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This is something I am getting ready to post on my blog

http://drhansen20.blogspot.com/. I am just needing a little moral

support to get it on there (In this area of my life I try to avoid

confrontation) I know it is a bit long but I would appreciate any




I received a comment on my free info Friday (thank you) and wanted to

respond. As I started I realized it was going to be quite lengthy, I

was also aware that was more than likely stating what most

people thought. So I have responded below. Please note when reading

this that it was written to show what I have learned, and to share my

personal journey. Tone cannot be heard when reading a blog, please

read this with my nice voice in your head and know that this comes

from my heart. When I urge you to research vaccines it isn't to get

you to agree with me it is simply to get you to research.


Uh oh Marci. You have struck a sore spot for me with this one. I am a

big fan of getting vaccines. I believe that half of the reason that

people don't have to get immunized is that so many of us did that

most of these diseases/illnesses have disappeared because of that.

And by not having your children immunized you are taking a huge risk-

with so many people coming from other countries where they carry

diseases that we can help take care of-they can get these. But yes,

you don't have to have them when they are recommended, but that

doesn't mean that you shouldn't get them.


Thank you so much for you comments. I am glad to know that people

actually read what I write on Fridays whether they agree or not. I

can hear myself in your comments; I was saying that exact thing 2

years ago. Several Fridays ago I wrote about my progression to not

vaccinating anymore. I had your exact same sentiments. Everyone

needs to be vaxed, the diseases are deadly, and those who are not

vaxxing are putting MY children at risk. More specifically my sister-

in-law, who wasn't vaxxing her daughter was putting my children at

risk because they were exposed to each other all the time. I asked

my pediatrician what risk were my kids at? I was actually surprised

at his answer, he hesitated a little and replied a little bit but

don't make that stop you from seeing her. I had my first 3

vaccinated with EVERYTHING! Before we left to come to Georgia I

specifically asked for them to receive everything they would need,

and/or could get because I didn't know when we would be getting

health insurance. So they got it ALL. So please believe me, when I

say I know where you are coming from, I literally do.

My kids haven't suffered from any noticeable reaction to vaccines,

thankfully, and that is actually not my only reasoning behind my

decision to not vaccinate. When I knew that I would have to look

into it, I did so with the attitude that I would be convincing Danny

that we did in fact NEED to continue vaxxing our kids. The first web

site I visited was Thinktwice.com. I am going to be honest I don't

remember my reaction to it, other than I knew that I needed to do

more research. For me, the website that furthered my decision to

research even more was the CDC website.

The first vaccine that I decided against was hepatitis B. It is

ironic that I actually decided against this 6 years ago when I had

Alison and . I signed the form and REFUSED the shot at birth.

I had no idea how vaccines were supposed to work, but I did know that

my little children who were born 6 weeks early didn't need anymore

taxing their little systems at that time, and it felt right to say

no. The nurses messed up and gave one of the girls the shot. They

came rushing in, asked me to sign a consent form, this was maybe 3

hours after I had given birth, I was in no condition to think what

had happened through (can you say lawsuit?). At any rate I wanted

the vaccine tracking the same for both and said well go ahead and do

the other one as well. Four years later I learned that I was right

in my thinking. Another Free Info Friday that I have posted is about

hepatitis B. This was the first, and for me the easiest, vaccine to

just say no to. It is mainly contracted as an STD, blood transfer,

or dirty needle transfer. The CDC openly admits the reason they

vaccinate babies is that they are unable to get the desired results

when trying to vaccinate the target group, homosexuals, and drug

users. It was a domino effect after that, some vaccines easier to

make the decision about than others. The hardest part in all of this

was probably telling my parents. I knew that they wouldn't like the

decision, but I knew in my heart it was right for my family.

