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Re: Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?

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Guest guest

Hi Alison,

People like him truly are not worth an ounce of time. Are you able

to remove his post from your blog? I am not familiar with

myspace...I have found that people like these " biologists " are

actually contracted by the drug companies to seek out negative info

on vaccines and " attack " with their so-called vast knowledge. We all

know that the studies that he cited are all flawed in one way or

another. I've come under attack when I've responded to news articles

(in different states) - I had the same person attacking me!!

Apparently, he too was responding to all of the same articles that I

was and he was supposedly a " pro-vaccine " doctor. Keep up the great

work though on getting the word out....Wall Street recently reported

Merck's loss on the Gardasil vaccine!! ! Whatever we are all

doing is finally working!!

I don't care what people say about the Green our Vaccines Rally (some

people strongly opposed to it) - McCarthy had a method to her

madness and recent polls are showing the fast decline in parents

vaccinating since that rally!!



> This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...


> This person is obviously trying to be very condescending... Not

quite sure why my blog even stood out for these people to comment



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



> Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and

McCarthy Place " Green Vaccine... " :


> Dear Jim,

> I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious and

had a very strong laugh: I then realized you were serious and am left

really quite puzzled how opinions like yours even exist.

Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science, opinions have no weight,

and you either have evidence to back up what you're stating or you

don't and you lose all credibility (and your funding). I'd love to

take your money off your hands, but you are neither a reasonable nor

a credible man and I don't need your money; although I have met your

challenge (Below).

> Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for nearly

300 years now and demonstrating the effectiveness of vaccinations.

Jenner (1798), the founder of modern immunology, first tested

his hypothesis by inoculating an 8 year old boy with cowpox then

exposed him to the virulent strain of smallpox (surprise, the boy

lived!). Pasteur also worked on this very question by inoculating

chickens with an attenuated strain of cholera, and sheep with

bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then injected them to the lethal

strain). In both cases, all the vaccinated animals lived, all those

who were not died. How else did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle?

Jim, if vaccines aren't effective, how did Jenner and Pasteur dream

up the pattern that immunization as a defence against diseases? Why

would anyone buy their " double edged false reasoning " if it didn't

work? Surely this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

> Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for

immunological research that piece together how the immune system

functions and subsequently the means by which vaccination work from a

macro to molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm not going to spoon

feed you immunology to give you the background; you'll have to do

that yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby immunology. We

have quite a strong understanding of how infection and immunological

responses occur. In fact! We can determine quite well the

immunological response to inoculation using a variety of molecular

techniques. These range from QPCR to Floruresent in situ

hybridization of titers as well as a range of other techniques.

> Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr.

Jenner and Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical trials

still exists today, even on vaccines that have been proven effective

(some are described below: keep reading). The US food and drug

administration REQUIRES that all drugs released onto the market go

through a series of evaluations to determine their effectiveness as

well as adverse side affects (vaccines are certainly no different).

Before the FDA even considers a vaccination for trials it first has

to pass a battery of animal testing (similar in means to the

Pasteur's originals) as well as in vitro cellular histology (far more

technical and involve the techniques that listed above as well as

many others). This even applies for the components of the vaccines

that you suggest are toxic.

> http://www.fda.gov/cber/vaccine/vacappr.htm


> Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous, but

unethical to inoculate a human then purposefully inject a virulent

virus into their body as a means of primary assessment of a vaccine's

effectiveness; so Jenner's original experiment will have to do if

you're looking for direct exposure in humans. Otherwise there is a

huge supply of animal and non-invasive clinical trials that provide

the information that you desire.


> Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your question.

I presume Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will only bother

describing a few of the studies. The rest you'll have to do on your

own by reading the abstracts.


> One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16 vaccination

effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected a series of

patients and ran a double blind experiment. Some patients were given

a placebo, while other groups were given various levels of

inoculation ranging within the FDA's guidelines.

> " There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the per-

protocol vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of HPV-16-related

CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2 or worse among women in the placebo group. In

the 834 MITT-1 patients who received at least one dose of the

vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN compared with 20 women

with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN 2 in the placebo-treated

women. "

> Jim, what this means is the group that received the full

vaccination did not test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the virus

(100% effective). Four in the placebo group did test positive, and

thus had been infected. Is this just because of chance? Hmm. could

be, but it also is correlated to the levels of higher anti-HPV-16

titers (antibodies) present in blood samples.

> http://www.obgynsurvey.com/pt/re/obgynsurv/abstract.00006254-





> Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections

throughout his home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale for

their vaccination program and its success at lowering mortality

related to HiB infection. Within a decade of compliant inoculation of

95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led to the drop in HiB

infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996. Coincidence, I guess so?

> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TD4-


C & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 &

_version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=62607907c0f8367c5a042831997934


> Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine

against meningococcus A and C.

> The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after

inoculation. Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no higher

adverse reaction to the vaccine than the placebo and showed an

increased level of antibodies to group A and C meningococcal capsular

polysaccharides after the first dose.

> Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for

meningococcal polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or how

they're produced, Jim? (This is really is a question I'd like to see

you answer)

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1523880


> " New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

> I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the others,

dead. Another coincidence? I guess so.

> http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/73/1/783


> Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to

correlate between the vaccinations and infection. One recent review

of the US health system by Orenstein and his colleagues mandates the

effectiveness of vaccines by comparing 20th century mortality prior

vaccination and post vaccination. Considering the percentile decrease

in the vaccinated diseases it is clear, Jim, that even aside from all

the clinical trials, there is no other means of describing how the

mortality rate can decline so rapidly. I'm sure you'd agree that the

United States is a diverse country and varying health concerns

throughout the country. How would YOU describe their first figure?

> http://healthaff.highwire.org/cgi/content/full/24/3/599


> Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of


> http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/376997

> http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/22/4/742

> http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0140673604167251

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3879673



> Others.

> http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/341901?cookieSet=1

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8116190

> http://www.vaccines.mil/documents/library/Pastpresfuture.pdf


> To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of

vaccination policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no evidence to

support your claims. As a result, you have no voice in the scientific

community and you're viewed as a non-educated delinquent (that's just

reality). If you'd like to have a voice one day, I'd suggest that you

join the ranks of objective researchers and woo us with your research


> Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it

comes time for vaccinations. If you refuse vaccinations for them I

hope that there is not another epidemic, or they may be part of the

unlucky few that suffer.


> Kind regards,


> Biologist




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Guest guest

WOW, he responded to my comments on your blog with quotes from posts

I've made to this and one other vaccine education list. What a

strange response... calling me poor? Huh? Here's his response to me

that I copied from your blog:

Hi ,

Is this your posting:


" after I cool down and formulate my thoughts... I urge everyone to bombard him! "


" Damn straight I educate my neighbors! " ?

You appear to have misdirected anger. To answer your question above:

no you are not an idiot. You're just poor and your 'elected'

governments did this to you from the 1970s onwards. Is it fair that

the richest country in the world denies poor people healthcare? We

have free healthcare; would you and your neighbours like free

healthcare too?

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Dawn <dawndanc@...> wrote:

> Hi Alison,


> People like him truly are not worth an ounce of time. Are you able

> to remove his post from your blog? I am not familiar with

> myspace...I have found that people like these " biologists " are

> actually contracted by the drug companies to seek out negative info

> on vaccines and " attack " with their so-called vast knowledge. We all

> know that the studies that he cited are all flawed in one way or

> another. I've come under attack when I've responded to news articles

> (in different states) - I had the same person attacking me!!

> Apparently, he too was responding to all of the same articles that I

> was and he was supposedly a " pro-vaccine " doctor. Keep up the great

> work though on getting the word out....Wall Street recently reported

> Merck's loss on the Gardasil vaccine!! ! Whatever we are all

> doing is finally working!!


> I don't care what people say about the Green our Vaccines Rally (some

> people strongly opposed to it) - McCarthy had a method to her

> madness and recent polls are showing the fast decline in parents

> vaccinating since that rally!!


> Dawn




>> This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...


>> This person is obviously trying to be very condescending... Not

> quite sure why my blog even stood out for these people to comment

> on...


>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



>> Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and

> McCarthy Place " Green Vaccine... " :


>> Dear Jim,

>> I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious and

> had a very strong laugh: I then realized you were serious and am left

> really quite puzzled how opinions like yours even exist.

> Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science, opinions have no weight,

> and you either have evidence to back up what you're stating or you

> don't and you lose all credibility (and your funding). I'd love to

> take your money off your hands, but you are neither a reasonable nor

> a credible man and I don't need your money; although I have met your

> challenge (Below).

>> Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for nearly

> 300 years now and demonstrating the effectiveness of vaccinations.

> Jenner (1798), the founder of modern immunology, first tested

> his hypothesis by inoculating an 8 year old boy with cowpox then

> exposed him to the virulent strain of smallpox (surprise, the boy

> lived!). Pasteur also worked on this very question by inoculating

> chickens with an attenuated strain of cholera, and sheep with

> bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then injected them to the lethal

> strain). In both cases, all the vaccinated animals lived, all those

> who were not died. How else did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle?

> Jim, if vaccines aren't effective, how did Jenner and Pasteur dream

> up the pattern that immunization as a defence against diseases? Why

> would anyone buy their " double edged false reasoning " if it didn't

> work? Surely this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

>> Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for

> immunological research that piece together how the immune system

> functions and subsequently the means by which vaccination work from a

> macro to molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm not going to spoon

> feed you immunology to give you the background; you'll have to do

> that yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby immunology. We

> have quite a strong understanding of how infection and immunological

> responses occur. In fact! We can determine quite well the

> immunological response to inoculation using a variety of molecular

> techniques. These range from QPCR to Floruresent in situ

> hybridization of titers as well as a range of other techniques.

>> Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr.

> Jenner and Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical trials

> still exists today, even on vaccines that have been proven effective

> (some are described below: keep reading). The US food and drug

> administration REQUIRES that all drugs released onto the market go

> through a series of evaluations to determine their effectiveness as

> well as adverse side affects (vaccines are certainly no different).

> Before the FDA even considers a vaccination for trials it first has

> to pass a battery of animal testing (similar in means to the

> Pasteur's originals) as well as in vitro cellular histology (far more

> technical and involve the techniques that listed above as well as

> many others). This even applies for the components of the vaccines

> that you suggest are toxic.

