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VaxAmerica Makes It Easy for Patients to Receive Preventive Vaccines

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VaxAmerica Makes It Easy for Patients to Receive Preventive Vaccines

With its nationwide network of more than 15,000

care sites, VaxAmerica offers access, choice,

convenience and cost savings to patients,

healthcare providers, health insurers and employers.


) June 10, 2008 --

<http://www.nufactor.com>NuFACTOR, Inc., A

specialty pharmacy subsidiary of


Enterprises, Inc., the nation’s largest and most

trusted distributor of vaccines, plasma products

and other biopharmaceuticals, announced today a

new distribution model for vaccine supply and delivery.


NuFACTOR’s new vaccine program, is a


network of more than 15,000 care sites that makes

vaccine distribution and administration – even

for those difficult-to-get vaccines – easy,

convenient and cost-effective for patients,

healthcare providers and health insurers.

“VaxAmerica solves many of the issues that often

make it difficult or costly for healthcare

providers to stock, and for patients to receive

the preventive vaccines that are an investment in

long-term health,” said Jerome Vangheluwe, senior

vice president, NuFACTOR, Inc.



choose not to stock numerous vaccines due to

issues such as cost, reimbursement, storage

concerns and Medicare guidelines. For


getting a recommended vaccine that is not stocked

by their physician often means two doctor visits

– one to prescribe the vaccine and a second for

its administration. This results in two co-pays,



insurers then incur two charges.


is also a factor for everyone in the vaccine

chain. Whether it is the patient or provider who

has to pay out-of-pocket and then file a claim,

or the health insurer who must deal with these

paper claims, the reimbursement scenario can be cumbersome and costly.

“VaxAmerica makes it easy for all stakeholders by

combining the cost of the vaccine and its

administration into one co-pay for the patient,

and one charge for the insurer. Reimbursement is

also taken care of through the network so

healthcare providers and patients no longer have

out-of-pocket expense, other than the patient’s

co-pay, and paper claims are eliminated,”

continued Vangheluwe. For physicians,

‘just-in-time’ delivery removes the necessity to

build inventory or deal with long-term storage concerns.

“Compliance and outcomes reporting also create a

unique value proposition for health insurance

plans,”said Nik Vojicic, senior vice president,

managed care, NuFACTOR, Inc. “This is especially

important to multi-administration vaccines (HPV,

Hep A, Hep B) to ensure that patients are taking

the vaccine as prescribed and healthcare dollars

are not being wasted due to a lack of compliance.”

Vaccine producers are also well-served through

the VaxAmerica network which delivers not only

access, choice and convenience, but also the

communication and education to make sure that

specialty dosing and timing guidelines are

followed. “VaxAmerica represents a unique vehicle

for manufacturers by removing the financial risks

and other access impediments from the supply

chain so that patients can receive the preventive

vaccines,” said Ground, senior vice president, FFF Enterprises, Inc.

A secure vaccine supply for the VaxAmerica

network is assured through parent company, FFF



Channel Integrity™. Now in its 20th

counterfeit-free year, FFF has built a reputation

on its secure channel that guarantees the

products it distributes are not compromised anywhere in the supply chain.

“Patient safety has always been our primary

focus,” stated M. Schmidt, president and

chief executive officer, FFF Enterprises, Inc.

“We understand that the products we handle are

ultimately going to be given to a patient

somewhere, so we take supply chain integrity very

seriously, and have put measures into place to

make certain there are no weak links,” he continued.

FFF has protected more nearly 100 million people

to date through its secure vaccine distribution

channel. Schmidt is a noted speaker on issues

that include biopharmaceutical distribution,

supply chain integrity and drug counterfeiting security.

About FFF Enterprises, Inc.

FFF Enterprises, Inc., a privately held

corporation, is the largest and most trusted

distributor of plasma products, vaccines and

other biopharmaceuticals in the U.S. Founded in

1988, FFF is celebrating its 20th year with more

than a billion dollars in annual sales and a

flawless safety track record. FFF’s Guaranteed

Channel Integrity™ ensures that products are

purchased only from the manufacturer and shipped

only to healthcare providers, protecting patients

and manufacturers from counterfeit risks and

pricing irregularities inherent in secondary and

gray market channels. FFF’s MyFluVaccine


offers a dedicated flu vaccine supply, delivered

to customers on the date of their choosing. FFF’s

proprietary technologies, Verified Electronic

Pedigree™ and Lot-Track™, provide verification of

this secure channel. FFF’s ability to move

rapidly in a dynamically changing marketplace

allows the creation of new opportunities for

customers through innovative vehicles for distribution.

About NuFactor, Inc.

With its patient-centered focus, NuFACTOR, Inc.,

a specialty pharmacy subsidiary of FFF

Enterprises, is dedicated to improving the

safety, reliability, and availability of the

specialty therapeutics that are vital to the

well-being of hemophilia and IG patients.

VaxAmerica, a nationwide network of care sites

and caregivers enabling preventive vaccinations

at more than 15,000 sites in all 50 states, is a

program of NuFACTOR,


NuFACTOR’s core proprietary technologies, which

include Lot-Track™, a product-safety tracking and

notification system, and Infusion Tracker 2™, a

personal infusion-log software, help to make

patients’ worlds a little easier and more secure.




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Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

Vaccines - http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm

Vaccine Dangers & Homeopathy Online/email courses

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