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RotoTech Vaccine review

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Beware Parents:

The Rotavirus vaccine was designed specifically to avoid a common

childhood condition, diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration in young

babies and children. It is recommended for babies six weeks or older.

This vaccine, like many others, has not been thoroughly studied

before being released. When the first rotavirus vaccine, Rota

Shield, was released in 1998, there were also concerns about the

inadequate safety studies prior to licensing. I attended a

conference in Washington sponsored by the National Vaccine

Information Center where this concern was discussed in great length

before it was recommended in the childhood schedule. Despite

concerns, the Rota Shield was quickly licensed and on the vaccine

schedule. As history documented, it was released and recalled within

six months due to the number of babies who suffered with

intussusception. This condition is when the colon becomes inflamed,

swells and folds in on itself often requiring surgery, air enemas or

other intrusive measures to correct. Babies collapse in severe pain

and need emergency care. How could this have been allowed happen? I

often wonder how the babies who went through that terrible experience

are doing today. Were their families compensated for all the

suffering and pain?

Many accuse " conflict of interest " as the cause of this devastating

negligence. Dr. Offit, a very outspoken proponent of vaccines

and a member of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory

Committee disclosed in Congressional Record that he received

$350,000.00 in grant money to develop the RotaShield vaccine from

Merck and also owned the patent! My personal opinion is that the

conflict of interest leads to the vaccine's premature approval,

without adequate safety studies. Numerous babies were wrongfully

injured before the vaccine was pulled from the market six months

later. Did Dr. Offit suffer any consequences?

I admit I am skeptical and very concerned with the licensing and

mandating of the new RotaTeq for the many reasons. The following

quotes were obtained off of the FDA web site from Merck & Co.Inc.

RotaTeq #9714301 Pages 1, 4, 5 & 6. My comments and concerns follow:

1. " No safety or efficacy data are available for administration of

RotaTeq to infants with a history of gastrointestinal disorders

including infants with active acute gastrointestinal illness, infants

with chronic diarrhea and failure to thrive, congenital abdominal

disorders, abdominal surgery and intussusception. There fore caution

is advised when considering administration of RotaTeq to these

infants. " (Pg.4 Indications and Usage)

The studies have not been done! Considering the rate of

immunocompromised people/children in this country, the question every

parent must ask is, " How would I know if my 6 week old baby is immune

compromised? Many children born at this time are predisposed or

hypersensitive to the toxins in vaccines because their mother was

exposed through her vaccines. It is my opinion that we

have " increased the toxic load " and have caused genetic

predisposition to toxin-sensitivity in vaccines by requiring so many

vaccines for very underdeveloped immune systems. If any family

member suffers with a chronic immune illness, parents need to

understand the risk involved. These weaknesses may be passed down

genetically to your baby. Unfortunately Mom and Dad, if your child

is one of the unlucky ones, you won't find out until it is too late

and they suffer a severe reaction.

" In clinical studies,

52 deaths were reported! "


2. In high school chemistry, I learned that any valid experiment must

have only one variable. All other factors are carefully controlled

so that the outcome can be linked to the variable. During the

trials, this vaccine was administered with other vaccines. It also

noted that is was not given in conjunction with the polio vaccine.

Why did they choose to not include the polio shot? It is recommended

that babies get this shot with all the other vaccines on the

schedule, but during the study they omitted the polio vaccine. This

seemed very fishy to me. It is impossible to judge the real

outcome. In the clinical studies, 52 deaths were reported! I cried

when I read this because that means that 52 families have been the

victims of science. Their children have been used as guinea pigs for

a condition that is a usual part of childhood and rarely results in

death. For the babies who died during the study, the cause of death

was reported as SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). This is the

cover-all reason for infant death whenever the doctors do not

understand or want to admit the cause. I believe the death

certificates should read, " Vaccine-Induced Death " and the parents

should be compensated, if there is such a way to compensate for a

child who dies.