>> http://www.fda.gov/cber/vaccine/vacappr.htm


>> Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous, but

> unethical to inoculate a human then purposefully inject a virulent

> virus into their body as a means of primary assessment of a vaccine's

> effectiveness; so Jenner's original experiment will have to do if

> you're looking for direct exposure in humans. Otherwise there is a

> huge supply of animal and non-invasive clinical trials that provide

> the information that you desire.


>> Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your question.

> I presume Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will only bother

> describing a few of the studies. The rest you'll have to do on your

> own by reading the abstracts.


>> One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16 vaccination

> effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected a series of

> patients and ran a double blind experiment. Some patients were given

> a placebo, while other groups were given various levels of

> inoculation ranging within the FDA's guidelines.

>> " There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the per-

> protocol vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of HPV-16-related

> CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2 or worse among women in the placebo group. In

> the 834 MITT-1 patients who received at least one dose of the

> vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN compared with 20 women

> with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN 2 in the placebo-treated

> women. "

>> Jim, what this means is the group that received the full

> vaccination did not test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the virus

> (100% effective). Four in the placebo group did test positive, and

> thus had been infected. Is this just because of chance? Hmm. could

> be, but it also is correlated to the levels of higher anti-HPV-16

> titers (antibodies) present in blood samples.

>> http://www.obgynsurvey.com/pt/re/obgynsurv/abstract.00006254-

> 200605000-

> 00015.htm;jsessionid=LyfBK5h1TB4TvpCyByvpTG0qvwkfp5MQvTnXBybkG5mH2C8hw

> JYx!447927974!181195628!8091!-1


>> Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections

> throughout his home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale for

> their vaccination program and its success at lowering mortality

> related to HiB infection. Within a decade of compliant inoculation of

> 95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led to the drop in HiB

> infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996. Coincidence, I guess so?

>> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TD4-

> 3YKKB1Y-

> C & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 &

> _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=62607907c0f8367c5a042831997934

> a7

>> Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine

> against meningococcus A and C.

>> The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after

> inoculation. Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no higher

> adverse reaction to the vaccine than the placebo and showed an

> increased level of antibodies to group A and C meningococcal capsular

> polysaccharides after the first dose.

>> Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for

> meningococcal polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or how

> they're produced, Jim? (This is really is a question I'd like to see

> you answer)

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1523880


>> " New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

>> I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the others,

> dead. Another coincidence? I guess so.

>> http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/73/1/783


>> Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to

> correlate between the vaccinations and infection. One recent review

> of the US health system by Orenstein and his colleagues mandates the

> effectiveness of vaccines by comparing 20th century mortality prior

> vaccination and post vaccination. Considering the percentile decrease

> in the vaccinated diseases it is clear, Jim, that even aside from all

> the clinical trials, there is no other means of describing how the

> mortality rate can decline so rapidly. I'm sure you'd agree that the

> United States is a diverse country and varying health concerns

> throughout the country. How would YOU describe their first figure?

>> http://healthaff.highwire.org/cgi/content/full/24/3/599


>> Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of

> vaccinations..

>> http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/376997

>> http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/22/4/742

>> http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0140673604167251

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3879673



>> Others.

>> http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/341901?cookieSet=1

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8116190

>> http://www.vaccines.mil/documents/library/Pastpresfuture.pdf


>> To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of

> vaccination policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no evidence to

> support your claims. As a result, you have no voice in the scientific

> community and you're viewed as a non-educated delinquent (that's just

> reality). If you'd like to have a voice one day, I'd suggest that you

> join the ranks of objective researchers and woo us with your research

> findings.

>> Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it

> comes time for vaccinations. If you refuse vaccinations for them I

> hope that there is not another epidemic, or they may be part of the

> unlucky few that suffer.


>> Kind regards,


>> Biologist




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Guest guest

, I'm not really following this thread, I'm afraid, but it just stands

out below that you said he's quoting posts you've made to this list. Does

that mean he is reading this list or able to access it in some way?

Just curious.

Sue x

-- Re: Re: Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist'

that keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?

WOW, he responded to my comments on your blog with quotes from posts

I've made to this and one other vaccine education list. What a

strange response... calling me poor? Huh? Here's his response to me

that I copied from your blog:

Hi ,

Is this your posting:


" after I cool down and formulate my thoughts... I urge everyone to bombard

him! "


" Damn straight I educate my neighbors! " ?

You appear to have misdirected anger. To answer your question above:

no you are not an idiot. You're just poor and your 'elected'

governments did this to you from the 1970s onwards. Is it fair that

the richest country in the world denies poor people healthcare? We

have free healthcare; would you and your neighbours like free

healthcare too?

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Dawn <dawndanc@...> wrote:

> Hi Alison,


> People like him truly are not worth an ounce of time. Are you able

> to remove his post from your blog? I am not familiar with

> myspace...I have found that people like these " biologists " are

> actually contracted by the drug companies to seek out negative info

> on vaccines and " attack " with their so-called vast knowledge. We all

> know that the studies that he cited are all flawed in one way or

> another. I've come under attack when I've responded to news articles

> (in different states) - I had the same person attacking me!!

> Apparently, he too was responding to all of the same articles that I

> was and he was supposedly a " pro-vaccine " doctor. Keep up the great

> work though on getting the word out....Wall Street recently reported

> Merck's loss on the Gardasil vaccine!! ! Whatever we are all

> doing is finally working!!


> I don't care what people say about the Green our Vaccines Rally (some

> people strongly opposed to it) - McCarthy had a method to her

> madness and recent polls are showing the fast decline in parents

> vaccinating since that rally!!


> Dawn




>> This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...


>> This person is obviously trying to be very condescending... Not

> quite sure why my blog even stood out for these people to comment

> on...


>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



>> Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and

> McCarthy Place " Green Vaccine... " :


>> Dear Jim,

>> I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious and

> had a very strong laugh: I then realized you were serious and am left

> really quite puzzled how opinions like yours even exist.

> Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science, opinions have no weight,

> and you either have evidence to back up what you're stating or you

> don't and you lose all credibility (and your funding). I'd love to

> take your money off your hands, but you are neither a reasonable nor

> a credible man and I don't need your money; although I have met your

> challenge (Below).

>> Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for nearly

> 300 years now and demonstrating the effectiveness of vaccinations.

> Jenner (1798), the founder of modern immunology, first tested

> his hypothesis by inoculating an 8 year old boy with cowpox then

> exposed him to the virulent strain of smallpox (surprise, the boy

> lived!). Pasteur also worked on this very question by inoculating

> chickens with an attenuated strain of cholera, and sheep with

> bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then injected them to the lethal

> strain). In both cases, all the vaccinated animals lived, all those

> who were not died. How else did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle?

> Jim, if vaccines aren't effective, how did Jenner and Pasteur dream

> up the pattern that immunization as a defence against diseases? Why

> would anyone buy their " double edged false reasoning " if it didn't

> work? Surely this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

>> Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for

> immunological research that piece together how the immune system

> functions and subsequently the means by which vaccination work from a

> macro to molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm not going to spoon

> feed you immunology to give you the background; you'll have to do

> that yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby immunology. We

> have quite a strong understanding of how infection and immunological

> responses occur. In fact! We can determine quite well the

> immunological response to inoculation using a variety of molecular

> techniques. These range from QPCR to Floruresent in situ

> hybridization of titers as well as a range of other techniques.

>> Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr.

> Jenner and Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical trials

> still exists today, even on vaccines that have been proven effective

> (some are described below: keep reading). The US food and drug

> administration REQUIRES that all drugs released onto the market go

> through a series of evaluations to determine their effectiveness as

> well as adverse side affects (vaccines are certainly no different).

> Before the FDA even considers a vaccination for trials it first has

> to pass a battery of animal testing (similar in means to the

> Pasteur's originals) as well as in vitro cellular histology (far more

> technical and involve the techniques that listed above as well as

> many others). This even applies for the components of the vaccines

> that you suggest are toxic.

>> http://www.fda.gov/cber/vaccine/vacappr.htm


>> Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous, but

> unethical to inoculate a human then purposefully inject a virulent

> virus into their body as a means of primary assessment of a vaccine's

> effectiveness; so Jenner's original experiment will have to do if

> you're looking for direct exposure in humans. Otherwise there is a

> huge supply of animal and non-invasive clinical trials that provide

> the information that you desire.


>> Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your question.

> I presume Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will only bother

> describing a few of the studies. The rest you'll have to do on your

> own by reading the abstracts.


>> One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16 vaccination

> effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected a series of

> patients and ran a double blind experiment. Some patients were given

> a placebo, while other groups were given various levels of

> inoculation ranging within the FDA's guidelines.

>> " There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the per-

> protocol vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of HPV-16-related

> CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2 or worse among women in the placebo group. In

> the 834 MITT-1 patients who received at least one dose of the

> vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN compared with 20 women

> with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN 2 in the placebo-treated

> women. "

>> Jim, what this means is the group that received the full

> vaccination did not test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the virus

> (100% effective). Four in the placebo group did test positive, and

> thus had been infected. Is this just because of chance? Hmm. could

> be, but it also is correlated to the levels of higher anti-HPV-16

> titers (antibodies) present in blood samples.

>> http://www.obgynsurvey.com/pt/re/obgynsurv/abstract.00006254-

> 200605000-

> 00015.htm;jsessionid=LyfBK5h1TB4TvpCyByvpTG0qvwkfp5MQvTnXBybkG5mH2C8hw

> JYx!447927974!181195628!8091!-1


>> Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections

> throughout his home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale for

> their vaccination program and its success at lowering mortality

> related to HiB infection. Within a decade of compliant inoculation of

> 95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led to the drop in HiB

> infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996. Coincidence, I guess so?

>> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TD4-

> 3YKKB1Y-

> C & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 &

> _version=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=62607907c0f8367c5a042831997934

> a7

>> Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine

> against meningococcus A and C.

>> The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after

> inoculation. Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no higher

> adverse reaction to the vaccine than the placebo and showed an

> increased level of antibodies to group A and C meningococcal capsular

> polysaccharides after the first dose.

>> Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for

> meningococcal polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or how

> they're produced, Jim? (This is really is a question I'd like to see

> you answer)

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1523880


>> " New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

>> I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the others,

> dead. Another coincidence? I guess so.

