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Animal Vaccinations

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Shari, You really DO want to get me locked up don't you? Ha ha. Actually,

my holistic views on slaying the Sacred Cow of medicine got me in serious

boiling water many times and eventually caused me to have to change

careers forever.

Let's just say vaccinating is a huge money-maker (the biggest by far) and

there are Standard Practice Laws set down by the AVMA and the MVA that, if

willfully violated, are professional suicide. If you are a vet and don't


everything for everything before long you will be in court and you will probably

lose. This has nothing to do with science nor health.

On the other hand, when you do it all by the books and your patients get sick

from excess vaccinating, as they will do, then you stand to make a small

fortune off of their misfortune. Money on the front end, money on the back

end. You become Vet of the Year and everybody loves you.

The vaccine issue is far too complex to summarize here, I give lectures on it

to vet student holistic clubs and others, but it is difficult to sell the


vision. People who avoid vaccinations and have a fat, toxic housepet living on

Purina and wearing a flea collar might have a rude awakening. There are

some general guidelines but each case needs to be evaluated separately.

What I do for my pets will probably be different from what you should do.

Vaccine is a poor substitute for a strong immune system but is what we have.

As one example, I'll give you a synopsis for vaccinating dogs that a friend of

mine who is a holistic vet in Colorado sent me. This person gives far more

vaccines than I did and therefore he is still in practice and makes a good

living. The protocol for cats would be similar except that most holistic vets

avoid all the leukemia complex vaccines like the plague. Horse vaccines are a

whole 'nother subject as well.

There are dozens of holistic vet sites on the web that will give you more

detailed information. Look for the work of Dr Ron Schultz from the University

of Wisconsin.


From " Dr. X " (a famous holistic vet):

My vaccine protocol for all breeds is to recommend Parvo vaccines

separate from distemper vaccines. We space them out at two week

intervals. I do this because I think that all dogs have potential for

vaccine induced disorders, and because I believe I get much better

protection, especially the parvo vaccine, by giving them separate. Labs

and Retrievers will develop Atopic dermatitis, or at least become more

severe, many breeds can develop IBD, Lupus, AIHA, etc.

I discuss the dog's environment and what the owner will be doing with

their dog (how much contact with " street " dogs vs. a mature, well taken

care of dog (almost impossible to get anything from these dogs). Then we

decide if we are to vaccinate at 8, 12 and 16 weeks, or wait to 12 weeks

for the first vaccines. Then we vaccinate again at 16 weeks. Rabies is

given 2-3 weeks after the last vaccine. We do not routinely use

multivalent vaccines until the 16 week shot. Not all clients want

anything but Parvo, Rabies and Distemper. Others want more and we

discuss it all with them.

My personal belief (and thus what I do with my own dogs... all of which

go into our clinic all the time) is that I vaccinate only for life

threatening diseases that still are seen routinely. I don't vaccinate

for non-life threatening diseases (giardia, corona, bordatella) and only

vaccinate as young dogs. Then we do titers to see if the vaccines took.

Using the Parvo vaccine separate has always produced acceptable titers

in about 100 tests.

In truth, I don't test my own dogs because I don't feel any real urge to

do that. I did recently do vaccine titers for Parvo and Distemper on my

10 year old German Shepherd dog, no vaccines since a pup, and she tested

fine.We have no lepto to speak of here and Lyme is not around here.


Remember, you didn't hear it from me, I didn't say this, you never heard of

me, and we didn't talk, OK?


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Thanks for all the info Will. I will check into it more. My problem is

that my daughters show our dogs in 4-H. In Minnesota 4-H the vaccinations

are compulsory, even the Lepto. We have an older dog that is retired so

don't have to worry about him.

Thanks again, Shari

Re: animal vaccinations

> Shari, You really DO want to get me locked up don't you? Ha ha.


> my holistic views on slaying the Sacred Cow of medicine got me in serious

> boiling water many times and eventually caused me to have to change

> careers forever.


> Let's just say vaccinating is a huge money-maker (the biggest by far) and

> there are Standard Practice Laws set down by the AVMA and the MVA that, if

> willfully violated, are professional suicide. If you are a vet and don't


> everything for everything before long you will be in court and you will


> lose. This has nothing to do with science nor health.


> On the other hand, when you do it all by the books and your patients get


> from excess vaccinating, as they will do, then you stand to make a small

> fortune off of their misfortune. Money on the front end, money on the back

> end. You become Vet of the Year and everybody loves you.


> The vaccine issue is far too complex to summarize here, I give lectures on


> to vet student holistic clubs and others, but it is difficult to sell the


> vision. People who avoid vaccinations and have a fat, toxic housepet

living on

> Purina and wearing a flea collar might have a rude awakening. There are

> some general guidelines but each case needs to be evaluated separately.

> What I do for my pets will probably be different from what you should do.

> Vaccine is a poor substitute for a strong immune system but is what we



> As one example, I'll give you a synopsis for vaccinating dogs that a

friend of

> mine who is a holistic vet in Colorado sent me. This person gives far more

> vaccines than I did and therefore he is still in practice and makes a good

> living. The protocol for cats would be similar except that most holistic


> avoid all the leukemia complex vaccines like the plague. Horse vaccines

are a

> whole 'nother subject as well.


