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Hi , welcome to the group. We all feel your pain and concern. My son

suffered from periodic fevers since nine months (he is now 3). For a long time

I struggled with what the right thing to do was or how to handle this. Just

last wednesday (july 27) he had his tonsils and adenoids removed. I was told by

his ENT that there was a 50% chance that the fevers would disappear, I have also

heard 70%. I decided to makethis decision based on the fact that nothing else

has worked so why not give it a shot. He recovered extremely well so far and I

am keeping my fingers crossed. I have heard of much success through this site.

I figured what the hell, why not try it. If it improves the fevers then the one

or two days he was in a little pain from the surgery was worth it. Good luck to


" el (Abbott) " <bkfrankel@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is and I'm from St. Leonard, MD. I'm a mother of

4 children and I'm starting to think that where I was blessed in

having 4 beautiful and wonderful children, I was also cursed in having

2 out of the 4 who have medical problems. My eldest, Josh, is

Austistic. Luckily, not severe! Now here we go with .

My daughter was born in Aug 2003. Easy delivery, 9 days early,

no signifcant problems. She had reflux bad enough to make her

miserable and was put on Prevacid. It helped some, but by 7-8 months

old, she was off of it and doing fine. Had 4 ear infections within 5

months and ENT placed tubes in her ears in October 04. Then Christmas

came and it began our nightmare.

was diagnosed on Wednesday as probable . She started with

the fevers on Christmas 2004. She was 16 months old then. We spent

that night in the ER. All labs and X-Rays were normal. We were told

it was a virus. Four weeks later it was back.

She is completely miserable. She complains of " Boo-Boos there " and

she'll name just about every part of her body, especially her legs.

She walks like a little old lady. That's the first sign that an

episode it coming. She complains about her legs hurting. Then she'll

get the fever. She'll peek with a high fever (105 or greater) usually

on the third day. Then the 4th and 5th days the fevers taper off and

disappear. The time between the fevers she is completely healthy.

The new thing is her neck. The episode in May scared the you know

what out of me. She refused to move her head in any direction. My

worst thought was Meningits. We now know her lymph nodes are the

cause of her neck pain. This week excessive drooling, blood in her

nose and talking like her throat hurts are the new symptoms. Dr

tested for step and checked ears and sinuses and they were negative.

That has been the case for every four weeks since Christmas night.

One time she did have a sinus infection, otherwise she shows no signs

of infections with the exception of the high fevers. I pray to God

that she will never get febrile siezures. All other episodes was

thought to be just a virus. Well in May when it came back, Mom got in

defense mode. " How could it be a virus and NO ONE in the house

(including my 6 month old girl) was getting it? Finally we got some


Labs were done to rule out Cyclic Neutropenia. Her Neutrophils were

fine, slightly high, but of no concern. IG's were done and all were

within normal limits. We were told to make an appointment with I & D and

that's who we saw on Wednesday. They did labs again that day. I

don't know what they did, I wasn't there my husband was and he was so

into keeping her still for the draw he forgot to ask what was being

tested. I'm hoping ANA and Sed Rate are at least 2 of the tests. I

have Rhuematiod Arthritis in my family and I hope this doesn't turn

into that.

I'm really fearfull of how long this may last. What do kids do in

regards to school? If she feels the same way she does now, there's no

way she can go to school. She'll miss 3-5 days every month. That's

not good. What is the outcome (physically) of her taking all this

Motrin and Tylenol? It can't be good for her stomach. We (the doctor

and us) are not convinced that a Tonsillectomy will help. Not excited

about giving her steriods and surpressing her immune system. The only

thing left is the Tagament or just leaving it alone and treating

fevers. What's a parent to do?

I would appreciate any advise, information and support that anyone

could give. My heart is just in pieces over this. No parent can

stand to see their child in pain and misery. I wish that I could just

make it go away.


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

hi all.

we have one daughter who had vaccinations starting at 4 months.... we spaced

them far apart

(well, according to the schedule it was far apart - 5 months each time.)

i also let myself be pushed/scared into having some of the vaccines (HIB and HEP


last year i started becoming familiar with homeopathy which enforced my dormant

views on

vaccination and we stopped at 16 months. (she is 20 months old now.)

we're trying to be as educated and informed as we can about the issues at hand

and i'm so

happy to have found this group. (obviously i wish i'd found it sooner!)



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Welcome to the group .  You are in the right place.


Arianna Mojica-   (UCC 1-207/1-103) 

~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston

hello, i'm new to the group

hi all.

we have one daughter who had vaccinations starting at 4 months.... we spaced

them far apart

(well, according to the schedule it was far apart - 5 months each time.)

i also let myself be pushed/scared into having some of the vaccines (HIB and HEP


last year i started becoming familiar with homeopathy which enforced my dormant

views on

vaccination and we stopped at 16 months. (she is 20 months old now.)

we're trying to be as educated and informed as we can about the issues at hand

and i'm so

happy to have found this group. (obviously i wish i'd found it sooner!)



~~~~  " A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth. "   - Albert

Einstein, 1901 " The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used " -- Dr.

A. , National Institutes of Health





ww.vran.org/~~~~ " When we give government the power to make medical decisions for

us, we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies " ~U.S. Representative

Ron , MD. ~~~~ "



Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.


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Hi --

Welcome to the group. I'm and I have two partially vaxed kids. It

took DS having a severe allergic reaction to a vax for me to rethink


Sheri posts great info -- you may also want to check the archives.

Health & blessings,

*We believe cleaning house shouldn't involve dirtying the Earth!


Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 3:06 PM, jenny hornung <jennyhornung@...>


> hi all.

> we have one daughter who had vaccinations starting at 4 months.... we

> spaced them far apart

> (well, according to the schedule it was far apart - 5 months each time.)

> i also let myself be pushed/scared into having some of the vaccines (HIB

> and HEP B.)


> last year i started becoming familiar with homeopathy which enforced my

> dormant views on

> vaccination and we stopped at 16 months. (she is 20 months old now.)


> we're trying to be as educated and informed as we can about the issues at

> hand and i'm so

> happy to have found this group. (obviously i wish i'd found it sooner!)


> thanks,

> jenny


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