>> http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/73/1/783


>> Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to

> correlate between the vaccinations and infection. One recent review

> of the US health system by Orenstein and his colleagues mandates the

> effectiveness of vaccines by comparing 20th century mortality prior

> vaccination and post vaccination. Considering the percentile decrease

> in the vaccinated diseases it is clear, Jim, that even aside from all

> the clinical trials, there is no other means of describing how the

> mortality rate can decline so rapidly. I'm sure you'd agree that the

> United States is a diverse country and varying health concerns

> throughout the country. How would YOU describe their first figure?

>> http://healthaff.highwire.org/cgi/content/full/24/3/599


>> Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of

> vaccinations..

>> http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/376997

>> http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/22/4/742

>> http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0140673604167251

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3879673



>> Others.

>> http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/341901?cookieSet=1

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8116190

>> http://www.vaccines.mil/documents/library/Pastpresfuture.pdf


>> To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of

> vaccination policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no evidence to

> support your claims. As a result, you have no voice in the scientific

> community and you're viewed as a non-educated delinquent (that's just

> reality). If you'd like to have a voice one day, I'd suggest that you

> join the ranks of objective researchers and woo us with your research

> findings.

>> Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it

> comes time for vaccinations. If you refuse vaccinations for them I

> hope that there is not another epidemic, or they may be part of the

> unlucky few that suffer.


>> Kind regards,


>> Biologist




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It would take hours of my precious time and is pointless to respond


At 06:45 AM 7/9/2008, you wrote:

>This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...


>This person is obviously trying to be very condescending... Not

>quite sure why my blog even stood out for these people to comment on...





>Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and

>McCarthy Place " Green Vaccine... " :


>Dear Jim,

>I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious and

>had a very strong laugh: I then realized you were serious and am

>left really quite puzzled how opinions like yours even exist.

>Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science, opinions have no weight,

>and you either have evidence to back up what you're stating or you

>don't and you lose all credibility (and your funding). I'd love to

>take your money off your hands, but you are neither a reasonable nor

>a credible man and I don't need your money; although I have met your

>challenge (Below).

>Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for nearly

>300 years now and demonstrating the effectiveness of vaccinations.

> Jenner (1798), the founder of modern immunology, first tested

>his hypothesis by inoculating an 8 year old boy with cowpox then

>exposed him to the virulent strain of smallpox (surprise, the boy

>lived!). Pasteur also worked on this very question by inoculating

>chickens with an attenuated strain of cholera, and sheep with

>bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then injected them to the lethal

>strain). In both cases, all the vaccinated animals lived, all those

>who were not died. How else did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle?

>Jim, if vaccines aren't effective, how did Jenner and Pasteur dream

>up the pattern that immunization as a defence against diseases? Why

>would anyone buy their " double edged false reasoning " if it didn't

>work? Surely this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

>Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for immunological

>research that piece together how the immune system functions and

>subsequently the means by which vaccination work from a macro to

>molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm not going to spoon feed you

>immunology to give you the background; you'll have to do that

>yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby immunology. We have

>quite a strong understanding of how infection and immunological

>responses occur. In fact! We can determine quite well the

>immunological response to inoculation using a variety of molecular

>techniques. These range from QPCR to Floruresent in situ

>hybridization of titers as well as a range of other techniques.

>Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr.

>Jenner and Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical trials

>still exists today, even on vaccines that have been proven effective

>(some are described below: keep reading). The US food and drug

>administration REQUIRES that all drugs released onto the market go

>through a series of evaluations to determine their effectiveness as

>well as adverse side affects (vaccines are certainly no different).

>Before the FDA even considers a vaccination for trials it first has

>to pass a battery of animal testing (similar in means to the

>Pasteur's originals) as well as in vitro cellular histology (far

>more technical and involve the techniques that listed above as well

>as many others). This even applies for the components of the

>vaccines that you suggest are toxic.



>Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous, but

>unethical to inoculate a human then purposefully inject a virulent

>virus into their body as a means of primary assessment of a

>vaccine's effectiveness; so Jenner's original experiment will have

>to do if you're looking for direct exposure in humans. Otherwise

>there is a huge supply of animal and non-invasive clinical trials

>that provide the information that you desire.


>Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your question. I

>presume Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will only bother

>describing a few of the studies. The rest you'll have to do on your

>own by reading the abstracts.


>One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16 vaccination

>effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected a series of

>patients and ran a double blind experiment. Some patients were given

>a placebo, while other groups were given various levels of

>inoculation ranging within the FDA's guidelines.

> " There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the

>per-protocol vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of

>HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2 or worse among women in the

>placebo group. In the 834 MITT-1 patients who received at least one

>dose of the vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN compared with

>20 women with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN 2 in the

>placebo-treated women. "

>Jim, what this means is the group that received the full vaccination

>did not test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the virus (100%

>effective). Four in the placebo group did test positive, and thus

>had been infected. Is this just because of chance? Hmm. could be,

>but it also is correlated to the levels of higher anti-HPV-16 titers

>(antibodies) present in blood samples.





>Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections

>throughout his home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale for

>their vaccination program and its success at lowering mortality

>related to HiB infection. Within a decade of compliant inoculation

>of 95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led to the drop in

>HiB infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996. Coincidence, I guess so?

>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TD4-3YKKB1Y-C & _user=\

10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVer\

sion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=62607907c0f8367c5a042831997934a7

>Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine

>against meningococcus A and C.

>The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after

>inoculation. Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no

>higher adverse reaction to the vaccine than the placebo and showed

>an increased level of antibodies to group A and C meningococcal

>capsular polysaccharides after the first dose.

>Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for

>meningococcal polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or how

>they're produced, Jim? (This is really is a question I'd like to see

>you answer)



> " New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

>I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the others,

>dead. Another coincidence? I guess so.



>Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to

>correlate between the vaccinations and infection. One recent review

>of the US health system by Orenstein and his colleagues mandates the

>effectiveness of vaccines by comparing 20th century mortality prior

>vaccination and post vaccination. Considering the percentile

>decrease in the vaccinated diseases it is clear, Jim, that even

>aside from all the clinical trials, there is no other means of

>describing how the mortality rate can decline so rapidly. I'm sure

>you'd agree that the United States is a diverse country and varying

>health concerns throughout the country. How would YOU describe their

>first figure?



>Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of vaccinations..












>To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of

>vaccination policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no evidence to

>support your claims. As a result, you have no voice in the

>scientific community and you're viewed as a non-educated delinquent

>(that's just reality). If you'd like to have a voice one day, I'd

>suggest that you join the ranks of objective researchers and woo us

>with your research findings.

>Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it

>comes time for vaccinations. If you refuse vaccinations for them I

>hope that there is not another epidemic, or they may be part of the

>unlucky few that suffer.


>Kind regards,






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It appears so, unless you can somehow search on someone's name and

pull up and read random posts on any newsgroup. He definitely

quoted from my posts here and the no-forced-vaccination list.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Sue <mum2mishka@...> wrote:

> , I'm not really following this thread, I'm afraid, but it just stands

> out below that you said he's quoting posts you've made to this list. Does

> that mean he is reading this list or able to access it in some way?


> Just curious.


> Sue x

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Guest guest

It excites bullies to be acknowledged. Ignore him


Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that keeps

posting to my blog concerning vaccines?


> This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...


> This person is obviously trying to be very condescending... Not

> quite sure why my blog even stood out for these people to

> comment on...


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



> Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and

> McCarthy Place " Green Vaccine... " :


> Dear Jim,

> I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious

> and had a very strong laugh: I then realized you were serious

> and am left really quite puzzled how opinions like yours even

> exist. Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science, opinions have

> no weight, and you either have evidence to back up what you're

> stating or you don't and you lose all credibility (and your

> funding). I'd love to take your money off your hands, but you

> are neither a reasonable nor a credible man and I don't need

> your money; although I have met your challenge (Below).

> Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for

> nearly 300 years now and demonstrating the effectiveness of

> vaccinations. Jenner (1798), the founder of modern

> immunology, first tested his hypothesis by inoculating an 8 year

> old boy with cowpox then exposed him to the virulent strain of

> smallpox (surprise, the boy lived!). Pasteur also worked on this

> very question by inoculating chickens with an attenuated strain

> of cholera, and sheep with bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then

> injected them to the lethal strain). In both cases, all the

> vaccinated animals lived, all those who were not died. How else

> did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle? Jim, if vaccines aren't

> effective, how did Jenner and Pasteur dream up the pattern that

> immunization as a defence against diseases? Why would anyone buy

> their " double edged false reasoning " if it didn't work? Surely

> this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

> Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for

> immunological research that piece together how the immune system

> functions and subsequently the means by which vaccination work

> from a macro to molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm not going

> to spoon feed you immunology to give you the background; you'll

> have to do that yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby

> immunology. We have quite a strong understanding of how

> infection and immunological responses occur. In fact! We can

> determine quite well the immunological response to inoculation

> using a variety of molecular techniques. These range from QPCR

> to Floruresent in situ hybridization of titers as well as a

> range of other techniques.

> Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr.

> Jenner and Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical

> trials still exists today, even on vaccines that have been

> proven effective (some are described below: keep reading). The

> US food and drug administration REQUIRES that all drugs released

> onto the market go through a series of evaluations to determine

> their effectiveness as well as adverse side affects (vaccines

> are certainly no different). Before the FDA even considers a

> vaccination for trials it first has to pass a battery of animal

> testing (similar in means to the Pasteur's originals) as well as

> in vitro cellular histology (far more technical and involve the

> techniques that listed above as well as many others). This even

> applies for the components of the vaccines that you suggest are

> toxic.

> http://www.fda.gov/cber/vaccine/vacappr.htm


> Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous,

> but unethical to inoculate a human then purposefully inject a

> virulent virus into their body as a means of primary assessment

> of a vaccine's effectiveness; so Jenner's original experiment

> will have to do if you're looking for direct exposure in humans.

> Otherwise there is a huge supply of animal and non-invasive

> clinical trials that provide the information that you desire.


> Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your

> question. I presume Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will

> only bother describing a few of the studies. The rest you'll

> have to do on your own by reading the abstracts.


> One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16

> vaccination effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected

> a series of patients and ran a double blind experiment. Some

> patients were given a placebo, while other groups were given

> various levels of inoculation ranging within the FDA's

> guidelines.

> " There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the

> per-protocol vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of HPV-16-

> related CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2 or worse among women in the

> placebo group. In the 834 MITT-1 patients who received at least

> one dose of the vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN

> compared with 20 women with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN

> 2 in the placebo-treated women. "

> Jim, what this means is the group that received the full

> vaccination did not test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the

> virus (100% effective). Four in the placebo group did test

> positive, and thus had been infected. Is this just because of

> chance? Hmm. could be, but it also is correlated to the levels

> of higher anti-HPV-16 titers (antibodies) present in blood

> samples.

