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Re: I tried to tell her

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This is so awful! Maybe it's this woman's second chance to decide

not to implant. It's so hard when we warn women and they still

decide to get implants. I've decided that there are many women that

are lost anyways...but if we tell them our story, hopefully they'll

come searching for info when they get sick. At least they'll have

heard that SOMEONE got sick. We all had no clue it was even an


Best wishes and hope you're feeling well,


> A man that works with my mom told her a few months ago about a

family member

> who was going to get breast implants for reconstruction after

breast cancer

> surgery. My mom told him about me and gave him all this info to

give to her.

> I gave her my email address and phone number hoping she'd call me,

but she

> never did. Despite all the warning, she decided to get them.


> I just KNOW that after hearing about what happened to me, she

asked her PS

> about it and he reassured her that implants wouldn't make her sick


> probably that I was just some wacko.


> I found out today, that the week after getting her implants, she

developed a

> really bad infection and had to have them removed. The doctor told


> they'd wait until the infection healed, then put the implants back


> ...Surely she won't let them put those things back in her!!! at

least I hope

> she won't. I told my mom to keep me posted. So scary.

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I found out last summer on a trip to visit my family that my sister

had gotten implants, not just any implants but silicone to boot. I

was so upset, I freaked out about it totally came unglued. I could

not believe that after all she saw me go through she would do it, but

she did, her surgeon is like god to her, he told her that some rare

cases get problems but that he thought she would be fine, and that

his own wife had the same exact ones, what a creep. Anyhow she has

had them and just is so happy, in fact she brags about how little

pain she had compared to mine. I tried to tell her that because you

don't know what my Dr did to me when i was under and my implants were

textured that may be why the pain was so bad. It hurt but now I have

just decided to let it go, what can I really do. Maybe she won't be

sick ever, I cannot hate her for doing it, but it sure hurts and

makes me wonder why I got ill so fast. Was it something the Dr did or

the type of implant? I just don't know, I have to give it all up to

god ya know, what else can I do.

It sucks


In , Colleen <cfortner@e...> wrote:

> A man that works with my mom told her a few months ago about a

family member

> who was going to get breast implants for reconstruction after

breast cancer

> surgery. My mom told him about me and gave him all this info to

give to her.

> I gave her my email address and phone number hoping she'd call me,

but she

> never did. Despite all the warning, she decided to get them.


> I just KNOW that after hearing about what happened to me, she asked

her PS

> about it and he reassured her that implants wouldn't make her sick


> probably that I was just some wacko.


> I found out today, that the week after getting her implants, she

developed a

> really bad infection and had to have them removed. The doctor told


> they'd wait until the infection healed, then put the implants back


> ...Surely she won't let them put those things back in her!!! at

least I hope

> she won't. I told my mom to keep me posted. So scary.

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In a message dated 4/21/2004 6:12:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, naturalbeauty38@... writes:

Dr did to me when i was under and my implants were textured that may be why the pain was so bad. It hurt but now I have just decided to let it go, what can I really do. Maybe she won't be sick ever, I cannot hate her for doing it, but it sure hurts and makes me wonder why I got ill so fast. Was it something the Dr did or the type of implant? I just don't know, I have to give it all up to god ya know, what else can I do.It sucksHugs

i had my implants put in in the late 70's and i started to get sick but i had no idea it was from them at first but following i had not one but three sisters who got saline, i try telling them now what a lot of your girls are going threw with saline and seeing me with silicone and they could care less, one said well i will take these to the grave with me and the others are so ignorant about it its not worth even discussing, they think i am just sick and not because of these.....one day i hope i can look them in the face with proof that this is so, but these doctors don't help any....they feel because they are not sick its just me and i am just sick and not because of my breast implants....oh well they justify everything and i am not gonna even try to change how they think, stress is doing a number on me and now i have to just worry about me....love to you all.....BJ

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whoah. that must be rough. I can't imagine. you say she got them last year? dr. shanklin says that around 3 years is the time that it normally takes women to get sick from silicone, so I hope and pray that your sister passes that mark and is still well. I can't believe she brags that her pain is less than yours! I'm sure it really hurt you. I'm sorry.

I hope one day I'll be able to look at other women with implants normally again. Now when I see a woman with implants, I cry the rest of the day. I don't know if it's because I'm jealous and thinking it's not fair that I'm sick and she's not or if it's that I feel sorry for her because I know what she's doing to her body. I just want to run up to them and scream at them what I've been through. I am working on getting past it, but it's hard!!!

