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RESPOND TO..........The Correct Label: PPD Pathetic Parent Disorder

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comment from Jill - My label for YOUR affliction would be PPD -

Pompous Physician Disorder.



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The Correct Label: PPD Pathetic Parent Disorder

Fri Apr 4, 2008 12:08 pm (PDT)

The following article ran yesterday in the Hernando Today newspaper.

If it pisses you off as much as it did me, I suggest you send them a

letter to the editor: Now matter what part of the country you are

from or that you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, or work for an

agency, we need to be united on this. I could not imagine this man

being the director of a school and I would most certainly not send or

recommend any child going there. I can not believe that he holds a


Kathleen Avouris

Michigan/Florida Unlocking Autism Rep

Grandma to Hunter age 7




The Correct Label: PPD Pathetic Parent Disorder


Neo Traditionalist

Published: April 3, 2008


Neo Traditionalist

Published: April 3, 2008

Every year our mental health industry creatively packages a new

catchy 2-4-letter abbreviation to capture the imagination of the

American public. Like the yearly most popular name for a new baby,

the letters for disorders change every year. This year's winning

letters are AD, which is a tie between Autistic Disorder and Asperger


Past winners were ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder, ODD Oppositional

Defiant Disorder, CD Conduct Disorder, TD Tourettes Disorder and SAD

Selective Anxiety Disorder. All these labels have one thing in

common. They focus on the child's inappropriate behavior, not the

reasons for being improperly socialized.

In the past when we saw a child act out, we first looked at the

parent's behavior. The way they reacted to situations was most

important. Were the parents willing to stand their ground regardless

of not being liked by the child? Friends and family scrutinized the

way the parents disciplined their child, the relationship between the

parents and the amount of time devoted to the family. No words were

needed to be spoken, but the glances spoke volumes.

Everyone accepted the role of parents as the heads of the household;

children were expected to listen to parents not the other way around.

Parents were supposed to help the children deal with life. This meant

the parent was expected to do everything possible to make sure the

child behaved. The parents knew the ultimate evaluation of their

parenting was how the child turned out.

A revolutionary concept of " returning to the past " has great promise.

Examine the parents. If they are not fulfilling their parental

duties, then label them PPD instead of labeling the child. " Pathetic

Parent Disorder " is a more accurate pinpointing of the cause of

acting out children.

Today too many parents are unwilling to limit their daily indulgences

for the sake of time devoted to the family. Instead they believe they

only need to set up an appointment with a mental health professional

to solve all the family's issues. The parents want to believe the

solution to all their problems lies with the problem child. The

professional obliges by first labeling the child then sending him on

his way with a magic pill. The child's disorder is supposedly cured.

This process has been a winner for the medical and pharmaceutical

industries and a loser for the child and his parents. The medical

route temporarily lessens the child's actions, only to have them

flare up with greater intensity after the drug's effectiveness wears

off. Although the parents are not the winners, they are relieved to

transfer their responsibility and authority to someone else. The

other children in the family and especially the child whose normal

development has been ruined by the label and the drugs is the loser.

The consequence of a parent not dedicating sufficient time to their

child is a poorly trained child. Labeling and drugging a child into

submission does not do anything to improve the quality of the

parent's life. It requires the parents to spend more time in offices

and battling the child over taking the drugs then they would have had

to spend getting the child properly socialized in the first place.

Modern parents can end their dependency on the pharmaceutical and

psychiatric industries by realizing they have the power to mold their

child's behavior and character.

Only through guilt for their shameless behavior toward their children

can we nudge the parents back into their rightful position as heads

of the family. The solution to these American families is to change

who is being labeled. To focus solely on the child has not worked, as

it avoids addressing the accountability of the parents.

The new PPD, Pathetic Parent Disorder label is the answer. Unlike the

child label gimmicks of the past, this label will empower the parents

to do their job. The parent's inconsistent, ineffective, selfish or

lazy behavior will be obvious to themselves and others.

Revitalized parents will see the effectiveness of their acting as

parents. When they realize their child CAN listen, CAN obey and CAN

gain mental strength to overcome any limitations, they will become

more successful in school.

Parents united, making the necessary decisions and consistently

following through on them will result in children who will accept

parent's authority and eventually will appreciate them for being

loving parents.

Dr. Domenick J. Maglio, Ph.D., is the author of " Invasion Within " and

" Essential Parenting. " He is a psychotherapist and the owner/director

of Wider Horizons School. Visit: www.drmaglio.com.