> http://www.obgynsurvey.com/pt/re/obgynsurv/abstract.00006254-





> Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections

> throughout his home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale

> for their vaccination program and its success at lowering

> mortality related to HiB infection. Within a decade of compliant

> inoculation of 95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led

> to the drop in HiB infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996.

> Coincidence, I guess so?

> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TD4-


3YKKB1Y-C & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _v\

ersion=1 & _urlVersion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=62607907c0f8367c5a042831997934a7

> Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine

> against meningococcus A and C.

> The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after

> inoculation. Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no

> higher adverse reaction to the vaccine than the placebo and

> showed an increased level of antibodies to group A and C

> meningococcal capsular polysaccharides after the first dose.

> Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for

> meningococcal polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or

> how they're produced, Jim? (This is really is a question I'd

> like to see you answer)

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1523880


> " New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

> I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the

> others, dead. Another coincidence? I guess so.

> http://jvi.asm.org/cgi/content/abstract/73/1/783


> Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to

> correlate between the vaccinations and infection. One recent

> review of the US health system by Orenstein and his colleagues

> mandates the effectiveness of vaccines by comparing 20th century

> mortality prior vaccination and post vaccination. Considering

> the percentile decrease in the vaccinated diseases it is clear,

> Jim, that even aside from all the clinical trials, there is no

> other means of describing how the mortality rate can decline so

> rapidly. I'm sure you'd agree that the United States is a

> diverse country and varying health concerns throughout the

> country. How would YOU describe their first figure?

> http://healthaff.highwire.org/cgi/content/full/24/3/599


> Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of

> vaccinations..http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/376997

> http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/22/4/742

> http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0140673604167251

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3879673



> Others.

> http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/341901?cookieSet=1

> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8116190

> http://www.vaccines.mil/documents/library/Pastpresfuture.pdf


> To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of

> vaccination policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no

> evidence to support your claims. As a result, you have no voice

> in the scientific community and you're viewed as a non-educated

> delinquent (that's just reality). If you'd like to have a voice

> one day, I'd suggest that you join the ranks of objective

> researchers and woo us with your research findings.

> Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it

> comes time for vaccinations. If you refuse vaccinations for them

> I hope that there is not another epidemic, or they may be part

> of the unlucky few that suffer.


> Kind regards,


> Biologist




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Well, apparently we are rialing him up, because I have yet another

slam to my post, and I haven't even responded to his first attack on

me. LOL You;re right, bullies like to generate any response,

especially negative. He's getting nasty though, I might respond with

specific ages and such, just for anyone else that happens to read the


Of course I'm only assuming it's the same responder to all my posts;

they post anonymously, so who knows.

His/her post:

Hi ,

I have been thinking about your message over the last few days.

I believe that what you have written here is a fabrication that serves

your purpose " to educate [your] neighbours " as you stated on .

Evidence for this includes: you say you remember an " anaphylatic

reaction minutes after " the injection and you developed " chronic

asthma " from that day forward. That is a lie. You did not state what

age that occured, and the timing of two 'instant' adverse outcomes is

absurd. Simply absurd. No one has a severe cardiovascular collapse and

bursts into " chronic asthma " . And you remember this occuring before

you turned one year of age? Your false statement also shows you do not

have a handle on an asthma management plan and the use of preventative

medication even if you do have asthma as an adult.

Further to that your concocting of bizarre medical conditions that you

claim most of your child-aged relations have is simply perverse. This

borders on Munchausen by proxy syndrome, and it is really off that you

would write such things about children.

I believe from your message, and what other messages you send

privately through your network of malingerers, you are all

manipulative people who use faked notions of ill children to gain some

ground for your 'campaign'. Your 'campaign' has no real purpose or

end-point, and it is probably wrapped up with other murky ideas based

on paranoia. I am certain you have other such blogs 'on the boil' with

illogical and unsubstantiated claims that 'fall over' very quickly to

any mindful reader.

Fair dinkum pull your head out .

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 3:16 PM, <wharrison@...> wrote:

> It excites bullies to be acknowledged. Ignore him


> Winnie

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He obviously is mentally deranged. His ramblings are pretty outrageous. Not much

can be done with that sort.


Re: Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that

keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?


> Well, apparently we are rialing him up, because I have yet another

> slam to my post, and I haven't even responded to his first

> attack on

> me. LOL You;re right, bullies like to generate any response,

> especially negative. He's getting nasty though, I might respond with

> specific ages and such, just for anyone else that happens to

> read the

> blog.


> Of course I'm only assuming it's the same responder to all my posts;

> they post anonymously, so who knows.


> His/her post:


> Hi ,


> I have been thinking about your message over the last few days.


> I believe that what you have written here is a fabrication that serves

> your purpose " to educate [your] neighbours " as you stated on .

> Evidence for this includes: you say you remember an " anaphylatic

> reaction minutes after " the injection and you developed " chronic

> asthma " from that day forward. That is a lie. You did not state what

> age that occured, and the timing of two 'instant' adverse

> outcomes is

> absurd. Simply absurd. No one has a severe cardiovascular

> collapse and

> bursts into " chronic asthma " . And you remember this occuring before

> you turned one year of age? Your false statement also shows you

> do not

> have a handle on an asthma management plan and the use of preventative

> medication even if you do have asthma as an adult.


> Further to that your concocting of bizarre medical conditions

> that you

> claim most of your child-aged relations have is simply perverse. This

> borders on Munchausen by proxy syndrome, and it is really off

> that you

> would write such things about children.


> I believe from your message, and what other messages you send

> privately through your network of malingerers, you are all

> manipulative people who use faked notions of ill children to

> gain some

> ground for your 'campaign'. Your 'campaign' has no real purpose or

> end-point, and it is probably wrapped up with other murky ideas based

> on paranoia. I am certain you have other such blogs 'on the

> boil' with

> illogical and unsubstantiated claims that 'fall over' very

> quickly to

> any mindful reader.


> Fair dinkum pull your head out .



> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 3:16 PM, wrote:

> > It excites bullies to be acknowledged. Ignore him

> >

> > Winnie


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That's what I was thinking... he makes a lot of assumptions, if

nothing else. Thing is, I don't care about him, but I do care whether

a parent who is seeking out some truths before they vaccinate might

stumble on that blog and decide his ramblings hold more water than the

rest of the posts (not sure how his nonsense could, but you never

know). So, I'm going to clarify my timelines for those parents.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:25 PM, <wharrison@...> wrote:

> He obviously is mentally deranged. His ramblings are pretty outrageous. Not

> much can be done with that sort.


> Winnie

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You can try, but at some point it turns into a he said, she said. Maybe point

the parents towards the vaccine package inserts to counter the opinions.


Re: Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that

keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?


> That's what I was thinking... he makes a lot of assumptions, if

> nothing else. Thing is, I don't care about him, but I do care whether

> a parent who is seeking out some truths before they vaccinate might

> stumble on that blog and decide his ramblings hold more water

> than the

> rest of the posts (not sure how his nonsense could, but you never

> know). So, I'm going to clarify my timelines for those parents.





> On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:25 PM, wrote:

> > He obviously is mentally deranged. His ramblings are pretty

> outrageous. Not

> > much can be done with that sort.

> >

> > Winnie


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Dear nameless:

Where I come from folks who haven't got the guts to put there name after there

pen are called cowards.

What's your fear friend?

You had a strong laugh because your brain is loaded with memorized propaganda

and your not smart enough to figure it out. People like you are being used

because of your ability to memorize and your lack of ability to think or reason.

So travel with me a bit futher down the road of truth. Opinions like mine exist

because there is something called common sense being employed after reading your

medical nonsense. You say in the realm of science ,opinions have no weight.

Where is the science in your allopathic garbage that is entirely based on

CONCLUSIONS starting with Jenner and ending with todays crap that still hangs on

to the disproven idea that bugs cause disease ? In Jenners days the average

Quack had no more understandig of how the body heals itself then the average

quack of today. Let me make it simple for you simon. Germs don't cause disease

unless idiots inject all that germy pus and poison into the body or better yet

what all your crazy science is

based on, which is injecting all those poisons directly into a monkeys brain or

spinal cord. You guys slay me with all your stupid intelligence that were

injected into your stupid brains in the universitys of non thinkers. Let me run

your medical facts past you. Your scientists inject poison into a monkeys brain

the monkeys system is able to neutralize the poison, your conclusion ,why the

monkey will be forever immune to the disease. The monkey dies from the poison,

your conclusion why the monkeys immune system was just too weak or shucks the

poison must have been impure, like ther's any such thing as a pure poison. I

don't know what funding your talking about friend I work for a living in fact i

own my own business . I don't rely on someone else or expect a handout from

government. How about you friend? The reason you don't want to take my money is

simple, you can't prove it. I Didn't ask you to meet my challenge , I told you

to prove it. Im not

interested in your studies with their twisted conclusions put together by the

drug companies to dupe the masses which people like tend to believe.

Your founder of modern immunology Jenner was an ignorant bumpkin who founded

modern conclusions.

It goes like this. The highly educated milkmaids said hey folks I didn't get

smallpox. Why it must have been because i had the cowpox. And Jenner marched his

intelligent ass down there and observed and concluded why it must be so. How

modern are you 1798? you are so right. Funny how you neglect to mention that the

8 year old boy Phipps died at age 20 from T.B. after repeated

vaccinations. T.B. like leprosy, syphillis, measles and a host of other diseases

were a direct effect from Jenners cow pus. Funny you also fail to mention

Jenners repeatedly vaccinated son died at age 21 from the same. And pasteur the

virus boys knocked him and his germ theory out of the water a long time ago.

Like you said I will let you do some real research on that one as I don't intend

to spend days in giving you a real education. Lets back up genius you said

" surprise the boy lived " this is a prime example of your ability to not reason

or think. Jenner put the pus in the

boy and the boy lived, the boy lived is a fact none will deny, but why would an

intelligent person conclude that would make him immune of a future disease. Try

this on for size. A person that has severe smallpox obviously has a system

loaded with poison and that body in its infinite wisdom is trying to get it out.

