of the second clone was

closely related to that of the serotype 19F clone recovered from the

Costa Rican children.

" Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal clones of serotypes not

related to those included in the 11-valent conjugate vaccines may

derive from capsular transformation of vaccine-related serotypes, "

the authors speculate.

" This phenomenon, although seemingly rare at present, can have

implications for the long-term effectiveness of the conjugate

vaccines, " they conclude.

J Infect Dis 2004;190:2154-2161.

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I can't find it now, and I've spent 20 minutes trying. Mothering Dot

Commune, search the Vaccinations forums for " Serotype Replacement " and

you'll get a couple of pages, one of which, should really answer your


I'll try to paraphrase. There are several different types of Hi -

Hib is now lower than it used to be (supposedly, I'll get to that in a

minute). However, the other types are up. Because when the vaccine comes

in to stop the Hib bacteria, the other bacteria come in to fill the void.

As for the Hib numbers - official numbers weren't kept, pre-vaccine. The

numbers cited now as " look at how bad Hib used to be, and now that we've

got the vaccine, it's gone " are estimates.


Sue wrote:


> So, Sheri - while totally accepting of what you say below, what *has*

> happened to Haemophilus Influenzae? Has it been eradicated by the overuse

> of antibiotics and did the vaccine actually have the effect of decreasing

> its incidence? Or has it just mutated?


> I've decided that I'm at the place of accepting that these organisms

> are the

> result of disease rather than the cause. But when anyone asks me, " what

> about the fact that you don't see HiB (or whatever) any more " , I am never

> quite sure how to answer.


> Love, light and peace,


> Sue



> -- Conjugate Vaccines Give Rise to

> Penicillin-Resistant

> Pneumococcal Clones


> More of what we have been talking about........


> .HIB meningitis decreases--->pneumococcal meningitis

> Increases----->Prevnar vaccine---->non-vaccine type Streptococcus

> Pneumoniae strains (and I would add, what the articles of the last

> Week have pointed out - INCREASE in MRSA


> Antibiotics and vaccines have done this



> What we have said all along - nature abhors a vacuum. We have SAID

> THIS ALL ALONG. But they are so much smarter than us.


> Vaccinate against 7 strains, 9 strains, 11 strains............a new

> Strain will just appear.

> Sheri


> >From Belkin


> " " Penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococcal clones of serotypes not

> Related to those included in the 11-valent conjugate vaccines may

> Derive from capsular transformation of vaccine-related serotypes, "

> The authors speculate.


> " This phenomenon, although seemingly rare at present, can have

> Implications for the long-term effectiveness of the conjugate

> Vaccines, " they conclude. "


> http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495570

> <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495570>


> Conjugate Vaccines Give Rise to Penicillin-Resistant Pneumococcal Clones



> NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Dec 08 - In southern Israel, where

> Antipneumococcal conjugate vaccines have not been introduced,

> Researchers have documented the presence of penicillin-nonsusceptible

> Non-vaccine type Streptococcus pneumoniae strains in children with

> Acute otitis media.





robyn@... <mailto:%20robyn@...>


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I sent a bunch of emails on the 16th along with this one that Sue had

a question about.

See those emails


At 11:31 PM 3/17/2008, you wrote:

>I can't find it now, and I've spent 20 minutes trying. Mothering Dot

>Commune, search the Vaccinations forums for " Serotype Replacement " and

>you'll get a couple of pages, one of which, should really answer your



>I'll try to paraphrase. There are several different types of Hi -

>Hib is now lower than it used to be (supposedly, I'll get to that in a

>minute). However, the other types are up. Because when the vaccine comes

>in to stop the Hib bacteria, the other bacteria come in to fill the void.

>As for the Hib numbers - official numbers weren't kept, pre-vaccine. The

>numbers cited now as " look at how bad Hib used to be, and now that we've

>got the vaccine, it's gone " are estimates.




>Sue wrote:

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