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URGENT ALERT - NY FORCED Vaccine Bill A10942 on June 10

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Sent: Monday, June 02, 2008 8:55 AM

Subject: [autism-223] URGENT ALERT - NY FORCED Vaccine Bill A10942 on

June 10

From Rita M. Palma

My Kids My Choice:


To All,

I went to Albany yesterday.


10942 is being pushed by many parties with $BIG MONEY$ . There was an

Assembly Health Committee Meeting yesterday. Bill 10942 was

discussed. The meeting was too crowded for me to to get in. But the

pharmaceutical company lobbyists arrived early and got seats along

with the attention of the lawmakers. THEY WANT THIS PASSED-- RIGHT


The link to 10942



The bill is frightening. Mandatory flu shots are right around the

corner. They did it in NJ--they can do it here.


More points:

1.) Sheldon Silver, Assembly Speaker (518) 455-3791, is the single

biggest roadblock to the Philosophical Exemption Bill. Silver needs

to be pushed. Fifty people in his office is a PUSH IN THE RIGHT


2.) I was told, point blank, by a member of the Health Committee

that a parent's right to choose DOES NOT trump public health (or this

parties perception of public health).

3.) The media WILL cover 50 people with a common cause. COVERAGE IS

ESSENTIAL. I have lots of media contacts at this point-- they will

all be invited.

4.) My visit made a difference yesterday-- people noticed, lawmakers


I know leaving your life for a day is tough-- I had to jump through


FREEDOM AS SOON AS IT IS PASSED. So far, there are 13 people

committed to go. We need 37 more!

I am attaching a flyer for the 'BUS TRIP TO ALBANY.' Call friends,

family. Print the flyer and hang it in local stores. Forward this e-

mail to everyone you know-- the more we get the word out, the better

our chances are of getting it done. E-mail natural healers, doulas,

chiropractors, pregnant women, health food stores etc. Forward,

forward, forward. I've already rec'd three emails from people Upstate

who are willing to meet us on the 10th so forwarding is the way to go-

- free, quick, effective.

Let me know ASAP if you can make the 10th!

Rita M. Palma



Dedicated to Informed Rights of Parents


From Krasner

Coalition For Informed Choice:

The bill summary is available here:



Find legislators here:



I received word that this bill may get on the agenda and move, with

or without minor revisions.

People should be encouraged to write to their Assembly Member and

State Senator (although I do not see a Senate bill, but it could come

out), and the chairs of the corresponding Health Committees, where

the bills would go (the Assembly bill is there), besides the

Governor. But it was the Governor's Health Dept that put it in.

Perhaps the unfunded mandate is issue could resonate with the Gov.,

but one would assume that he is ok with the bills his staff is


Organizations should actively fight the bill, focussing on issues

that concern them the most.

For example, Dawn in Texas makes a good point on unfunded

mandates in a tough economy, here:


Beware of the unfunded mandate, especially in today's economy (good

argument to use on legislators). The state will have to come up with

the money for the vaccines delivered by social services programs and

the increase in insurance premiums to cover all kids of state

employees etc at the whim of unelected unaccountable members ACIP.

The state only has so much money which means other programs will have

to be cut to fund new mandates that legislators won't decide on. The

economic arguments are where I would go with people that don't

understand why this is just plain wrong.


Another argument you can make is that this bill will render the NYS

legislature impotent. The bill relegates to federal health agencies

what had used to be decisions by the NYS legislature. Ask the

rhetorical question, what has changed that warrants taking away their

power and responsiblity for NYS residents? Ask, if the legislature

had jurisdiction over the health requirements of state residents,

what is the justification for relinquishing it now? Ask them which

other states have relinquished its sovereign powers.

Another argument on this issue of state sovereignty, can be extended

to include the following Constitutional point:


There's a reason that there are no federal laws mandating vaccination

for any child in the U.S. Because unenumerated powers are reserved to

the states. Public health laws are not mentioned in the Constitution,

so it is the jurisdiction of each state to mandate or not mandate


Under Federalism though, the central government can make

recommendations to the states. That's why the CDC will occassionally

draft model legislation for the states to adopt. But it's ultimately

a state matter. The reason schools were designated as the enforcement

agency is because schools are an existing structure through which

children must intersect.