Something a real Dr. ,Dr. Tilden figured out a long time ago. Ever heard of

him? So an ignorant Jenner or a profiterring Dr. Waterhouse takes a small amount

of pus and jabs it into the arm of a healthy arm. And that healthy body is able

to neutrilize that small amount and eliminate it. And your boys somehow conclude

that as a protection against a disease that was NEVER caused by a germ but was

simply a disease of filth. Want proof go back to the intelligent medical men who

were there at the time it actually took place. Do you really think all these

young university educated students who write these fairy tales from others who

did the same

had any idea of what happened in the 17 and 1800s?

Pasteur and Jenner believed germs and mismias caused diseased then just like you

believe dead specks(viruses) come alive and cause disease today. Neither of you

have the vaguest notion of what causes dis-ease and that is why your medical

profession never knows the cause of peoples sickness and always treats symptons.

That is why the allopathic medical profession has never progressd like the other

sciences. That is why the only difference in the treatment is the change in

poison they use that somehow they want ignorant people to believe will cure

them-(of there bad habits) How about R.T.Trall M.D. ever heard of him . Ill bet


Why would anyone buy their double edged false reasoning. Let me quote someone I

am sure you know who the author is. " What luck for rulers that men don't think "

Mediocre people giving awards to other mediocre people who are in the same club

or will profit from the giving doesn't exactly strike me as science. How about

you? Or are you just a believer? You and your so-called experts have no idea of

infections unless you think that putting pus in a human body is normal and the

way people get sick. As to your  FDA testing you better do some research the FDA

doesn't test the drug companys do the testing. All your so-called testing is

real scientfic isn't it. Maybe we should ask the survivers of the 60.ooo people

who died from viox, or the mothers of thlidamie or  the other wonder drugs that

have been quietly pulled after they have been so well tested. You do the

research, but the as a university educated biologist how could you not know? YOu

say I SUGGEST that vaccines are toxic. Did you have another definition for

mercury, ammonium sulfate, beta-propiolactone, latex rubber, monosodium


aluminum,foraldehyde,polysorbate 80, glutaraldehyde, gentamicin sulfate,

neomycin sulfate, phenol/phenoxyethanol , and human and animal cells.

If you think you can build strong body's 8 ways then you must be drinking or

injecting this good stuff into your university educated body on a daily basis..


You ask me if I have the ability to understand that it is not only dangerous but

unethical to inoculate a human then purposefully inject a virulent virus into

their body as a means of primary assessment of a vaccine's effectiveness. I

don't desire this information I already have it. You are the one who needs

desire for accuracry. You said inoculate, sorry pal inoculate is what they did

before jenner vaccinated. If you had done real research you would know that

inoculation was outlawed in England. You would also know that the word virus is

from the latin and means poison. You would also know that that is exactly what

they used then and what they use now. poison, not dead specks that magically

come alive. Plant a seed of corn and grow an apple, and you call your self a

biologist? Can't experiment you say, what the hell do you think salk did on

those 420.000 kids. Did you read the benefits of that experiment. 40,000 sick

200 permanently paralyzed and 10

died. And don't give me that crap about Cutter and the bad batch or you will

sound like Jenners advocates who said the sick and dead from his cowpus was

because of " impure virus'. Somebody should have been arrested. Someday someone

will. I hope it won't be you Dr. All vaccines and drugs put into the human body

are experiments. And if you think they are not why don't you put your university

educated self on the firing line and personally guarantee these poisons. If any

more people drop dead after taking their shots you volunteer to be personally

liable. In other words put your money where your mouth is.

You keep your studies and i will give you just a few facts. The Medical Record

June 23, 1883. Notwithstanding the well authenticated cases of the introduction

of syphilis into the system by the process of vaccination.

Medical Record, New York, May8,1886. A case of tetanus followed after

vaccination. R.Cheesman, M.D.

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Thursday, march 8, 1860. The vaccination

cases at Westford. A university educated Doctor vaccinated hafe his town

including his family. Seven died including his 5 month old son.

The Family Doctor and peoples medical advisor. Sat. Feb 4, 1888. Vaccination is

probably one thing that plays a part in the production of cancer. The

introduction of crude, unhealthy matter into a healthy  or unhealthy system must

be invariably attended with great danger.. To vaccinate is little, if any better

than to poison. How about that a Doctor who thinks. Try this on for size. " THE


PARALYSIS. Page 16. " What are antibodies? No scientist can say exactly. But

they are known to be small particles of protein manufactured by the body as the

result of an infection.  " How do antibodies protect? No one can say precisely,

but in some manner they APPEAR to keep the virus from doing harm to body cells.

And if, as a GROWING BODY OF RESEARCH SEEMED TO SUGGEST, polio virus appears in

the blood of those infected, one way to prevent paralysis MIGHT be to build up

antibody levels to attack

the virus in the blood, before it has a chance to get to the nervous system. "

Even you should know that the who basis of Salks madness was to have the body

produce antibodies in his EXPERIMENT. This paper was released two months before

April 12 1955. And don't forget Doc. Hammond who injected human blood extract

into thousands of american kids from 1951 to 1954. What did you say? this hasn't

been done since Jenner because it would be dangerous and unethical. Man you

haven't got a clue. How about this statement made in 1942 from the book " FACTS

about infantile paralysis, by the national foundation for infantile paralysis.

Don Gudakunst, M.D. Medical Director. " The virus which causes infantile

paralysis is a form of germ too small to be seen even under the most powerful

microscope. Do you think they had any trouble seeing the pile of pus they

thought was hiding a germ that they BELIEVED caused dis=ease. Ever heard of

decomposers, you know the bugs that

eat all dead things or maybe you people believe that pus and poop are alive.

Try the beginning of this medical booklet on for size. BOSTON MEDICAL AND

SURGICAL JOURNAL. Wed. July 23, 1834. " ORIGIN OF THE COWPOX.  " Our readers well

know that some doubt has long hung over the question of the true source of

vaccinia. All agree that it came to the human subject directly from the cow. The

question is whence came it to the cow? One theory is, that this animal derived

it from the horse by inoculation of the virus of a disease not uncommon among

horses, called the grease. This was the doctrine of Dr. Jenner, to all whose

opinions respecting VACCINATION we are apt to yield a too implicit belief. All

his theories respecting the cowpox are not of necessity infallible.   Same paper

March 29,1860. G. Hayward, M.D.   " It must be admitted that neither cowpox or

the inoculated smallpox in all cases prevents an attack of varioloid. It is no

doupt true, that in

many instances where this occurs after vaccination, it is due to the state of

the patient's system at the time the vaccination is performed, and in others to

the impurity of the virus used. " What do you think? What science did they use to

determine whether the poor victim died from a weak system or a impure virus.

P.S. When was the electron microscope invented? Did I hear you say 1931. When

was it perfected? What's that the early 1970s. What in your university educated

mind do you think they were referring to when they used the word virus? 




A MEDICAL PENNY MAGAZINE Nov. 6, 1833.  " The numbers who died of the small-pox

in England before inoculation of the small-pox was introduced mounted to about

15,000 annually. Since

the introduction of inoculation, the numbers have swelled to 20,000, in London

alone 2,000 die annually. Don't go away I am not through. Again " BOSTEN MEDICAL

AND SURGICAL JOURNAL. Wed., Feb 26, 1845. Dr. Cook on the origin of vaccine. " In

vain cows were kept covered with the bed sheets, of variolous patients. No

results ever followed, indicating the transmission, and as the EXPERIMENTS that

have been performed in England(1833)  and Italy have been equally nugatory, "  

M.Fiard, in the same report, stated that he had inoculated eleven cows with the

matter of genuine variolous pustules, as they occur in the human body, without

being able to communicate any disease. "   M.Fiard concludes, from his researches

that vaccine is a disease purely " vaccal " or peculiar to the constitution of the

cow. " " Dr. says " Now as to the real pathology of vaccination, Jenner's

theory must be given up, that cowpox is only smallpox in its mildest and most

original form. "

Just one more.  Bosten paper again Feb, 19, 1845. The spontaneous prevalence of

the disease in the cow has always been extreamly rare, and from present

appearances is likely to become still more infrequent. Some idea of the

difficulty of obtaining the VIRUS may be conceived, when it is recollected that

jenner had formed the determination to test the truth of the vulgar opinon with

regard to the prophylactic poweres of vaccine as early as 1780. Yet NO FAVORABLE


May) Still more rare has been the disease since that time, and notwithstanding

the attention of the medical profession has been directed to this subject, few

if any well-authenticated cases of the spontaneous disease in the cow have come

under notice; and the matter in general use for vaccination in this country is

from the stock originally obtained by Dr. Waterhouse, about 40 years since. " You

see my friend they made

virus farms. Not bug factories where they grew germs and virus,( now im

laughing.) But where they sliced cows open and put pus in the cow and then took

the pus out of the cow and put it into a healthy baby. Of course they made money

by doing this. Let me ask you something, if your still with me. Are you people

smoking dope or are you just crazy? Im proud to have no voice in the scientific

community. But I will guarantee you I have a voice in the land of thinking

people and have educated a great many in the last 30 years. How you ignorant

people view me, I could care less. As far as my children go my daughter received

Jenners great benefit, she died because of it.

Jim O'

Founder of S.I.N.B.A.D

Shots in body's are deadly;

The only thing more deadly then vaccines are stupid people like you who are the

cause of this insanity being perpetrated by those who make money causing

disease, disability and death. If you are not one of them ,how does it feel to

be used? If i haven't punctuated every thing just right it is because I wasn't

university educated(brainwashed) thank God

Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that keeps

posting to my blog concerning vaccines?

This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...

This person is obviously trying to be very condescending. .. Not quite sure why

my blog even stood out for these people to comment on....

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and McCarthy

Place " Green Vaccine.... " :

Dear Jim,

I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious and had a very

strong laugh: I then realized you were serious and am left really quite puzzled

how opinions like yours even exist. Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science,

opinions have no weight, and you either have evidence to back up what you're

stating or you don't and you lose all credibility (and your funding). I'd love

to take your money off your hands, but you are neither a reasonable nor a

credible man and I don't need your money; although I have met your challenge


Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for nearly 300 years now

and demonstrating the effectiveness of vaccinations. Jenner (1798), the

founder of modern immunology, first tested his hypothesis by inoculating an 8

year old boy with cowpox then exposed him to the virulent strain of smallpox

(surprise, the boy lived!). Pasteur also worked on this very question by

inoculating chickens with an attenuated strain of cholera, and sheep with

bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then injected them to the lethal strain). In

both cases, all the vaccinated animals lived, all those who were not died. How

else did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle? Jim, if vaccines aren't effective,

how did Jenner and Pasteur dream up the pattern that immunization as a defence

against diseases? Why would anyone buy their " double edged false reasoning " if

it didn't work? Surely this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for immunological research

that piece together how the immune system functions and subsequently the means

by which vaccination work from a macro to molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm

not going to spoon feed you immunology to give you the background; you'll have

to do that yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby immunology. We have

quite a strong understanding of how infection and immunological responses occur.