Reader Comments

Posted by ( SpringHillConcernedCitizen ) on April 3, 2008 at 1:22

p.m. ( <http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/131462/>Suggest removal )

Instead of the PPD label it should read: LPCD(Limited Parental

Control Disorder). The system has the child and the parents so

confused, neither knows what they are doing. The parent can only do

so much to 'correct',or to otherwise apply old fashioned punishment.

They are told by their own children if they aren't allowed to do what

they want, when they want, with whom they want, they will have their

parents arrested. Child services will then step in and even if the

child is 'crying wolf', the parent is forever labeled as unfit. Dr.

Maglio needs to be put in these parent's place for a while to see

what it's like to be told what to do by one's own child. Parents

aren't allowed to raise their children any longer; only to give them

time out or try to out smart them. The system is what is to blame for

the break down in the parent/child relationship, pure and simple.

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/131462/>Report Abuse

Posted by ( latina ) on April 3, 2008 at 9:30 p.m. (

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/131881/>Suggest removal )

I am hoping that Dr.Maglio is speaking of normal children. I happen

to know of several parents who have Autistic children and are stay at

home moms working very hard to help their children. In trying to go

out to dinner on very few occasions it is very disturbing to see

people gawk as if the parents are at fault when they do not realize

how difficult a task they have.

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/131881/>Report Abuse

Posted by ( cp ) on April 4, 2008 at 6:25 a.m. (

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132009/>Suggest removal )

" .... The system is what is to blame for the break down in the

parent/child relationship, pure and simple.... "

Parent can't blame the system if they are the ones that choose to put

your children into it. It isn't control that is limited, its the

parents care and involvement. If you are concerned about what the

government monopoly public school system is doing to your kids they

make a little sacrifice as a parent and get them out of it. That is

90% of the problem. They are indoctrinated with socialist, liberal,

anti Christian teachings that lead the viewpoints mentioned. That's

where kids get the ideas that their parents have no rights. As long

as parents want to render their children to the government run

worldly system they will continue to get socialist minded worldly

children. And that is a choice the parents are making because they

don't want ot make the sacrifices needed to do anything else.

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132009/>Report Abuse

Posted by ( Jill ) on April 4, 2008 at 8:17 a.m. (

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132067/>Suggest removal )

As the parent of an autistic child who has spent the last 19 years

dedicated to the care of my son and his gifted twin sister I find

your commentary offensive and insulting Dr. Maglio.

While there may be parents out there who deserve your scathing

opinion, there are also countless others of us who struggle every day

to do the best for our children that we can working within a system

that is inarguably one of the worst in the nation, both educationally

and in services provided for the developmentally disabled.

We anguished over the decision to treat our child with

pharmaceuticals until the decision not to was effecting HIS quality

of life. Would you have the same opinion of a parent who treated a

diabetic child with insulin? There is no " magic pill " but there are

medications out there that do help our children to function better

and we would be remiss if we did not allow them.

The definition of responsibility is loving, caring and advocating for

a child who cannot feed himself, bathe himself, dress himself or

communicate even the most basic of needs.

Try exerting parental authority over a child who is smacking himself

in the head in frustration.

My label for YOUR affliction would be PPD - Pompous Physician Disorder.

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132067/>Report Abuse

Posted by ( Jill ) on April 4, 2008 at 8:30 a.m. (

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132083/>Suggest removal )

PS - a question for the editors of Hernando Today.

Where did you find this crank and why have you published him?

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132083/>Report Abuse

Posted by ( vinney ) on April 4, 2008 at 8:54 a.m. (

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132112/>Suggest removal )

Jill thanks for telling a little bit of what a parent has to go thru

.. I wonder does he have children and what they are like. another

expert that can tell you what to do , but they can't or wont do it their selves

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132112/>Report Abuse

Posted by ( SpringHillConcernedCitizen ) on April 4, 2008 at 10:55

a.m. ( <http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132218/>Suggest removal )

You can go on line and go into this guys' site and see that he

contradicts himself quite often and is, clearly an idiot trying to

make money at the expense of desperate parents.

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132218/>Report Abuse

Posted by ( SpringHillConcernedCitizen ) on April 4, 2008 at 11:02

a.m. ( <http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132224/>Suggest removal )

cp, you make no rational sense, what so ever........

<http://www2.hernandotoday.com/comments/flag/132224/>Report Abuse

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Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm Vaccine Dangers &

Childhood Disease & Homeopathy Email classes start April 18

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