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Vaccinations and Drugs are being forced on the PublicPart III

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Vaccinations and Drugs are being forced on the PublicPart III

By Felicia Benamon


Apr 302008

Many doctors are now starting to see the negative effects that vaccines have

on children and are standing against the dangers associated with vaccines

and the vaccination overload and that we are now seeing with children. I say

overload because in 1983children were given around 10 vaccinations before

starting school. Now children receive an astounding 36. Before a child

reaches a year old they've received 24 vaccines!

A plethora of physicians, nutritionists and even a candidate for president

are taking their stand against the administering of current vaccines on the


As I've been advocating in this series of articles on vaccinations and drugs

our government has its methods in forcing the public to be vaccinated. Or

drugged up. Just perhaps not in an overt way. My feelings were confirmed

as I ran upon an article by nutritionist Byron s who exclaimed " The

government’s primary goal appears to be to prevent parents en masse from

refusing to vaccinate their children. To prevent such a 'run on the public

health bank' all caution is being recklessly thrown to the wind. American

children are now the most vaccinated people in the world. What are we

actually doing? The vaccination problem needs to be objectively solved so

that public health is maintained yet needless vaccine injury is avoided. "

s went on to say " It should not be of any great comfort to parents

that scientists hardly understand how the immune system works. The

simplistic idea that vaccines offer protection against disease has an

element of truth and a significant element of risk. "

Basically scientists approach the development of a vaccine through trial and

error with various strains of a disease and other strange components. There

is no guarantee that one will not suffer health effects from a newly

developed vaccine. Parents should not put such trust in vaccines that may

not protect against a disease at all but rather come with devastating health


Byron also expands his statement and says " It is a colossal failure on the

part of our government to not warn parents of the actual risks associated

with vaccines. The blind insistence that vaccines are safe and effective is

not supported by scienceat least for a significant number of our children.

There are now 25000 children per year developing autism (1 in 150)a problem

that has expanded in direct proportion to the increase in vaccinations. "

s also explores " adjuvants " or " immune activators " present in

vaccines that trigger the immune system to fight back against the weakened

virus. Mr. s questions the safety of adjuvants and their effect on

the body. One adjuvant he singles out is aluminum hydroxide which has been

found to cause problems with motor skills and affects the nerves.

There is good news however as Byron s offers ways one can repair the

body after vaccine damage. He mentions the various " super nutrients " that

can stave off brain damage or in the case of an incident where brain damage

has occurredwill stop any further progression of damage. He explains that

through nutritionone can help the issue of inflammationnerve damageetc.

adds " It is now believed that one factor involved with vaccine injury

is poor mitochondrial function. Lipoic Acid is another nutrient now proven

to lower NF-kappaB and reduce the inflammation associated with LPS toxicity.

Where is the medical industry on these findings? Such important medical

information should be in the hands of doctors and medical professionals


There is more than one way to treat illness and injury to the body other

than through drugs. The medical industry owes it to the American public to

consider and insert into their practice the use of

foodsvitaminsantioxidantsherbsetc. To heal the body. Profit should NEVER be

the motive for pursuing a career in the medical field. The relationship

between doctors and the drug industry is too close...it is compromising the

integrity of the medical profession and that must stop.

Recovering from Autism?

WednesdayApril 2nd was Autism Awareness day. And againAutism was in the news

Vaccine related illnesses affect not only the average American family.

Celebrities have dealt with the onslaught of symptoms brought on by vaccines

when immunizing their children. Actor McCarthy's sonnow on the way

to healinghas suffered from Autism. McCarthy (currently dating Actor

Jim Carrey) believes this was brought on by vaccines. He is now in recovery

and doing well.

McCarthy recalls the indifference of the medical industry. " ...we've never

been contacted by a single member of the CDCthe American Academy of

Pediatricsor any other health authority to evaluate and understand how Evan

recovered from autism. When Evan meets doctors and neurologiststo this day

they tell us he was misdiagnosed -- that he never had autism to begin with.

It's as if they are wired to believe that children can't recover from autism

McCarthy said. " Most of the parents we've met who have recovered their

child from autism as we did (and we have met many) blame vaccines for their

child's autism.

We think our health authorities don't want to open this can of wormsso they

don't even look or listen. "

In order to slow the rise in Autism rates McCarthy suggests " ...we need

to consider changing the vaccine schedulereducing the number of shots given

and removing certain ingredients that could be toxic to some children.

We take into account that some children have reactions to medicines like

penicillinfor exampleyet when it comes to vaccines we are operating as if

our kids have a universal tolerance for them. We are acting like ONE SIZE

FITS ALL. That isat the very leasta huge improbability.

Even if the CDC is not convinced of a link between vaccines and

autismchanging the vaccine schedule should be seriously considered as a

precautionary measure. "

Who can argue with that?

In addition McCarthy has a book out " Louder Than Words: A Mother's

Journey in Healing Autism. "

Another famous mother of a child with Autism is Holly Peetewhoto

raise awareness and money for Autismstarted the Hollyrod Foundation.

Dr. Carolyn Deana medical doctor and nutritionalist describes the situation

the US faces in regards to Autism and similar disorders as " a catastrophe "

and notes the indifference of the government towards this crisis.