In fact! We can determine quite well the immunological response to inoculation

using a variety of molecular techniques. These range from QPCR to Floruresent in

situ hybridization of titers as well as a range of other techniques.

Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr. Jenner and

Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical trials still exists today,

even on vaccines that have been proven effective (some are described below: keep

reading). The US food and drug administration REQUIRES that all drugs released

onto the market go through a series of evaluations to determine their

effectiveness as well as adverse side affects (vaccines are certainly no

different). Before the FDA even considers a vaccination for trials it first has

to pass a battery of animal testing (similar in means to the Pasteur's

originals) as well as in vitro cellular histology (far more technical and

involve the techniques that listed above as well as many others). This even

applies for the components of the vaccines that you suggest are toxic.

http://www.fda. gov/cber/ vaccine/vacappr. htm

Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous, but unethical to

inoculate a human then purposefully inject a virulent virus into their body as a

means of primary assessment of a vaccine's effectiveness; so Jenner's original

experiment will have to do if you're looking for direct exposure in humans.

Otherwise there is a huge supply of animal and non-invasive clinical trials that

provide the information that you desire.

Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your question. I presume

Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will only bother describing a few of the

studies. The rest you'll have to do on your own by reading the abstracts.

One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16 vaccination

effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected a series of patients and ran

a double blind experiment. Some patients were given a placebo, while other

groups were given various levels of inoculation ranging within the FDA's


" There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the per-protocol

vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2

or worse among women in the placebo group. In the 834 MITT-1 patients who

received at least one dose of the vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN

compared with 20 women with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN 2 in the

placebo-treated women. "

Jim, what this means is the group that received the full vaccination did not

test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the virus (100% effective). Four in the

placebo group did test positive, and thus had been infected. Is this just

because of chance? Hmm. could be, but it also is correlated to the levels of

higher anti-HPV-16 titers (antibodies) present in blood samples.

http://www.obgynsur vey.com/pt/ re/obgynsurv/ abstract. 00006254- 200605000-

00015.htm; jsessionid= LyfBK5h1TB4TvpCy ByvpTG0qvwkfp5MQ vTnXBybkG5mH2C8h

wJYx!447927974!18119562 8!8091!-1

Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections throughout his

home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale for their vaccination program

and its success at lowering mortality related to HiB infection. Within a decade

of compliant inoculation of 95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led to

the drop in HiB infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996. Coincidence, I

guess so?

http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TD4- 3YKKB1Y-C &

_user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c & _acct=C000050221

& _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=62607907c 0f8367c5a0428319 97934a7

Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine against

meningococcus A and C.

The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after inoculation.

Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no higher adverse reaction to the

vaccine than the placebo and showed an increased level of antibodies to group A

and C meningococcal capsular polysaccharides after the first dose.

Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for meningococcal

polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or how they're produced, Jim?

(This is really is a question I'd like to see you answer)

http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/1523880

" New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the others, dead..

Another coincidence? I guess so.

http://jvi.asm. org/cgi/content/ abstract/ 73/1/783

Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to correlate between

the vaccinations and infection. One recent review of the US health system by

Orenstein and his colleagues mandates the effectiveness of vaccines by comparing

20th century mortality prior vaccination and post vaccination. Considering the

percentile decrease in the vaccinated diseases it is clear, Jim, that even aside

from all the clinical trials, there is no other means of describing how the

mortality rate can decline so rapidly. I'm sure you'd agree that the United

States is a diverse country and varying health concerns throughout the country.

How would YOU describe their first figure?

http://healthaff. highwire. org/cgi/content/ full/24/3/ 599

Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of vaccinations. .

http://www.journals .uchicago. edu/doi/abs/ 10.1086/376997

http://ije.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ abstract/ 22/4/742

http://linkinghub. elsevier. com/retrieve/ pii/S01406736041 67251

http://www.ncbi. nlm..nih.gov/ pubmed/3879673


http://www.journals .uchicago. edu/doi/full/ 10.1086/341901? cookieSet= 1

http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/8116190

http://www.vaccines .mil/documents/ library/Pastpres future..pdf

To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of vaccination

policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no evidence to support your claims. As

a result, you have no voice in the scientific community and you're viewed as a

non-educated delinquent (that's just reality). If you'd like to have a voice one

day, I'd suggest that you join the ranks of objective researchers and woo us

with your research findings.

Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it comes time for

vaccinations.. If you refuse vaccinations for them I hope that there is not

another epidemic, or they may be part of the unlucky few that suffer.

Kind regards,


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Guest guest

So, there. Good job, Jim!


Anyone care to respond to this

> 'biologist' that keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?



> This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...


> This person is obviously trying to be very condescending. .. Not

> quite sure why my blog even stood out for these people to

> comment on....


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~


> Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and

> McCarthy Place " Green Vaccine.... " :


> Dear Jim,

> I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious

> and had a very strong laugh: I then realized you were serious

> and am left really quite puzzled how opinions like yours even

> exist. Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science, opinions have

> no weight, and you either have evidence to back up what you're

> stating or you don't and you lose all credibility (and your

> funding). I'd love to take your money off your hands, but you

> are neither a reasonable nor a credible man and I don't need

> your money; although I have met your challenge (Below).

> Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for

> nearly 300 years now and demonstrating the effectiveness of

> vaccinations. Jenner (1798), the founder of modern

> immunology, first tested his hypothesis by inoculating an 8 year

> old boy with cowpox then exposed him to the virulent strain of

> smallpox (surprise, the boy lived!). Pasteur also worked on this

> very question by inoculating chickens with an attenuated strain

> of cholera, and sheep with bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then

> injected them to the lethal strain). In both cases, all the

> vaccinated animals lived, all those who were not died. How else

> did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle? Jim, if vaccines aren't

> effective, how did Jenner and Pasteur dream up the pattern that

> immunization as a defence against diseases? Why would anyone buy

> their " double edged false reasoning " if it didn't work? Surely

> this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

> Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for

> immunological research that piece together how the immune system

> functions and subsequently the means by which vaccination work

> from a macro to molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm not going

> to spoon feed you immunology to give you the background; you'll

> have to do that yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby

> immunology. We have quite a strong understanding of how

> infection and immunological responses occur. In fact! We can

> determine quite well the immunological response to inoculation

> using a variety of molecular techniques. These range from QPCR

> to Floruresent in situ hybridization of titers as well as a

> range of other techniques.

> Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr.

> Jenner and Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical

> trials still exists today, even on vaccines that have been

> proven effective (some are described below: keep reading). The

> US food and drug administration REQUIRES that all drugs released

> onto the market go through a series of evaluations to determine

> their effectiveness as well as adverse side affects (vaccines

> are certainly no different). Before the FDA even considers a

> vaccination for trials it first has to pass a battery of animal

> testing (similar in means to the Pasteur's originals) as well as

> in vitro cellular histology (far more technical and involve the

> techniques that listed above as well as many others). This even

> applies for the components of the vaccines that you suggest are

> toxic.

> http://www.fda. gov/cber/ vaccine/vacappr. htm


> Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous,

> but unethical to inoculate a human then purposefully inject a

> virulent virus into their body as a means of primary assessment

> of a vaccine's effectiveness; so Jenner's original experiment

> will have to do if you're looking for direct exposure in humans.

> Otherwise there is a huge supply of animal and non-invasive

> clinical trials that provide the information that you desire.


> Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your

> question. I presume Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will

> only bother describing a few of the studies. The rest you'll

> have to do on your own by reading the abstracts.


> One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16

> vaccination effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected

> a series of patients and ran a double blind experiment. Some

> patients were given a placebo, while other groups were given

> various levels of inoculation ranging within the FDA's

> guidelines.

> " There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the

> per-protocol vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of HPV-16-

> related CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2 or worse among women in the

> placebo group. In the 834 MITT-1 patients who received at least

> one dose of the vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN

> compared with 20 women with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN

> 2 in the placebo-treated women. "

> Jim, what this means is the group that received the full

> vaccination did not test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the

> virus (100% effective). Four in the placebo group did test

> positive, and thus had been infected. Is this just because of

> chance? Hmm. could be, but it also is correlated to the levels

> of higher anti-HPV-16 titers (antibodies) present in blood

> samples.

> http://www.obgynsur vey.com/pt/ re/obgynsurv/ abstract. 00006254-

> 200605000- 00015.htm; jsessionid= LyfBK5h1TB4TvpCy

> ByvpTG0qvwkfp5MQ vTnXBybkG5mH2C8h wJYx!447927974!18119562

> 8!8091!-1


> Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections

> throughout his home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale

> for their vaccination program and its success at lowering

> mortality related to HiB infection. Within a decade of compliant

> inoculation of 95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led

> to the drop in HiB infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996.

> Coincidence, I guess so?

> http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL &

> _udi=B6TD4- 3YKKB1Y-C & _user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig=

> search & _sort= d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=

> 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=62607907c 0f8367c5a0428319 97934a7

> Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine

> against meningococcus A and C.

> The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after

> inoculation. Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no

> higher adverse reaction to the vaccine than the placebo and

> showed an increased level of antibodies to group A and C

> meningococcal capsular polysaccharides after the first dose.

> Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for

> meningococcal polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or

> how they're produced, Jim? (This is really is a question I'd

> like to see you answer)

> http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/1523880


> " New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

> I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the

> others, dead.. Another coincidence? I guess so.

> http://jvi.asm. org/cgi/content/ abstract/ 73/1/783


> Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to

> correlate between the vaccinations and infection. One recent

> review of the US health system by Orenstein and his colleagues

> mandates the effectiveness of vaccines by comparing 20th century

> mortality prior vaccination and post vaccination. Considering

> the percentile decrease in the vaccinated diseases it is clear,

> Jim, that even aside from all the clinical trials, there is no

> other means of describing how the mortality rate can decline so

> rapidly. I'm sure you'd agree that the United States is a

> diverse country and varying health concerns throughout the

> country. How would YOU describe their first figure?