I made this choice just over two years ago, I haven't stopped

researching since. The more I learn the more convinced I am in the

choice that we made. I understand the desire to think that what your

doctor is telling you is pure truth. However, after researching I

have learned that I need to do additional research every time a

doctor gives me a diagnonsis, and look at both sides of the coin,

because, the doctor is only giving me his side of the story. This

was put to the test several months after moving to Georgia. I was at

the " women " doctor and was told I had some type of bacterial

infection. When I asked the doctor to provide me more specifics

about it, he looked surprised fumbled over his words for a few

minutes, and then told me to read about it in the package insert of

the medication he was going to give me to treat it. I don't think he

was a bad doctor, but all he was doing was reiterating to me the

results of a urine sample, you don't need a medical degree to do

that, he wasn't even vaguely familiar with the condition. A whole

other side to this argument is the way the pharmaceutical industry

has intertwined itself into the FDA. All of the pharmaceutical

vaccines are protected by the federal government, read, they cannot

be sued or be held accountable for any adverse reaction to the

vaccines they provide. That in itself is a whole other topic, so I

will leave it at that (for now).

To address you comment about the diseases being in decline since mass

vaccinations were put into effect I have learned that this is not

so. The diseases were actually in decline before this happened.

Many of the diseases were a result of poor sanitation, dirty living

conditions, contaminated water, and improper nutrition. As these

conditions improved the instances of the diseases decreased. When

mass vaccinations started there was actually an increase of the

disease again, before they fell. You'd be surprised to know that I

would have no problem having my children exposed to any of these

diseases. I do not understand the fear of vaccinated children being

around non-vaxed kids, and remember I was once one of the fearful

mothers. If the vaccines do in fact work, where is the harm? Look

at the number of vaccines your children receive, aren't you just as

much of a threat to them as my un-vaxed child because you haven't

been vaccinated either? The chicken pox vaccine is actually a live

vaccine, and it is advisable that you not be around anyone with a

compromised immune system for 6 weeks after receiving the shot. So

in reality, there is no way of knowing who the " true " carries of the

diseases are, but society is ready to point the finger at the non

vaxxed child. Many argue in behalf of " herd " immunity. They use

this in the case of small pox, a disease that is eradicated. Only

10% of the world population received the vaccine, yet the disease is


I have also had a chance to learn the reality of the disease, the

actual dangers associated with it, and the body's power to heal

itself. My children haven't been to the pediatrician for illness in

almost 2 ½ years. The only times we have gone is to get the paper

work signed for school. only went for his 2 week check up, he

is 10 months old now and growing just fine.

Did you get the chicken pox when you were little? Ask if your

parents know anyone who had the mumps, or measles. My grandma sent

my dad to school with the mumps! Rotavirus one of the newest

vaccines, is something I saw my OWN children get, and weathered it

just fine.

The final, and for me the most important reason that we no longer

vaccinate is, I have learned the power the human body has to heal and

repair itself. It has been amazing to me to learn the capabilities

of the body. This does delve into chiropractic philosophy, and the

importance of being in alignment, for more info on the visit my other

blog WhyChiropractic.com. How many years did mankind exist without

these vaccines? I know the argument to that is the deaths associated

with the diseases, but as I addressed before the conditions that

existed then don't exist now. We are all exposed daily to hundreds

of thousands of viruses, bacteria, and disease. What impacts whether

or not we develop the condition is directly related to the health of

our bodies. Just because you are exposed to someone who is ill is

only part of what would cause you to get sick. The other (more

important, and controllable) part is the state of well being that you

are in.

Again I ask that if you have done research, and yes this means more

than just asking your pediatrician what they think, and have decided

that having your child receive a vaccine is best, than I can support

that decision. However, if you do this without ever giving it a

second thought, because a man with white coat with a stethoscope

says you should, I would implore you to do more research. I realized

how blindly I vaccinated my first three when someone pointed out to

me: I researched the car seat for safety, the stroller, and the

crib, I baby proofed every inch of my house, and made sure everyone

washed there hands before they even looked at my baby. I didn't give

the safety or necessity of vaccines second thought. You can always

choose to wait, you can't un-vaccinate. Stay tuned for this Fridays

free info, do you know <a

href= " http://users.adelphia.net/~cdc/Vaccines.htm " >What's In a


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