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the FAQ

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Nita - I think this FAQ is a great idea and can really help the " newbies " like

myself. I would be willing to work with someone to help on this but do not feel

I could take on the responsibility of the whole project as I am just getting

started on my search.

I also read where someone else (can not find the post now) was willing to work

on it. Maybe a few of us could work on it together and email offlist about it.

I think between a few people providing their efforts, we could come up with a

nice FAQ list.

If I can help in any way, let me know..feel free to write me personally :)


the FAQ

I started a FAQ..i had been having that idea for a while now, every time

one of the typical questions comes up.. and now that I'm doing it, I

can't think of all the typical questions.

This might take a while to fully gather.. it's been so long since I was

on the fence and everything was new...I can't remember what all my ?'s


If anybody can think of some of the most FAQ's, send them to me and what

the typical answer is and I'll compile them.

Nita and my crew: 15, Jon 13, 11, 9, 6,

Christian (RIP: 7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2, and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for not necessarily current pictures

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If I get the chance Nita, I will go back over some of the new member intros

over the last year or so, and see if I can list the questions that pop up

the most. Just not sure how much time I can dedicate to it. We have school

holidays here at the moment. And my other half is away. The house looks

like a bomb has hit it. Even if we can come up with the questions first,

then the job is half done. There should be follow up replies to the intros

anyway, that will help with answers.

It can always be extended anyway, at a later date, when more questions pop

up. I think the first one should be, " Do Vaccines Work " with the answer

being " NO " . Followed by some good links to explain. And one of the many

responses that have been made onlist. When people join the group, they

could be sent this along with the welcome email, and that way they won't

need to ask so much straight up.

Another question that should be put on is, " should I be afraid of the

diseases my child may catch " . Again, a " No " answer, with a follow up

explanation and links.

I think it would be a good idea to put a simplified explanation for those

who like it that way. And then follow up links for those that like a

further understanding.

These are just ideas off the top of my head. Have to go and organize lunch

now. But maybe we can get a bit of brainstorming happening here, and others

will chip in with ideas.


Oh yeah, one last question that popped into my head. " How do I protect my

children from disease without vaccination " . The short answer, " avoid

environmental toxins, and live a healthy lifestyle " .

the FAQ

>I started a FAQ..i had been having that idea for a while now, every time

> one of the typical questions comes up.. and now that I'm doing it, I

> can't think of all the typical questions.


> This might take a while to fully gather.. it's been so long since I was

> on the fence and everything was new...I can't remember what all my ?'s

> were!


> If anybody can think of some of the most FAQ's, send them to me and what

> the typical answer is and I'll compile them.


> Nita and my crew: 15, Jon 13, 11, 9, 6,

> Christian (RIP: 7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2, and Isaac, 2/3/08

> http://momof6.dotphoto.com for not necessarily current pictures

> Some minds are like concrete:

> Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.




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> ------------------------------------



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Check, check, check

Did that too. I haven't gone over the last year but just a few that got

posted tonight jogged my memory. I'm already at a 2 pages document.

I put one in myself that is personal pet peeve: calling vaccines

" immunizations " .. ohhhhhh I hate that continued brainwashing little

thing they keep saying.. as if the shot is immunity in a needle.... just

keeps the lie going forward.

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 13, 11, 9,

6, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2 and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for not necessarily current pictures

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long

enough to make them all yourself.

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Here is what I have been able to come up with so far, with input and

also scanning new intro's:

If anybody wants to add anything, send it to me and I'll put it on the

master list.

FAQ for Vaccinations List

Q: I’m afraid to vax. I’m afraid to not vax. I don’t want my child to be

harmed by vaccines, but I don’t want them to be harmed by the disease.

In either case, I couldn’t forgive myself.

A: Know this, no vaccine gives immunity. Vaccines only give harm. The

safer road is to not vaccinate and know how to treat the disease if and

when they do get. Chances are slim that the disease will be caught.

You can choose easily once you have educated yourself

Learn the true reality of each disease with a vaccine associated with it

Learn the true reality of the risk of even catching the disease

Learn the true reality of the risk if you do catch the disease

Learn the alternative treatments available

Learn the dangers of all vaccines - everything about them and the

danger of each individual one.

Q: Which vaccine would you recommend?

A: none. There is not one single vaccine that can be recommended.

Q: What would you do to treat the disease if you don’t vaccinate?

A: learn homeopathy. It can treat most everything except having to do

surgery. Sherri’s class is excellent –link for Sheri's classes and info:


Q: What about tetanus? Shouldn’t I at least get a tetanus shot?