From: " naturalbeauty38 " <naturalbeauty38@...>


Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:08:34 -0000

Subject: Re: I tried to tell her


I found out last summer on a trip to visit my family that my sister

had gotten implants, not just any implants but silicone to boot. I

was so upset, I freaked out about it totally came unglued. I could

not believe that after all she saw me go through she would do it, but

she did, her surgeon is like god to her, he told her that some rare

cases get problems but that he thought she would be fine, and that

his own wife had the same exact ones, what a creep. Anyhow she has

had them and just is so happy, in fact she brags about how little

pain she had compared to mine. I tried to tell her that because you

don't know what my Dr did to me when i was under and my implants were

textured that may be why the pain was so bad. It hurt but now I have

just decided to let it go, what can I really do. Maybe she won't be

sick ever, I cannot hate her for doing it, but it sure hurts and

makes me wonder why I got ill so fast. Was it something the Dr did or

the type of implant? I just don't know, I have to give it all up to

god ya know, what else can I do.

It sucks


In , Colleen <cfortner@e...> wrote:

> A man that works with my mom told her a few months ago about a

family member

> who was going to get breast implants for reconstruction after

breast cancer

> surgery. My mom told him about me and gave him all this info to

give to her.

> I gave her my email address and phone number hoping she'd call me,

but she

> never did. Despite all the warning, she decided to get them.


> I just KNOW that after hearing about what happened to me, she asked

her PS

> about it and he reassured her that implants wouldn't make her sick


> probably that I was just some wacko.


> I found out today, that the week after getting her implants, she

developed a

> really bad infection and had to have them removed. The doctor told


> they'd wait until the infection healed, then put the implants back


> ...Surely she won't let them put those things back in her!!! at

least I hope

> she won't. I told my mom to keep me posted. So scary.

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Yeah it is tough, it is actually getting easier, because I feel that

in reality if anyone is jealous of anyone's life she would probably

be more jealous of mine. Not to brag but she has a boyfriend that is

a jerk and has a terrible mess of finances. I mean in actuallity what

would a woman rather have, fake boobs or a great marriage and

security. I know my husband loves me so I don't feel so bad anymore

about boobs. I know this sounds really bad and maybe some of you

might think I am a total nut case or freak, but when we were in

Mexico we (my hubby and I) ventured into a few strip clubs, and I got

to see all kinds of womens boobs, and at least there in mexico most

of them just had normal boobs, there was maybe one or two that were

definitley fake. The others looked not so much different from mine.

It was actually a good experience for me and healing in some weird

way. Now I actually just see the women with fake boobs and feel sorry

for them, and wonder why they felt that need to do that to

themselves. Esp young girls that don't need them. I know from my own

experience I loved my small perky firm little boobies and always

thought they looked great I never ever thought about implants until I

lost a huge amount of weight and ended up all stretched out and

looked like an old woman at 33 years old. That was too much to deal

with. It affected my sexuality and I was really wanting a

relationship so badly at that time ya know, I had just ended a bad

relationship but I was craving a real intimate relationship with a

man and felt so embarassed about those wrinkled saggy breasts. If I

had known I could fix them with a lift I might have just done it and

left well enough alone, but not one surgeon tried to steer me in that

direction ya know, they were all very sure they could fix me up so

nicely with those damned implants. I feel so duped by my surgeon, esp

when he new I wanted soft implants and he gave me the damned textured

thick shelled implants that I feel are the worse of them all, cept

maybe silicone.

Anyhow my sister having implants and not being ill, yeah it bugs me,

but not because i want her to be ill, mostly just because it seems to

me that she thinks maybe I am just this freak, rare case and that it

won't happen to her. I feel she is really crazy to have opted for

silicone ones at that. I mean I was in total shock to hear that she

got those kind. Her and i used to talk about implants all the time

when we were both researching it and we always said no way would we

want that goo in us. But she has this friend who has the sils and

has had them for over 15years and brags how they are still so soft

and natural blah blah blah. She has chronic arthritis but insists it

runs in her family, no way is it related. Anyhow my sister is 50

years old, so I cannot change her mind no matter how I tried. She

actually got mad when I wrote her a letter and told her that if she

ever got ill i would be there for her. My mom said that her response

was " that is not nice she does not know if I will get sick or not " ?

She has no idea what it is like to be in the situation i was in. I

think that in some way she feels better than me, or wants to look

better than me, ya know, a little sibling rivalry. I am younger than

her and probably got a little more attention than her from men until

she slimmed down and got these boobs and now that she gets all this

extra attention I think she just loves it. But men still give me more

than enough attention, I don't even want it. I don't have to have

implants to have men look at me. I also feel great about how I look,

I mean I could not have asked for a better outcome, my scars are

basically gone, and Feng gave me cute little A cups that I can play

up with enhancers, or be natural and they look ok.

It does hurt, and to be honest I have not seen my sister in over a

year now, and I know that it is time to get over it. I feel that I

need to show her that I am not jealous of her, I tried to write her

and just talk about things and just told her what a blessing that she

has been fine since her surgery and that I was happy for her. If she

ever gets ill then she will know, if not, then she will go to her

grave happy with boobs I guess.