Intussusception again showed up in the trials for Rota Teq. It

occurred in 8 recipients of RotaTeq and the 9 who received placebo.

This brings up another question: Could other vaccines cause

intussusception? (MMR vaccine has been linked to severe gut

problems) We need to look at the incidence of intussusception in the

unvaccinated children? I personally know hundreds who are completely

vaccine-free and are willing to be part of any study comparing them

to the vaccinated. Is this really truthful, ethical science

supporting these studies when all the children are administered

multiple vaccines in conjunction with the new vaccine being studied?

Sorry, I do not trust this kind of study.

3. Under Patient Information- (pg.2) " The most common side effects

reported after taking the RotaTeq were diarrhea, vomiting, fever,

runny nose and sore throat, wheezing or coughing and ear infections.

These are NOT all the possible side effects of RotaTeq "

Sounds like what the vaccine is supposed to alleviate!

According to Dr. Incao, a well respected doctor who supports natural

immunity, normal childhood illnesses help to develop strong immunity

for life. He encourages parents to allow their children to

experience the illness. By overcoming the illness they strengthen

and develop the immune system. This is how I raised my five

children and I know many hundreds of families who are doing the same

thing. Immunologist and Chiropractor, Dr. Steve Marini, shows how

the immune system reacts completely different when the child is

allowed to experience the illness compared to when a child is

vaccinated. I reference this on my DVD, " Are Vaccines Safe? " which

is available from my web site www.Tocco.com or


The ingredients in the RotaTeq are as follows:

Active ingredients: 5 live rotavirus strains.

Inactive ingredients: sucrose, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate,

monobasic monohydrate, sodium hydroxide, polysorbate 80 and also

fetal bovine (cow) serum.

How do we know how an infant will react to any of these products?

As with all vaccines, I believe the vaccine immunity theory is

terribly flawed and the parents and children of this country are

victims of shrewd marketing. The whole industry is riddled with

greed, conflict of interest, and misinformation from the governmental

agencies down to the doctors' offices that push vaccines on

uninformed parents who are following instructions. We must all get

involved by thoroughly investigating every shot they say is required

and make informed decisions. Most importantly, you must understand

that as a parent you have the final say…there are exemptions

available in every state if you want to avoid vaccines. Call your

local health department and ask which legal exemptions for vaccines

are available in your state. Get it in writing so you understand how

to utilize them. For those using the religious exemption, I have a

list of " Biblical Reasons to Avoid Vaccination. " You may email me at

mary@... and request a copy.


" If we do not make critical changes soon, we will all lose our right

to make the vaccine decision for our children and ourselves! "


I'm not very politicical but I must say that Congressman Ron ,

Republican candidate for president, supports the parent's right to

make medical decisions. He is a medical physician and as honorary

member of Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines since the group's

inception in 1994. I am the Director of Vaccine Research for that

group and have respected Ron because he is not afraid to take a

stand for what he believes is right. He does not agree with

mandating vaccines and completely understands the risks to the

American family. He is opposed to big government, the IRS, and wants

to eliminate the Department of Education as they are failing

miserably. He is about freedom, constitutional rights and the

sanctity of human life. As our rights erode and big government

intrudes in our life, I believe it is time for Ron to lead this

country back to its roots…The American Constitution. If we do not

make critical changes soon, we will all lose our right to make the

vaccine decision for our children and ourselves!

As for me and my family, we will continue to avoid all vaccines. I

will continue to promote a vitalistic approach to health where the

body is nurtured and encouraged to develop naturally. I am not anti-

medical; I believe drugs and medication do have a place, emergency

and crisis care! I believe that healthy children do not need drugs

to grow and develop.

As a parent, I encourage you to proceed with caution and do your own

investigation. Unfortunately, medical health care decisions are very

complicated and the facts are not always obvious. I welcome your


My DVD is available at my web site or call me at 231-642-7984.


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