A: NO!!! tetanus is anaerobic and can not live in an oxygen

environment. If it’s a deep cut, bleed it well, clean it well and take

lots of Vita C.

Q: What books do you recommend?

A: Lydall “Raising a vaccine-free child”

Randall Neustader (spelling) “ the vaccine guide”

(one of my own)

Q: why should they not called immunizations

A: The word “immunization” is a misnomer and implies that vaccines give

immunity. They do not. If we sub in the word “vaccination” for

“immunization”, it is more accurate and will eventually be more common

place. It is a subtle difference but a very distinct one.

Q: What do I do to exempt out? The school says these shots are


A: Look at the laws for your state and follow the procedure to get an

exemption. All states have a religious exemption, a very few have a

philosophical exemption, and some have medical (check if that is all or

some) it is NOT mandatory to attend school but the school will not tell

you that.

Q: My pediatrician will not see me anymore if I don’t vaccinate. OR my

pediatrician insists I sign a waiver because I won’t vaccinate

A: They’re being unprofessional and a bully. Either call them on it or

find a new one. Remind them it’s YOUR child and YOUR money and without

any patients they would not be able to make a living and you will find

yourself another doctor.

Do NOT sign a waiver. If you have to, make up your own. It can be used

against you because of the wording of it.

Q: should I take my baby to a well baby check?

A: many parents have decided that they can assess a baby’s overall

health without going in for a doctor’s appointment. Mostly parents who

don’t vaccinate find WBC’s to be a means to vaccinating. They feel that

is the main purpose of the visit and if they shun the vaccine, they

start shunning much of what else a typical pediatrician will have to

offer: RX’s and harmful advice on feeding and discouragement of extended

nursing, encouragement of formula and solids. Some parents feel that a

check up is good for the things you can’t check and aren’t experienced

on. That is your call.

Q: if not a ped. then who?

A: Some parents find a holistic doctor, a lot use a naturopath and some

use their chiropractor. Some parents practice homeopathy at home and

some do at home and then make use of a professional homeopath.

Q: should I limit exposure to just vaxxed kids with my unvaxxed kid?

A: It is more logical, given the status of the mindset of the general

public that your child is almost always around kids who have just been

vaccinated. If your child is healthy, then don’t worry. If your child

is sick, then staying home is a prudent idea.

Q: I’m thinking about delaying vaccines.

A: a reaction can and has occurred at any age. No vaccine is safe, at

any point. You take the same risks with an infant as with a toddler,

only the difference will be noticeable by you sooner. How can you know

if a vaccine affects the personality if the personality hasn’t developed

yet? You don’t know your child very well at 2 months but by age 2, you

know them and how they react to stuff. You can’t know how your child

will or will not be effected by vaccines and even as adult, you still

don’t know. It is a game of Russian roulette, no matter the age.

Q: but my child has had some vaccines and they’re fine.

A: the damage can be cellular and invisible to the eye and they seem

fine. Consider yourself lucky that your children seem unaffected.

However, consider this. Childhood asthma, obesity, chronic conditions

are on increase and the “required” list of vaccines is getting ever


Q: I am pregnant and I’m RH-. Should I get the rhogam shot?

A: No, there is info. on Sheri’s site about rhogam but it has mercury

in it, which will cross the placenta. It also is not needed and will

wear off before the baby comes. If you have complications and a

miscarriage, then it is warranted. However, in a going-well, normal

pregnancy, it is not needed and it’s safer to decline it. Do more

research on it so you can feel armed to argue this if needed.

Nita and my crew: 15, Jon 13, 11, 9, 6,

Christian (RIP: 7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2, and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for not necessarily current pictures

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Great job Venita.!!.. my two cents (suggestions are below)

Arianna Mojica

All rights not demanded are presumed waived. ~ Thurston "

I share our Founders' belief that in a free society each citizen must have the

right to keep and bear arms. Ron

When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in

essence, accept that the state owns our bodies ~U.S. Representative Ron ,

MD. "

the FAQ

Q: Which vaccine would you recommend?

A: none. No Vaccine is safe. .

Q: What books do you recommend?

A: How to Raise a Healthy Child Despite your Dr. - Mendelsohn

is another great suggestion.

Q: The school says shots are

mandatory. What do I do to exempt out?

A: Look at the laws for your state and follow the procedure to get an

exemption. All states have a religious exemption, a very few have a

philosophical exemption, and some have medical (check if that is all or

some) it is NOT mandatory to attend school but the school will not tell

you that. Perhaps we can add a link to the website often referred for

exemptions. I don't have it handy right now.