Dean said " Government health experts claim autism is an incurable disease

offering anticonvulsant and psychotropic drugs to control behavior and a

behavior modification therapy called 'applied behavior analysis (ABA).' They

dismiss all other means of helping these children as 'unproven.' Meanwhile

thousands of children are back to full functionality by treating the damage

caused by mercury toxicity using natural health therapies. "

Parents have had to step in to not only speak out for their Autistic

childrenbut to seek help from alternate sources. It can be done. Dr. Dean

mentions that Autism CAN be treated. Parents are going through great

lengths to provide special diets for their Autistic childrenproviding extra

nutritional support in supplemental formand are detoxifying their children.

As for detoxificationthere is a naturally occurring element that attaches to

toxins in the body and removes them from the bodyhelping the body get back

into balance. What is it? It's called Zeolite. Many doctors are not aware

of this essential natural supplementbut it is supported by some doctors and

scientists who are in the know and use natural approaches to health (Read

more on Zeolite at the links provided below this article).

As I said in Part II of this seriesparents are the first line of defense in

protecting their child.

Certainlyjust like the foods we eat that aid in our healthnatural substances

can be used to help keep our bodies on track. This is especially considering

all of the toxins in our environmentfoodand water supply. But we put more

toxins in our system via vaccines.

Our systems need balance. With the onslaught of toxins in our

environmentwouldn't it make sense to revert back to some old but proven

methods to help our health?

Toccowho is an author and public speaker on health related issues looks

from a historical point regarding the Polio vaccine. She contends that

before vaccines came to lightmany diseases (including Polio) were in decline

and almost eradicated. " I believe that Americans have been sold a lie " said


She cites the World Health Statistics Manual (1973-'76) ...

" ...there had been a steady decline in infectious diseases in most

developing countries regardless of vaccines administered. They believe that

the diseases disappeared as a result of improved sanitationimproved water

supplies improved personal hygiene and better nutrition. In additiondiseases

for which there were no vaccines also declined dramatically. From 1850 to

1940diseases had declined by 90% and were at an all time lowjust when

vaccines were being introduced. "

In her articleTocco mentions the brainwashing that has occurred over the

years in regards to vaccinesthat we've been " programmed " to believe vaccines

are good for us. Tocco goes on to mention findings in other medical

journals on the decline of diseases not related to vaccinesand mentions a

testimonial from a pediatrician on the medical industry's " indoctrination "

upon the public from day one.

Tocco added " Our government is trying to hide behind “junk science”

riddled with conflict of interest. " Does that sound familiar?

Tocco also mentions " Most parents do not know what they are consenting tojust

as I believe most doctors who promote vaccines do not know what they were

injecting when they vaccinate. " She calls vaccines " mandated drugs " and said

their safety and effectiveness has yet to be proven.

More Testimonials from Physicians

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is among physicians speaking out on the " vaccination

dogma. " Againthe lack of concern exhibited by those in the medical community

comes to play. " The IOM supports the dogma purported by the American Academy

of Pediatrics: Since autism occurs chronologically around the same time as

the first year vaccinationsangry parents need something to blame.

Parents blame the vaccinebut medical officials blame the defective childa

position supported by the government at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC

) "

She dares to say that we should not " assume " that vaccines will

automatically be safe. " Contrary to repeated claims by the government and

the pharmaceutical industryvaccines have never been proven to be safe by the

gold standard of medical research " said Tenpenny.

To add another voice to this argumentDr. Ron (who is a doctor of

Obstetrics and Gynecology and candidate for US president) has raised concern

about vaccines and the public and government's intrusion into our lives

regarding vaccinations.

said " I don't think anything should be forced on us by the government...

immunization is one thing that we're pressured and forced into...

" A responsible parent is going to say'YeahI want my child to have that' ..

and people have had some veryvery serious reactions from these immunizations


There is insurmountable information available to the public on vaccine

dangers and ways to combat a setback from injury. I merely scratched the

surface. But rest assuredthere are medical doctorsnutritionistsand others in

the medical field that are not marching to the beat of conventional medicine

and the government. They are sounding the alarm for parents to take control

of their health and ESPECIALLY the health of their little ones. If we as

parents don't stand in the gap for our children and protect themwho will?

*Note: Please take seriously the information contained in this article. All

links and information are available to help you become more alert and aware

of the dangers of vaccines/drugsand to help you make better choices to keep

your children safe from vaccine toxicity.

In my next articlePart IVI will mention more on government's intrusion into

the lives of our children and the consequences if parents don't comply.

Related Reading

The Dangers of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development




Byron J. s--How to Prevent Vaccine Injury


McCarthy: My son's recovery from autism



Dr. Carolyn DeanMD--Autism Can be Treated


New Way to Think about Healthy Living--Detoxification (Liquid Zeolite)


More on Liquid Zeolite


Tocco--An Overview on the Polio Vaccine


Dr. Sherri Tenpenny--Challenging the Vaccination Dogma


Ron Speaks Out Against Dangerous Vaccines


Vaccine-Autism question divides parentsscientists



Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (US Government database)


Vaccines and Drugs are being forced on the PublicPart I


Vaccines and Drugs are being forced on the PublicPart II


Druggie Nation


*Felicia Benamon is a conservative columnist who writes from a political

perspectivebut occasionally deviates to write about other concerns facing

her country. A patriotic AmericanFelicia hopes to motivate others to be

more conscious of the current state of affairs in Americaand to hold true to

the wonderful traditions that make America great.

Felicia comes from a military background and is proud to support the men and

women who put their lives on the line daily to protect American citizens and

who reach out to help those in need across the globe.

Write to Felicia at: FeliciasDesk@...

Copyright© MichNews.com. .

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