> http://healthaff. highwire. org/cgi/content/ full/24/3/ 599


> Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of

> vaccinations. .

> http://www.journals .uchicago. edu/doi/abs/ 10.1086/376997

> http://ije.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ abstract/ 22/4/742

> http://linkinghub. elsevier. com/retrieve/ pii/S01406736041 67251

> http://www.ncbi. nlm..nih.gov/ pubmed/3879673


> Others.

> http://www.journals .uchicago. edu/doi/full/ 10.1086/341901?

> cookieSet= 1

> http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/8116190

> http://www.vaccines .mil/documents/ library/Pastpres future..pdf


> To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of

> vaccination policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no

> evidence to support your claims. As a result, you have no voice

> in the scientific community and you're viewed as a non-educated

> delinquent (that's just reality). If you'd like to have a voice

> one day, I'd suggest that you join the ranks of objective

> researchers and woo us with your research findings.

> Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it

> comes time for vaccinations.. If you refuse vaccinations for

> them I hope that there is not another epidemic, or they may be

> part of the unlucky few that suffer.


> Kind regards,


> Biologist



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WAY TO GO..!!!!



Arianna Mojica-   (UCC 1-207/1-103) 

~~~ " All rights not demanded are presumed waived " . ~ Thurston

Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that keeps

posting to my blog concerning vaccines?

This latest reply was directed at Jim O'...

This person is obviously trying to be very condescending. .. Not quite sure why

my blog even stood out for these people to comment on....

~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Biologist has left a new comment on your post " Jim Carrey and McCarthy

Place " Green Vaccine.... " :

Dear Jim,

I first read your post and I thought you were being facetious and had a very

strong laugh: I then realized you were serious and am left really quite puzzled

how opinions like yours even exist. Unfortunately Jim, in the realm of science,

opinions have no weight, and you either have evidence to back up what you're

stating or you don't and you lose all credibility (and your funding). I'd love

to take your money off your hands, but you are neither a reasonable nor a

credible man and I don't need your money; although I have met your challenge


Jim, scientists have been testing your very " challenge " for nearly 300 years now

and demonstrating the effectiveness of vaccinations. Jenner (1798), the

founder of modern immunology, first tested his hypothesis by inoculating an 8

year old boy with cowpox then exposed him to the virulent strain of smallpox

(surprise, the boy lived!). Pasteur also worked on this very question by

inoculating chickens with an attenuated strain of cholera, and sheep with

bacillus anthracis (anthrax) (he then injected them to the lethal strain). In

both cases, all the vaccinated animals lived, all those who were not died. How

else did these animals survive, Jim? Miracle? Jim, if vaccines aren't effective,

how did Jenner and Pasteur dream up the pattern that immunization as a defence

against diseases? Why would anyone buy their " double edged false reasoning " if

it didn't work? Surely this old archaic view would have been replaced by now?

Furthermore Jim, 17 Nobel prizes have been awarded for immunological research

that piece together how the immune system functions and subsequently the means

by which vaccination work from a macro to molecular levels. Regrettably Jim, I'm

not going to spoon feed you immunology to give you the background; you'll have

to do that yourself. I suggest picking up a copy of Kuby immunology. We have

quite a strong understanding of how infection and immunological responses occur.

In fact! We can determine quite well the immunological response to inoculation

using a variety of molecular techniques. These range from QPCR to Floruresent in

situ hybridization of titers as well as a range of other techniques.

Of course, Jim, the scientific community hasn't just taken Mr. Jenner and

Pasteur's word for it. Administration of clinical trials still exists today,

even on vaccines that have been proven effective (some are described below: keep

reading). The US food and drug administration REQUIRES that all drugs released

onto the market go through a series of evaluations to determine their

effectiveness as well as adverse side affects (vaccines are certainly no

different). Before the FDA even considers a vaccination for trials it first has

to pass a battery of animal testing (similar in means to the Pasteur's

originals) as well as in vitro cellular histology (far more technical and

involve the techniques that listed above as well as many others). This even

applies for the components of the vaccines that you suggest are toxic.

http://www.fda. gov/cber/ vaccine/vacappr. htm

Of course, I hope you understand that it is not only dangerous, but unethical to

inoculate a human then purposefully inject a virulent virus into their body as a

means of primary assessment of a vaccine's effectiveness; so Jenner's original

experiment will have to do if you're looking for direct exposure in humans.

Otherwise there is a huge supply of animal and non-invasive clinical trials that

provide the information that you desire.

Here is SMALL number of studies that have addressed your question. I presume

Jim, that you're a grown adult and I will only bother describing a few of the

studies. The rest you'll have to do on your own by reading the abstracts.

One of the most recent, of the studies examines HPV-16 vaccination

effectiveness. Koutsky, et al. 2006. They collected a series of patients and ran

a double blind experiment. Some patients were given a placebo, while other

groups were given various levels of inoculation ranging within the FDA's


" There were no cases of HPV-16-related CIN diagnosed among the per-protocol

vaccinated women compared with 14 cases of HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 12 of CIN 2

or worse among women in the placebo group. In the 834 MITT-1 patients who

received at least one dose of the vaccine, none developed HPV-16-related CIN

compared with 20 women with HPV-16-related CIN 1 and 17 with CIN 2 in the

placebo-treated women. "

Jim, what this means is the group that received the full vaccination did not

test positive for the HPV-16 DNA from the virus (100% effective). Four in the

placebo group did test positive, and thus had been infected. Is this just

because of chance? Hmm. could be, but it also is correlated to the levels of

higher anti-HPV-16 titers (antibodies) present in blood samples.

http://www.obgynsur vey.com/pt/ re/obgynsurv/ abstract. 00006254- 200605000-

00015.htm; jsessionid= LyfBK5h1TB4TvpCy ByvpTG0qvwkfp5MQ vTnXBybkG5mH2C8h

wJYx!447927974! 18119562 8!8091!-1

Da Ville, 2000 examined the outbreak of hepatitis B infections throughout his

home country of Italy. He outlines the rationale for their vaccination program

and its success at lowering mortality related to HiB infection. Within a decade

of compliant inoculation of 95% for newborns and 80% for adolescents has led to

the drop in HiB infection from 3.4% in 1985 to 0.9% in 1996. Coincidence, I

guess so?

http://www.scienced irect.com/ science?_ ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6TD4- 3YKKB1Y-C &

_user=10 & _rdoc=1 & _ fmt= & _orig= search & _sort= d & view=c & _acct=C000050221

& _version= 1 & _urlVersion= 0 & _userid= 10 & md5=62607907c 0f8367c5a0428319 97934a7

Development and phase 1 clinical testing of a conjugate vaccine against

meningococcus A and C.

The specimens survived exposure to virulent strains after inoculation.

Assessment of phase one clinical trials showed no higher adverse reaction to the

vaccine than the placebo and showed an increased level of antibodies to group A

and C meningococcal capsular polysaccharides after the first dose.

Care to explain Jim, why the patients have antibodies for meningococcal

polysaccharides? Do you know what antibodies do or how they're produced, Jim?

(This is really is a question I'd like to see you answer)

http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/1523880

" New Mouse Model for Dengue Virus Vaccine Testing "

I'll save you the reading. The immunized mice survived; the others, dead..

Another coincidence? I guess so.

http://jvi.asm. org/cgi/content/ abstract/ 73/1/783

Many countries monitor and record outbreaks so it is easy to correlate between

the vaccinations and infection. One recent review of the US health system by

Orenstein and his colleagues mandates the effectiveness of vaccines by comparing

20th century mortality prior vaccination and post vaccination. Considering the

percentile decrease in the vaccinated diseases it is clear, Jim, that even aside

from all the clinical trials, there is no other means of describing how the

mortality rate can decline so rapidly. I'm sure you'd agree that the United

States is a diverse country and varying health concerns throughout the country.

How would YOU describe their first figure?

http://healthaff. highwire. org/cgi/content/ full/24/3/ 599

Other screening methods to determine the effectiveness of vaccinations. .

http://www.journals .uchicago. edu/doi/abs/ 10.1086/376997

http://ije.oxfordjo urnals.org/ cgi/content/ abstract/ 22/4/742

http://linkinghub. elsevier. com/retrieve/ pii/S01406736041 67251

http://www.ncbi. nlm..nih.gov/ pubmed/3879673


http://www.journals .uchicago. edu/doi/full/ 10.1086/341901? cookieSet= 1

http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ pubmed/8116190

http://www.vaccines .mil/documents/ library/Pastpres future..pdf

To close Jim, it is clear that you have a strong " opinion " of vaccination

policies. Unfortunately for you, you have no evidence to support your claims. As

a result, you have no voice in the scientific community and you're viewed as a

non-educated delinquent (that's just reality). If you'd like to have a voice one

day, I'd suggest that you join the ranks of objective researchers and woo us

with your research findings.

Finally Jim, I don't care what you do for your children when it comes time for

vaccinations. . If you refuse vaccinations for them I hope that there is not

another epidemic, or they may be part of the unlucky few that suffer.

Kind regards,


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I love your latest comment, Jim... I read every word! Notice " Mr.

Biologist " is now attacking me instead of you... you shut him up! LOL

I'm not even going to respond to his accusation that I don't know

chemistry. He's insuating that I don't know chemistry, because I

didn't list the concentration of each toxin in the vaccines, I only

referred to the CDC's list of ingredients. The mere fact that he'd

use the argument that " the CONCENTRATION of Carbon monoxide is so low

in the atmosphere that it poses little threat and the molecules cannot

bind to haemoglobin at a high enough rates to pose a serious threat to

respiration " (comparing fossil fuel emissions to the concentration

level of toxins in vaccines) shows that he is a true moron...

emissions from fossil fuels are not only unhealthy to our bodies, but

to all the environment!

These scientists all think alike... if you don't drop dead from the

toxin immediately, it must be safe, right? Don't worry about the fact

that it could cause long-term chronic health problems!

Here's his post, for a laugh:

Dear ,

I have to concur with my colleague from the Commonwealth of Australia.

It is visibly clear that you lack the fundamentals of chemistry as

your argument, based around the list of known vaccine ingredients,

lacks the CONCENTRATIONS of each the compounds within vaccines. Come

on ! You can't expect anyone to fall for this BS except the

dimmest of lights that don't understand concentrations or IUPAC names!

Let me make the importance of concentrations clear to you , since

you thought it clever to mention the CDC's list again. Carbon monoxide

is dangerous too, . Why are we all not dead when all motor