> There are dozens of holistic vet sites on the web that will give you more

> detailed information. Look for the work of Dr Ron Schultz from the


> of Wisconsin.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> >From " Dr. X " (a famous holistic vet):


> My vaccine protocol for all breeds is to recommend Parvo vaccines

> separate from distemper vaccines. We space them out at two week

> intervals. I do this because I think that all dogs have potential for

> vaccine induced disorders, and because I believe I get much better

> protection, especially the parvo vaccine, by giving them separate. Labs

> and Retrievers will develop Atopic dermatitis, or at least become more

> severe, many breeds can develop IBD, Lupus, AIHA, etc.


> I discuss the dog's environment and what the owner will be doing with

> their dog (how much contact with " street " dogs vs. a mature, well taken

> care of dog (almost impossible to get anything from these dogs). Then we

> decide if we are to vaccinate at 8, 12 and 16 weeks, or wait to 12 weeks

> for the first vaccines. Then we vaccinate again at 16 weeks. Rabies is

> given 2-3 weeks after the last vaccine. We do not routinely use

> multivalent vaccines until the 16 week shot. Not all clients want

> anything but Parvo, Rabies and Distemper. Others want more and we

> discuss it all with them.


> My personal belief (and thus what I do with my own dogs... all of which

> go into our clinic all the time) is that I vaccinate only for life

> threatening diseases that still are seen routinely. I don't vaccinate

> for non-life threatening diseases (giardia, corona, bordatella) and only

> vaccinate as young dogs. Then we do titers to see if the vaccines took.

> Using the Parvo vaccine separate has always produced acceptable titers

> in about 100 tests.


> In truth, I don't test my own dogs because I don't feel any real urge to

> do that. I did recently do vaccine titers for Parvo and Distemper on my

> 10 year old German Shepherd dog, no vaccines since a pup, and she tested

> fine.We have no lepto to speak of here and Lyme is not around here.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Remember, you didn't hear it from me, I didn't say this, you never heard


> me, and we didn't talk, OK?


> Will








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Hello Will!

You wrote:

" If you are a vet and don't vaccinate

everything for everything before long you will be in court and you will


lose. This has nothing to do with science nor health. "

The answer to eliminating the negative effects of putting poison in your

blood stream (vaccination) is to neutralize or eliminate the poisons in

the vaccine just like we do with a snake bite or a bee bite.

I have a lady who is allergic to bee bites. I suggested that she carry

a small bottle of Miracle Neutralizer Gel whenever she is outside. She

was bitten by a bee last summer when she was working in her garden. She

immediately applied the gel to the bite. She got a little swelling and

redness, but she did not start to go into shock like she has in the past

requiring a visit to the emergency room.

This same woman, Carol Lechko, has completely recovered from MS, an

incurable disease, by using the Master's Miracle products.

This Neutralizer has been tested by NE State University and found to

neutralize cobra venom and anthrax.

If you cannot avoid the vaccination of a child or an animal, get their

pH up to 7.0 or above and strengthen their immune system before they are

vaccinated. Apply the Neutralizer Gel to the vaccination site

immediately after the vaccination. The chance of any reaction to the

vaccination are greatly reduced and very possibly completely eliminated.

If you think all of this concern about vaccination is pure baloney, go

to a clinic or to your doctor's office and get a wrapper that comes with

every bottle of vaccine. If you read the wrapper of DPT or MMR

vaccines, all doubt will be erased about the insanity of vaccination.

Military personnel and those traveling overseas should do likewise when

they receive their shots. One of the major causes of Gulf War Syndrome

was the anthrax vaccination that all the troops received except for the

French troops. They did not suffer as badly from Gulf War Syndrome like

all the other troops did.

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  • 4 years later...
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I also know several people whose puppies contracted Parvo eventhough they were

vaccinated.  Don't know if they actually got it from the shot or.......?  Does

anyone know if this one is live?



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I’m pretty certain that Parvo is live, I know many a breeder that will keep

their pups and dogs away from any newly vaccinated dog due to Parvo shed.



From: Vaccinations [mailto:Vaccinations ] On

Behalf Of

Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 2:03 PM


Subject: Animal Vaccinations

I also know several people whose puppies contracted Parvo eventhough they

were vaccinated. Don't know if they actually got it from the shot

or.......? Does anyone know if this one is live?


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A friend of mine her dog died a few years ago after having this vaccine,

the vaccine can cause parvo and I called a vet a few minutes ago asking

if it was live and was told it was live but " attenuated " ---I think I

spelled that right LOL.

How tragic that we feel the need to poison ourselves, our pets, and the




> I also know several people whose puppies contracted Parvo eventhough

> they were vaccinated. Don't know if they actually got it from the

> shot or.......? Does anyone know if this one is live?





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How unbelievable true.

I only wish that people would regard their pet companions as that of their

children. They don’t deserve to be poisoned or forced to eat crap-in-a-bag

as a matter of convenience.


From: Vaccinations [mailto:Vaccinations ] On


Sent: Friday, May 23, 2008 2:22 PM


Subject: Re: Animal Vaccinations

A friend of mine her dog died a few years ago after having this vaccine,

the vaccine can cause parvo and I called a vet a few minutes ago asking

if it was live and was told it was live but " attenuated " ---I think I

spelled that right LOL.

How tragic that we feel the need to poison ourselves, our pets, and the




> I also know several people whose puppies contracted Parvo eventhough

> they were vaccinated. Don't know if they actually got it from the

> shot or.......? Does anyone know if this one is live?





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