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Dr. Ken Stoller resigns membership in AAP because of Vaccines

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From: KP Stoller, MD <<mailto:hbotnm@...>hbotnm@...>

Date: Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 1:53 PM

KP Stoller, MD

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico


Please note: forwarded message attached

To everyone,

Please note the attached Resignation that Dr

Stoller is forwarding to the American Academy of

Pediatrics in protest to its untenable position that vaccines cause no injury.

Since we are all lay people here, it has to be

noted that this protest can be very negatively

impactful on Dr Stoller, his professional

standing and his standing as an expert and has

personal ramifications. It is a very brave and

determined stand that he is taking for our kids.

Please feel free to express your support and/or appreciation for his protest.



K.P. Stoller/Medical Veritas 5 (2008) 16991700

1699 Les Incompétents: My open letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics

K. Stoller, MD

President, International Hyperbaric Medical Assoc

Medical Director, Hyperbaric Medical Center of New Mexico

Email: hbotnm@... Website: www.hbotnm.com


A protest resignation from the American Academy

of Pediatrics (AAP), by a pediatrician with two

decades of membership, is precipitated by the

organization’s sellout of the world’s children by

a policy that arrogantly and blindly ignored

basic toxicology and safety limits when it

involved vac-cine and enabled a dangerous

immunization mandate by the compromised Centers

for Disease Control (CDC) via publication of CDC

sponsored low quality epidemiology studies

showing no connection between vaccines with

Thimerosal written by individuals involved in

producing Thimerosal-containing vaccines without

disclosure (the conclusion of the studies showed

Thimerosal removal caused autism). The AAP is

fully aware of the untainted CDC analysis

presented at the secret Simpsonwood conference

and has known for almost a decade that Thimerosal

causes neurodevelop-mental disorders.

Perpetuating the myth that affected children have

come to the fore only because of better

diagnosing, or because of a genetic epi-demic

(there are no genetic epidemics), the AAP has

helped to subject the world’s children to

environmental triggers that effect both

mitochondrial function and brain activity. Driven

by hubris and the largesse of vaccine

manufacturers, the AAP has helped cause the loss

of valuable time to rectify the crisis, the loss

of a generation of children and perpetuated untold suffering worldwide.

Keywords: autism, immunization policy, mercury,

mitochondrial dysfunction, Thimerosal, vaccine

“Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine,

from a very early age, to produce the sort of

character and the sort of beliefs that the

authorities consider desirable, and any serious

criticism of the powers that be will become

psychologically impossible. Even if all are

miserable, all will believe themselves happy,

because the government will tell them that they are so.”

-Bertrand , The Impact of Science on Society p50, 1953

As a pediatrician, who has been a fellow of the

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for two

decades, I find the AAP’s approach to the autism

epidemic to be deeply disturbing. Not only have

they allowed the myth of better diagnosing (as

the reason for all the notice given to affected

children) to be perpetuated, but when they were

put on notice at the Center for Disease Control

and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Simpsonwood meet-ing in

2000, that the mercury in the preservative

Thimerosal was causing speech delays and learning

disabilities, they obfus-cated and hid that

information. They never made good on their 1999

pledge to have Thimerosal eliminated from

vaccines and almost a decade later joined in the

protest against a fictitious TV show (Eli Stone)

because it was critical of mercury being in vaccines.

Out of about 120 million doses of the worthless

[1] flu vac-cine shipped for the 2007-08 flu

season, no more than about 15 million doses,

including the less than 4 million live-virus

doses, were no-Thimerosal doses. That means that

about 87% con-tained some level of Thimerosal and

at least 42% contained the maximum level (0.01%) of Thimerosal.

If a pregnant woman got a flu shot in 2001 and

her child followed the flu shot recommendations,

the baby/fetus would have received six flu shots

with the full amount of Thimerosal by the year 2005.

Today, in some states, the flu vaccine given to

those under 3 year of age are supposed to contain

no more than a trace level of Thimerosal, but

with no government agency testing vaccines for

mercury, the only ones who know whether a

preservative-free vaccine (flu or otherwise)

actually is mercury free are the manufacturers themselves.

Vaccines with “trace” amounts of Thimerosal are

supposed to contain less than 1 microgram of

mercury (Hg) per 0.5 ml dose (1 microgram [ìg] of

Hg per 0.5 mL is the same as 2 ìg of Hg per mL

which is the same as 2000 liter; micrograms per

liter is parts per billion [ppb][2])

0.5 parts per billion (ppb) mercury = Kills human

neuroblas-toma cells (Parran et al., Toxicol Sci 2005; 86: 132-140).

2 ppb mercury = U.S. EPA limit for drinking water


20 ppb mercury = Neurite membrane structure

destroyed (Leong et al., Neuroreport 2001; 12: 733-37).

200 ppb mercury = level in liquid the EPA

classifies as haz-ardous waste

(http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/mercury/ regs.htm#hazwaste)

25,000 ppb mercury = Concentration of mercury in

multi-dose, Hepatitis B vaccine vials,

administered at birth from 1991-2001 in the U.S.

50,000 ppb mercury = Concentration of mercury in

multi-dose DTP and Haemophilus B vaccine vials,

administered 8 times in the 1990’s to children at

2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months of age and currently

“preservative” level mercury in multi-dose flu,

meningococcal and tetanus (7 and older) vaccines.

For years the Infectious Disease division at the

CDC (and others) has said the reason for the

dramatic increase in autism is due to " better

diagnosing " and “greater awareness.” They have

encouraged those like the AAP to manufacture

uncertainty by publishing articles that were less

than truthful. The AAP shame-fully played along,

perhaps encouraged by the largesse of vac-cine

manufacturers who significantly contribute to the

AAP’s yearly budget. To publish studies that

showed the removal of a known neurotoxin

(mercury) from vaccine caused the incidence of

autism to increase was shameful pseudo-science.

