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1. GlaxoKline Set Legal Dogs On British Pharma Blogger.

The litigious cages of GSK, the maker of the SSRI

antidepressant drug Paxil (Seroxat) seem to have

been rattled by Bob Fiddaman a patient advocate

in the UK who writes the " Seroxat (Paxil)

Sufferers blog " . Fiddaman posted on his website a

video that he created out of footage from the

public domain, featuring clips of GSK's most

prominent medical spokesman, Dr Alistair Benbow,

Head of GSKs European Clinical Psychiatry. A far

cheaper method of intimidation is the deployment

of the police on entirely spurious charges

designed to wreck the lives of those who publish

evidenced information and place it in the public

domain whilst resident in 'democratic' countries.

Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP/The One Click Group

2. McCarthy Crucifies Vaccine AAP On Larry King Live.

85% of Larry King viewers think autism and

vaccination are related. Young celebrity Mum,

McCarthy crucified the American Academy of

Pediatrics (AAP) on national television in a call

to the AAP to back away from one-size-fits-all

vaccine policies that recommend all babies get

dozens of doses of vaccines. The AAP and CDC

leadership have joined with the pharmaceutical

industry and stuck their heads in the sand for

three decades, refusing to take action even

though parents and a few courageous doctors have

repeatedly come to the table at the CDC, FDA, NIH

and Institute of Medicine and pleaded with them

to responsibly investigate the clear pattern of

regression into poor health after vaccination

that so many children are suffering.

Barbara Loe Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center

3. UK New Labour Government Legally Fails MMR Children.

In published correspondence with the Ministry of

Justice over the UK MMR Vaccine Class Action,

Stone writes: " Perhaps the most remarkable

breach of the principle of justice is that you

cite another government department in support of

the view that the MMR case was unfounded: this

illustrates the sort of problem I am complaining

about when you seek to get a fair hearing from

the system. That the Department of Health took a

view on this matter long before any of the

studies it chose to cite were conducted is a

matter of record. That these studies and are

themselves flawed is a matter of record. " The

bother of the judge who denied this case has been

outed as a director of GlaxoKline, the MMR vaccine manufacturer.

Stone, parent/The One Click Group

4. Cancers Spread By Mitochondrial Defects.

To explore the role of mtDNA mutations in cancer,

Jun-Ichi Hayashi's group at the University of

Tsukuba in Japan and collaborators swapped the

mtDNA of two types of mouse tumor cells: one that

tends to metastasize and another that does not.

When they injected these hybrid cells under the

skin of mice, the cells grew into tumors that

eventually spread to the lungs. The paper is " a

technical tour de force, " says mitochondria

researcher of Newcastle University

in the U.K., and the fact that antioxidants

suppressed metastasis warrants further study, he says.

Jocelyn Kaiser, Science Now

5. FDA Refuses To Answer On Gene Testing Industry.

In an article published today in Science,

Katsanis and her colleagues describe a burgeoning

industry flying under the regulatory radar,

sending customers down paths blazed as much by

marketing as science. Co-founder of 23andMe,

Avey, said: " We're the first ones to say

that we think there should be regulation. We want

to make sure it doesn't stop innovation, but we

totally agree that there need to be standards in

place. " Despite pressure, the FDA has been slow to move.


6. Vested Interests CDC Under Siege - Vaccines Autism.

Chief among the complaints from scientists and

citizen's groups has been the way the CDC

continually disputes, downplays or ignores

scientific findings, often from some of their own

researchers, and fails to draw any conclusions,

or " links, " between environmental/industrial

pollution and chronic diseases affecting the

American public, particularly children. The

conflicts of interest between CDC officials and

the vaccine industry are vast, appalling and were

detailed by UPI in 2003. The Vaccine Conflict is

a must read for anyone concerned about industry

influence on government agencies. The article

provides shocking details about how the CDC

collaborates with the vaccine industry.

Deirdre Imus, The Huffington Post

7. CDC Deliberately Conceals Health Hazards.

The Associated Press / USA Today report in

testimony before the House Science and Technology

subcommittee. De , a top

scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention's toxic substances agency, testified

that his bosses ignored pleas to alert Gulf Coast

hurricane victims about formaldehyde dangers in

government-issued trailers. His bosses, he

testified, told him last year not to write

e-mails about the potentially widespread health

problems-because his warnings of a " pending

public health catastrophe " could be misinterpreted if publicly released.

Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP

8. Only 1 in 7 New Drugs Offer Substantial Benefit.

An email made public by Sen. Grassley

provides further evidence of how pharmaceutical

companies conceal (delay disclosure) of negative

clinical trial results for years. Concealing

harmful trial results is unlawful. Engaging in

aggressive marketing and deceptive direct to

consumer advertising is unlawful. The FDA has the

authority to revoke the marketing license if

companies violate federal law. Yet concealment

and false advertising is the norm and practice of

pharmaceutical companies whose defective drugs

are undermining the health and life safety of consumers.

Vera Hassner Sharav, AHRP

9. World Bank Manipulates Climate Funds.

The NGOs called for governments to ensure that

the proposals for climate change financing are

appropriate at this crucial juncture, when “it is

vital that these proposals are opened up to wider

ownership and engagement from civil society and developing countries”.

Celine Tan, Third World Network, Institute of Science in Society

10. UK Legal Services Commission - £12m Dead Online Parrot.

The cost of the new version of the Legal Services

Commission's LSC Online portal for legal aid

firms has now risen to more than £12 million.

Following a freedom of information request by

Keogh, a partner with the law firm

Tuckers, the LSC has admitted that it will cost

£2.68m to get the site functioning properly after

it crashed in November. This is in addition to

the £9.4m it cost to set up the site. Penny

Mackinder, the acting manager of the Legal Aid

Practitioners Group, says the crash raises

questions about the ability of the LSC to manage

IT projects. Nobody is resigning from the LSC

over this debacle – but hey, it's not their money they are wasting.

Christian, Legal Technology Insider

11. Chemical Cosh Drugs Killing The Elderly.

More than 23,000 elderly people with Alzheimer's

could be dying prematurely in care homes each

year after being given drugs to keep them quiet,

a report claims. Anti-psychotic drugs, which are

not licensed to treat dementia but are prescribed

to control agitation, sleep disturbance and

aggression, are being given to 100,000 elderly

people to keep them " quiet and manageable " , says

a report by Burstow, the Liberal Democrat MP

and a campaigner for the rights of elderly people.

Womack, Daily Telegraph




Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine

Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start April 18

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