However, Bill A10942 will violate the concept of Federalism. It will

make NYS schools a direct enforcement arm of the federal government,

circumventing the state's sovereignty. How many other states thought

this would be a great idea? None.


There are health and medical issues you can raise:

One argument is that legislators will be subjecting their own

children to the fanatical whims of public health officials, whose

sole mandate is to maximize vaccination levels, and with as many

vaccines as possible. The intention of having representatives of the

people have the final decision in making a vaccine compulsory or not

was to inject a moderating factor in the decision-making process. The

legislature reflects the wishes of the public. And in the future,

there may be another controversial vaccine in which the public and

medical authorities outside of government oppose, yet health agencies

approve. Ask legislators what they would be able to do to protect

their own child from a risky vaccine that federal authorities mandate

for NYS?

Finally, a good argument relating to the medical aspect is that

federal health agencies do not use appropriate criteria for making

vaccine recommendations for vaccines, nor are the different sources

of recommendations uniform and in agreement. More importantly,

vaccine recommendations were never intended to be mandated by law.

Please elaborate on these points from the text in the attached pdf


Krasner, Director

Coalition For Informed Choice

188-34 87th Drive, suite 4B

Holliswood, NY 11423




" For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over

public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled " . . . P.



This article below contains the basic infromation on the bill:

Article excerpted from SoHo Journal 5/28/08


Act now to stop the worst vaccine law ever proposed in New York since

the invention of the mandatory schedule. Assembly Bill 10942 would

make all vaccines recommended by the CDC mandatory for all children

to attend school and, and for the first time vaccines would become

mandatory for infants and toddlers.

The bill was introduced in Rules Committee at the request of

Daines, the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health.

The Rules Committee in the personal committee of the Assembly Speaker

Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan).

A-CHAMP is calling for rejection of this bill and is demanding the

passage of A5468/S3031, a bill that would give individuals a right to

a philosophical exemption from vaccine mandates. This is no time to

transfer vaccine decisions away from individuals and elected

officials answerable to the voters and give it to obscure bureaucrats

with financial ties to the vaccine industry.

Here are a few features of the proposed bill:

.. Our elected New York representatives would no longer determine the

mandatory schedule of vaccines to attend school; decisions made by the

federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices would

automatically become mandatory.

.. All children, infants and toddlers included, in New York would be

required to get all vaccines recommended by the ACIP according to the

ACIP schedule

.. All children in New York up to age 18 would be required to get

annual flu shots.

.. All girls in New York would be required to get a human papilloma

virus shot.

.. All junior high school children and college students would be

required to get meningococcal shots.

.. Doctors would be required to issue certificates for every shot

given and parents would be required to maintain the records and

provide them to school and other authorities.

.. The rules committee claims that the new laws would have no fiscal

impact on the state despite the necessity of the state to spend tens

of millions on purchasing new vaccines, a vast increase in mandatory

record keeping and enforcement for schools, and a huge increase that

could be expected in the number of cases of neurological damage,

Guillian Barre syndrome and other vaccine-caused injuries.

We only have a few weeks to defeat this bill. Let your Assemblymember

and State Senator know immediately that a vote for this bill

guarantees that you will do everything you can to get them un-

elected. In addition to emailing and calling your local

representatives, please call Speaker Sheldon Silver and let his staff

know, politely, that this is a disastrous idea. While you are at it

please call Governor Paterson and let his staff know, politely,

that this is a horrible law.

*Governor Paterson (518) 474-8390*

*Speaker Sheldon Silver (518) 455-3791*

* P. Morahan (518) 455-3261 (Rockland County State Senator)*

* Calhoun (518) 455-5441 (Rockland County Assemblywoman)*

Letters are even better. All of these officials addresses are easily

available in a google search. Tell everyone you know who you think

will care and respond! Time is of the essence, so a barrage of phone

calls would be very valuable.


Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses

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