There is another budget to consider for eighty

percent of autistic Americans under the age of

18, and we will soon begin to see a dramatic

impact on Social Security in coming years as

these children become dependent adults. There are

no studies that have found the previously

undiagnosed or misdiagnosed autistic individuals

among older Americans. They simply aren't there.

So what is coming will significantly impact on society.

As there are no genetic epidemics, which leaves

an epidemic linked to some sort of exposure. Now,

the increase of autism has been linked to the

increase in mercury exposure through fish and

industrial sources, amalgam and additionally,

through increased parenteral exposure to

Thimerosal - no controlled, randomized study

regarding the safety of amalgam or Thimerosal exists.

A recently released Scientific Consensus

Statement on Envi-ronmental Agents Associated

with Neurodevelopmental Disor-ders (by the

Collaborative on Health and the Environment’s

Learning and Developmental Disabilities

Initiative) concludes that environmental

contaminants are an important cause of learning

and developmental disabilities.

Delayed detoxification of mercury severely

impairs methyla-tion reactions (required for the

correct expression of DNA, RNA, and

neurotransmitters), which further adversely

affects growth factor derived development of the

brain and attention abilities. Phospholipid

methylation, which is crucial for atten-tion, is

impaired in autistic and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.

In a first analysis of the VSD datasets,

Verstraeten et al. had described a 7.6 to 11.4

fold increase of autism risk in children at one

month, with the highest mercury exposure levels

compared to children with no exposure. In four

subsequent separate gen-erations of the analysis,

which involve the exclusion of children with no

Thimerosal exposure and less than two polio

vaccines, the statistical significance

disappeared. This is what was pub-lished by the

AAP even though they knew the truth. How did they know the truth?

Again, they were presented at the Simpsonwood

meeting in June 2000, a meeting that was illegal

to hold. No Federal agency is allowed to call a

meeting together with representa-tives of private

industry (all the vaccine manufacturers were

represented at this meeting) without opening the meeting to the public.

Thimerosal was tested only once, by Eli Lilly on

22 adult patients suffering from meningitis.

There was no chance for follow- up to observe

long-term effects, as all of the patients in this

“study” died. Even if follow-up had been

possible, damage to the developing brains of very

young children would have remained an unknown.

Eli Lilly said it was safe and the medical

community accepted it. After the creation of the

FDA, its use was simply continued. The federal

government has never tested the type of mercury

in vaccines for toxicity. This is an

uncon-scionable oversight failure at best, at

worse it is an example that we have left

consensus reality to be created by the liars,

thieves, cheats, killers, and the junk scientists they employ.

How it came to pass the AAP joined these rogues

and be-came an active participant in this

skullduggery is beyond reason even beyond greed.

They have remained silent as mercury-laden

vaccine continues to be exported and used in all

third world and second world countries.

We are living in a time where an incredible

overplay and lies, self-aggrandizing behavior and

non-science are the norm. We have tolerated the

junk science that has covered up the true cause

of this epidemic at a considerable cost to

science, the public, and our very way of life in

this country. Is it a stretch to realize that by

putting our collective heads in the sand about

the autism epidemic we have made it possible for

the destruction of our very civilization?

Not something easy to contemplate? Then ask why

haven’t pediatricians come forward to demand the

end of the use of Thimerosal once and for all,

and to advocate for the treatment of these

children before it is too late? Why are they not

at the front of the line protesting the amounts

of mercury allowed to come out of coal-fired

power plants? Why aren’t they leading the charge

to stop the use of mercury amalgam dental

fillings that are placed in the mouths of young children and pregnant women?

The very Federal agencies that should have been

sounding the alarm bell about environmental

pollution creating future generations of mentally

disabled citizens did less than remain silent

because they have become arms of the very

corporations that profit from selling and

distributing poisons. Just look who sits on the

FDA's Scientific Advisory Boards the conflicts

of interest are so glaring as to suggest that the

FDA has become a trade arm of Big Pharma.

Nevertheless, the hand writing is on the wall as

the US gov-ernment has quietly conceded a

vaccine-autism case in the Court of Federal

Claims [3]. Pediatricians will no longer be able

to hide behind the skirts of “Standard of Care”

if they are giving autistic children heavy-metal

laden vaccines, or children with mitochondrial

dysfunction vaccine, or when it is estab-lished

most “autistic” children have mitochondrial dysfunction.

The AAP should proactively be bringing in risk

management specialists to determine how this

could affect pediatricians in civil litigation

for following the CDC recommendations on

vac-cinations after a diagnosis of any type of

neurodevelopmental delay in a child. Of course,

this is what they are afraid of and this is what

the law of attraction will bring in upon the AAP

and their minions who just followed the

recommendations and drank the Kool-Aid that Big Pharma wanted them to drink.

For all the above reasons, I will no longer

enable the AAP to be party to the damage that is

being done to the world’s chil-dren by sending in

my dues for a third decade. It is a token

pro-test, but it has to begin with someone.


[1] a. Jefferson T. Influenza vaccination: Policy

versus evidence. BMJ 2006; 333: 912-915 (28

October), doi: 10.1136/bmj.38995.531701.80

b. Geier DA, King PG, Geier MR. Influenza

Vaccine: Review of effec-tiveness of the U.S.

immunization program, and policy considerations.

JAPS (Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons) 2006 Fall; 11(3): 69-74

[2] http://www.ajph.org/cgi/eletters/AJPH.2007.113159v1



_b_ 88323.html

doi: 10.1588/medver.2008.05.00178


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine

Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start April 18

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