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1. British Psychological Society Hung Out To Dry.

Cole describes British Psychological

Society sanctioning of falsifying research

findings and resigns. Blakemore-Brown

illustrates British Psychological Society

promotion of miscarriages of justice. BPS correspondence published.

Cole and Blakemore-Brown, Psychologists

2. Early-Life Immune Insult With ME/CFS.

Part of the dilemma in identifying the cause(s)

of ME/CFS has been the focus on biomarkers

(hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines,

infectious agents) that are contemporary with

later-life CFS episodes. Yet, recent

investigations on the origins of environmental

diseases of the neurological, endocrine,

reproductive, respiratory and immune systems

suggest that early life toxicologic and other

insults are pivotal in producing later-life onset

of symptoms. As with autism and childhood asthma,

CFS can also occur in children where the causes

are certainly early-life events.

Dietert RR, Dietert JM: 'Possible role for

early-life immune insult including developmental

immunotoxicity in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)', Toxicology.

2008 Feb 8 [Epub ahead of print]

3. Toxic Vaccines Cause SIDS.

's healthy baby boy Vance became

very ill and died at four months­two days after

being vaccinated­in September, 2007. Two other

babies died shortly after receiving shots

administered at the same clinic. Dr Tedd Koren,

'Crib Death or Vaccine Death?' states that SIDS

is the second most common cause of infant death

with 10,000 deaths annually. Baby Vance died

after receiving a shot of Pediarix, a 5-in-1 shot

for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B

and polio; a shot of Prevnar, seven pneumococcal

viruses plus diphtheria toxoid and; Rotateq, the

new rotavirus vaccine given orally and containing

four viruses associated with infant diarrhea.

That adds up to 19 different pathogens given to a

four-month-old infant in less than 15 minutes.

Ingri Cassel, Idaho Observer

4. Egregious Error In Science, Deceit In Government.

Epidemiologist presenting work to the CDC in

Atlanta, Georgia, found alarming evidence in the

CDC’s Vaccine Safety Database of a strong

association between neurodevelopmental disorders,

including autism, and thimerosal, the

mercury-based preservative used at the time in

many US vaccines and still present in many

vaccines used in Europe. The CDC suppressed the

information and promoted the vaccine manufacturers instead.

Lynne McTaggart, What Doctors Don't Tell You

5. SSRIs Create White Matter Lesions In Elderly.

The results of a study employing serial cranial

MRI shows that elderly adults who use tricyclic

antidepressants are at increased risk for

progression of white matter lesions. The use of

an antidepressant from any class during the study

period hastened the progression of white matter

disease, according to the report in the March

issue of Stroke and are directly responsible for hypotension.

Reuters, Medicexchange - London UK

6. Seven Genomic Subtypes - ME/CFS.

Dr Kerr's team carried out a complex analysis of

the records of 55 patients and found that they

could be divided into seven sub-types according

to the specific gene combinations found in their

white blood cells, and the severity of their symptoms.

Bob Ward, Daily Telegraph

7. CDC Castigated Over Toxic Facts Seven Years Suppression.

Seven years after the International Joint

Commission requested the study, the U.S. Centers

for Disease Control and Prevention this month

finally made public a controversial report on

pollution and health in Great Lakes Areas of

Concern. The years that this report remained

buried only served to raise suspicion. What were

they trying to hide - shocking truth or sloppy science?

Editorial, The Bay City Times

8. Boots Play MHRA Dirty With Online Chemists Direct.

Mitesh Soma only launched Chemist Direct in

November 2007, but the tiny prices that are

attracting customers in their droves. Boots

lodged a spurious complaint with the Medicines

and Healthcare Regulatory Agency because Chemists

Direct are undercutting the high street to

benefit the consumer by up to 90 per cent.

Burn-Callander, Real Business, London UK



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Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine

Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start in March

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