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We should think before we vaccinate - Dannemann Vacine letter to the editor printed in Iowa City newspaper

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Eileen Dannemann letter to the Editor on Vaccines printed this week.

We should think before we vaccinate




Although Center for Disease Control director

Gerberding recently claimed childhood

vaccines are safe, there is vast disagreement among some members of Congress.

In a press release responding to the positive

adjudication for the family of a 9-year-old,

vaccine-damaged daughter who claimed that

thimerosal (mercury) in the childhood vaccines

caused her autism, Congressman, Dr. Dave Weldon

(R-Fla.), said, " The CDC is the principle federal

agency charged with vaccine safety research, but

they are seriously conflicted. Their top priority

is maintaining high immunization rates, while

vaccine safety ranks near the bottom both in priorities and funding. "

Although many of us successfully fought on behalf

of the Iowa bill to ban mercury from vaccines,

these legislations for the most part have been

rendered lifeless via cleverly embedded loopholes

deftly put into place under the strategic

guidance of medical and pharmaceutical lobbyists.

The CDC currently recommends the flu shot, whose

ineffectiveness is widely noticed. This flu shot

contains high levels of thimerosal and is being

aggressively marketed and publicized by the CDC

with taxpayer money toward the elderly, pregnant

women and children -- none of whom can afford to

bear the risk of damage from thimerosal such as

Alzheimer's Disease, ADD, ADHD and autism.

Yet last session, Iowa legislators refused to ban

mercury from the flu shot. It is really up to

parents and families to do their due diligence

when considering vaccinating those they love.

It must give us pause that over the past 25 years

we have blindly injected upwards of 25 vaccines

into our children between the very tender ages of

12 hours and two years while at the same ADHD,

ADD, autism and Alzheimer's Disease have skyrocketed like never before.

Eileen Danneman


Eileen Dannemann

former director, National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW)


917 804-0786

" It requires courage to utter truth; for the

higher Truth lifts her voice, the louder will

error scream, until its inarticulate sound is

forever silenced in oblivion " … Baker Eddy, Christian Science

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" remove " . I won't take it personally :)


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines -

http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine

Dangers & Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start April 18

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