Q: My pediatrician will not see me anymore if I don’t vaccinate. OR my

pediatrician insists I sign a waiver because I won’t vaccinate

A: Remind them that you are the parent and they are merely a consultant. They

work for you. If they are not willing to

work with you and accept your position find someone else that is

respectful of your stand. Do not be bullied. and Do NOT sign a waiver. If you

have to, make up your own. It can be used

against you because of the wording of it.

Q: if not a ped. then who?

A: Some parents find a holistic doctor, a lot use a naturopath and some

use their chiropractor. Some parents practice homeopathy at home and

some do at home and then make use of a professional homeopath. Can we include

the link sheri always gives us to help us find holistic drs.?

Q: I’m thinking about delaying vaccines.

A: a reaction can and has occurred at any age. Again, No vaccine is safe, at

any point. You take the same risks with an infant as with a toddler,

only the difference will be noticeable by you sooner. How can you know

if a vaccine affects the personality if the personality hasn’t developed

yet? You don’t know your child very well at 2 months but by age 2, you

know them and how they react to things. You can’t know how your child

will or will not be effected by vaccines and even as adult, you still

don’t know. It is a game of Russian roulette, no matter the age.

Q: but my child has had some vaccines and they’re fine.

A: the damage can be cellular and invisible to the eye and they seem

fine. Consider yourself lucky that your children seem unaffected.

However, consider this. Childhood asthma, obesity and many chronic conditions

are on increase as the “required” list of vaccines keeps getting


Q: I am pregnant and I’m RH-. Should I get the rhogam shot?

A: No, there is info. on Sheri’s site about rhogam. It contains mercury,

which will cross the placenta.

It also is not needed and will

wear off before the baby comes. If you have complications and a

miscarriage, then it is warranted. However, in a going-well, normal

pregnancy, it is not needed and it’s safer to decline it. Do more

research on it so you can feel armed to argue this if needed.

Nita and my crew: 15, Jon 13, 11, 9, 6,

Christian (RIP: 7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2, and Isaac, 2/3/08

http://momof6.dotphoto.com for not necessarily current pictures

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That is a great list! The only thing I thought would be to put a link

to Sheri's website under the first question, as this is a great jumping

off point to research individual vaccines and diseases, as well as a

note about the classes she offers on it.

Again impressive work with all you have your hands full with!


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Good work Nita. I agree with the others that links should be added. But I

realize it is still a work in progress, and some fine tuning will be done.

Sheri might prefer to do the answers for instance. But it is coming

together well. I don't think we have to add much more. With links added,

there will be more than enough information. I am still getting more

questions coming to mind. But we don't want to go overboard and overwhelm

people with too much info at once. (A bit of a challenge coming from this

list, with the mountains of info flooding our inboxes). Maybe in the future

when new people join the list, they can let us know if there is anything

missing. I have been here so long now, it is hard to remember the things I

questioned when joining.


the FAQ

Here is what I have been able to come up with so far, with input and

also scanning new intro's:

If anybody wants to add anything, send it to me and I'll put it on the

master list.

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I thought most or all Rhogam shots were now mercury free? That's

what's claimed by the manufacturers, anyway, and I haven't been able to

find any current information to say otherwise.

Would it be possible to list a link for vaccine ingredients in the

FAQ, as well?

I think what you came up so far will be helpful to those new to

not vaccinating! :)


Mom to (9/2002), (9/2005) & Baby due 4/2008

Q: I am pregnant and I'm RH-. Should I get the rhogam shot?

A: No, there is info. on Sheri's site about rhogam but it has mercury

in it, which will cross the placenta. It also is not needed and will

wear off before the baby comes. If you have complications and a

miscarriage, then it is warranted. However, in a going-well, normal

pregnancy, it is not needed and it's safer to decline it. Do more

research on it so you can feel armed to argue this if needed.

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I guess depends on the OB’s office, just like the vaccines still in the

doctors offices. As late as ’s pregnancy, there was mercury in that

shot. I know. I checked. I didn’t even look at it for Isaac b/c I knew I

wasn’t getting the shot. AFAIK, it’s also a special order for a

mercury-free rhogam

Nita (crew chief) and the crew: 15, Jon 13, 11, 9,

6, Christian (7/16/03 to 8/22/04), 2 and Isaac, 2/3/08

HYPERLINK " http://momof6.dotphoto.com " http://momof6.dotphoto.com for not

necessarily current pictures

Learn from the mistakes of others. Trust me... you can't live long

enough to make them all yourself.

Vaccine ingred. Good idea. I’ll find that. I know I have it


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