vehicles that burn fossil fuels emit them? After all, CO competitively

binds to haemoglobin and is not displaced by oxygen. By your logic,

the first person to spark a combustion engine would have killed us


It's simple, the CONCENTRATION of Carbon monoxide is so low in the

atmosphere that it poses little threat and the molecules cannot bind

to haemoglobin at a high enough rates to pose a serious threat to

respiration. Our body is able to produce haemoglobin at a rate much

higher than that of the competitive inhibition.

I'll tell you what , why don't we study a little chemistry

together? When you work in a research lab with chemicals you are

required BY LAW to have material safety data sheets (MSDS: they are

updated yearly) for every chemical that your lab controls. Those

sheets list the L/50, or lethal 50% dosage for each of the chemicals

as well as chronic and acute exposure rates with the CONCENTRATIONS.

How about we debunk your skewed view by finding the known

concentrations for each of these compounds and comparing it to the

MSDS? Surely, you've got nothing to lose in this little chemistry

lesson; if you're right the MSDS will favourably show L/50 or acute

exposure levels lower or equal to the concentrations in the vaccines.


I provided the MSDS sheets, now why don't you find us the known concentrations.

Kind Regards,

Annoyed biologist

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" if you don't drop dead from the toxin immediately, it must be safe, right? "

That's almost exactly what my brother said tonight as I pointed out that " sudden

death " was a frequent side effect of a med our mom is on. " But that didn't

happen " he said. Aargh. I answered " well, if it does, what do you plan to do,

take her off of it if she's dead?? " No brains.


Re: Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that

keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?


> I love your latest comment, Jim... I read every word! Notice " Mr.

> Biologist " is now attacking me instead of you... you shut him

> up! LOL


> I'm not even going to respond to his accusation that I don't know

> chemistry. He's insuating that I don't know chemistry, because I

> didn't list the concentration of each toxin in the vaccines, I only

> referred to the CDC's list of ingredients. The mere fact that he'd

> use the argument that " the CONCENTRATION of Carbon monoxide is

> so low

> in the atmosphere that it poses little threat and the molecules cannot

> bind to haemoglobin at a high enough rates to pose a serious

> threat to

> respiration " (comparing fossil fuel emissions to the concentration

> level of toxins in vaccines) shows that he is a true moron...

> emissions from fossil fuels are not only unhealthy to our

> bodies, but

> to all the environment!


> These scientists all think alike... if you don't drop dead from the

> toxin immediately, it must be safe, right? Don't worry about

> the fact

> that it could cause long-term chronic health problems!




> Here's his post, for a laugh:


> Dear ,


> I have to concur with my colleague from the Commonwealth of Australia.


> It is visibly clear that you lack the fundamentals of chemistry as

> your argument, based around the list of known vaccine ingredients,

> lacks the CONCENTRATIONS of each the compounds within vaccines. Come

> on ! You can't expect anyone to fall for this BS except the

> dimmest of lights that don't understand concentrations or IUPAC names!


> Let me make the importance of concentrations clear to you , since

> you thought it clever to mention the CDC's list again. Carbon monoxide

> is dangerous too, . Why are we all not dead when all motor

> vehicles that burn fossil fuels emit them? After all, CO competitively

> binds to haemoglobin and is not displaced by oxygen. By your logic,

> the first person to spark a combustion engine would have killed us

> all!

> It's simple, the CONCENTRATION of Carbon monoxide is so low in the

> atmosphere that it poses little threat and the molecules cannot bind

> to haemoglobin at a high enough rates to pose a serious threat to

> respiration. Our body is able to produce haemoglobin at a rate much

> higher than that of the competitive inhibition.

> I'll tell you what , why don't we study a little chemistry

> together? When you work in a research lab with chemicals you are

> required BY LAW to have material safety data sheets (MSDS: they are

> updated yearly) for every chemical that your lab controls. Those

> sheets list the L/50, or lethal 50% dosage for each of the chemicals

> as well as chronic and acute exposure rates with the CONCENTRATIONS.

> How about we debunk your skewed view by finding the known

> concentrations for each of these compounds and comparing it to the

> MSDS? Surely, you've got nothing to lose in this little chemistry

> lesson; if you're right the MSDS will favourably show L/50 or acute

> exposure levels lower or equal to the concentrations in the vaccines.


> http://www.msdssearch.com/


> I provided the MSDS sheets, now why don't you find us the known

> concentrations.


> Kind Regards,


> Annoyed biologist


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Im still trying to figure out if these guys are on some of their chemicals or

just crazy.

How ever I think they subscribe to the following philosophy.

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance--Baffle them with bull sh-t.

And now he is on the annoyed defence. Where these folks need to be.

Besides as Florance Nightingale said, chemistry is a dead subject, why give it a

second thought.


Re: Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that

keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?


> I love your latest comment, Jim... I read every word! Notice " Mr.

> Biologist " is now attacking me instead of you... you shut him

> up! LOL


> I'm not even going to respond to his accusation that I don't know

> chemistry. He's insuating that I don't know chemistry, because I

> didn't list the concentration of each toxin in the vaccines, I only

> referred to the CDC's list of ingredients. The mere fact that he'd

> use the argument that " the CONCENTRATION of Carbon monoxide is

> so low

> in the atmosphere that it poses little threat and the molecules cannot

> bind to haemoglobin at a high enough rates to pose a serious

> threat to

> respiration " (comparing fossil fuel emissions to the concentration

> level of toxins in vaccines) shows that he is a true moron...

> emissions from fossil fuels are not only unhealthy to our

> bodies, but

> to all the environment!


> These scientists all think alike... if you don't drop dead from the

> toxin immediately, it must be safe, right? Don't worry about

> the fact

> that it could cause long-term chronic health problems!




> Here's his post, for a laugh:


> Dear ,


> I have to concur with my colleague from the Commonwealth of Australia.


> It is visibly clear that you lack the fundamentals of chemistry as

> your argument, based around the list of known vaccine ingredients,

> lacks the CONCENTRATIONS of each the compounds within vaccines. Come

> on ! You can't expect anyone to fall for this BS except the

> dimmest of lights that don't understand concentrations or IUPAC names!


> Let me make the importance of concentrations clear to you , since

> you thought it clever to mention the CDC's list again. Carbon monoxide

> is dangerous too, . Why are we all not dead when all motor

> vehicles that burn fossil fuels emit them? After all, CO competitively

> binds to haemoglobin and is not displaced by oxygen. By your logic,

> the first person to spark a combustion engine would have killed us

> all!

> It's simple, the CONCENTRATION of Carbon monoxide is so low in the

> atmosphere that it poses little threat and the molecules cannot bind

> to haemoglobin at a high enough rates to pose a serious threat to

> respiration. Our body is able to produce haemoglobin at a rate much

> higher than that of the competitive inhibition.

> I'll tell you what , why don't we study a little chemistry

> together? When you work in a research lab with chemicals you are

> required BY LAW to have material safety data sheets (MSDS: they are

> updated yearly) for every chemical that your lab controls. Those

> sheets list the L/50, or lethal 50% dosage for each of the chemicals

> as well as chronic and acute exposure rates with the CONCENTRATIONS.

> How about we debunk your skewed view by finding the known

> concentrations for each of these compounds and comparing it to the

> MSDS? Surely, you've got nothing to lose in this little chemistry

> lesson; if you're right the MSDS will favourably show L/50 or acute

> exposure levels lower or equal to the concentrations in the vaccines.


> http://www.msdssear ch.com/


> I provided the MSDS sheets, now why don't you find us the known

> concentrations.


> Kind Regards,


> Annoyed biologist


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> It goes like this. The highly educated milkmaids said hey folks I

didn't get smallpox. Why it must have been because i had the cowpox.

And Jenner marched his intelligent ass down there and observed and

concluded why it must be so. How modern are you 1798? you are so right.

Funny how you neglect to mention that the 8 year old boy Phipps

died at age 20 from T.B.

Hey Jim, i just googled this Phipps guy and according to

Wikipedia, he died at 65 (1788-1853)Just thought i mention it because

that " biologist " guy can bring it up again.


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I agree, Jim. Their arguments are so far *out there* I don't think

anyone would find them credible... I hope not! It doesn't take a

chemistry degree to see that he's talking BS when it comes to toxins

having " safe " concentrations. My husband's comment to his fossil fuel

emissions analogy was, " Has he never read the warnings at the gas

pump? " And Mr. Anonymous can't defend his position with anything

credible, so he's resorted to name calling. What's a " goose " anyway?

Apparently I'm one! LOL

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Jim O <jimokelly@...> wrote:

> Hi

> Im still trying to figure out if these guys are on some of their chemicals

> or just crazy.

> How ever I think they subscribe to the following philosophy.

> If you can't dazzle them with brilliance--Baffle them with bull sh-t.

> And now he is on the annoyed defence. Where these folks need to be.

> Besides as Florance Nightingale said, chemistry is a dead subject, why give

> it a second thought.

> Jim

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Cool, I posted it under your name :D


Non-vaxing, extended breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby-wearing, natural birthing,

herb & homeopathy-using Louisiana sahm to 3 children:

Calista (2-13-99)

Ursula (12-22-02)


[sPAM]Re: [sPAM]Re: Anyone care to respond to this

'biologist' that keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?


Yes please



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thats interesting,

i will check it out.

it will be interesting to see if that is correct, because that info  has come

from the modern books within the last 20 years.  Thats

why i like to get my info from the source by those who were actually there.



Re: Anyone care to respond to this 'biologist' that

keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?

> It goes like this. The highly educated milkmaids said hey folks I

didn't get smallpox. Why it must have been because i had the cowpox.

And Jenner marched his intelligent ass down there and observed and

concluded why it must be so. How modern are you 1798? you are so right.

Funny how you neglect to mention that the 8 year old boy Phipps

died at age 20 from T.B.

Hey Jim, i just googled this Phipps guy and according to

Wikipedia, he died at 65 (1788-1853)Just thought i mention it because

that " biologist " guy can bring it up again.


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Yes you can

[sPAM]Re: [sPAM]Re: Anyone care to respond to this

'biologist' that keeps posting to my blog concerning vaccines?


Yes please



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