It does seem amazing that we can be related and one of us reacted so

badly and the other is just fine, but we had different surgeons,

different implants, different situations so it is hard to say what

will happen to her. In my own opinion those things are time bombs

ticking away in your chest. Her only advantage is that at her age,

she won't have to replace them 10 times hopefully.

I mean maybe she really will never have a problem. If she does she

may just figure it is old age.

She is a hair stylist and I swear that whole industry at least in Ca

is just obsessed with plastic surgery. All those girls and guys she

works with do everything to themselves, face lifts, bo tox, chemical

peels, lazer treatments. It is almost sickening to be there because

that is all they talk about. Here in Idaho Falls I get my hair done

and the receptionist is older and a little overweight, the girls that

cuts my hair is cute, natural, just normal, all the others there are

a little over wieght but not bad, just not skinny toothpicks with

huge watermelons. It is amazing that this image is what people like

now a days. Getting back to my strip club experience in Mexico. There

was one girl that my husband said my breasts looked allot like hers,

and she was slim and had small breasts and up close she even had a

tiny bit of stretch marks on them. they did look like mine, and men

were tipping her like crazy cause she was confident and sexy and new

how to move, not because she had waterballoons under her muscles.

I mean I know not all of you or maybe not any of you would enter a

strip club, but for me it was as though it healed that last bit of

envy I had esp when I saw that all those women were so small and

natural, a few were large, I mean natural and heavy, that is how it

normally is, if your skinny your usually small in the chest, not a

100% true thing, but it is often the way it is.

anyhow I really got rambling here didn't I?

there was a time when I could not even watch tv or go to the movies

for fear of seeing an implanted woman and feeling jealous, now it

does not bother me. In fact I saw pam anderson and realized how silly

she looks, and even though she is pretty, she really looks like this

blow up doll, not real. Completely plastic. It is her bread and

butter so she cannot change it now, but I believe she has issues and

does not discuss them much. No one wants to hear about a sex symbols

health woes.

Anyhow just my two cents worth of rambling.

It will be hard to see my sister, wearing a tank top or whatever this

summer, but I have a hot little tan body and I can wear my strapless

bra with my enhancers and I look pretty hot too.

so there ha ha

In , Colleen <cfortner@e...> wrote:

> whoah. that must be rough. I can't imagine. you say she got them

last year?

> dr. shanklin says that around 3 years is the time that it normally


> women to get sick from silicone, so I hope and pray that your

sister passes

> that mark and is still well. I can't believe she brags that her

pain is less

> than yours! I'm sure it really hurt you. I'm sorry.

> I hope one day I'll be able to look at other women with implants


> again. Now when I see a woman with implants, I cry the rest of the

day. I

> don't know if it's because I'm jealous and thinking it's not fair

that I'm

> sick and she's not or if it's that I feel sorry for her because I

know what

> she's doing to her body. I just want to run up to them and scream

at them

> what I've been through. I am working on getting past it, but it's



> From: " naturalbeauty38 " <naturalbeauty38@y...>

> Reply-

> Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 22:08:34 -0000


> Subject: Re: I tried to tell her



> Colleen,


> I found out last summer on a trip to visit my family that my sister

> had gotten implants, not just any implants but silicone to boot. I

> was so upset, I freaked out about it totally came unglued. I could

> not believe that after all she saw me go through she would do it,


> she did, her surgeon is like god to her, he told her that some rare

> cases get problems but that he thought she would be fine, and that

> his own wife had the same exact ones, what a creep. Anyhow she has

> had them and just is so happy, in fact she brags about how little

> pain she had compared to mine. I tried to tell her that because you

> don't know what my Dr did to me when i was under and my implants


> textured that may be why the pain was so bad. It hurt but now I have

> just decided to let it go, what can I really do. Maybe she won't be

> sick ever, I cannot hate her for doing it, but it sure hurts and

> makes me wonder why I got ill so fast. Was it something the Dr did


> the type of implant? I just don't know, I have to give it all up to

> god ya know, what else can I do.

> It sucks

> Hugs












> In , Colleen <cfortner@e...> wrote:

> > A man that works with my mom told her a few months ago about a

> family member

> > who was going to get breast implants for reconstruction after

> breast cancer

> > surgery. My mom told him about me and gave him all this info to

> give to her.

> > I gave her my email address and phone number hoping she'd call me,

> but she

> > never did. Despite all the warning, she decided to get them.

> >

> > I just KNOW that after hearing about what happened to me, she


> her PS

> > about it and he reassured her that implants wouldn't make her sick

> and

> > probably that I was just some wacko.

> >

> > I found out today, that the week after getting her implants, she

> developed a

> > really bad infection and had to have them removed. The doctor told

> her

> > they'd wait until the infection healed, then put the implants back

> in!!

> > ...Surely she won't let them put those things back in her!!! at

> least I hope

> > she won't. I told my mom to keep me posted. So scary.





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